Collapse to view only § 533. Ownership restrictions

§ 531. Cable channels for public, educational, or governmental use
(a) Authority to establish requirements with respect to designation or use of channel capacity
(b) Authority to require designation for public, educational, or governmental use
(c) Enforcement authority
(d) Promulgation of rules and procedures
In the case of any franchise under which channel capacity is designated under subsection (b), the franchising authority shall prescribe—
(1) rules and procedures under which the cable operator is permitted to use such channel capacity for the provision of other services if such channel capacity is not being used for the purposes designated, and
(2) rules and procedures under which such permitted use shall cease.
(e) Editorial control by cable operator
(f) “Institutional network” defined
(June 19, 1934, ch. 652, title VI, § 611, as added Pub. L. 98–549, § 2, Oct. 30, 1984, 98 Stat. 2782; Pub. L. 104–104, title V, § 506(a), Feb. 8, 1996, 110 Stat. 136.)
§ 532. Cable channels for commercial use
(a) Purpose
(b) Designation of channel capacity for commercial use
(1) A cable operator shall designate channel capacity for commercial use by persons unaffiliated with the operator in accordance with the following requirements:
(A) An operator of any cable system with 36 or more (but not more than 54) activated channels shall designate 10 percent of such channels which are not otherwise required for use (or the use of which is not prohibited) by Federal law or regulation.
(B) An operator of any cable system with 55 or more (but not more than 100) activated channels shall designate 15 percent of such channels which are not otherwise required for use (or the use of which is not prohibited) by Federal law or regulation.
(C) An operator of any cable system with more than 100 activated channels shall designate 15 percent of all such channels.
(D) An operator of any cable system with fewer than 36 activated channels shall not be required to designate channel capacity for commercial use by persons unaffiliated with the operator, unless the cable system is required to provide such channel capacity under the terms of a franchise in effect on October 30, 1984.
(E) An operator of any cable system in operation on October 30, 1984, shall not be required to remove any service actually being provided on July 1, 1984, in order to comply with this section, but shall make channel capacity available for commercial use as such capacity becomes available until such time as the cable operator is in full compliance with this section.
(2) Any Federal agency, State, or franchising authority may not require any cable system to designate channel capacity for commercial use by unaffiliated persons in excess of the capacity specified in paragraph (1), except as otherwise provided in this section.
(3) A cable operator may not be required, as part of a request for proposals or as part of a proposal for renewal, subject to section 546 of this title, to designate channel capacity for any use (other than commercial use by unaffiliated persons under this section) except as provided in sections 531 and 557 of this title, but a cable operator may offer in a franchise, or proposal for renewal thereof, to provide, consistent with applicable law, such capacity for other than commercial use by such persons.
(4) A cable operator may use any unused channel capacity designated pursuant to this section until the use of such channel capacity is obtained, pursuant to a written agreement, by a person unaffiliated with the operator.
(5) For the purposes of this section, the term “commercial use” means the provision of video programming, whether or not for profit.
(6) Any channel capacity which has been designated for public, educational, or governmental use may not be considered as designated under this section for commercial use for purpose of this section.
(c) Use of channel capacity by unaffiliated persons; editorial control; restriction on service; rules on rates, terms, and conditions
(1) If a person unaffiliated with the cable operator seeks to use channel capacity designated pursuant to subsection (b) for commercial use, the cable operator shall establish, consistent with the purpose of this section and with rules prescribed by the Commission under paragraph (4), the price, terms, and conditions of such use which are at least sufficient to assure that such use will not adversely affect the operation, financial condition, or market development of the cable system.
(2) A cable operator shall not exercise any editorial control over any video programming provided pursuant to this section, or in any other way consider the span of such programming, except that a cable operator may refuse to transmit any leased access program or portion of a leased access program which contains obscenity, indecency, or nudity and may consider such span to the minimum extent necessary to establish a reasonable price for the commercial use of designated channel capacity by an unaffiliated person.
(3) Any cable system channel designated in accordance with this section shall not be used to provide a cable service that is being provided over such system on October 30, 1984, if the provision of such programming is intended to avoid the purpose of this section.
(A) The Commission shall have the authority to—
(i) determine the maximum reasonable rates that a cable operator may establish pursuant to paragraph (1) for commercial use of designated channel capacity, including the rate charged for the billing of rates to subscribers and for the collection of revenue from subscribers by the cable operator for such use;
(ii) establish reasonable terms and conditions for such use, including those for billing and collection; and
(iii) establish procedures for the expedited resolution of disputes concerning rates or carriage under this section.
(B) Within 180 days after October 5, 1992, the Commission shall establish rules for determining maximum reasonable rates under subparagraph (A)(i), for establishing terms and conditions under subparagraph (A)(ii), and for providing procedures under subparagraph (A)(iii).
(d) Right of action in district court; relief; factors not to be considered by court
(e) Petition to Commission; relief
(1) Any person aggrieved by the failure or refusal of a cable operator to make channel capacity available pursuant to this section may petition the Commission for relief under this subsection upon a showing of prior adjudicated violations of this section. Records of previous adjudications resulting in a court determination that the operator has violated this section shall be considered as sufficient for the showing necessary under this subsection. If the Commission finds that the channel capacity sought by such person has not been made available in accordance with this section, or that the price, terms, or conditions established by such system are unreasonable under subsection (c), the Commission shall, by rule or order, require such operator to make available such channel capacity under price, terms, and conditions consistent with subsection (c).
(2) In any case in which the Commission finds that the prior adjudicated violations of this section constitute a pattern or practice of violations by an operator, the Commission may also establish any further rule or order necessary to assure that the operator provides the diversity of information sources required by this section.
(3) In any case in which the Commission finds that the prior adjudicated violations of this section constitute a pattern or practice of violations by any person who is an operator of more than one cable system, the Commission may also establish any further rule or order necessary to assure that such person provides the diversity of information sources required by this section.
(f) Presumption of reasonableness and good faith
(g) Promulgation of rules
(h) Cable service unprotected by Constitution
(i) Programming from qualified minority or educational programming sources
(1) Notwithstanding the provisions of subsections (b) and (c), a cable operator required by this section to designate channel capacity for commercial use may use any such channel capacity for the provision of programming from a qualified minority programming source or from any qualified educational programming source, whether or not such source is affiliated with the cable operator. The channel capacity used to provide programming from a qualified minority programming source or from any qualified educational programming source pursuant to this subsection may not exceed 33 percent of the channel capacity designated pursuant to this section. No programming provided over a cable system on July 1, 1990, may qualify as minority programming or educational programming on that cable system under this subsection.
(2) For purposes of this subsection, the term “qualified minority programming source” means a programming source which devotes substantially all of its programming to coverage of minority viewpoints, or to programming directed at members of minority groups, and which is over 50 percent minority-owned, as the term “minority” is defined in section 309(i)(3)(C)(ii) of this title.
(3) For purposes of this subsection, the term “qualified educational programming source” means a programming source which devotes substantially all of its programming to educational or instructional programming that promotes public understanding of mathematics, the sciences, the humanities, and the arts and has a documented annual expenditure on programming exceeding $15,000,000. The annual expenditure on programming means all annual costs incurred by the programming source to produce or acquire programs which are scheduled to be televised, and specifically excludes marketing, promotion, satellite transmission and operational costs, and general administrative costs.
(4) Nothing in this subsection shall substitute for the requirements to carry qualified noncommercial educational television stations as specified under section 535 of this title.
(j) Single channel access to indecent programming
(1) Within 120 days following October 5, 1992, the Commission shall promulgate regulations designed to limit the access of children to indecent programming, as defined by Commission regulations, and which cable operators have not voluntarily prohibited under subsection (h) by—
(A) requiring cable operators to place on a single channel all indecent programs, as identified by program providers, intended for carriage on channels designated for commercial use under this section;
(B) requiring cable operators to block such single channel unless the subscriber requests access to such channel in writing; and
(C) requiring programmers to inform cable operators if the program would be indecent as defined by Commission regulations.
(2) Cable operators shall comply with the regulations promulgated pursuant to paragraph (1).
(June 19, 1934, ch. 652, title VI, § 612, as added Pub. L. 98–549, § 2, Oct. 30, 1984, 98 Stat. 2782; amended Pub. L. 102–385, §§ 9, 10(a), (b), Oct. 5, 1992, 106 Stat. 1484, 1486; Pub. L. 104–104, title V, § 506(b), Feb. 8, 1996, 110 Stat. 137.)
§ 533. Ownership restrictions
(a) Cable operator holding license for multichannel distribution or offering satellite serviceIt shall be unlawful for a cable operator to hold a license for multichannel multipoint distribution service, or to offer satellite master antenna television service separate and apart from any franchised cable service, in any portion of the franchise area served by that cable operator’s cable system. The Commission—
(1) shall waive the requirements of this paragraph for all existing multichannel multipoint distribution services and satellite master antenna television services which are owned by a cable operator on October 5, 1992;
(2) may waive the requirements of this paragraph to the extent the Commission determines is necessary to ensure that all significant portions of a franchise area are able to obtain video programming; and
(3) shall not apply the requirements of this subsection to any cable operator in any franchise area in which a cable operator is subject to effective competition as determined under section 543(l) of this title.
(b) Repealed. Pub. L. 104–104, title III, § 302(b)(1), Feb. 8, 1996, 110 Stat. 124
(c) Promulgation of rules
(d) Regulation of ownership by States or franchising authorities
(e) Holding of ownership interests or exercise of editorial control by States or franchising authorities
(1) Subject to paragraph (2), a State or franchising authority may hold any ownership interest in any cable system.
(2) Any State or franchising authority shall not exercise any editorial control regarding the span of any cable service on a cable system in which such governmental entity holds ownership interest (other than programming on any channel designated for educational or governmental use), unless such control is exercised through an entity separate from the franchising authority.
(f) Enhancement of effective competition
(1) In order to enhance effective competition, the Commission shall, within one year after October 5, 1992, conduct a proceeding—
(A) to prescribe rules and regulations establishing reasonable limits on the number of cable subscribers a person is authorized to reach through cable systems owned by such person, or in which such person has an attributable interest;
(B) to prescribe rules and regulations establishing reasonable limits on the number of channels on a cable system that can be occupied by a video programmer in which a cable operator has an attributable interest; and
(C) to consider the necessity and appropriateness of imposing limitations on the degree to which multichannel video programming distributors may engage in the creation or production of video programming.
(2) In prescribing rules and regulations under paragraph (1), the Commission shall, among other public interest objectives—
(A) ensure that no cable operator or group of cable operators can unfairly impede, either because of the size of any individual operator or because of joint actions by a group of operators of sufficient size, the flow of video programming from the video programmer to the consumer;
(B) ensure that cable operators affiliated with video programmers do not favor such programmers in determining carriage on their cable systems or do not unreasonably restrict the flow of the video programming of such programmers to other video distributors;
(C) take particular account of the market structure, ownership patterns, and other relationships of the cable television industry, including the nature and market power of the local franchise, the joint ownership of cable systems and video programmers, and the various types of non-equity controlling interests;
(D) account for any efficiencies and other benefits that might be gained through increased ownership or control;
(E) make such rules and regulations reflect the dynamic nature of the communications marketplace;
(F) not impose limitations which would bar cable operators from serving previously unserved rural areas; and
(G) not impose limitations which would impair the development of diverse and high quality video programming.
(g) Combination of interests under prior law
(h) “Media of mass communications” defined
(June 19, 1934, ch. 652, title VI, § 613, as added Pub. L. 98–549, § 2, Oct. 30, 1984, 98 Stat. 2785; amended Pub. L. 102–385, § 11, Oct. 5, 1992, 106 Stat. 1486; Pub. L. 103–414, title III, § 303(a)(22), Oct. 25, 1994, 108 Stat. 4295; Pub. L. 104–104, title II, § 202(i), title III, §§ 302(b)(1), Feb. 8, 1996, 110 Stat. 112, 124.)
§ 534. Carriage of local commercial television signals
(a) Carriage obligations
(b) Signals required
(1) In general
(A) A cable operator of a cable system with 12 or fewer usable activated channels shall carry the signals of at least three local commercial television stations, except that if such a system has 300 or fewer subscribers, it shall not be subject to any requirements under this section so long as such system does not delete from carriage by that system any signal of a broadcast television station.
(B) A cable operator of a cable system with more than 12 usable activated channels shall carry the signals of local commercial television stations, up to one-third of the aggregate number of usable activated channels of such system.
(2) Selection of signalsWhenever the number of local commercial television stations exceeds the maximum number of signals a cable system is required to carry under paragraph (1), the cable operator shall have discretion in selecting which such stations shall be carried on its cable system, except that—
(A) under no circumstances shall a cable operator carry a qualified low power station in lieu of a local commercial television station; and
(B) if the cable operator elects to carry an affiliate of a broadcast network (as such term is defined by the Commission by regulation), such cable operator shall carry the affiliate of such broadcast network whose city of license reference point, as defined in section 76.53 of title 47, Code of Federal Regulations (in effect on January 1, 1991), or any successor regulation thereto, is closest to the principal headend of the cable system.
(3) Content to be carried
(A) A cable operator shall carry in its entirety, on the cable system of that operator, the primary video, accompanying audio, and line 21 closed caption transmission of each of the local commercial television stations carried on the cable system and, to the extent technically feasible, program-related material carried in the vertical blanking interval or on subcarriers. Retransmission of other material in the vertical blanking internal or other nonprogram-related material (including teletext and other subscription and advertiser-supported information services) shall be at the discretion of the cable operator. Where appropriate and feasible, operators may delete signal enhancements, such as ghost-canceling, from the broadcast signal and employ such enhancements at the system headend or headends.
(B) The cable operator shall carry the entirety of the program schedule of any television station carried on the cable system unless carriage of specific programming is prohibited, and other programming authorized to be substituted, under section 76.67 or subpart F of part 76 of title 47, Code of Federal Regulations (as in effect on January 1, 1991), or any successor regulations thereto.
(4) Signal quality
(A) Nondegradation; technical specifications
(B) Advanced television
(5) Duplication not required
(6) Channel positioning
(7) Signal availability
(8) Identification of signals carried
(9) Notification
(10) Compensation for carriageA cable operator shall not accept or request monetary payment or other valuable consideration in exchange either for carriage of local commercial television stations in fulfillment of the requirements of this section or for the channel positioning rights provided to such stations under this section, except that—
(A) any such station may be required to bear the costs associated with delivering a good quality signal or a baseband video signal to the principal headend of the cable system;
(B) a cable operator may accept payments from stations which would be considered distant signals under section 111 of title 17 as indemnification for any increased copyright liability resulting from carriage of such signal; and
(C) a cable operator may continue to accept monetary payment or other valuable consideration in exchange for carriage or channel positioning of the signal of any local commercial television station carried in fulfillment of the requirements of this section, through, but not beyond, the date of expiration of an agreement thereon between a cable operator and a local commercial television station entered into prior to June 26, 1990.
(c) Low power station carriage obligation
(1) RequirementIf there are not sufficient signals of full power local commercial television stations to fill the channels set aside under subsection (b)—
(A) a cable operator of a cable system with a capacity of 35 or fewer usable activated channels shall be required to carry one qualified low power station; and
(B) a cable operator of a cable system with a capacity of more than 35 usable activated channels shall be required to carry two qualified low power stations.
(2) Use of public, educational, or governmental channels
(d) Remedies
(1) Complaints by broadcast stations
(2) Opportunity to respond
(3) Remedial actions; dismissal
(e) Input selector switch rules abolishedNo cable operator shall be required—
(1) to provide or make available any input selector switch as defined in section 76.5(mm) of title 47, Code of Federal Regulations, or any comparable device; or
(2) to provide information to subscribers about input selector switches or comparable devices.
(f) Regulations by Commission
(g) Sales presentations and program length commercials
(1) Carriage pending proceeding
(2) Proceeding concerning certain stations
(h) Definitions
(1) Local commercial television station
(A) In general
(B) ExclusionsThe term “local commercial television station” shall not include—
(i) low power television stations, television translator stations, and passive repeaters which operate pursuant to part 74 of title 47, Code of Federal Regulations, or any successor regulations thereto;
(ii) a television broadcast station that would be considered a distant signal under section 111 of title 17, if such station does not agree to indemnify the cable operator for any increased copyright liability resulting from carriage on the cable system; or
(iii) a television broadcast station that does not deliver to the principal headend of a cable system either a signal level of −45dBm for UHF signals or −49dBm for VHF signals at the input terminals of the signal processing equipment, if such station does not agree to be responsible for the costs of delivering to the cable system a signal of good quality or a baseband video signal.
(C) Market determinations
(i) For purposes of this section, a broadcasting station’s market shall be determined by the Commission by regulation or order using, where available, commercial publications which delineate television markets based on viewing patterns, except that, following a written request, the Commission may, with respect to a particular television broadcast station, include additional communities within its television market or exclude communities from such station’s television market to better effectuate the purposes of this section. In considering such requests, the Commission may determine that particular communities are part of more than one television market.
(ii) In considering requests filed pursuant to clause (i), the Commission shall afford particular attention to the value of localism by taking into account such factors as—(I) whether the station, or other stations located in the same area, have been historically carried on the cable system or systems within such community or on the satellite carrier or carriers serving such community;(II) whether the television station provides coverage or other local service to such community;(III) whether modifying the market of the television station would promote consumers’ access to television broadcast station signals that originate in their State of residence;(IV) whether any other television station that is eligible to be carried by a cable system in such community in fulfillment of the requirements of this section provides news coverage of issues of concern to such community or provides carriage or coverage of sporting and other events of interest to the community; and(V) evidence of viewing patterns in households that subscribe and do not subscribe to the services offered by multichannel video programming distributors within the areas served by such multichannel video programming distributors in such community.
(iii) A cable operator shall not delete from carriage the signal of a commercial television station during the pendency of any proceeding pursuant to this subparagraph.
(iv) Within 120 days after the date on which a request is filed under this subparagraph (or 120 days after February 8, 1996, if later), the Commission shall grant or deny the request.
(2) Qualified low power stationThe term “qualified low power station” means any television broadcast station conforming to the rules established for Low Power Television Stations contained in part 74 of title 47, Code of Federal Regulations, only if—
(A) such station broadcasts for at least the minimum number of hours of operation required by the Commission for television broadcast stations under part 73 of title 47, Code of Federal Regulations;
(B) such station meets all obligations and requirements applicable to television broadcast stations under part 73 of title 47, Code of Federal Regulations, with respect to the broadcast of nonentertainment programming; programming and rates involving political candidates, election issues, controversial issues of public importance, editorials, and personal attacks; programming for children; and equal employment opportunity; and the Commission determines that the provision of such programming by such station would address local news and informational needs which are not being adequately served by full power television broadcast stations because of the geographic distance of such full power stations from the low power station’s community of license;
(C) such station complies with interference regulations consistent with its secondary status pursuant to part 74 of title 47, Code of Federal Regulations;
(D) such station is located no more than 35 miles from the cable system’s headend, and delivers to the principal headend of the cable system an over-the-air signal of good quality, as determined by the Commission;
(E) the community of license of such station and the franchise area of the cable system are both located outside of the largest 160 Metropolitan Statistical Areas, ranked by population, as determined by the Office of Management and Budget on June 30, 1990, and the population of such community of license on such date did not exceed 35,000; and
(F) there is no full power television broadcast station licensed to any community within the county or other political subdivision (of a State) served by the cable system.
Nothing in this paragraph shall be construed to change the secondary status of any low power station as provided in part 74 of title 47, Code of Federal Regulations, as in effect on October 5, 1992.
(June 19, 1934, ch. 652, title VI, § 614, as added Pub. L. 102–385, § 4, Oct. 5, 1992, 106 Stat. 1471; amended Pub. L. 104–104, title III, § 301(d)(1), Feb. 8, 1996, 110 Stat. 116; Pub. L. 113–200, title I, §§ 102(b), 105(a), Dec. 4, 2014, 128 Stat. 2061, 2063.)
§ 535. Carriage of noncommercial educational television
(a) Carriage obligations
(b) Requirements to carry qualified stations
(1) General requirement to carry each qualified station
(2) Systems with 12 or fewer channels
(A) Notwithstanding paragraph (1), a cable operator of a cable system with 12 or fewer usable activated channels shall be required to carry the signal of one qualified local noncommercial educational television station; except that a cable operator of such a system shall comply with subsection (c) and may, in its discretion, carry the signals of other qualified noncommercial educational television stations.
(B) In the case of a cable system described in subparagraph (A) which operates beyond the presence of any qualified local noncommercial educational television station—
(i) the cable operator shall import and carry on that system the signal of one qualified noncommercial educational television station;
(ii) the selection for carriage of such a signal shall be at the election of the cable operator; and
(iii) in order to satisfy the requirements for carriage specified in this subsection, the cable operator of the system shall not be required to remove any other programming service actually provided to subscribers on March 29, 1990; except that such cable operator shall use the first channel available to satisfy the requirements of this subparagraph.
(3) Systems with 13 to 36 channels
(A) Subject to subsection (c), a cable operator of a cable system with 13 to 36 usable activated channels—
(i) shall carry the signal of at least one qualified local noncommercial educational television station but shall not be required to carry the signals of more than three such stations, and
(ii) may, in its discretion, carry additional such stations.
(B) In the case of a cable system described in this paragraph which operates beyond the presence of any qualified local noncommercial educational television station, the cable operator shall import and carry on that system the signal of at least one qualified noncommercial educational television station to comply with subparagraph (A)(i).
(C) The cable operator of a cable system described in this paragraph which carries the signal of a qualified local noncommercial educational station affiliated with a State public television network shall not be required to carry the signal of any additional qualified local noncommercial educational television stations affiliated with the same network if the programming of such additional stations is substantially duplicated by the programming of the qualified local noncommercial educational television station receiving carriage.
(D) A cable operator of a system described in this paragraph which increases the usable activated channel capacity of the system to more than 36 channels on or after March 29, 1990, shall, in accordance with the other provisions of this section, carry the signal of each qualified local noncommercial educational television station requesting carriage, subject to subsection (e).
(c) Continued carriage of existing stations
(d) Placement of additional signals
(e) Systems with more than 36 channels
(f) Waiver of nonduplication rights
(g) Conditions of carriage
(1) Content to be carried
(2) Bandwidth and technical quality
(3) Changes in carriage
(4) Good quality signal required
(5) Channel positioning
(h) Availability of signals
(i) Payment for carriage prohibited
(1) In general
(2) Distant signal exception
(j) Remedies
(1) Complaint
(2) Opportunity to respond
(3) Remedial actions; dismissal
(k) Identification of signals
(l) DefinitionsFor purposes of this section—
(1) Qualified noncommercial educational television stationThe term “qualified noncommercial educational television station” means any television broadcast station which—
(i) under the rules and regulations of the Commission in effect on March 29, 1990, is licensed by the Commission as a noncommercial educational television broadcast station and which is owned and operated by a public agency, nonprofit foundation, corporation, or association; and
(ii) has as its licensee an entity which is eligible to receive a community service grant, or any successor grant thereto, from the Corporation for Public Broadcasting, or any successor organization thereto, on the basis of the formula set forth in section 396(k)(6)(B) of this title; or
(B) is owned and operated by a municipality and transmits predominantly noncommercial programs for educational purposes.
Such term includes (I) the translator of any noncommercial educational television station with five watts or higher power serving the franchise area, (II) a full-service station or translator if such station or translator is licensed to a channel reserved for noncommercial educational use pursuant to section 73.606 of title 47, Code of Federal Regulations, or any successor regulations thereto, and (III) such stations and translators operating on channels not so reserved as the Commission determines are qualified as noncommercial educational stations.
(2) Qualified local noncommercial educational television stationThe term “qualified local noncommercial educational television station” means a qualified noncommercial educational television station—
(A) which is licensed to a principal community whose reference point, as defined in section 76.53 of title 47, Code of Federal Regulations (as in effect on March 29, 1990), or any successor regulations thereto, is within 50 miles of the principal headend of the cable system; or
(B) whose Grade B service contour, as defined in section 73.683(a) of such title (as in effect on March 29, 1990), or any successor regulations thereto, encompasses the principal headend of the cable system.
(June 19, 1934, ch. 652, title VI, § 615, as added Pub. L. 102–385, § 5, Oct. 5, 1992, 106 Stat. 1477.)
§ 536. Regulation of carriage agreements
(a) Regulations
Within one year after October 5, 1992, the Commission shall establish regulations governing program carriage agreements and related practices between cable operators or other multichannel video programming distributors and video programming vendors. Such regulations shall—
(1) include provisions designed to prevent a cable operator or other multichannel video programming distributor from requiring a financial interest in a program service as a condition for carriage on one or more of such operator’s systems;
(2) include provisions designed to prohibit a cable operator or other multichannel video programming distributor from coercing a video programming vendor to provide, and from retaliating against such a vendor for failing to provide, exclusive rights against other multichannel video programming distributors as a condition of carriage on a system;
(3) contain provisions designed to prevent a multichannel video programming distributor from engaging in conduct the effect of which is to unreasonably restrain the ability of an unaffiliated video programming vendor to compete fairly by discriminating in video programming distribution on the basis of affiliation or nonaffiliation of vendors in the selection, terms, or conditions for carriage of video programming provided by such vendors;
(4) provide for expedited review of any complaints made by a video programming vendor pursuant to this section;
(5) provide for appropriate penalties and remedies for violations of this subsection, including carriage; and
(6) provide penalties to be assessed against any person filing a frivolous complaint pursuant to this section.
(b) “Video programming vendor” defined
(June 19, 1934, ch. 652, title VI, § 616, as added Pub. L. 102–385, § 12, Oct. 5, 1992, 106 Stat. 1488.)
§ 537. Sales of cable systems

A franchising authority shall, if the franchise requires franchising authority approval of a sale or transfer, have 120 days to act upon any request for approval of such sale or transfer that contains or is accompanied by such information as is required in accordance with Commission regulations and by the franchising authority. If the franchising authority fails to render a final decision on the request within 120 days, such request shall be deemed granted unless the requesting party and the franchising authority agree to an extension of time.

(June 19, 1934, ch. 652, title VI, § 617, as added Pub. L. 102–385, § 13, Oct. 5, 1992, 106 Stat. 1489; amended Pub. L. 104–104, title III, § 301(i), Feb. 8, 1996, 110 Stat. 117.)
§ 537a. Carriage of certain programming
(a) Definitions
In this section—
(1) the term “local commercial television station” has the meaning given the term in section 534(h) of this title;
(2) the term “multichannel video programming distributor” has the meaning given the term in section 522 of this title;
(3) the term “qualified noncommercial educational television station” has the meaning given the term in section 535(l) of this title;
(4) the term “retransmission consent” means the authority granted to a multichannel video programming distributor under section 325(b) of this title to retransmit the signal of a television broadcast station; and
(5) the term “television broadcast station” has the meaning given the term in section 76.66(a) of title 47, Code of Federal Regulations.
(b) Carriage of certain span
Notwithstanding any other provision of law, a multichannel video programming distributor may not be directly or indirectly required, including as a condition of obtaining retransmission consent, to—
(1) carry non-incidental video span from a local commercial television station, qualified noncommercial educational television station, or television broadcast station to the extent that such span is owned, controlled, or financed (in whole or in part) by the Government of the Russian Federation; or
(2) lease, or otherwise make available, channel capacity to any person for the provision of video programming that is owned, controlled, or financed (in whole or in part) by the Government of the Russian Federation.
(c) Rule of construction
(Pub. L. 115–91, div. A, title X, § 1093, Dec. 12, 2017, 131 Stat. 1611.)