Subpart O. Subpart O—Notice of Probable Violation, Remedial Order, Notice of Proposed Disallowance, and Order of Disallowance
- § 205.190 - Purpose and scope.
- § 205.191 - [Reserved]
- § 205.192 - Proposed remedial order.
- § 205.192A - Burden of proof.
- § 205.193 - Notice of Objection.
- § 205.193A - Submission of ERA supplemental information.
- § 205.194 - Participants; official service list.
- § 205.195 - Filing and service of all submissions.
- § 205.196 - Statement of objections.
- § 205.197 -
- § 205.198 - Discovery.
- § 205.198A - Protective order.
- § 205.199 - Evidentiary hearing.
- § 205.199A - Hearing for the purpose of oral argument only.
- § 205.199B - Remedial order.
- § 205.199C - Appeals of remedial order to FERC.
- §§ 205.199D-205.199E - §[Reserved]
- § 205.199F - Ex parte communications.
- § 205.199G - Extension of time; Interim and Ancillary Orders.
- § 205.199H - Actions not subject to administrative appeal.
- § 205.199I - Remedies.
- § 205.199J - Consent order.