View all text of Subpart C [§ 708a.301 - § 708a.312]

§ 708a.304 - Notice to NCUA and request to proceed with member vote.

(a) NIMRA. If a credit union's board of directors adopts a proposal to merge, it must, within 30 days of the adoption, provide the Regional Director with a Notice of its Intent to Merge and Request for NCUA Authorization (NIMRA) to conduct a member vote. The NIMRA must include the following:

(1) The merger plan (as described below in paragraph (b) of this section);

(2) Resolutions of the boards of directors of both institutions;

(3) Certification of the board of directors (as described below);

(4) Proposed Merger Agreement;

(5) Proposed Notice of Special Meeting of the Members and any other communications about the merger that the credit union intends to send to its members, including electronic communications posted on a Web site or transmitted by electronic mail;

(6) Proposed ballot to be sent to the members;

(7) For State chartered credit unions, evidence that the proposed merger is authorized under State law (as described below);

(8) A copy of the bank's last two examination reports;

(9) A statement of the merger valuation of the credit union;

(10) A statement of whether any merger payment will be made to the members and how such a payment will be distributed among the members;

(11) Information about the due diligence of the directors in locating a merger partner and determining that the merger is in best interests of the members of the credit union (as described below);

(12) Copies of all contracts reflecting any merger-related compensation or other benefit to be received by any director or senior management official of the credit union;

(13) If the merging credit union's assets on its latest call report are equal to or greater than the threshold amount established annually by the Federal Trade Commission under 15 U.S.C. 18a(a)(2)(B)(i), a statement about whether the two institutions intend to make a Hart-Scott-Rodino Act premerger notification filing with the Federal Trade Commission and, if not, an explanation why not;

(14) Copies of any filings the credit union or bank intends to make with another Federal or State regulatory agency in which the credit union or bank seeks that agency's approval of the merger; and

(15) Proof that the accounts of the credit union will be accepted for coverage by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation.

(b) Merger plan. The merger plan must include:

(1) Current financial statements for both institutions;

(2) Current delinquent loan summaries and analyses of the adequacy of the Allowance for Loan and Lease Losses account for both institutions;

(3) Consolidated financial statements of the continuing institution after the merger;

(4) Explanation of any provisions for reserves, undivided earnings or dividends;

(5) Provisions with respect to notification and payment of creditors; and

(6) Explanation of any changes relative to insurance such as life savings and loan protection insurance and insurance of member accounts.

(c) Director certification. The NIMRA must include a certification by the credit union's board of directors of their support for the merger proposal and plan. Each director who voted in favor of the merger proposal must sign the certification. The certification must contain the following:

(1) A statement that each director signing the certification supports the proposed merger and believes the proposed merger, and the selected bank merger partner, are both in the best interests of the members of the credit union;

(2) A description of all materials submitted to the Regional Director with the notice and certification;

(3) A statement that each board member signing the certification has examined all these materials carefully and these materials are true, correct, current, and complete as of the date of submission; and

(4) An acknowledgement that Federal law (18 U.S.C. 1001) prohibits any misrepresentations or omissions of material facts, or false, fictitious or fraudulent statements or representations made with respect to the certification or the materials provided to the Regional Director or any other documents or information provided to the members of the credit union or NCUA in connection with the merger.

(d) Due diligence. The NIMRA must include a description of all the credit union's due diligence in determining that the merger satisfies the factors contained in section 205(c) of the Act. In particular, the NIMRA must describe how the board located the merger partner, how the board negotiated the merger agreement, and how the board determined that this merger was in the best interests of the credit union's members. The description must include all information relied upon by the credit union in determining the merger value of the credit union, the amount of any payment to be made by the bank to the credit union's members (the “merger payment”), and, if that merger payment is less than the merger value of the credit union, an explanation why the merger and the merger partner selected is in the best interests of the members. The description must include an explanation of the distribution formula by which the merger payment will be distributed among the credit union's members.

(e) State chartered credit unions. A State chartered credit union must state as part of its NIMRA if its State chartering law permits it to merge into a bank and provide the specific legal citation. A State chartered credit union will remain subject to any State law requirements for merger that are more stringent than those this part imposes, including any internal governance requirements, such as the requisite membership vote for merger and the determination of a member's eligibility to vote. If a State chartered credit union relies for its authority to merge into a bank on a State law parity provision, meaning a provision in State law permitting a State chartered credit union to operate with the same or similar authority as a Federal credit union, it must:

(1) Include in its notice a statement that its State regulatory authority agrees that it may rely on the State law parity provision as authority to merge; and

(2) Indicate its State regulatory authority's position as to whether Federal law and regulations or State law will control internal governance issues in the merger such as the requisite membership vote for merger and the determination of a member's eligibility to vote.

(f) Consultation with State authorities. After receiving a NIMRA from a State chartered credit union, the Regional Director will consult with the appropriate State supervisory authority.

(g) Regional Director approval. After receiving a NIMRA, the Regional Director will either disapprove the proposed merger or authorize the credit union to proceed with its membership vote.

(1) The Regional Director will disapprove the proposed merger if the NIMRA either lacks the documentation required by this section or lacks substantial evidence to support each of the factors in section 205(c) of the Act. As part of this determination, the Regional Director must disapprove the proposed merger if:

(i) The merger payment offered by the bank to the members is less than the merger valuation, absent some additional, quantifiable benefit to the members from the selected merger partner; or

(ii) The NIMRA fails to adequately explain the nature and amount of any compensation to be received by the credit union's directors or senior management officials in connection with the merger or to justify that compensation.

(2) NCUA's authorization to proceed with the member vote does not mean NCUA has approved of the merger proposal.

(h) Appeal of adverse decision. If the Regional Director disapproves a merger proposal, the credit union may request reconsideration and/or file an appeal with the NCUA Board in accordance with the procedures set forth in subpart B to part 746 of this chapter.

[75 FR 81387, Dec. 28, 2010, as amended at 82 FR 50293, Oct. 30, 2017; 85 FR 62213, Oct. 2, 2020]