Collapse to view only § 722. Records, audit, and examination

§ 711. Formation and structure
(a) Establishment
(b) Administration
(c) Status
(d) Board of Directors
(1) The Board of Directors of the Association shall consist of five individuals, as follows:
(A) The Chairman, who shall be the individual serving as Chairman on August 13, 1981, until the expiration of his term of office or his resignation, or his replacement, who shall be selected by the outgoing Chairman and the other members of the Board.
(B) The Secretary of Transportation.
(C) The Comptroller General of the United States.
(D) The Chairman of the Commission.
(E) The Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Corporation.
(2) The Chairman may not have any employment or other direct financial relationship with any freight railroad. The Chairman shall receive $300 per diem when engaged in the actual performance of his duties plus reimbursement for travel, subsistence, and other necessary expenses incurred in the performance of such duties.
(e) Term of office
(f) Quorum
(g) Assumption of Finance Committee functions
(h) Representation at meetings
(i) Miscellaneous 1
1 See Codification note below.
(1) The Association shall have a seal which shall be judicially recognized.
(2) The Administrator of General Services shall furnish the Association with such offices, equipment, supplies, and services as he is authorized to furnish to any other agency or instrumentality of the United States.
(3) The Secretary is authorized to transfer to the Association or the Corporation rights in intellectual property which are directly related to the conduct of the functions of the Association or the Corporation, to the extent that the Federal Government has such rights and to the extent that transfer is necessary to carry out the purposes of this chapter.
(4) Any reference in this chapter to the Chairman of the Commission is to the Chairman of the Commission or the person who is at the time performing the duties of the Chairman of the Commission in accordance with law.
(j) Use of names 1
(Pub. L. 93–236, title II, § 201, Jan. 2, 1974, 87 Stat. 988; Pub. L. 94–210, title VI, §§ 603(a), (b), 607(a), 612(j)(2), Feb. 5, 1976, 90 Stat. 88, 96, 109; Pub. L. 94–555, title II, § 211(b)–(e), Oct. 19, 1976, 90 Stat. 2624; Pub. L. 95–611, § 2, Nov. 8, 1978, 92 Stat. 3089; Pub. L. 96–448, title V, § 508(c), Oct. 14, 1980, 94 Stat. 1957; Pub. L. 97–35, title XI, § 1147, Aug. 13, 1981, 95 Stat. 673; Pub. L. 98–181, title II, § 2003(c)(1), Nov. 30, 1983, 97 Stat. 1297; Pub. L. 99–190, § 101(e) [title III, § 332], Dec. 19, 1985, 99 Stat. 1267, 1290.)
§ 712. Functions of Association
(a) GeneralThe Association is authorized to—
(1) monitor the financial performance of the Corporation;
(2) review whether the goals and requirements of this chapter are met;
(3) purchase or otherwise acquire or receive, and hold and dispose of securities (whether debt or equity) of the Corporation under sections 726 and 727 of this title and exercise all of the rights, privileges, and powers of a holder of any such securities;
(4) purchase accounts receivable of the Corporation in accordance with section 727 of this title;
(5) appoint and fix the compensation of such personnel as the Association considers necessary and appropriate; and
1 So in original. Probably should be “(6)”.
determine the value of the Alaska Railroad, as required by section 1204 of this title.
(b) Investment of funds
(c) Exemption from taxation
(d) Reports
2 Par. “(1)” designation supplied editorially.
The Association shall transmit to the Congress and the President, not later than 90 days after the end of each fiscal year, a comprehensive and detailed report on all activities of the Association during the preceding fiscal year. Each such report shall include (A) the Association’s statement of specific and detailed objectives for the activities and programs conducted and assisted under this chapter; (B) statements of the Association’s conclusions as to the effectiveness of such activities and programs in meeting the stated objectives and the purposes of this chapter, measured through the end of the preceding fiscal year; (C) recommendations with respect to any legislation or administrative action which the Association deems necessary or desirable; (D) a statistical compilation of the obligations issued, certificates of value issued, securities purchased, and loans made under this chapter; (E) a summary of outstanding problems confronting the Association, in order of priority; (F) all other information required to be submitted to the Congress pursuant to any other provision of this chapter; and (G) the Association’s projections and plans for its activities and programs during the next fiscal year.
(2) For the fiscal year beginning October 1, 1977, and ending September 30, 1978, the Association shall transmit to the Congress and the President, not later than 30 days after the end of each quarter of such fiscal year, a comprehensive and detailed report on all expenditures and use of funds during the preceding fiscal quarter, including an assessment of the status of projects for such preceding fiscal quarter and a projection of activities proposed for the next fiscal quarter.
(3) The Association shall transmit to the Congress, no later than 30 days after the end of each fiscal quarter, a report with respect to the proceedings before the special court to determine the valuation of rail properties conveyed to the Corporation under section 743 of this title. Each such report shall include—
(A) a detailed accounting of the Federal funds expended during such quarter in connection with such proceedings, and the purposes for which such funds were expended;
(B) an explanation of the status of such proceedings, including the prospects for settlement or conclusion; and
(C) an identification of which responsibilities in connection with such proceedings are being carried out directly by the Association, and which are being carried out by contract with private organizations.
(e) Budget
(f) Accountability
(g) Transfer of litigation
(h) Transfer of other functions
(i) Monitoring of contractors
(Pub. L. 93–236, title II, § 202, Jan. 2, 1974, 87 Stat. 990; Pub. L. 94–5, § 2(a), Feb. 28, 1975, 89 Stat. 7; Pub. L. 94–210, title VI, §§ 601(c), 607(b), (c), Feb. 5, 1976, 90 Stat. 84, 96; Pub. L. 95–199, § 2, Nov. 23, 1977, 91 Stat. 1423; Pub. L. 96–73, title II, §§ 202, 203, Sept. 29, 1979, 93 Stat. 555; Pub. L. 97–35, title XI, § 1148(a), (b), Aug. 13, 1981, 95 Stat. 674; Pub. L. 97–468, title VI, § 605(e), Jan. 14, 1983, 96 Stat. 2564.)
§ 713. Access to information

The Corporation shall make available to the Association such information as the Association determines necessary for the Association to carry out its functions under this chapter. The Association shall request from other parties which are affected by this chapter information which will enable the Association to fulfill its functions under this chapter.

(Pub. L. 93–236, title II, § 203, Jan. 2, 1974, 87 Stat. 992; Pub. L. 94–210, title VI, § 607(d), Feb. 5, 1976, 90 Stat. 96; Pub. L. 97–35, title XI, § 1149, Aug. 13, 1981, 95 Stat. 675.)
§ 714. Omitted
§ 715. Repealed. Pub. L. 95–473, § 4(b), Oct. 17, 1978, 92 Stat. 1466
§ 716. Final system plan
(a) GoalsThe final system plan shall be formulated in such a way as to effectuate the following goals:
(1) the creation, through a process of reorganization, of a financially self-sustaining rail and express service system in the region;
(2) the establishment and maintenance of a rail service system adequate to meet the rail transportation needs and service requirements of the region;
(3) the establishment of improved high-speed rail passenger service, consonant with the recommendations of the Secretary in his report of September 1971, entitled “Recommendations for Northeast Corridor Transportation”;
(4) the preservation, to the extent consistent with other goals, of existing patterns of service by railroads (including short-line and terminal railroads), and of existing railroad trackage in areas in which fossil fuel natural resources are located, and the utilization of those modes of transportation in the region which require the smallest amount of scarce energy resources and which can most efficiently transport energy resources;
(5) the retention and promotion of competition in the provision of rail and other transportation services in the region;
(6) the attainment and maintenance of any environmental standards, particularly the applicable national ambient air quality standards and plans established under the Clean Air Act Amendments of 1970, taking into consideration the environmental impact of alternative choices of action;
(7) the movement of passengers and freight in rail transportation in the region in the most efficient manner consistent with safe operation, including the requirements of commuter and intercity rail passenger service; the extent to which there should be coordination with the National Railroad Passenger Corporation and similar entities; and the identification of all short-to-medium distance corridors in densely populated areas in which the major upgrading of rail lines for high-speed passenger operation would return substantial public benefits; and
(8) the minimization of job losses and associated increases in unemployment and community benefit costs in areas in the region presently served by rail service.
(b) Factors
(c) DesignationsThe final system plan shall designate—
(1) which rail properties of railroads in reorganization in the region or of railroads leased, operated, or controlled by any railroad in reorganization in the region—
(A) shall be transferred to the Corporation: Provided, That the Corporation shall, within 95 days after the effective date of the final system plan, give notice to the Association of which such rail properties, if any, are to be transferred to a subsidiary of the Corporation in the event that the Board of Directors of the Association finds that such transfer would be consistent with the final system plan;
(B) shall be offered for sale to a profitable railroad operating in the region and, if such offer is accepted, operated by such railroad; the plan shall designate what additions shall be made to the designation under subparagraph (A) of this paragraph and what alternative designations shall be made under this paragraph in the event such profitable railroad fails to accept such offer;
(C) shall be purchased, leased, or otherwise acquired from the Corporation by the National Railroad Passenger Corporation in accordance with the exercise of its option under section 791(d) of this title for improvement to achieve the goal set forth in subsection (a)(3) of this section;
(D) may be purchased or leased from the Corporation by (i) a State or a local or regional transportation authority to meet the needs of commuter and intercity rail passenger service, or (ii) the National Railroad Passenger Corporation to meet the needs of improved rail passenger service over intercity routes, other than properties designated pursuant to subparagraph (C) of this paragraph; and
(E) if not otherwise required to be operated by the Corporation, a government entity, or a responsible person, are suitable for use for other public purposes, including highways, other forms of transportation, conservation, energy transmission, education or health care facilities, or recreation. In carrying out this subparagraph, the Association shall solicit the views and recommendations of the Secretary, the Secretary of the Interior, the Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency, and other agencies of the Federal Government and of the States and political subdivisions thereof within the region, and the general public; and
(2) which rail properties of profitable railroads operating in the region may be offered for sale to the Corporation or to other profitable railroads operating in the region subject to paragraphs (3) and (4) of subsection (d) of this section. Any rail properties designated to be offered for sale to the Corporation may be sold instead to a subsidiary of the Corporation.
(d) TransfersAll transfers or conveyances pursuant to the final system plan shall be made in accordance with, and subject to, the following principles:
(1) All rail properties to be transferred to the Corporation or any subsidiary thereof by a profitable railroad, by trustees of a railroad in reorganization, or by any railroad leased, operated, or controlled by a railroad in reorganization in the region, shall be transferred in exchange for stock and other securities of the Corporation or any subsidiary thereof (including obligations of the Association) and the other benefits accruing to such railroad by reason of such transfer.
(2) All rail properties to be conveyed to a profitable railroad operating in the region by trustees of a railroad in reorganization, or by any railroad leased, operated, or controlled by a railroad in reorganization in the region, shall be conveyed in exchange for compensation from the profitable railroad.
(3) Notwithstanding any other provision of this chapter, no acquisition under this chapter shall be made by any profitable railroad operating in the region without a determination with respect to each such transaction and all such transactions cumulatively (A) by the Association, upon adoption and release of the preliminary system plan, that such acquisition or acquisitions will not materially impair the profitability of any other profitable railroad operating in the region or of the Corporation, and (B) by the Commission, which shall be made within 90 days after adoption and release by the Association of the preliminary system plan, that such acquisition or acquisitions will be in full accord and comply with the provisions and standards of subchapter III 1 of chapter 113 of title 49. All determinations made by the Association in the correction to the preliminary system plan published on April 11, 1975 (40 Fed. Reg. 16377), shall be treated for all purposes as if they had been made upon adoption and release by the Association of the preliminary system plan. All determinations made by the Commission with respect to such correction shall be treated for all purposes as if they had been made within 90 days after adoption and release by the Association of the preliminary system plan. All determinations made by the Commission with respect to acquisitions by profitable railroads referred to in any supplement to the preliminary system plan published under section 717(b)(2) of this title shall be deemed to be timely if made prior to the adoption of the final system plan under section 717(c) of this title. The determination by the Association shall not be reviewable in any court. The determination by the Commission shall not be reviewable in any court.
(4) Where the final system plan designates specified rail properties of a railroad in reorganization in the region, or of a railroad leased, operated, or controlled by a railroad in reorganization in the region, to be offered for sale to and operated by a profitable railroad operating in the region, such designation shall terminate 7 days after February 5, 1976, unless, prior to such date, such profitable railroad has notified the Association in writing of its acceptance of such offer. Any such offer may be modified until the date of acceptance thereof, unless such modification results in an offer for the sale of rail properties at less than the net liquidation value thereof. Where the final system plan designates specified rail properties of a profitable railroad operating in the region as authorized to be offered for sale or lease to the Corporation or to other profitable railroads operating in the region, such designation and authorization shall terminate 95 days after the effective date of the final system plan unless, prior to such date, a binding agreement with respect to such properties has been entered into and concluded.
(5) All properties—
(A) transferred by the Corporation pursuant to subsection (c)(1)(C) of this section and section 791(d) of this title;
(B) transferred by the Corporation to any State (or local or regional transportation authority), pursuant to subsection (c)(1)(D) of this section, or
(C) transferred by the Corporation to any State, local or regional transportation authority, or the National Railroad Passenger Corporation, within 3 years after the date of conveyance, pursuant to section 743(b)(1) of this title, to meet the needs of commuter or intercity rail passenger service,
shall be transferred at a value related to the value received from the Corporation pursuant to the final system plan for the transfer to such Corporation of such properties. The value of any such properties, which are transferred pursuant to subparagraph (B) or (C) of this paragraph, shall be adjusted to reflect the value attributable to any applicable maintenance and improvement provided by the Corporation (to the extent the Corporation has not been released from the obligation to pay for such improvements) and the cost to the Corporation of transferring such properties. The Corporation, its Board of Directors, and its individual directors shall not be liable to any party, for money damages or in any other manner, solely by reason of the fact that the Corporation transferred property pursuant to section 743 of this title to meet the needs of commuter or intercity rail passenger service or for purposes of providing rail marine freight floating service, except as otherwise provided with respect to the Corporation pursuant to section 743(c)(2) of this title.
(6) Notwithstanding any statement to the contrary in the final system plan, a State (or a local or regional transportation authority) shall not be required to deliver to the Corporation a firm commitment to acquire rail properties designated to such State or authority prior to 7 days after February 5, 1976.
(7) Notwithstanding any contrary provision in the options conveyed to the Corporation by railroads in reorganization, or railroads leased, operated, or controlled by a railroad in reorganization, with respect to the acquisition by the Corporation pursuant to the final system plan, on behalf of a State (or a local or regional transportation authority) of rail properties designated under subsection (c)(1)(D) of this section, such options shall not be deemed to have expired prior to 7 days after September 30, 1976. The exercise by the Corporation of any such option shall be effective if it is made, prior to the expiration of such 7-day period, in the manner prescribed in such options.
(e) Corporation featuresThe final system plan shall set forth—
(1) pro forma earnings for the Corporation, as reasonably projected and considering the additions or changes in the designation of rail properties to be operated by the Corporation which may be made under subsection (d)(4) of this section;
(2) the capital structure of the Corporation, based on the pro forma earnings of the Corporation as set forth, including such debt capitalization as shall be reasonably deemed to conform to the requirements of the public interest with respect to railroad debt securities, including the adequacy of coverage of fixed charges; and
(3) the manner in which employee stock ownership plans may, to the extent practicable, be utilized for meeting the capitalization requirements of the Corporation, taking into account (A) the relative cost savings compared to conventional methods of corporate finance; (B) the labor cost savings; (C) the potential for minimizing strikes and producing more harmonious relations between labor organizations and railway management; (D) the projected employee dividend incomes; (E) the impact on quality of service and prices to railway users; and (F) the promotion of the objectives of this chapter of creating a financially self-sustaining railway system in the region which also meets the service needs of the region and the Nation.
(f) Value
(g) Other provisions
(h) Obligational authority
(i) Terms and conditions for securities
(j) Additional properties deemed designated
(Pub. L. 93–236, title II, § 206, Jan. 2, 1974, 87 Stat. 994; Pub. L. 94–5, § 2(b), Feb. 28, 1975, 89 Stat. 7; Pub. L. 94–210, title VI, § 607(e)–(j), (o)–(q), title VIII, § 807, Feb. 5, 1976, 90 Stat. 96–98, 143; Pub. L. 94–436, §§ 2, 4, Sept. 30, 1976, 90 Stat. 1398; Pub. L. 94–555, title II, § 202(a), (c), Oct. 19, 1976, 90 Stat. 2616, 2617; Pub. L. 95–611, § 4(a), Nov. 8, 1978, 92 Stat. 3090.)
§ 717. Adoption of final system plan
(a) Preliminary system plan
(1) Within 420 days after January 2, 1974, the Association shall adopt and release a preliminary system plan prepared by it on the basis of reports and other information submitted to it by the Secretary, the Office, and interested persons in accordance with this chapter and on the basis of its own investigations, consultations, research, evaluation, and analysis pursuant to this chapter. Copies of the preliminary system plan shall be transmitted by the Association to the Secretary, the Office, the Governor and public utility commission of each State in the region, the Congress, each court having jurisdiction over a railroad in reorganization in the region, the special court, and interested persons, and a copy shall be published in the Federal Register. The Association shall invite and afford interested persons an opportunity to submit comments on the preliminary system plan to the Association within 60 days after the date of its release.
(2) The Office is authorized and directed to hold public hearings on the preliminary system plan and to make available to the Association a summary and analysis of the evidence received in the course of such proceedings, together with its critique and evaluation of the preliminary system plan, not later than 60 days after the date of release of such plan. The Office is authorized to hold public hearings on any supplement to the preliminary system plan and to make available to the Association a summary and analysis of the evidence received in the course of such proceedings, together with its critique and evaluation of such supplement, not later than 30 days after the release of such supplement.
(b) Approval
(1) Within 120 days after January 2, 1974, each United States district court or other court having jurisdiction over a railroad in reorganization shall decide whether the railroad is reorganizable on an income basis within a reasonable time under section 77 of the Bankruptcy Act and that the public interest would be better served by continuing the present reorganization proceedings than by a reorganization under this chapter. Within 60 days after the submission of the report by the Office, under section 715(d)(1) of this title, on the Secretary’s report on rail services in the region, each United States district court or other court having jurisdiction over a railroad in reorganization shall decide whether or not such railroad shall be reorganized by means of transferring some of its rail properties to the Corporation pursuant to the provisions of this chapter. Because of the strong public interest in the continuance of rail transportation in the region pursuant to a system plan devised under the provisions of this chapter, each such court shall order that the reorganization be proceeded with pursuant to this chapter unless it (1) has found that the railroad is reorganizable on an income basis within a reasonable time under section 77 of the Bankruptcy Act and that the public interest would be better served by such a reorganization than by a reorganization under this chapter, or (2) finds that this chapter does not provide a process which would be fair and equitable to the estate of the railroad in reorganization in which case it shall dismiss the reorganization proceeding. If a court does not enter an order or make a finding as required by this subsection, the reorganization shall be proceeded with pursuant to this chapter. An appeal from an order made under this section may be made only to the special court. Appeal to the special court shall be taken within 10 days following entry of an order pursuant to this subsection, and the special court shall complete its review and render its decision within 80 days after such appeal is taken. There shall be no review of the decision of the special court.
(2) Whenever it has been finally determined pursuant to the procedures of paragraph (1) of this subsection, that the reorganization of a railroad subject to reorganization under section 77 of the Bankruptcy Act shall not be proceeded with pursuant to this chapter, the court having jurisdiction over such railroad may, upon a petition which is filed within 10 days after February 28, 1975, by the trustees of such railroad, reconsider such order. Such reorganization court shall (i) affirm its previous order or (ii) issue an order that the reorganization of such railroad be proceeded with pursuant to this chapter unless it finds that this chapter does not provide a process which would be fair and equitable. The provisions of paragraph (1) of this subsection are applicable in such reconsideration, except that (A) such reorganization court shall make its decision within 30 days after such petition is filed, and (B) any decision by the special court on appeal from such a decision shall be rendered within 30 days after such reorganization court decision is made. There shall be no review of the decision of the special court. The Association shall take any steps it finds necessary, consistent with time limitations and other provisions of this chapter, to effectuate the consequences of such a revised order, including the preparation and submission of any necessary or appropriate supplements to the preliminary system plan.
(c) Adoption
(d) Review of Commission
(Pub. L. 93–236, title II, § 207, Jan. 2, 1974, 87 Stat. 998; Pub. L. 93–488, § 1(a), (b), Oct. 26, 1974, 88 Stat. 1464; Pub. L. 94–5, § 4, Feb. 28, 1975, 89 Stat. 7.)
§ 718. Review by Congress
(a) General
(b) Revised plan
(c) ComputationFor purposes of this section—
(1) continuity of session of Congress is broken only by an adjournment sine die; and
(2) the days on which either House is not in session because of an adjournment of more than 3 days to a day certain are excluded in the computation of the 60-day period.
(d) Additions
(1) The supplemental report, dated September 18, 1975, to the final system plan, and the provisions of the Association’s official errata supplement to the final system plan, dated December 1, 1975, including all designations made therein, shall be treated for all purposes as if they had been part of and included in the final system plan adopted by the Association and reviewed by the Congress. The final system plan shall, for all purposes, be deemed to be approved as modified and amended by such supplemental report and such supplement.
(2) The Association may, upon petition of any State, modify the final system plan to make further designations with respect to rail properties of railroads in reorganization in the region designated for transfer to the Corporation under such plan, if such designations (A) are likely to result in improved rail service on such rail properties and connecting rail properties, and (B) would not materially impair the profitability of the Corporation. Such designations, including designations of such rail properties to a State, a profitable railroad, or a responsible person, may be made at any time prior to delivery of the final system plan to the special court under section 719(c) of this title. Such further designations shall be treated for all purposes as if they had been included in the final system plan adopted by the Association and reviewed by the Congress, and the final system plan shall for all purposes be deemed to be approved as modified by such designations. Any action of the Association with respect to any such petition shall not be subject to review by any court.
(A) Within 20 days after February 5, 1976
(i) achieve the efficient implementation of the final system plan, or
(ii) provide for the offer to profitable railroads of rail properties designated in the final system plan to the Corporation, if such properties are not essential in the operation of other rail properties of the Corporation but are or would be integrally related to the operation of rail properties of (or which are offered pursuant to the final system plan to) such profitable railroad, or
(iii) provide for the designation of additional rail properties to the Corporation or to a subsidiary thereof to enable the Corporation to serve efficiently a line of railroad designated to the Corporation in the final system plan if such line does not connect with any other line of railroad so designated to the Corporation or if such line would be served more efficiently as a consequence of such designation.
Any designation to a profitable railroad pursuant to this paragraph shall comply with the second sentence of section 716(d)(4) of this title, and shall only be made upon a finding by the Association that such designation is integrally related to an offer of rail properties to a profitable railroad in the final system plan, that the goals of the final system plan require that the rail properties be operated as a part of the rail properties included in such offer, and that the implementation of such designation will not materially and adversely affect the impact of such offer on the profitability of the Corporation or any profitable railroad operating in the region. Any designation to a profitable railroad pursuant to this subsection, which amends any prior offer, shall terminate 30 days after February 5, 1976, unless, prior to such date, such profitable railroad has notified the Association in writing of its acceptance of such amendment to the prior offer.
(B) If a line of railroad or any segment thereof is designated for rail service in the final system plan, no designation may be made by the Association pursuant to this paragraph which would result in such line or segment not being so designated. Any designations made pursuant to this paragraph shall be treated for all purposes as if they had been included in the final system plan adopted by the Association and reviewed by the Congress. The final system plan shall for all purposes be deemed to be approved as amended by such designations.
(C) Any designations made pursuant to this paragraph shall not be subject to review by any court.
(D) Any labor agreements entered into under section 778 1
1 See References in Text note below.
of this title shall be subject to further negotiations for any modifications which may be necessary to implement designations made pursuant to this paragraph.
(Pub. L. 93–236, title II, § 208, Jan. 2, 1974, 87 Stat. 999; Pub. L. 94–210, title VI, § 601(e), Feb. 5, 1976, 90 Stat. 84; S. Res. 4, Feb. 4, 1977; H. Res. 549, Mar. 25, 1980.)
§ 719. Judicial review
(a) General
(b) Special court
(1) Within 30 days after January 2, 1974, the Association shall make application to the judicial panel on multi-district litigation authorized by section 1407 of title 28 for the consolidation in a single, three-judge district court of the United States of all judicial proceedings with respect to the final system plan. Within 30 days after such application is received, the panel shall make the consolidation in a district court (cited herein as the “special court”) which the panel determines to be convenient to the parties and the one most likely to be able to conduct any proceedings under this section with the least delay and the greatest possible fairness and ability. Such proceedings shall be conducted by the special court which shall be composed of three Federal judges who shall be selected by the panel, except that none of the judges selected may be a judge assigned to a proceeding involving any railroad in reorganization in the region under section 77 of the Bankruptcy Act. The special court is authorized to exercise the powers of a district judge in any judicial district with respect to such proceedings and such powers shall include those of a reorganization court. The special court shall have the power to order the conveyance of rail properties of railroads leased, operated, or controlled by a railroad in reorganization in the region. The special court may issue rules for the conduct of any proceedings under this section and under section 745 of this title, including rules with respect to the time within which motions may be filed, and with respect to appropriate representation of interests not otherwise represented (including the Secretary with respect to a petition by the Association in the case of a proposal developed by the Secretary, under such section 745 of this title). No determination by the panel under this subsection may be reviewed in any court.
(2) The special court referred to in paragraph (1) of this subsection is abolished effective 90 days after October 19, 1996. On such effective date, all jurisdiction and other functions of the special court shall be assumed by the United States District Court for the District of Columbia. With respect to any proceedings that arise or continue after the date on which the special court is abolished, the references in the following provisions to the special court established under this subsection shall be deemed to refer to the United States District Court for the District of Columbia:
(A) Subsections (c), (e)(1), (e)(2), (f) and (g) of this section.
(B) Sections 712(d)(3), (g), 717(a)(1), (b)(1), (b)(2), 718(d)(2), 741(e)(2), (g), (k)(3), (k)(15), 743(a)(1), (a)(2), (b)(1), (b)(6)(A), (c)(1), (c)(2), (c)(3), (c)(4), (c)(5), 744(a)(1)(B), (i)(3), 745(c), (d)(1), (d)(2), (d)(3), (d)(4), (d)(5), (d)(8), (e), (f)(1), (f)(2)(B), (f)(2)(D), (f)(2)(E), (f)(3), 746(a), (b), (c)(4), and 791(b)(3), (c) of this title).
(C) Sections 1105(a) and 1115 of this title.
(D) Sections 1323(2)(A)(iii), (2)(B), (2)(C), (3)(C), (3)(E), (4)(A) and 1324(b) of this title.
(E)Section 24907(b) of title 49.
(F) Any other Federal law (other than this subsection and section 605 of the Federal Courts Improvement Act of 1996), Executive order, rule, regulation, delegation of authority, or document of or relating to the special court as previously established under paragraph (1) of this subsection.
(c) Delivery of plan to special courtWithin 90 days after its effective date, the Association shall deliver a certified copy of the final system plan to the special court and shall certify to the special court—
(1) which rail properties of the respective railroads in reorganization in the region and of any person leased, operated, or controlled by such railroads in reorganization are to be transferred to the Corporation, or any subsidiary thereof, in accordance with the final system plan;
(2) which rail properties of the respective railroads in reorganization in the region or person leased,1
1 See Codification note below.
operated, or controlled by such railroads in reorganization are to be conveyed to profitable railroads, in accordance with the final system plan;
(3) the amount, terms, and value of the securities of the Corporation or any subsidiary thereof (including any certificates of value of the Association) to be exchanged for those rail properties to be transferred to the Corporation or any subsidiary thereof pursuant to the final system plan, and as indicated in paragraph (1) of this subsection; and
(4) that the transfer of rail properties in exchange for securities of the Corporation or any subsidiary thereof (including any certificates of value of the Association) and other benefits is fair and equitable and in the public interest.
Notwithstanding any other provisions of this subsection and subsection (d) of this section, the time for the delivery of a certified copy of the final system plan shall be March 12, 1976, and may be extended to a date not more than 30 days thereafter, prescribed in a notice filed by the Association not later than February 17, 1976, with the special court, the Congress, and each court referred to in such subsection (d). Such notice shall contain the certification of the Association that an orderly conveyance of rail properties cannot reasonably be effected before the date for conveyance determined with respect to such notice. The time prescribed in section 743(a) of this title shall be determined with respect to the date prescribed in such notice.
(d) Bankruptcy courtsWithin 90 days after its effective date, the Association shall deliver a certified copy of the final system plan to each district court of the United States or any other court having jurisdiction over a railroad in reorganization in the region and shall certify to each such court—
(1) which rail properties of that railroad in reorganization are to be transferred to the Corporation or any subsidiary thereof under the final system plan; and
(2) which rail properties of that railroad in reorganization, if any, are to be conveyed to profitable railroads operating in the region, under the final system plan.
(e) Original and exclusive jurisdiction
(1) Notwithstanding any other provision of law, any civil action—
(A) for injunctive or other relief against the Association from the enforcement, operation, or execution of this chapter or any provision thereof, or from any action taken by the Association pursuant to authority conferred or purportedly conferred under this chapter;
(B) challenging the constitutionality of this chapter or any provision thereof;
(C) challenging the legality of any action of the Association, or any failure of the Association to take any action, pursuant to authority conferred or purportedly conferred under this chapter;
(D) to obtain, inspect, copy, or review any document in the possession or control of the Association that would be discoverable in litigation pursuant to section 743(c) of this title;
(E) brought after a conveyance, pursuant to section 743(b) of this title, to set aside or annul such conveyance or to secure in any way the reconveyance of any rail properties so conveyed; or
(F) with respect to continuing reorganization and supplemental transactions, in accordance with section 745 of this title;
shall be within the original and exclusive jurisdiction of the special court. The special court shall not hear or determine any such action prior to the date of conveyance, pursuant to section 743(b)(1) of this title, except as the Constitution may require. Relief shall not be granted in any action referred to in subparagraph (A), (C), or (E) unless the person seeking such relief establishes that the Association acted in reckless or deliberate disregard of applicable law.
(2) The original and exclusive jurisdiction of the special court shall include any action, whether filed by any interested person or initiated by the special court itself, to interpret, alter, amend, modify, or implement any of the orders entered by such court pursuant to section 743(b) of this title in order to effect the purposes of this chapter or the goals of the final system plan. During the pendency of any proceeding described in this paragraph, the special court may enter such orders as it determines to be appropriate, including orders enjoining, restraining, conditioning, or limiting any conveyance, transfer, or use of any asset or right which is subject to such an order or which is at issue in such a proceeding, or which involves the enforcement of any liens or encumbrances upon such assets or rights. Any orders pursuant to this paragraph which interpret, alter, amend, modify, or implement orders entered by the special court shall be final and shall not be restrained or enjoined by any court.
(3) An order or judgment of the United States District Court for the District of Columbia in any action referred to in this section shall be reviewable in accordance with sections 1291, 1292, and 1294 of title 28.
(f) Disposition of cash deposits
(g) Stay of court proceedings
(Pub. L. 93–236, title II, § 209, Jan. 2, 1974, 87 Stat. 999; Pub. L. 94–210, title VI, §§ 602(a), (b), 607(i), (l), (r), (s), Feb. 5, 1976, 90 Stat. 86, 97, 98; Pub. L. 94–216, § 2, Feb. 17, 1976, 90 Stat. 191; Pub. L. 95–199, § 3, Nov. 23, 1977, 91 Stat. 1423; Pub. L. 100–352, § 6(d), June 27, 1988, 102 Stat. 663; Pub. L. 104–317, title VI, § 605(a), (b)(1), (c)(1), Oct. 19, 1996, 110 Stat. 3858, 3859.)
§ 720. Obligations of Association
(a) General
(b) Maximum obligational authority
The aggregate principal amount (exclusive of interest or additions to principal on account of accrual of interest) of obligations issued by the Association under this section which may be outstanding at any one time shall not exceed $395,000,000. No obligations or proceeds thereof shall be issued or made available after February 5, 1976, except—
(1) to meet existing or potential commitments for loans under section 721 of this title made or applied for prior to January 1, 1976; and
(2) for the purpose of providing loans pursuant to subsections (g) and (h) of section 721 of this title.
(c) Guarantees
(d) Validity
(e) The Secretary of the Treasury
(f) Authorization for appropriations
(g) Lawful investments
(Pub. L. 93–236, title II, § 210, Jan. 2, 1974, 87 Stat. 1000; Pub. L. 94–210, title VI, §§ 604, 607(k), Feb. 5, 1976, 90 Stat. 88, 97; Pub. L. 94–555, title II, § 203(e), Oct. 19, 1976, 90 Stat. 2620; Pub. L. 96–448, title VII, § 703(f)(3), Oct. 14, 1980, 94 Stat. 1965.)
§ 721. Loans
(a) General
(b) Applications
(c) Terms and conditions
(d) ModificationsThe Association is authorized to approve any modification of any provision of a loan under this section, including the rate of interest, time of payment of interest or principal, security, or any other term or condition, upon agreement of the recipient of the loan and upon a finding by the Association that such modification is equitable and necessary or appropriate to achieve the policy declared in subsection (f) of this section. Notwithstanding any other provision of this section, in the case of a loan made under subsection (a) of this section to a railroad in the region, the Association is not required to make the findings with respect to subsections (e)(3) and (f) and may, upon the request of such railroad—
(1) continue to make advances to such railroad pursuant to such loan, up to the total principal provided, as of November 8, 1978, under the agreement between such railroad and the Association under this section, upon finding only that (A) a good faith effort has been commenced by such railroad toward the establishment of an employee stock ownership plan, and (B) such continued advances will permit the continuation of rail service determined by the Association, in the Final System Plan or under the goals of this chapter, to be desirable; and
(2) increase the principal amount of such loan to such railroad, in an amount not to exceed $7,500,000, only if the Association makes the finding referred to in paragraph (1)(B) of this subsection and determines that such railroad is making a good faith effort to establish an employee stock ownership plan for review and approval by the Association. Any such approval shall be conditioned upon a written commitment that by December 31, 1980, the railroad will adopt an employee stock ownership plan which will acquire qualifying employer securities with a fair market value of $250,000.
The Association may not take any action pursuant to the preceding sentence of this subsection after December 31, 1981.
(e) PrerequisitesThe Association shall make a finding in writing, before making a loan to any applicant under this section, that—
(1) the loan is necessary to achieve the goals of this chapter or to prevent insolvency;
(2) it is satisfied that the business affairs of the applicant will be conducted in a reasonable and prudent manner; and
(3) the applicant has offered such security as the Association deems necessary to protect reasonably the interests of the United States.
(f) Policy
(g) Pre-conveyance loans to CorporationDuring the period between the effective date of the final system plan and the date of the conveyance of rail properties pursuant to section 743(b) of this title, the Association may make such loans in such amounts to the Corporation as the Association deems essential to provide for the purchase by the Corporation of material, supplies, equipment, and services necessary to permit the orderly and efficient implementation of the final system plan. Notwithstanding any inability of the Association during such period to make the finding required by subsection (e)(3) of this section because of any existing contingencies, the Association may make any such loans to the Corporation, subject to—
(1) the most favorable terms and conditions for assuring timely repayment and security as may then be reasonably available, and
(2) the requirement that any loan to the Corporation under this subsection be refinanced immediately out of the proceeds of the first sale by the issuance of debentures under section 726 of this title.
In order to assure that necessary funds are available to the Corporation for implementation of the final system plan, the Corporation is authorized to accept such loans as may be approved by the Association under this subsection, and any such acceptance shall be deemed for all purposes to constitute a reasonable and prudent business judgment in compliance with any fiduciary obligations imposed on the Corporation or its directors. For purposes of this subsection, the term “Corporation” includes a subsidiary of the Corporation.
(h) Loans for payment of obligations
(A) The Association is authorized, subject to the limitations set forth in section 720(b) of this title, to enter into loan agreements, in amounts not to exceed, at any given time, $350,000,000 in the aggregate principal amount, with the Corporation, the National Railroad Passenger Corporation, and any profitable railroad to which rail properties are transferred or conveyed pursuant to section 743(b)(1) of this title, under which the Corporation, the National Railroad Passenger Corporation, and any profitable railroad entering into such agreement will agree to meet existing or prospective obligations of the railroads in reorganization in the region which the Association, in accordance with procedures established by the Association, determines should be paid by the Corporation, the National Railroad Passenger Corporation, or a profitable railroad, on behalf of such railroads in reorganization, in order to avoid disruptions in ordinary business relationships. Such obligations shall be limited to—
(i) amounts claimed by suppliers (including private car lines) of materials or services utilized or purchased in current rail operations;
(ii) claims by shippers arising from current rail services;
(iii) payments to railroads for settlement of current interline accounts and all other current accounts and obligations;
(iv) claims of employees arising under the collective-bargaining agreements of the railroads in reorganization in the region and subject to
(v) claims of all employees or their personal representatives for personal injuries or death and subject to the provisions of Employers’ Liability Act (45 U.S.C. 51–60);
(vi) amounts required for adequate funding of accrued pension benefits existing at the time of a conveyance or discontinuance of service under employee pension benefit plans described in section 775(a) 2
2 See References in Text note below.
of this title;
(vii) amounts required to provide adequate funding for payment, when due, of claims deriving from membership in any employee voluntary relief plan which provides benefits to its members and their beneficiaries in the event of sickness, accident, disability, or death, and to which both a railroad in reorganization and employee members have made contributions;
(viii) amounts required to provide adequate funding for continuation, by the Corporation, of medical and life insurance coverage and benefits for retired employees of railroads in reorganization as required and limited by section 743(b)(6)(B) of this title.3
3 So in original. The period probably should be a semicolon.
(ix) amounts required to discharge the obligations of each such railroad in reorganization to nonemployee claimants for personal injuries suffered during the period such railroad has been in reorganization; and
(x) amounts required to discharge any obligation of a railroad in reorganization in the region to the National Railroad Passenger Corporation, arising out of a contract between such railroad in reorganization and such Corporation under which such railroad in reorganization is required to provide a suitable rail passenger station, in any case in which such railroad in reorganization sold a rail passenger station pursuant to a judicial order of condemnation prior to April 1, 1976.
(B) The Association shall make a loan pursuant to subparagraph (A) of this paragraph if, notwithstanding any other requirement of this subsection, it finds that the Corpration,4
4 So in original. Should be “Corporation,”.
the National Railroad Passenger Corporation, or a profitable railroad is entitled to a loan pursuant to section 743(b)(6), 774(e), or 774(g) 2 of this title, or if, with respect to an obligation referred to in subparagraph (A) of this paragraph, it finds that—
(i) provision for the payment of such obligation was not included in the financial projections of the final system plan;
(ii) such obligation arose from rail operations prior to the date of conveyance of rail properties pursuant to section 743(b)(1) of this title and is, under other applicable law, the responsibility of a railroad in reorganization in the region, and a claim is presented to a railroad in reorganization in the region, or the Corporation within 2 years after October 19, 1976;
(iii) the Corporation, the National Railroad Passenger Corporation, or a profitable railroad has advised the Association that the direct payment of such obligation by the Corporation, the National Railroad Passenger Corporation, or a profitable railroad is for services or materials, the furnishing of which served to avoid disruptions in ordinary business relationships prior to the date of conveyance of rail properties pursuant to section 743(b)(1) of this title, or is necessary to avoid postconveyance disruptions in ordinary business relationships;
(iv) the transferor is unable to pay such obligation within a reasonable period of time; and
(v) with respect to loans made to the Corporation, the procedures to be followed by the Corporation, in seeking reimbursement from a railroad in reorganization in the region for an obligation paid on its behalf under this subsection, have been jointly agreed to by the Finance Committee and the Corporation, and the joint agreement—(I) provides for the Corporation to receive reimbursement from the Association for any expenses incurred in seeking reimbursement from any railroad in reorganization in the region for an obligation paid on its behalf under this subsection; and(II) includes a stipulation of the exact procedures the Corporation shall undertake to avoid the finding, referred to in paragraph (6)(A)(i) of this subsection, that it has not exercised due diligence.
(2) The trustees of each railroad in reorganization in the region shall attempt to negotiate agency agreements with the Corporation, the National Railroad Passenger Corporation, or a profitable railroad for the processing of all accounts receivable and accounts payable attributable to operations prior to the conveyance of property pursuant to section 743(b)(1) of this title and for the payment of only those accounts payable which relate to obligations of the estates identified in paragraph (1) of this subsection. If any railroad in reorganization in the region fails to conclude such an agreement within a reasonable time prior to such conveyance, the applicable reorganization courts, after giving all parties an opportunity to be heard, shall prescribe the terms of such an agency arrangement by order, giving due consideration to the need, wherever possible, to make such agreements uniform among the various estates. Nothing in this subsection shall be construed as permitting any district court of the United States having jurisdiction over the reorganization of a railroad in reorganization in the region to enjoin, restrain, or limit the Corporation, the National Railroad Passenger Corporation, or a profitable railroad from applying, to payment of the obligations of the estates identified in paragraph (1) of this subsection, amounts collected as (A) accounts receivable pursuant to this paragraph, (B) cash or other current assets identified pursuant to paragraph (3) of this subsection, or (C) proceeds of loans pursuant to paragraph (1) of this subsection. Any agency agreement executed prior to October 19, 1976, shall be deemed amended to the extent necessary to conform such agreement or order to the provisions of this paragraph. Nothing in this paragraph shall be construed to affect any payment made prior to October 19, 1976, with respect to obligations other than those identified in paragraph (1) of this subsection.
(3) The Association may, not less than 30 days prior to the date of conveyance pursuant to section 743(b)(1) of this title, petition each district court of the United States having jurisdiction over the reorganization of a railroad in reorganization in the region for an order, which shall be entered prior to such conveyance, and which—
(A) identifies that cash and other current assets of the estate of such railroad which shall be utilized to satisfy obligations of the estates identified in paragraph (1) of this subsection; and
(B) provides for the application by the trustees of such railroads and their agents, consistent with the principles of reorganization under section 77 of the Bankruptcy Act and with the agency agreement specified in paragraph (2) of this subsection, of all such current assets, including cash available as of or subsequent to such date of conveyance, to the payment in the postconveyance period of the obligations of the estates identified in paragraph (1) of this subsection.
(A) Each obligation of a railroad in reorganization in the region which is paid with financial assistance under paragraph (1) of this subsection shall be processed, on behalf of such railroad, by the Corporation, the National Railroad Passenger Corporation, or a profitable railroad, whichever is appropriate. An obligation of a railroad in reorganization in the region shall be paid, on behalf of such railroad, by the Corporation, the National Railroad Passenger Corporation, or a profitable railroad, whichever is appropriate, if—
(i) such obligation is deemed by the Corporation, the National Railroad Passenger Corporation, or a profitable railroad, whichever is appropriate, to have been, on the date of conveyance of rail properties pursuant to section 743(b)(1) of this title, the obligation of a railroad in reorganization in the region;
(ii) such obligation accrues after such date of conveyance but as a result of rail operations conducted prior to such date, and the trustees of such railroad in reorganization acknowledge that it is an obligation of such railroad; or
(iii) the district court of the United States having jurisdiction over such railroad in reorganization in the region approves such obligation as a valid administrative claim against such railroad;
to the extent that payment is required under a loan agreement with the Association under such paragraph (1).
(B) The Association shall resolve any disputes among the Corporation, the National Railroad Passenger Corporation, and a profitable railroad concerning which of them shall process and pay any particular obligation on behalf of a particular railroad in reorganization.
(C) The Corporation, the National Railroad Passenger Corporation, or a profitable railroad shall have a direct claim, as a current expense of administration, for reimbursement from the estate of a railroad in reorganization in the region for all obligations of such estate (plus interest thereon) which are paid by the Corporation, the National Railroad Passenger Corporation, or a profitable railroad, as the case may be. The right of the Corporation or the National Railroad Passenger Corporation to receive reimbursement under this subparagraph from the estate of a railroad in reorganization in the region shall be reduced by the amount, if any, of loans, plus interest forgiven under paragraph (5) of this subsection.
(i) Except as provided in clause (ii) of this subparagraph, any funds held in an escrow account by a railroad in reorganization on October 19, 1976, which are thereafter determined to be cash and other current assets of the estate of such railroad in reorganization, for purposes of paragraph (3) of this subsection, shall be applied as follows—(I) first, to the reduction of any outstanding loans to the Corporation by the Association, pursuant to paragraph (1) of this subsection, the proceeds of which were used to discharge obligations of such railroad in reorganization;(II) second, to the Association to the extent of any such loans which have been forgiven pursuant to paragraph (5) of this subsection; and(III) third, to the payment of any remaining obligations of such railroad in reorganization, in accordance with the provision of the agency agreement entered into pursuant to paragraph (2) of this subsection.
(ii) The manner of disposition set forth in clause (i) of this subparagraph shall not apply with respect to a railroad in reorganization if the Secretary (I) determines that a different disposition of assets is necessary to carry out a reorganization plan of such railroad in reorganization, and that such different disposition adequately protects the interests of the United States, and (II) transmits his determination to the court having jurisdiction over the reorganization of such railroad.
(A) If, at any time, the Finance Committee of the Association determines that the failure of the Corporation to receive full reimbursement with interest from the estate of a railroad in reorganization in the region for any obligation of such estate paid pursuant to this subsection could adversely affect the fairness and equity of the transfers and conveyances pursuant to section 743(b)(1) of this title, or that the failure of the National Railroad Passenger Corporation to receive such full reimbursement plus interest for any such obligation would be contrary to the public interest, the Association shall forgive the indebtedness, plus accrued interest, of the Corporation or of the National Railroad Passenger Corporation incurred pursuant to paragraph (1) of this subsection in the amount recommended by the Finance Committee. The Association shall have a direct claim, as a current expense of administration of the estate of such railroad in reorganization, equal to the amount by which loans of the Corporation or of the National Railroad Passenger Corporation, plus interest, have been forgiven. Such direct claim shall not be subject to any reduction by way of setoff, cross-claim, or counter-claim which the estate of such railroad in reorganization may be entitled to assert against the Corporation, the National Railroad Passenger Corporation, the Association, or the United States.
(B) The direct claim of the Association under this paragraph, and any direct claim authorized under paragraph (4) of this subsection, shall be prior to all other administrative claims of the estate of a railroad in reorganization, except claims arising under trustee’s certificates or from default on the payment of such certificates. The Corporation, the National Rail Passenger Corporation, or a profitable railroad, as the case may be, shall, with respect to each direct claim for reimbursement pursuant to paragraph (4) of this subsection, file a proof of administrative expense claim with the trustees of the railroad in reorganization from whom reimbursement is sought. Each such proof of administrative expense claim shall set forth, by category and amount, the obligations of such railroad in reorganization which were paid pursuant to such paragraph (4).
(A) Notwithstanding any other provision of this subsection, the Association shall forgive any loan made to the Corporation or the National Railroad Passenger Corporation pursuant to this subsection, plus accrued interest thereon, on the 3rd anniversary date of any such loan, except that the Association shall not forgive any loan or portion thereof, in accordance with this paragraph, if—
(i) the Finance Committee makes an affirmative finding, with respect to such loan or portion thereof, that—(I) the Corporation has not exercised due diligence in executing the procedures adopted pursuant to paragraph (1)(B)(v) of this subsection, and(II) the failure of the Association to forgive such loan or portion thereof will not adversely affect the ability of the Corporation to become financially self-sustaining;
(ii) the Finance Committee so directs the Association; and
(iii) neither House of the Congress disapproves such affirmative finding and direction, in accordance with the following provisions of this paragraph.
A copy of each such finding, the reasons therefor, and such direction made by the Finance Committee, together with the comments and recommendations thereon of the Board of Directors of the Association, shall be transmitted to the Congress by the Association within 10 days after the date on which the Finance Committee makes such finding and direction, or if not so transmitted, shall be transmitted by the Finance Committee. Each such finding and direction so transmitted shall become effective immediately, and shall remain in effect, unless, within the first period of 30 calendar days of continuous session of Congress after the date of transmittal of such finding and direction to Congress, either House of Congress disapproves such finding and direction in accordance with the procedures specified in section 688 of title 2. For purposes of this paragraph, continuity of session of Congress is broken only in the circumstances described in section 682(5) of title 2.
(B) The Association shall have a direct claim, as a current expense of administration of the estate of the railroad in reorganization whose obligations were paid with the proceeds of loans forgiven under this paragraph, equal to the amount by which the loans, plus interest, have been forgiven. Such direct claim shall not be subject to any reduction by way of setoff, cross-claim, or counterclaim which the estate of such railroad in reorganization may be entitled to assert against the Corporation, the National Railroad Passenger Corporation, the Association, or the United States. The direct claim of the Association under this paragraph shall be prior to all other administrative claims of the estate of the railroad in reorganization, except claims arising under trustee’s certificates or from default on the payment of such certificates.
(7) For purposes of this subsection, the term “Corporation” includes a subsidiary of the Corporation.
(Pub. L. 93–236, title II, § 211, Jan. 2, 1974, 87 Stat. 1001; Pub. L. 94–5, § 5, Feb. 28, 1975, 89 Stat. 8; Pub. L. 94–210, title VI, § 606, Feb. 5, 1976, 90 Stat. 92; Pub. L. 94–555, title II, §§ 203(a)–(d), 220(a), Oct. 19, 1976, 90 Stat. 2617, 2619, 2620, 2629; Pub. L. 95–611, § 3(a), Nov. 8, 1978, 92 Stat. 3089; Pub. L. 96–73, title II, § 204(b), Sept. 29, 1979, 93 Stat. 556; Pub. L. 96–101, § 23, Nov. 4, 1979, 93 Stat. 746; Pub. L. 96–448, title IV, §§ 407, 408, Oct. 14, 1980, 94 Stat. 1948; Pub. L. 105–178, title VII, § 7203(b)(3), June 9, 1998, 112 Stat. 477.)
§ 722. Records, audit, and examination
(a) Records
(b) Audit and examination
The Association, the Secretary, and the Comptroller General of the United States, or any of their duly authorized representatives shall, until the expiration of 3 years after the implementation of the final system plan, have access for the purpose of audit and examination to any books, documents, papers, and records of such recipients which in the opinion of the Association, the Secretary, or the Comptroller General may be related or pertinent to the loans, obligations or other arrangements referred to in subsection (a) of this section. The Association or any of its duly authorized representatives shall, until any financial assistance received under this subchapter has been repaid to the Association, have access to any such materials which concern any matter that may bear upon—
(1) the ability of the recipient of such financial assistance to make repayment within the time fixed therefor;
(2) the effectiveness with which the proceeds of such assistance is used; and
(3) the implementation of the final system plan and the realization of the declaration of policy of this chapter.
(Pub. L. 93–236, title II, § 212, Jan. 2, 1974, 87 Stat. 1002.)
§ 723. Emergency assistance pending implementation
(a) Emergency assistance
(b) Authorization of appropriations
(Pub. L. 93–236, title II, § 213, Jan. 2, 1974, 87 Stat. 1003; Pub. L. 94–5, § 6, Feb. 28, 1975, 89 Stat. 8.)
§ 724. Authorization of appropriations
(a) Secretary
(b) Office
(c) Association
(Pub. L. 93–236, title II, § 214, Jan. 2, 1974, 87 Stat. 1003; Pub. L. 93–488, § 1(c), Oct. 26, 1974, 88 Stat. 1464; Pub. L. 94–210, title VI, § 607(m), (n), Feb. 5, 1976, 90 Stat. 97; Pub. L. 94–436, § 1, Sept. 30, 1976, 90 Stat. 1398; Pub. L. 95–199, § 1, Nov. 23, 1977, 91 Stat. 1423; Pub. L. 95–611, § 1, Nov. 8, 1978, 92 Stat. 3089; Pub. L. 96–73, title II, § 201, Sept. 29, 1979, 93 Stat. 555; Pub. L. 96–448, title VII, § 704, Oct. 14, 1980, 94 Stat. 1965; Pub. L. 97–35, title XI, § 1151, Aug. 13, 1981, 95 Stat. 676.)
§ 725. Interim agreements
(a) Purposes
Prior to the date upon which rail properties are conveyed to the Corporation under this chapter, the Secretary, with the approval of the Association, is authorized to enter into agreements with the trustees of the railroads in reorganization in the region (or railroads leased, operated, or controlled by railroads in reorganization)—
(1) to perform the program maintenance on designated rail properties of such railroads until the date rail properties are conveyed under this chapter;
(2) to improve rail properties of such railroads; and
(3) to acquire rail properties for lease or loan to any such railroads until the date such rail properties are conveyed under this chapter, and subsequently for conveyance pursuant to the final system plan, or to acquire interests in such rail properties owned by or leased to any such railroads or in purchase money obligations therefor.
(b) Conditions
Agreements pursuant to subsection (a) of this section shall contain such reasonable terms and conditions as the Secretary may prescribe. In addition, agreements under paragraphs (1) and (2) of subsection (a) of this section shall provide that—
(1) to the extent that physical condition is used as a basis for determining, under section 716(f) or 743(c) of this title, the value of properties subject to such an agreement and designated for transfer to the Corporation under the final system plan, the physical condition of the properties on the effective date of the agreement shall be used; and
(2) in the event that property subject to the agreement is sold, leased, or transferred to an entity other than the Corporation, the trustees or railroad shall pay or assign to the Secretary that portion of the proceeds of such sale, lease, or transfer which reflects value attributable to the maintenance and improvement provided pursuant to the agreement.
(c) Obligations
(d) Conveyance
(Pub. L. 93–236, title II, § 215, Jan. 2, 1974, 87 Stat. 1004; Pub. L. 94–5, § 7, Feb. 28, 1975, 89 Stat. 8; Pub. L. 94–210, title VI, § 607(i), Feb. 5, 1976, 90 Stat. 97.)
§ 726. Debentures and series A preferred stock
(a) General
(b) Purposes and procedure for investment
(1) The Association is authorized to purchase debentures and, thereafter, series A preferred stock of the Corporation at such times and in such amounts as may be required and requested by the Corporation in accordance with the terms and conditions governing such purchases (which shall be prescribed by the Association), to provide—
(A) for the modernization, rehabilitation and maintenance of rail properties of the Corporation;
(B) for the acquisition of equipment and other capital needs;
(C) for the refinancing of indebtedness which was incurred by the Corporation under section 721 of this title or which was incurred under section 725 of this title and assumed by the Corporation; or
(D) working capital as contemplated by the final system plan.
(2) Purchases of up to $1,000,000,000 of debentures and, thereafter, of up to $2,300,000,000 of series A preferred stock shall be made by the Association as required and requested by the Corporation, unless the Finance Committee makes an affirmative finding that—
(A) the Corporation has failed in any material respect to comply with any covenants or undertakings made to the Association and such failure remains uncorrected;
(B) the Corporation has failed substantially (as determined by performance within the margins prescribed by the Board of Directors) to attain the overall operating (including rehabilitation) and financial results projected for the Corporation in the final system plan (including any modifications of such projected results and of the performance margins applicable to such projected results which are jointly approved by the Finance Committee and the Board of Directors and which would improve the possibility that the Corporation will attain such projected results and perform within such margins, as modified); or
(C) it is not reasonably likely, taking into consideration all relevant factors including the overall operating (including rehabilitation) and financial results achieved by the Corporation, that the Corporation will be able to become financially self-sustaining without requiring Federal financial assistance substantially in excess of the amounts authorized in this section.
(A) Amounts transferred to the Association pursuant to section 509(b)(1) 1
1 See References in Text note below.
of the Railroad Revitalization and Regulatory Reform Act of 1976 may be used to purchase series A preferred stock of the Corporation to provide for the implementation by the Corporation of a program to reduce the Corporation’s work force, if the Finance Committee finds that the implementation of such program will result in substantial savings to the United States.
(B) An employee who ceases to be an employee as a result of the reduction of work force under a program implemented pursuant to this paragraph shall not, by reason of so ceasing to be an employee, or by reason of any work or employment entered into after so ceasing to be an employee, lose such employee’s current connection with the railroad industry for the purposes of the Railroad Retirement Act of 1974 [45 U.S.C. 231 et seq.].
(4) Purchases of up to $329,000,000 of a series A preferred stock shall be made by the Association, subject to the availability of appropriations, as required and requested by the Corporation, if the Finance Committee makes an affirmative finding that the Corporation has taken appropriate action to eliminate losses on light density lines and other lines which are unprofitable. Such action shall include the imposition of surcharges on such lines, the abandonment of such lines, and the transfer of such lines.
(5) The authority of the Association to purchase debentures or series A preferred stock of the Corporation shall terminate October 21, 1986.
(c) Finding, direction, and review by Congress
(1) If the Finance Committee makes an affirmative finding pursuant to subsection (b)(2) of this section, it may direct the Association—
(A) not to purchase any debentures or series A preferred stock of the Corporation after the date of such affirmative finding; or
(B) to purchase debentures or series A preferred stock of the Corporation, after the date of such affirmative finding, only in such amounts, at such times, and on such terms and conditions (notwithstanding subsection (e)(1) of this section) as the Finance Committee determines to be appropriate to the role of the Association as an investor in such debentures and series A preferred stock.
(2) A copy of each affirmative finding, the reasons therefor, and each direction made by the Finance Committee under paragraph (1) of this subsection, together with the comments and recommendations thereon of the Board of Directors of the Association, shall be transmitted to the Congress by the Association within 10 days after the date on which the Finance Committee makes such finding and direction, or if not so transmitted, shall be transmitted by the Finance Committee. Each such direction so transmitted shall become finally effective and is required to be implemented by the Association, unless within the first period of 30 calendar days of continuous session of Congress after the date of its transmittal to Congress either House of Congress disapproves such direction (except that such direction shall become finally effective immediately upon approval of such direction by both Houses of Congress) in accordance with the procedures specified in section 688 of title 2. For purposes of this paragraph, continuity of session of Congress is broken only in the circumstances described in section 682(5) of title 2. During review by the Association and Congress, the Association shall take no action inconsistent with the direction of the Finance Committee pursuant to paragraph (c)(1) of this section, except to the extent the Association finds necessary, in its discretion, to assure continuous orderly operation of the Corporation.
(3) If the Congress, pursuant to paragraph (2) of this subsection, disapproves a direction submitted to the Association pursuant to paragraph (1) of this subsection, the Association shall continue to purchase the debentures or series A preferred stock of the Corporation as otherwise provided in this subchapter until such time as a direction is submitted under this section which is not so disapproved (or affirmatively approved). The powers of the Association and of the Board of Directors of the Association shall remain in effect except to the extent modified by any such direction. If any such direction is disapproved by either House of Congress, the Finance Committee may, not earlier than 30 days after the date of such disapproval, make (and the Board of Directors of the Association shall transmit) any additional affirmative finding and direction with respect to the same matter, which direction shall become effective in accordance with paragraph (2) of this subsection. An affirmative finding and direction under this subsection, or action by the Association during a review thereof by the Congress, may not be held unlawful or set aside by any reviewing court on the ground that such finding and direction or action were not adequate to meet the requirements of subparagraph (A), (E), or (F) of section 706(2) of title 5.
(4) Notwithstanding any other provision of this section, or any terms and conditions governing its purchase of securities of the Corporation, the Association shall, upon written application by the Corporation at least 30 days prior to such investment, make an initial investment in debentures of the Corporation within 60 days after the date of conveyance of rail properties pursuant to section 743(b)(1) of this title. Such initial investment shall be limited to such amounts as the Association and Finance Committee, acting jointly, determine are necessary for the continued and orderly operations of the Corporation prior to any additional investment.
(5) Not later than 60 days after the date of conveyance pursuant to section 743(b)(1) of this title, the Association shall select 6 individuals to serve as members of the Board of Directors of the Corporation, subject to the provisions of section 741(d) of this title.
(d) Terms and conditionsNotwithstanding any other provision of State law, the debentures and the series A preferred stock of the Corporation shall have such terms and conditions, not inconsistent with the final system plan or this subchapter, as may be prescribed by the Association, except as follows:
(1) The Corporation shall not be required to issue to the Association additional shares of series A preferred stock of the Corporation as a dividend on any such stock.
(2) The dividends payable on series A preferred stock of the Corporation shall not be cumulative and shall be paid in cash when and to the extent that there is “cash available for restricted cash payments”, as that term is defined in the final system plan.
(3) After the Association calls for redemption of the certificates of value, no shares of series A preferred stock of the Corporation shall be issued in lieu of interest on the debentures of the Corporation and, to the extent such interest is not payable in cash by reason of the absence of sufficient “cash available for restricted cash payment”, the Corporation shall deliver to the holders of the debentures contingent interest notes in a face amount equal to such unpaid interest.
(4) If the Board of Directors of the Association and the Finance Committee, acting jointly, modify the terms or conditions governing the purchase of debentures or series A preferred stock of the Corporation pursuant to subsection (e)(1) of this section, or if the Finance Committee waives compliance with any term, condition, provision, or covenant of such securities pursuant to subsection (e)(2) of this section, the Finance Committee may require the Corporation to issue contingent interest notes in such amount as, in the determination of the Finance Committee, will provide protection for the United States, in the event of bankruptcy, reorganization, or receivership of the Corporation, equal to the protection the United States would have had in the absence of such modification or waiver.
(5) The contingent interest notes issued pursuant to this section shall bear interest compounded annually at the rate of 8 percent per anspan and such notes and the accumulated interest thereon shall be payable only in the event of bankruptcy, reorganization, or receivership of the Corporation occurring prior to the repayment and redemption of all outstanding debentures and accumulated series A preferred stock of the Corporation. The contingent interest notes and the accumulated interest thereon shall have the same priority in bankruptcy, reorganization, or receivership as the debentures of the Corporation. The other terms and conditions of the contingent interest notes shall be as set forth in an agreement to be entered into between the Association and the Corporation prior to issuance of any debentures.
(e) Modifications, waivers, and conversions
(1) The Board of Directors of the Association and the Finance Committee, acting jointly, may agree with the Corporation to modify any of the terms and conditions governing the purchase by the Association of securities of the Corporation, upon a finding that such action is necessary or appropriate to achieve the purposes of this chapter or the goals of the final system plan.
(2) The Finance Committee may, in its discretion and upon a finding that such action is necessary or appropriate to achieve the purposes of this chapter or the goals of the final system plan, waive compliance with any term, condition, provision, or covenant of the securities of the Corporation held by the Association, including any provision of such securities with respect to redemption of principal or issuance price, payment of interest or dividends, or any term or condition governing the purchase of such securities.
(3) Notwithstanding any provision of State law, there shall be no conversion of the debentures of the Corporation into series A preferred stock of the Corporation, as provided in the terms and conditions of the debentures and pursuant to the final system plan, unless the Board of Directors of the Association and the Finance Committee jointly determine to effect such conversion.
(f) Employee stock ownership plan
(1) The Association shall not invest the final $345,000,000 of the additional investment in the Corporation authorized by the Regional Rail Reorganization Act Amendments of 1978 unless and until (A) the Corporation has in effect an employee stock ownership plan which satisfies the requirements of paragraphs (2) and (3), and (B) the requirements of the other paragraphs of this subsection have been satisfied.
(2) The employee stock ownership plan shall:
(A) provide:
(i) for a transfer to the plan and allocation to the accounts of plan participants in periodic installments of Series A preferred stock of the Corporation with a stated redemption value of at least $345,000,000 or any other securities in an amount determined by the Association, with the concurrence of the Finance Committee, as constituting a meaningful interest in the Corporation, or any combination thereof so determined by the Association, with the concurrence of the Finance Committee. The use of Series A preferred stock to fund the Employee Stock Ownership Plan shall not be interpreted to relieve ConRail of the responsibility for repaying in full to the United States Railway Association its indebtedness as represented by all shares originally issued under Public Law 94–210 and this chapter;
(ii) for immediate vesting of the rights of participants to such securities upon allocation, subject to defeasance as a result of the plan’s termination which termination shall occur in the event that, by the end of the 120th month beginning after the month in which securities or interests therein are first allocated to participants’ accounts, the Corporation has not attained for two consecutive quarters positive net income and a freight labor cost to freight revenue ratio equal to the average such ratio for all Class I railroads in 1977, as determined pursuant to procedures adopted by the Corporation pursuant to regulations promulgated by the Association with the concurrence of the Finance Committee;
(B) be an employee benefit plan which is designed to invest primarily in employer securities;
(C) meets such other requirements (similar to requirements applicable to employee stock ownership plans as defined in section 4975(e)(7) of title 26) as the Secretary of the Treasury or his delegate may describe;
(D) have been approved by the Board of Directors of the Corporation to the extent and in the manner which may be required by the Corporation’s articles of incorporation and bylaws then in effect; and
(E) have been prepared in consultation with, and been approved by, the Association and the Finance Committee.
(3) Notwithstanding any other provision of law, if a plan does not meet the requirements of section 401 of title 26
(A) stock transferred under paragraph (2) and allocated to the account of any participant under paragraph (2) shall not be considered income of the participant or his beneficiary under title 26 until such stock or dividends are actually distributed or made available to the participant or his beneficiary and, at such time, shall be taxable under section 72 of title 26 (treating the participant or his beneficiary as having a basis of 0 in the stock);
(B) no amount shall be allocated to any participant under the plan in excess of the amount which might be allocated if the plan met the requirements of section 401 of title 26; and
(C) the plan must meet the requirements of sections 410 and 415 of title 26.
(4) The Corporation shall adopt such terms and conditions governing the securities of interests therein to be transferred to the plan (including limitations on voting rights) as the Association, with the concurrence of the Finance Committee, determines are necessary to protect reasonably the interests of the United States in the litigation pursuant to
(5) The Corporation, the Association, and a representative appointed by the Chairman of the Railway Labor Executives’ Association as representative of all the classes or crafts of employees of the Corporation shall engage in negotiations to agree upon a plan in accordance with the provisions of this subsection. For purposes of this subsection, the Railway Labor Executives’ Association shall be deemed to represent all of the representatives of crafts or classes of employees of the Corporation and its subsidiaries as though that organization held powers of attorney from each representative of a craft or class for the limited purposes of negotiating and agreeing upon an employee stock ownership plan. The parties shall incorporate their agreement into a written plan instrument specifying the terms and conditions set forth in this subsection and such other terms and conditions as they may decide upon, with the concurrence of the Finance Committee, unless the parties are unable to reach on 2
2 So in original.
an agreement on the plan following the exertion of every reasonable effort to do so, in accordance with the Railway Labor Act [45 U.S.C. 151 et seq.], in which event, the Corporation and the Association, with the concurrence of the Finance Committee, shall establish a written plan with such terms and conditions as they may agree upon in accordance with this subsection. The plan shall not be subject to change under the provisions of section 6 of the Railway Labor Act [45 U.S.C. 156] until after such time as securities have been distributed from the plan to the participants in the plan or their beneficiaries pursuant to the terms of the plan. Within one year after November 1, 1978, the Corporation shall transmit a draft of such plan to the Congress and shall report on its progress in establishing and administering the plan. The report shall include recommendations of contractual and statutory provisions necessary to reasonably (A) exempt any Trustee of the plan, the Corporation, the Association, any member of the Finance Committee, and any other person from any fiduciary duty, responsibility or liability for the acquisition of, investment in, or retention of any security or interest therein of the Corporation or for any other transaction contemplated by this subsection and (B) provide for the United States to indemnify, defend, and hold harmless such persons against any and all liabilities, claims, actions, judgments, amounts paid in settlement, and costs and expenses actually incurred in connection with any matter so exempted in which it is determined that such persons were acting in good faith and in a manner they believed to not be opposed to the best interests of the plan.
(6) Within fourteen months of November 1, 1978, the Association shall report to the Congress on the draft plan and on any legal obstacle to the ability of the Corporation to effectuate and implement an employee stock ownership plan of the nature contemplated by this subsection, including specific recommendations on amendments to this subsection and other relevant laws which would harmonize the requirements of this subsection with those other laws. The Department of Transportation and the Department of the Treasury, as each finds appropriate, shall provide separate comments to the Association for inclusion with such report.
(7) For the purposes of this subsection, the officers of each duly authorized representative of the crafts or classes of the employees of the Corporation who have been given leaves of absence by the Corporation to serve as such officers, are to be eligible to participate in such plan on the same basis as are employees whose employment is governed by a collective bargaining agreement with the Corporation.
(A) Except as provided in subparagraph (B) of this paragraph, no person described in subparagraph (C) of this paragraph shall have or be subject to any fiduciary responsibility, obligation, or duty, nor shall any such person be subject to civil liability, under any Federal or State law, as a fiduciary or otherwise—
(i) in connection with the employee stock ownership plan and related trust established by the Corporation pursuant to the requirements of this subsection or with ConRail Equity Corporation (I) on account of any reorganization or restructuring of the Corporation, its successors or assigns, or their assets or capital structure, or (II) on account of any action taken or not taken by the Corporation which may affect its ability to attain the performance levels established in connection with the plan pursuant to paragraph (2)(A)(ii) of this subsection;
(ii) for or in connection with the establishment, continuation or implementation of the plan and related trust or of ConRail Equity Corporation or the acquisition of, investment in or retention of any security of the Corporation or ConRail Equity Corporation, or of any of their successors and assigns, by the plan or ConRail Equity Corporation, or the disposition of any such security to the extent that such disposition is made in connection with a reorganization or restructuring of the Corporation, its successors and assigns, or their assets or capital structure, as directed or approved by or on behalf of the Association or the United States, or the acquisition or retention of any cash, security or other property received in connection with any such reorganization or restructuring; or
(iii) for or in connection with any other action taken or not taken pursuant to any term or condition of the plan or related trust agreement or of the articles of incorporation or bylaws of ConRail Equity Corporation.
Any directions described in clauses (i)(I), (ii), or (iii) shall be taken at the direction, or with the consent, of the Association or of the Secretary or his designate.
(B) Subparagraph (A) of this paragraph shall not be interpreted to relieve any person from any fiduciary or other responsibility, obligation or duty under any Federal or State law to take or not to take actions with respect to the plan in connection with (i) receiving contributions, (ii) exercising custodial responsibilities, (iii) determining eligibility to participate in the plan, (iv) calculating, determining and paying benefits, (v) processing and deciding claims, (vi) preparing and distributing plan information, benefit statements, returns and reports, (vii) maintaining plan records, (viii) appointing plan fiduciaries and other persons to advise or assist in plan administration and (ix) other than as provided in subparagraph (A), acquiring, holding or disposing of plan assets.
(C) For purposes of subparagraph (A) of this paragraph, the term “person” includes each of the following:
(i) the trustee or trustees of the plan, the Corporation and its subsidiaries, ConRail Equity Corporation, the Association, and any of their successors and assigns;
(ii) each director, officer, employee and agent of the Corporation of 3
3 So in original. Probably should be “or”.
any of its subsidiaries, of ConRail Equity Corporation, of the plan, of the Association or of any of their successors and assigns; and
(iii) each member of the Finance Committee and any of their employees and agents.
(D) Neither this paragraph nor paragraph (9) of this subsection shall be construed to grant immunity from any criminal law of the United States or of any State or the District of Columbia.
(9) The United States shall indemnify, defend, and hold harmless the persons described in paragraph (8)(C) of this subsection from and against any and all liabilities, claims, actions, judgments, amounts paid in settlement, and costs and expenses (including reasonable fees of accountants, experts, and attorneys) actually incurred in connection with the establishment, implementation, or operation of the plan or ConRail Equity Corporation or with any transaction which is required by or is appropriate to effectuate fully the provisions of this subsection, except as may arise in connection with the execution of a responsibility, obligation, or duty excluded from paragraph (8)(A) by paragraph (8)(B), if it is determined that such persons were acting in good faith. The indemnity provided in this paragraph shall be a full faith and credit obligation of the United States.
(10) All securities of the Corporation, all securities of any subsidiary of the Corporation and of ConRail Equity Corporation, and all interests in the employee stock ownership plan which are issued or transferred in connection with the employee stock ownership plan established by the Corporation pursuant to the requirements of this subsection shall be deemed for all purposes to have been issued subject to and authorized and approved pursuant to section 11301(b) 4
4 See References in Text note below.
of title 49 and any corresponding provision of any successor statute.
(g) Authorization of appropriations; reappropriation of funds
(1) There is authorized to be appropriated to the Association $3,629,000,000 to be used for the purchase of securities of the Corporation in accordance with this section. All sums received by the Association on account of the holding or disposition of any such securities shall be deposited in the general fund of the Treasury.
(2) To the extent provided in appropriation Acts, any funds appropriated under the authority of paragraph (1) of this subsection prior to January 14, 1983, may be reappropriated to the Secretary, to facilitate the transfer of rail commuter services from the Corporation to other operators, for distribution under the statutory provisions of section 1139(b) of the Northeast Rail Service Act of 1981.
(Pub. L. 93–236, title II, § 216, as added Pub. L. 94–210, title VI, § 605, Feb. 5, 1976, 90 Stat. 89; amended Pub. L. 95–565, §§ 2, 3, Nov. 1, 1978, 92 Stat. 2397; Pub. L. 96–254, title I, § 118, May 30, 1980, 94 Stat. 406; Pub. L. 96–448, title IV, § 405(b)(2), title VII, § 703(e), (f)(1), (2), Oct. 14, 1980, 94 Stat. 1946, 1964, 1965; Pub. L. 97–468, title V, § 504(b), Jan. 14, 1983, 96 Stat. 2552; Pub. L. 99–509, title IV, § 4011(d), Oct. 21, 1986, 100 Stat. 1896; Pub. L. 99–514, § 2, Oct. 22, 1986, 100 Stat. 2095.)
§ 727. Additional purchases of Series A preferred stock
(a) Federal investment
(b) Accounts receivable
(1) In any further purchase under this section or section 726 of this title the Association shall purchase accounts receivable of the Corporation attributable to the dispute over the right-of-way related costs described in section 1111 1
1 See References in Text note below.
of this title until the Commission resolves such dispute under such section, and accounts receivable of the Corporation attributable to delays in reimbursement from commuter authorities.
(2) From funds provided under this section or section 726 of this title, the Association shall purchase Series A preferred stock of the Corporation, to the extent of losses on commuter service, in an amount not to exceed $15,000,000.
(c) States and localities
(d) Debentures
(e) Rights retained
(f) Authorization of appropriations
(1) There is authorized to be appropriated not to exceed $262,000,000—
(A) of which not to exceed $137,000,000 shall be appropriated to the Association for purposes of purchasing securities and accounts receivable of the Corporation under this section, such sums to remain available until the Secretary transfers the Corporation under subchapter IV 1 of this chapter;
(B) of which not to exceed $75,000,000 shall be appropriated to the Secretary, to facilitate the transfer of rail commuter services from the Corporation to other operators, for distribution under the statutory provisions of section 1139(b) of the Northeast Rail Service Act of 1981;
(C) of which not to exceed $35,000,000 shall be appropriated to the Secretary to be allocated for employee protection under section 1005 of this title; and
(D) of which not to exceed $15,000,000 shall be appropriated to the Secretary to facilitate the transfer of rail commuter services from railroads that entered reorganization after calendar year 1974 to any commuter authority that was providing commuter service, operated by a railroad that entered reorganization after calendar year 1974, as of January 1, 1979.
(2) All sums received on account of the holding or disposition of any securities or accounts receivable referred to in paragraph (1)(A) of this subsection shall be deposited in the general fund of the Treasury.
(3) The amount authorized to be appropriated under paragraph (1)(B) of this subsection shall be reduced, in an amount equal to any amounts reappropriated under the authority of section 726(g)(2) of this title, upon the date of enactment of any Act which reappropriates such amounts.
(Pub. L. 93–236, title II, § 217, as added Pub. L. 97–35, title XI, § 1140(a), Aug. 13, 1981, 95 Stat. 653; amended
§ 728. Reports to Congress
(a) Progress and evaluation
(1) The Association shall prepare and submit to Congress periodic reports on the progress of the Secretary in carrying out the provisions of subchapters II, III, and IV 1
1 See References in Text note below.
of this chapter.
(2) Reports submitted under paragraph (1) of this subsection shall also include an evaluation of the performance of the Corporation in order to keep the Congress informed as to matters which may affect the quality of rail service in the Northeast and which may affect the security of Federal funds invested in the Corporation.
(b) Transfer agreements
(1) The Association shall prepare and submit to Congress a final report on the transfer agreements which the Secretary is required to transmit to Congress under section 767 1 of this title. Such report shall be submitted on the same date as the Secretary’s transmittal of such agreements to Congress.
(2) The report submitted under paragraph (1) of this subsection shall include an evaluation of the effect of the transfer agreements on rail service in the Northeast, railroad employees, the economy of the Region, other railroads in the Northeast and elsewhere, and any other matter which the Association considers appropriate. Such report shall also include recommendations with respect to approval, disapproval, or modification of the transfer agreements.
(Pub. L. 93–236, title II, § 218, as added Pub. L. 97–35, title XI, § 1150(a), Aug. 13, 1981, 95 Stat. 675.)
§ 729. Advisory Board

Members of the Board of Directors of the Association serving on the day before August 13, 1981, shall serve as an Advisory Board to the Association. A member of the Advisory Board who is not otherwise an employee of the Federal Government shall receive reimbursement for travel, subsistence, and other necessary expenses incurred in the performance of such duties. The Chairman of the Association shall serve as Chairman of the Advisory Board. Any vacancy on the Advisory Board shall be filled by the Association with a representative from the group which had a representative in the vacant position.

(Pub. L. 93–236, title II, § 219, as added Pub. L. 97–35, title XI, § 1150(a), Aug. 13, 1981, 95 Stat. 675.)