Statute, Name, Public Law, and U.S. Code
| Section and age distinction
| Use of age/age related team
| Popular name
| CFDA No.
| Conditions benefits or assistance
| Establishes criteria for participation
| Describes beneficiaries or target groups
| Energy Conservation and Production Act, Title IV, Part A; Public Law 94-385, 42 U.S.C. 6861-6870 | Section 413(a). The Administrator shall develop and conduct, in accordance with the purpose and provisions of this part, a weatherization program. In developing and conducting such program, the Administrator may, in accordance with this part and regulations promulgated under this part, make grants (1) to States, and (2) in accordance with the provisions of subsection (d), to Indian tribal organizations to serve Native Americans. Such grants shall be made for the purpose of providing financial assistance with regard to projects designed to provide for the weatherization of dwelling units, particularly those where elderly or handicapped low-income persons reside, in which the head of the household is a low-income person | | | X | Weatherization Assistance Program for Low-Income Persons | 81.042
| Interagency Agreement between the United States Department of Energy and the United States Department of Labor, Interagency Agreement No. 99-9-1656-07-11; Authority: Comprehensive Employment and Training Act of 1978 (CETA) (Pub. L. 95-524, October 27, 1978; 92 Stat. 1909; 29 U.S.C. 801), the Energy Reorganization Act of 1974, as amended (Pub. L. 93-438, October 11, 1974; 88 Stat. 1233), and the Department of Energy Organization Act (DOE Act) (Pub. L. 95-91, August 4, 1977); 91 Stat. 565; 42 U.S.C. 7101) | Interagency Agreement, Section 1, Purpose: “The purpose of this agreement is to provide for a transfer of funds from the Department of Labor, Employment and Training Administration (ETA), Office of Youth Programs (OYP) to the Department of Energy, Directorate of Administration (AD), Office of Industrial Relations (OIR), to fund the Summer Science Student Program (SSSP). The SSSP will grant monies from DOL through DOE/OIR to DOE contractors to fund 480 participant slots for economically disadvantaged youths in an integrated program of career motivation and basic academic skill enrichment. The program is designed to motivate economically disadvantaged and academically talented youths to continue their education and to pursue energy-related careers upon graduation from high school | | | X | Summer Science Student Program | N/A
| Executive Office of the President, Office of Science and Technology Policy, Memorandum, Subject: Research Apprenticeships for Minority High Schoolers, dated October 23, 1979 | Quotation from October 23, 1979 memorandum, paragraph 2, “The objectives are to stimulate broader interest in the minority communities in careers in science and engineering and to establish individual working relationships of high school students with active researchers who may become helpful mentors when students need advice on college and careers and need letters of recommendation” | | | X | Summer Research Apprenticeship Program | N/A |