Collapse to view only § 20504. Inspection, testing, and investigation
- § 20501. Definition
- § 20502. Requirements for installation and use
- § 20503. Amending regulations and changing requirements
- § 20504. Inspection, testing, and investigation
- § 20505.
In this chapter, “signal system” means a block signal system, an interlocking, automatic train stop, train control, or cab-signal device, or a similar appliance, method, device, or system intended to promote safety in railroad operations.
In the way and to the extent required by the Secretary of Transportation, a railroad carrier shall report to the Secretary a failure of a signal system to function as intended. If the failure results in an accident or incident causing injury to an individual or property that is required to be reported under regulations prescribed by the Secretary, the carrier owning or maintaining the signal system shall report to the Secretary immediately in writing the fact of the accident or incident.