Collapse to view only § 1521. Central Arizona Project

§ 1521. Central Arizona Project
(a) Construction and operation; Hayden-Rhodes Aqueduct and pumping plants; Orme Dam and Reservoir; Buttes Dam and Reservoir; Hooker Dam and Reservoir; Charleston Dam and Reservoir; Tucson aqueducts and pumping plants; Fannin-McFarland Aqueduct; related and appurtenant works
(b) Limitation on water diversions in years of insufficient main stream Colorado River water
(c) Augmentation of water supply of Colorado River system
(Pub. L. 90–537, title III, § 301, Sept. 30, 1968, 82 Stat. 887; Pub. L. 100–345, § 2(b), June 24, 1988, 102 Stat. 643; Pub. L. 102–575, title XIII, § 1302, Oct. 30, 1992, 106 Stat. 4662.)
§ 1522. Orme Dam and Reservoir
(a) Acquisition of lands of Salt River Pima-Maricopa Indian Community and Fort McDowell-Apache Indian Community; relocation; eminent domain
(b) Rights of former owners to use or lease land
(c) Addition of land to Fort McDowell Indian Reservation
(d) Recreational facilities developed and operated by Indian communities along Orme Reservoir shoreline
(e) Exemption of funds from State and Federal income taxes
(Pub. L. 90–537, title III, § 302, Sept. 30, 1968, 82 Stat. 888.)
§ 1523. Power requirements of Central Arizona Project and augmentation of Lower Colorado River Basin Development Fund
(a) Engineering and economic studies
(b) Construction of thermal generating powerplants; agreements for acquisition by United States of portions of plant capacity
If included as a part of the recommended plan, the Secretary may enter into agreements with non-Federal interests proposing to construct thermal generating powerplants whereby the United States shall acquire the right to such portions of their capacity, including delivery of power and energy over appurtenant transmission facilities to mutually agreed upon delivery points, as he determines is required in connection with the operation of the Central Arizona Project. When not required for the Central Arizona Project, the power and energy acquired by such agreements may be disposed of intermittently by the Secretary for other purposes at such prices as he may determine, including its marketing in conjunction with the sale of power and energy from Federal powerplants in the Colorado River system so as to produce the greatest practicable amount of power and energy that can be sold at firm power and energy rates. The agreements shall provide among other things, that—
(1) the United States shall pay not more than that portion of the total construction cost, exclusive of interest during construction, of the powerplants, and of any switchyards and transmission facilities serving the United States, as is represented by the ratios of the respective capacities to be provided for the United States therein to the total capacities of such facilities. The Secretary shall make the Federal portion of such costs available to the non-Federal interests during the construction period, including the period of preparation of designs and specifications, in such installments as will facilitate a timely construction schedule, but no funds other than for preconstruction activities shall be made available by the Secretary until he determines that adequate contractual arrangements have been entered into between all the affected parties covering land, water, fuel supplies, power (its availability and use), rights-of-way, transmission facilities and all other necessary matters for the thermal generating powerplants;
(2) annual operation and maintenance costs shall be apportioned between the United States and the non-Federal interests on an equitable basis taking into account the ratios determined in accordance with the foregoing clause (1): Provided, however, That the United States shall share on the foregoing basis in the depreciation component of such costs only to the extent of provision for depreciation on replacements financed by the non-Federal interests;
(3) the United States shall be given appropriate credit for any interests in Federal lands administered by the Department of the Interior that are made available for the power plants and appurtenances;
(4) costs to be borne by the United States under clauses (1) and (2) shall not include (a) interest and interest during construction, (b) financing charges, (c) franchise fees, and (d) such other costs as shall be specified in the agreement.
(c) Recommended plan; submission to Congress
(d) Apportionment of water for Arizona plants diverted above Lee Ferry
(Pub. L. 90–537, title III, § 303, Sept. 30, 1968, 82 Stat. 889.)
§ 1524. Water furnished from Central Arizona Project
(a) Restriction on use of water for irrigation
(b) Contracts with municipal and industrial users
(1) Irrigation and municipal and industrial water supply under the Central Arizona Project within the State of Arizona may, in the event the Secretary determines that it is necessary to effect repayment, be pursuant to master contracts with organizations which have power to levy assessments against all taxable real property within their boundaries. The terms and conditions of contracts or other arrangements whereby each such organization makes water from the Central Arizona Project available to users within its boundaries shall be subject to the Secretary’s approval, and the United States shall, if the Secretary determines such action is desirable to facilitate carrying out the provisions of this chapter, have the right to require that it be a party to such contracts or that contracts subsidiary to the master contracts be entered into between the United States and any user. The provisions of this clause (1) shall not apply to the supplying of water to an Indian tribe for use within the boundaries of an Indian reservation.
(2) Any obligation assumed pursuant to section 485h(d) of this title with respect to any project contract unit or irrigation block shall be repaid over a basic period of not more than fifty years; any water service provided pursuant to section 485h(e) of this title may be on the basis of delivery of water for a period of fifty years and for the delivery of such water at an identical price per acre-foot for water of the same class at the several points of delivery from the main canals and conduits and from such other points of delivery as the Secretary may designate; and long-term contracts relating to irrigation water supply shall provide that water made available thereunder may be made available by the Secretary for municipal or industrial purposes if and to the extent that such water is not required by the contractor for irrigation purposes.
(3) Contracts relating to municipal and industrial water supply under the Central Arizona Project may be made without regard to the limitations of the last sentence of section 485h(c) of this title; may provide for the delivery of such water at an identical price per acre-foot for water of the same class at the several points of delivery from the main canals and conduits; and may provide for repayment over a period of fifty years if made pursuant to clause (1) of said section and for the delivery of water over a period of fifty years if made pursuant to clause (2) thereof.
(c) Water conservation
(d) Water exchanges
(e) Water shortage priorities
(f) New Mexico users; water exchange contracts
(1) In the operation of the Central Arizona Project, the Secretary shall offer to contract with water users in the State of New Mexico, with the approval of its Interstate Stream Commission, or with the State of New Mexico, through its Interstate Stream Commission, for water from the Gila River, its tributaries and underground water sources in amounts that will permit consumptive use of water in New Mexico of not to exceed an annual average in any period of 10 consecutive years of 14,000 acre-feet, including reservoir evaporation, over and above the consumptive uses provided for by article IV of the decree of the Supreme Court of the United States in Arizona v. California (376 U.S. 340). Such increased consumptive uses shall continue only so long as delivery of Colorado River water to downstream Gila River users in Arizona is being accomplished in accordance with this chapter, in quantities sufficient to replace any diminution of their supply resulting from such diversion from the Gila River, its tributaries and underground water sources. In determining the amount required for this purpose, full consideration shall be given to any differences in the quality of the water involved.
(2) All additional consumptive uses provided for in clauses (1) and (2) 1
1 So in original.
of this subsection shall be subject to all rights in New Mexico and Arizona as established by the decree entered by the United States District Court for the District of Arizona on June 29, 1935, in United States against Gila Valley Irrigation District and others (Globe Equity Numbered 59) and to all other rights existing on September 30, 1968, in New Mexico and Arizona to water from the Gila River, its tributaries, and underground water sources, and shall be junior thereto and shall be made only to the extent possible without economic injury or cost to the holders of such rights.
(Pub. L. 90–537, title III, § 304, Sept. 30, 1968, 82 Stat. 891; Pub. L. 102–575, title XXXVII, § 3710(k), Oct. 30, 1992, 106 Stat. 4751; Pub. L. 108–451, title II, § 212(d), Dec. 10, 2004, 118 Stat. 3528.)
§ 1525. Cost of main stream water of Colorado River

To the extent that the flow of the main stream of the Colorado River is augmented in order to make sufficient water available for release, as determined by the Secretary pursuant to article II(b)(1) of the decree of the Supreme Court of the United States in Arizona against California (376 U.S. 340), to satisfy annual consumptive use of two million eight hundred thousand acre-feet in Arizona, four million four hundred thousand acre-feet in California, and three hundred thousand acre-feet in Nevada, respectively, the Secretary shall make such water available to users of main stream water in those States at the same costs (to the extent that such costs can be made comparable through the nonreimbursable allocation to the replenishment of the deficiencies occasioned by satisfaction of the Mexican Treaty burden as herein provided and financial assistance from the development fund established by section 1543 of this title) and on the same terms as would be applicable if main stream water were available for release in the quantities required to supply such consumptive use.

(Pub. L. 90–537, title III, § 305, Sept. 30, 1968, 82 Stat. 893.)
§ 1526. Water salvage programs

The Secretary shall undertake programs for water salvage and ground water recovery along and adjacent to the main stream of the Colorado River. Such programs shall be consistent with maintenance of a reasonable degree of undistributed habitat for fish and wildlife in the area, as determined by the Secretary.

(Pub. L. 90–537, title III, § 306, Sept. 30, 1968, 82 Stat. 893.)
§ 1527. Fish and wildlife conservation and development

The conservation and development of the fish and wildlife resources and the enhancement of recreation opportunities in connection with the project works authorized pursuant to this subchapter shall be in accordance with the provisions of the Federal Water Project Recreation Act (79 Stat. 213) [16 U.S.C. 460l–12 et seq.], except as provided in section 1522 of this title.

(Pub. L. 90–537, title III, § 308, Sept. 30, 1968, 82 Stat. 893.)
§ 1528. Authorization of appropriations
(a) There is hereby authorized to be appropriated for construction of the Central Arizona Project, including prepayment for power generation and transmission facilities but exclusive of distribution and drainage facilities for non-Indian lands, $832,180,000 plus or minus such amounts, if any, as may be justified by reason of ordinary fluctuations in construction costs as indicated by engineering cost indices applicable to the types of construction involved therein and, in addition thereto, such sums as may be required for operation and maintenance of the project.
(b) There is also authorized to be appropriated $100,000,000 for construction of distribution and drainage facilities for non-Indian lands plus or minus such amounts, if any, as may be justified by reason of ordinary fluctuations in construction costs as indicated by engineering and cost indices applicable to the types of construction involved therein from
(Pub. L. 90–537, title III, § 309, Sept. 30, 1968, 82 Stat. 893; Pub. L. 97–373, Dec. 20, 1982, 96 Stat. 1817.)