View all text of Subpart C [§ 501.30 - § 501.35]
§ 501.33 - Request for a public hearing.
(a) New facilities. In the case of a petition for an exemption under title II of FUA, any interested person may submit a written request that OFE convene a public hearing in accordance with section 701 of FUA no later than forty-five (45) days after publication of either the Notice of Acceptance of a petition, or in the case of a certification exemption, the publication of the Notice of Acceptance of Certification. This time period may be extended at the discretion of OFE.
(b) Existing powerplants. In the case of a petition for an exemption from a prohibition imposed by a final rule or order issued by OFE to an electing powerplant under former sections of title III of FUA or a petition for a permit under § 504.1, any interested person may submit a written request that OFE convene a public hearing in accordance with section 701 of FUA within 45 days after the notice of the filing of a petition is published in the
(c) Contents of request. A request for a public hearing must be in writing and must include a description of the requesting party's interest in the proceeding and a statement of the issues involved. The request should, to the extent possible, identify any witnesses that are to be called, summarize the anticipated testimony to be given at the hearing, and outline questions that are to be posed.