Collapse to view only § 469a. Collection of fees from non-Federal participants in meetings
- § 451. Advisory committees
- § 452. Reorganization
- § 453. Use of appropriated funds
- § 453a. Additional uses of appropriated funds
- § 453b. Requirement to buy certain items related to national security interests from American sources; exceptions
- § 453c. Disposition of equines unfit for service
- § 454. Future Years Homeland Security Program
- § 455. Miscellaneous authorities
- § 456. Military activities
- § 457. Regulatory authority and preemption
- § 458. Office of Counternarcotics Enforcement
- § 459. Office of International Affairs
- § 460. Prohibition of the Terrorism Information and Prevention System
- § 461. Review of pay and benefit plans
- § 462. Office of National Capital Region Coordination
- § 463. Requirement to comply with laws protecting equal employment opportunity and providing whistleblower protections
- § 464. Federal Law Enforcement Training Centers
- § 464a. Repealed.
- § 464b. Staffing accreditation function
- § 464c. Student housing
- § 464d. Additional funds for training
- § 464e. Short-term medical services for students
- § 465. Joint Interagency Task Force
- § 466. Sense of Congress reaffirming the continued importance and applicability of the Posse Comitatus Act
- § 467. Coordination with the Department of Health and Human Services under the Public Health Service Act
- § 468. Preserving Coast Guard mission performance
- § 469. Fees for credentialing and background investigations in transportation
- § 469a. Collection of fees from non-Federal participants in meetings
- § 470. Disclosures regarding homeland security grants
- § 471. Annual ammunition report
- § 472. Annual weaponry report
- § 473. Cyber Crimes Center, Child Exploitation Investigations Unit, Computer Forensics Unit, and Cyber Crimes Unit
- § 474. Homeland security critical domain research and development
- § 475. Transnational Criminal Investigative Units
- § 475a. Mentor-protégé program
In fiscal year 2004 and thereafter, unless otherwise provided, funds may be used for purchase of uniforms without regard to the general purchase price limitation for the current fiscal year; purchase of insurance for official motor vehicles operated in foreign countries; entering into contracts with the Department of State to furnish health and medical services to employees and their dependents serving in foreign countries; services authorized by section 3109 of title 5; and the hire and purchase of motor vehicles, as authorized by section 1343 of title 31: Provided, That purchase for police-type use of passenger vehicles may be made without regard to the general purchase price limitation for the current fiscal year.
None of the funds made available in this or any other Act for fiscal year 2012 and thereafter may be used to destroy or put out to pasture any horse or other equine belonging to any component or agency of the Department of Homeland Security that has become unfit for service, unless the trainer or handler is first given the option to take possession of the equine through an adoption program that has safeguards against slaughter and inhumane treatment.
Nothing in this chapter shall confer upon the Secretary any authority to engage in warfighting, the military defense of the United States, or other military activities, nor shall anything in this chapter limit the existing authority of the Department of Defense or the Armed Forces to engage in warfighting, the military defense of the United States, or other military activities.
Any and all activities of the Federal Government to implement the proposed component program of the Citizen Corps known as Operation TIPS (Terrorism Information and Prevention System) are hereby prohibited.
Notwithstanding any other provision of this chapter, the Secretary shall, in consultation with the Director of the Office of Personnel Management, review the pay and benefit plans of each agency whose functions are transferred under this chapter to the Department and, within 90 days after November 25, 2002, submit a plan to the President of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives and the appropriate committees and subcommittees of Congress, for ensuring, to the maximum extent practicable, the elimination of disparities in pay and benefits throughout the Department, especially among law enforcement personnel, that are inconsistent with merit system principles set forth in section 2301 of title 5.
In fiscal year 2004 and thereafter, the Center is authorized to accept detailees from other Federal agencies, on a non-reimbursable basis, to staff the accreditation function.
In fiscal year 2004 and thereafter, students attending training at any Center site shall reside in on-Center or Center-provided housing, insofar as available and in accordance with Center policy.
In fiscal year 2004 and thereafter, funds appropriated in this account shall be available, at the discretion of the Director, for the following: training United States Postal Service law enforcement personnel and Postal police officers; State and local government law enforcement training on a space-available basis; training of foreign law enforcement officials on a space-available basis with reimbursement of actual costs to this appropriation, except that reimbursement may be waived by the Secretary for law enforcement training activities in foreign countries undertaken under section 801 of the Antiterrorism and Effective Death Penalty Act of 1996 (28 U.S.C. 509
In fiscal year 2004 and thereafter, the Center is authorized to provide short-term medical services for students undergoing training at the Center.
For fiscal year 2010 and thereafter, the Secretary of Homeland Security may collect fees from any non-Federal participant in a conference, seminar, exhibition, symposium, or similar meeting conducted by the Department of Homeland Security in advance of the conference, either directly or by contract, and those fees shall be credited to the appropriation or account from which the costs of the conference, seminar, exhibition, symposium, or similar meeting are paid and shall be available to pay the costs of the Department of Homeland Security with respect to the conference or to reimburse the Department for costs incurred with respect to the conference: Provided, That in the event the total amount of fees collected with respect to a conference exceeds the actual costs of the Department of Homeland Security with respect to the conference, the amount of such excess shall be deposited into the Treasury as miscellaneous receipts: Provided further, That the Secretary shall provide a report to the Committees on Appropriations of the Senate and the House of Representatives not later than January 5, 2011, providing the level of collections and a summary by agency of the purposes and levels of expenditures for the prior fiscal year,.1