Subpart C. Subpart C—Rules of General Applicability: Hearing Requests, Petitions To Intervene, Availability of Documents, Selection of Specific Hearing Procedures, Presiding Officer Powers, and General Hearing Management for NRC Adjudicatory Hearings
- § 2.300 - Scope of subpart C.
- § 2.301 - Exceptions.
- § 2.302 - Filing of documents.
- § 2.303 - Docket.
- § 2.304 - Formal requirements for documents; signatures; acceptance for filing.
- § 2.305 - Service of documents, methods, proof.
- § 2.306 - Computation of time.
- § 2.307 - Extension and reduction of time limits; delegated authority to order use of procedures for access by potential parties to certain sensitive unclassified information.
- § 2.308 - Treatment of requests for hearing or petitions for leave to intervene by the Secretary.
- § 2.309 - Hearing requests, petitions to intervene, requirements for standing, and contentions.
- § 2.310 - Selection of hearing procedures.
- § 2.311 - Interlocutory review of rulings on requests for hearings/petitions to intervene, selection of hearing procedures, and requests by potential parties for access to sensitive unclassified non-safeguards information and safeguards information.
- § 2.312 - Notice of hearing.
- § 2.313 - Designation of presiding officer, disqualification, unavailability, and substitution.
- § 2.314 - Appearance and practice before the Commission in adjudicatory proceedings.
- § 2.315 - Participation by a person not a party.
- § 2.316 - Consolidation of parties.
- § 2.317 - Separate hearings; consolidation of proceedings.
- § 2.318 - Commencement and termination of jurisdiction of presiding officer.
- § 2.319 - Power of the presiding officer.
- § 2.320 - Default.
- § 2.321 - Atomic Safety and Licensing Boards.
- § 2.322 - Special assistants to the presiding officer.
- § 2.323 - Motions.
- § 2.324 - Order of procedure.
- § 2.325 - Burden of proof.
- § 2.326 - Motions to reopen.
- § 2.327 - Official recording; transcript.
- § 2.328 - Hearings to be public.
- § 2.329 - Prehearing conference.
- § 2.330 - Stipulations.
- § 2.331 - Oral argument before the presiding officer.
- § 2.332 - General case scheduling and management.
- § 2.333 - Authority of the presiding officer to regulate procedure in a hearing.
- § 2.334 - Implementing hearing schedule for proceeding.
- § 2.335 - Consideration of Commission rules and regulations in adjudicatory proceedings.
- § 2.336 - General discovery.
- § 2.337 - Evidence at a hearing.
- § 2.338 -
- § 2.339 - Expedited decisionmaking procedure.
- § 2.340 - Initial decision in certain contested proceedings; immediate effectiveness of initial decisions; issuance of authorizations, permits, and licenses.
- § 2.341 - Review of decisions and actions of a presiding officer.
- § 2.342 - Stays of decisions.
- § 2.343 - Oral argument.
- § 2.344 - Final decision.
- § 2.345 - Petition for reconsideration.
- § 2.346 - Authority of the Secretary.
- § 2.347 - Ex parte communications.
- § 2.348 - Separation of functions.
- § 2.390 - Public inspections, exemptions, requests for withholding.