View all text of Subpart F [§ 501.60 - § 501.69]
§ 501.63 - Notice of the commencement of an administrative proceeding on an exemption petition.
(a)(1) When a petition is accepted, OFE will publish in the
(2) OFE will notify the appropriate State agency having apparent primary authority to permit or regulate the construction or operation of a powerplant that an exemption proceeding has commenced and will consult with this agency to the maximum extent practicable. Copies of all accepted petitions also will be forwarded to EPA, as provided in § 501.14(a).
(b) In processing an exemption petition, OFE shall comply with the requirements of the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (NEPA), the Council on Environmental Quality's implementing regulations, and the DOE guidelines implementing those regulations (45 FR 20694, Mar. 28, 1980). Compliance with NEPA may involve the preparation of (1) an environmental impact statement (EIS) evaluating the grant or denial of an exemption petition, (2) an environmental assessment (EA), or (3) a memorandum to the file finding that the grant of the requested petition would not be considered a major federal action significantly affecting the quality of the human environment. If an EIS is required, OFE will publish in the