View all text of Part 440 [§ 440.1 - § 440.30]
§ 440.21 - Weatherization materials standards and energy audit procedures.
(a) Paragraph (b) of this section describes the required standards for weatherization materials. Paragraph (c)(1) of this section describes the performance and quality standards for renewable energy systems. Paragraph (c)(2) of this section specifies the procedures and criteria that are used for considering a petition from a manufacturer requesting the Secretary to certify an item as a renewable energy system. Paragraphs (d) and (e) of this section describe the cost-effectiveness tests that weatherization materials must pass before they may be installed in an eligible dwelling unit. Paragraph (f) of this section lists the other energy audit requirements that do not pertain to cost-effectiveness tests of weatherization materials. Paragraphs (g) and (h) of this section describe the use of priority lists and presumptively cost-effective general heat waste reduction materials as part of a State's energy audit procedures. Paragraph (i) of this section explains that a State's energy audit procedures and priority lists must be re-approved by DOE every five years.
(b) Only weatherization materials which are listed in appendix A to this part and which meet or exceed standards prescribed in appendix A to this part may be purchased with funds provided under this part. However, DOE may approve an unlisted material upon application from any State.
(c)(1) A system or technology shall not be considered by DOE to be a renewable energy system under this part unless:
(i) It will result in a reduction in oil or natural gas consumption;
(ii) It will not result in an increased use of any item which is known to be, or reasonably expected to be, environmentally hazardous or a threat to public health or safety;
(iii) Available Federal subsidies do not make such a specification unnecessary or inappropriate (in light of the most advantageous allocation of economic resources); and
(iv) If a combustion rated system, it has a thermal efficiency rating of at least 75 percent; or, in the case of a solar system, it has a thermal efficiency rating of at least 15 percent.
(2) Any manufacturer may submit a petition to DOE requesting the Secretary to certify an item as a renewable energy system.
(i) Petitions should be submitted to: Weatherization Assistance Program, Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable, Mail Stop EE-2K, 1000 Independence Avenue, SW., Washington, DC 20585.
(ii) A petition for certification of an item as a renewable energy system must be accompanied by information demonstrating that the item meets the criteria in paragraph (c)(1) of this section.
(iii) DOE may publish a document in the
(iv) DOE shall notify the petitioner of the Secretary's action on the request within one year after the filing of a complete petition, and shall publish notice of approvals and denials in the
(d) Except for materials to eliminate health and safety hazards allowable under § 440.18(c)(15), each individual weatherization material and package of weatherization materials installed in an eligible dwelling unit must be cost-effective. These materials must result in energy cost savings over the lifetime of the measure(s), discounted to present value, that equal or exceed the cost of materials, installation, and on-site supervisory personnel as defined by the Department. States have the option of requiring additional related costs to be included in the determination of cost-effectiveness. The cost of incidental repairs must be included in the cost of the package of measures installed in a dwelling.
(e) The energy audit procedures must assign priorities among individual weatherization materials in descending order of their cost-effectiveness according to paragraph (d) of this section after:
(1) Adjusting for interaction between architectural and mechanical weatherization materials by using generally accepted engineering methods to decrease the estimated fuel cost savings for a lower priority weatherization material in light of fuel cost savings for a related higher priority weatherization material; and
(2) Eliminating any weatherization materials that are no longer cost-effective, as adjusted under paragraph (e)(1) of this section.
(f) The energy audit procedures also must—
(1) Compute the cost of fuel saved per year by taking into account the climatic data of the area where the dwelling unit is located, where the base temperature that determines the number of heating or cooling degree days (if used) reasonably approximates conditions when operation of heating and cooling equipment is required to maintain comfort, and must otherwise use reasonable energy estimating methods and assumptions;
(2) Determine existing energy use and energy requirements of the dwelling unit from actual energy bills or by generally accepted engineering calculations;
(3) Address significant heating and cooling needs;
(4) Make provision for the use of advanced diagnostic and assessment techniques which DOE has determined are consistent with sound engineering practices;
(5) Identify health and safety hazards to be abated with DOE funds in compliance with the State's DOE-approved health and safety procedures under § 440.16(h);
(6) Treat the dwelling unit as a whole system by examining its heating and cooling system, its air exchange system, and its occupants' living habits and needs, and making necessary adjustments to the priority of weatherization materials with adequate documentation of the reasons for such an adjustment; and
(7) Be specifically approved by DOE for use on each major dwelling type that represents a significant portion of the State's weatherization program in light of the varying energy audit requirements of different dwelling types including single-family dwellings, multi-family buildings, and mobile homes.
(g) For similar dwelling units without unusual energy-consuming characteristics, energy audits may be accomplished by using a priority list developed by conducting, in compliance with paragraphs (b) through (f) of this section, site-specific energy audits of a representative subset of these dwelling units. For DOE approval, States must describe how the priority list was developed, how the subset of similar homes was determined, and circumstances that will require site-specific audits rather than the use of the priority lists. States also must provide the input data and list of weatherization measures recommended by the energy audit software or manual methods for several dwelling units from the subset of similar units.
(h) States may use, as a part of an energy audit, general heat waste reduction weatherization materials that DOE has determined to be generally cost-effective. States may request approval to use general heat waste materials not listed in DOE policy guidance by providing documentation of their cost-effectiveness and a description of the circumstances under which such materials will be used.
(i) States must resubmit their energy audit procedures (and priority lists, if applicable, under certain conditions) to DOE for approval every five years. States must also resubmit to DOE, for approval every five years, their list of general heat waste materials in addition to those approved by DOE in policy guidance, if applicable. Policy guidance will describe the information States must submit to DOE and the circumstances that reduce or increase documentation requirements.