Collapse to view only § 6371. Definitions

§ 6371. DefinitionsFor the purposes of this part—
(1) The term “building” means any structure the construction of which was completed on or before
(2) The term “energy conservation measure” means an installation or modification of an installation in a building which is primarily intended to maintain or reduce energy consumption and reduce energy costs or allow the use of an alternative energy source, including, but not limited to—
(A) insulation of the building structure and systems within the building;
(B) storm windows and doors, multiglazed windows and doors, heat absorbing or heat reflective glazed and coated windows and door systems, additional glazing, reductions in glass area, and other window and door system modifications;
(C) automatic energy control systems and load management systems;
(D) equipment required to operate variable steam, hydraulic, and ventilating systems adjusted by automatic energy control systems;
(E) solar space heating or cooling systems, solar electric generating systems, or any combination thereof;
(F) solar water heating systems;
(G) furnace or utility plant and distribution system modifications including—
(i) replacement burners, furnaces, boilers, or any combination thereof, which substantially increases the energy efficiency of the heating system,
(ii) devices for modifying flue openings which will increase the energy efficiency of the heating system,
(iii) electrical or mechanical furnace ignition systems which replace standing gas pilot lights, and
(iv) utility plant system conversion measures including conversion of existing oil- and gas-fired boiler installations to alternative energy sources, including coal;
(H) caulking and weatherstripping;
(I) replacement or modification of lighting fixtures which replacement or modification increases the energy efficiency of the lighting system without increasing the overall illumination of a facility (unless such increase in illumination is necessary to conform to any applicable State or local building code or, if no such code applies, the increase is considered appropriate by the Secretary);
(J) energy recovery systems;
(K) cogeneration systems which produce steam or forms of energy such as heat, as well as electricity for use primarily within a building or a complex of buildings owned by a school or hospital and which meet such fuel efficiency requirements as the Secretary may by rule prescribe;
(L) such other measures as the Secretary identifies by rule for purposes of this part; and
(M) such other measures as a grant applicant shows will save a substantial amount of energy and as are identified in an energy audit prescribed pursuant to section 6325(e)(2) of this title.
(3) The term “hospital” means a public or nonprofit institution which is—
(A) a general hospital, tuberculosis hospital, or any other type of hospital, other than a hospital furnishing primarily domiciliary care; and
(B) duly authorized to provide hospital services under the laws of the State in which it is situated.
(4) The term “hospital facilities” means buildings housing a hospital and related facilities, including laboratories, outpatient departments, nurses’ home and training facilities and central service facilities operated in connection with a hospital, and also includes buildings housing education or training facilities for health professions personnel operated as an integral part of a hospital.
(5) The term “public or nonprofit institution” means an institution owned and operated by—
(A) a State, a political subdivision of a State or an agency or instrumentality of either, or
(B) an organization exempt from income tax under section 501(c)(3) of title 26.
(6) The term “school” means a public or nonprofit institution which—
(A) provides, and is legally authorized to provide, elementary education or secondary education, or both, on a day or residential basis;
(i) provides, and is legally authorized to provide a program of education beyond secondary education, on a day or residential basis;
(ii) admits as students only persons having a certificate of graduation from a school providing secondary education, or the recognized equivalent of such certificate;
(iii) is accredited by a nationally recognized accrediting agency or association; and
(iv) provides an educational program for which it awards a bachelor’s degree or higher degree or provides not less than a two-year program which is acceptable for full credit toward such a degree at any institution which meets the requirements of clauses (i), (ii), and (iii) and which provides such a program;
(C) provides not less than a one-year program of training to prepare students for gainful employment in a recognized occupation and which meets the provisions of clauses (i), (ii), and (iii) of subparagraph (B); or
(D) is a local educational agency.
(7) The term “local education agency” means a public board of education or other public authority or a nonprofit institution legally constituted within, or otherwise recognized by, a State for either administrative control or direction of, or to perform administrative services for, a group of schools within a State.
(8) The term “school facilities” means buildings housing classrooms, laboratories, dormitories, administrative facilities, athletic facilities, or related facilities operated in connection with a school.
(9) The term “State” means, in addition to the several States of the Union, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, Guam, American Samoa, the Northern Mariana Islands, and the Virgin Islands.
(10) The term “State energy agency” means the State agency responsible for developing State energy conservation plans pursuant to section 6322 of this title, or, if no such agency exists, a State agency designated by the Governor of such State to prepare and submit a State plan under section 6371c of this title.
(11) The term “State school facilities agency” means an existing agency which is broadly representative of public institutions of higher education, nonprofit institutions of higher education, public elementary and secondary schools, nonprofit elementary and secondary schools, public vocational education institutions, nonprofit vocational education institutions, and the interests of handicapped persons, in a State or, if no such agency exists, an agency which is designated by the Governor of such State which conforms to the requirements of this paragraph.
(12) The term “State hospital facilities agency” means an existing agency which is broadly representative of the public hospitals and the nonprofit hospitals, or, if no such agency exists, an agency designated by the Governor of such State which conforms to the requirements of this paragraph.
(13) The term “energy audit” means a determination of the energy consumption characteristics of a building which—
(A) identifies the type, size, and rate of energy consumption of such building and the major energy using systems of such building;
(B) determines appropriate energy conservation maintenance and operating procedures; and
(C) indicates the need, if any, for the acquisition and installation of energy conservation measures.
(14) The term “preliminary energy audit” means a determination of the energy consumption characteristics of a building, including the size, type, rate of energy consumption and major energy-using systems of such building.
(15) The term “energy conservation project” means—
(A) an undertaking to acquire and to install one or more energy conservation measures in school or hospital facilities and
(B) technical assistance in connection with any such undertaking and technical assistance as described in paragraph (17)(A).
(16) The term “energy conservation project costs” includes only costs incurred in the design, acquisition, construction, and installation of energy conservation measures and technical assistance costs.
(17) The term “technical assistance” means assistance, under rules promulgated by the Secretary, to States, schools, and hospitals—
(A) to conduct specialized studies identifying and specifying energy savings or energy cost savings that are likely to be realized as a result of (i) modification of maintenance and operating procedures in a building, or (ii) the acquisition and installation of one or more specified energy conservation measures in such building, or (iii) both, and
(B) the planning or administration of specific remodeling, renovation, repair, replacement, or insulation projects related to the installation of energy conservation measures in such building.
(18) The term “technical assistance costs” means costs incurred for the use of existing personnel or the temporary employment of other qualified personnel (or both such types of personnel) necessary for providing technical assistance.
(19) The term “energy conservation maintenance and operating procedure” means modification or modifications in the maintenance and operations of a building, and any installations therein, which are designed to reduce energy consumption in such building and which require no significant expenditure of funds.
(20) The term “Secretary” means the Secretary of Energy or his designee.
(21) The term “Governor” means the chief executive officer of a State or his designee.
(Pub. L. 94–163, title III, § 391, as added Pub. L. 95–619, title III, § 302(a), Nov. 9, 1978, 92 Stat. 3239; amended Pub. L. 98–454, title VI, § 601(e), Oct. 5, 1984, 98 Stat. 1736; Pub. L. 99–514, § 2, Oct. 22, 1986, 100 Stat. 2095; Pub. L. 101–440, § 6(b), Oct. 18, 1990, 104 Stat. 1011; Pub. L. 105–388, § 5(a)(9), Nov. 13, 1998, 112 Stat. 3478.)
§ 6371a. Guidelines
(a) Energy audits
The Secretary shall, by rule, not later than 60 days after November 9, 1978
(1) prescribe guidelines for the conduct of preliminary energy audits, including a description of the type, number, and distribution of preliminary energy audits of school and hospital facilities that will provide a reasonably accurate evaluation of the energy conservation needs of all such facilities in each State, and
(2) prescribe guidelines for the conduct of energy audits.
(b) State plans for implementation of energy conservation projects in schools and hospitals
The Secretary shall, by rule, not later than 90 days after November 9, 1978, prescribe guidelines for State plans for the implementation of energy conservation projects in schools and hospitals. The guidelines shall include—
(1) a description of the factors which the State energy agency may consider in determining which energy conservation projects will be given priority in making grants pursuant to this part, including such factors as cost, energy consumption, energy savings, and energy conservation goals,
(2) a description of the suggested criteria to be used in establishing a State program to identify persons qualified to implement energy conservation projects, and
(3) a description of the types of energy conservation measures deemed appropriate for each region of the Nation.
(c) Revisions
(d) Determination of severe hardship class for schools and hospitals
(Pub. L. 94–163, title III, § 392, as added Pub. L. 95–619, title III, § 302(a), Nov. 9, 1978, 92 Stat. 3242.)
§ 6371b. Preliminary energy audits and energy audits
(a) Application by Governor
(b) Grants for conduct of preliminary energy audits
(c) Grants for conduct of energy audits
(d) Audits conducted prior to grant of financial assistance
(e) Restriction on use of funds; grant covering total cost of energy audits
(1) Except as provided in paragraph (2), amounts made available under this section (together with any other amounts made available from other Federal sources) may not be used to pay more than 50 percent of the costs of any preliminary energy audit or any energy audit.
(2) Upon the request of the Governor, the Secretary may make grants to a State for up to 100 percent of the costs of any preliminary energy audits and energy audits, subject to the requirements of section 6371g(a)(3) of this title.
(Pub. L. 94–163, title III, § 393, as added Pub. L. 95–619, title III, § 302(a), Nov. 9, 1978, 92 Stat. 3242.)
§ 6371c. State plans
(a) Invitation to State energy agency to submit plan; contentsThe Secretary shall invite the State energy agency of each State to submit, within 90 days after the effective date of the guidelines prescribed pursuant to section 6371a of this title, or such longer period as the Secretary may, for good cause, allow, a State plan under this section for such State. Such plan shall include—
(1) the results of preliminary energy audits conducted in accordance with the guidelines prescribed under section 6371a(a)(1) of this title, and an estimate of the energy savings that may result from the modification of maintenance and operating procedures and installation of energy conservation measures in the schools and hospitals in such State;
(2) a recommendation as to the types of energy conservation projects considered appropriate for schools and hospitals in such State, together with an estimate of the costs of carrying out such projects in each year for which funds are appropriated;
(3) a program for identifying persons qualified to carry out energy conservation projects;
(4) procedures to insure that funds will be allocated among eligible applicants for energy conservation projects within such State, including procedures—
(A) to insure that funds will be allocated on the basis of relative need taking into account such factors as cost, energy consumption and energy savings, and
(B) to insure that equitable consideration is given to all eligible public or nonprofit institutions regardless of size and type of ownership;
(5) a statement of the extent to which, and by which methods, such State will encourage utilization of solar space heating, cooling, and electric systems and solar water heating systems where appropriate;
(6) procedures to assure that all assistance under this part in such State will be expended in compliance with the requirements of an approved State plan for such State, and in compliance with the requirements of this part;
(7) procedures to insure implementation of energy conserving maintenance and operating procedures in those facilities for which proj­ects are proposed; and
(8) policies and procedures designed to assure that financial assistance provided under this part in such State will be used to supplement, and not to supplant, State, local, or other funds.
(b) Approval of plans
(c) Development and implementation of approved plans; submission of proposed State plan
(1) If a State plan has not been approved under this section within 2 years and 90 days after November 9, 1978, or within 90 days after the completion of the preliminary audits under section 6371b(a) of this title, whichever is later, the Secretary may take such action as necessary to develop and implement such a State plan and to carry out the functions which would otherwise be carried out under this part by the State energy agency, State school facilities agency, and State hospital facilities agency, in order that the energy conservation program for schools and hospitals may be implemented in such State.
(2) Notwithstanding any other provision contained in this section, a State may, at any time, submit a proposed State plan for such State under this section. The Secretary shall approve or disapprove such plan not later than 60 days after receipt by the Secretary. If such plan meets the requirements of subsection (a) and is not inconsistent with any plan developed and implemented by the Secretary under paragraph (1), the Secretary shall approve the plan and withdraw any such plan developed and implemented by the Secretary.
(Pub. L. 94–163, title III, § 394, as added Pub. L. 95–619, title III, § 302(a), Nov. 9, 1978, 92 Stat. 3243; amended Pub. L. 105–388, § 5(a)(10), Nov. 13, 1998, 112 Stat. 3478.)
§ 6371d. Applications for financial assistance
(a) Limitation on number of applications by States, schools, and hospitals; submittal to State energy agency
(b) Required information
(c) Conditions for financial assistance; applications consistent with related State programs and health plans
(1) The Secretary may not provide financial assistance to States, schools, or hospitals for energy conservation projects unless the application for a grant for such project is submitted through, or approved by the appropriate State hospital facilities agency or State school facilities agency, respectively, and determined by the State energy agency to comply with the State plan.
(2) Applications of States, schools, and hospitals and State plans pursuant to this part shall be consistent with—
(A) related State programs for educational facilities in such State, and
(B) State health plans under section 300m–3(c)(2) 1
1 See References in Text note below.
and 300o–2 1 of this title, and shall be coordinated through the review mechanisms required under section 300m–2 1 of this title and section 1320a–1 of this title.
(d) Compliance required for approval; reasons for disapproval; resubmittal; amendment
(e) Suspension of further assistance for failure to comply
(Pub. L. 94–163, title III, § 395, as added Pub. L. 95–619, title III, § 302(a), Nov. 9, 1978, 92 Stat. 3244.)
§ 6371e. Grants for project costs and technical assistance
(a) Authorization of Secretary; project costs
(b) Restrictions on use of funds
(1) Except as provided in paragraph (2), amounts made available for purposes of this section (together with any amounts available for such purposes from other Federal sources) may not be used to pay more than 50 percent of the costs of any energy conservation project. The non-Federal share of the costs of any such energy conservation project may be provided by using programs of innovative financing for energy conservation projects (including, but not limited to, loan programs and performance contracting), even if, pursuant to such financing, clear title to the equipment does not pass to the school or hospital until after the grant is completed.
(2) Amounts made available for purposes of this section (together with any amounts available for such purposes from other Federal sources) may be used to pay not to exceed 90 percent of the costs of an energy conservation project if the Secretary determines that a proj­ect meets the hardship criteria of section 6371a(d) of this title. Grants made under this paragraph shall be from the funds provided under section 6371g(a)(2) of this title.
(c) Allocation requirements
(d) Technical assistance costs
(1) The Secretary may make grants to States for paying technical assistance costs. Schools in any State shall not be allocated less than 30 percent of the funds for energy conservation projects within such State and hospitals in any State shall not be allocated less than 30 percent of such funds.
(2) A State may utilize up to 100 percent of the funds provided by the Secretary under this part for any fiscal year for program and technical assistance and up to 50 percent of such funds for marketing and other costs associated with leveraging of non-Federal funds for carrying out this part and may administer a continuous and consecutive application and award procedure for providing program and technical assistance under this part in accordance with regulations that the Secretary shall establish, if the State—
(A) has adopted a State plan in accordance with section 6371c of this title, the administration of which is in accordance with applicable regulations; and
(B) certifies to the Secretary that not more than 15 percent of the aggregate amount of Federal and non-Federal funds used by the State to provide program and technical assistance, implement energy conservation measures, and otherwise carry out a program pursuant to this part for the fiscal year concerned will be expended for program and technical assistance and for marketing and other costs associated with leveraging of non-Federal funds for such program.
(Pub. L. 94–163, title III, § 396, as added Pub. L. 95–619, title III, § 302(a), Nov. 9, 1978, 92 Stat. 3245; amended Pub. L. 101–440, § 6(a), (c), (d), Oct. 18, 1990, 104 Stat. 1011.)
§ 6371f. Authorization of appropriations

For the purpose of carrying out this part, there are authorized to be appropriated for fiscal years 1999 through 2003 such sums as may be necessary.

(Pub. L. 94–163, title III, § 397, as added Pub. L. 95–619, title III, § 302(a), Nov. 9, 1978, 92 Stat. 3246; amended Pub. L. 101–440, § 8(b), Oct. 18, 1990, 104 Stat. 1015; Pub. L. 105–388, § 2(b), Nov. 13, 1998, 112 Stat. 3477.)
§ 6371g. Allocation of grants
(a) Section 6371e grants
(1) Except as otherwise provided in subsection (b), the Secretary shall allocate 90 percent of the amounts made available under section 6371f(b) 1
1 See References in Text note below.
of this title in any year for purposes of making energy conservation project grants pursuant to section 6371e of this title as follows:
(A) Eighty percent of amounts made available under section 6371f(b) 1 of this title shall be allocated among the States in accordance with a formula to be prescribed, by rule, by the Secretary, taking into account population and climate of each State, and such other factors as the Secretary may deem appropriate.
(B) Ten percent of amounts made available under section 6371f(b) 1 of this title shall be allocated among the States in such manner as the Secretary determines by rule after taking into account the availability and cost of fuel or other energy used in, and the amount of fuel or other energy consumed by, schools and hospitals in the States, and such other factors as he deems appropriate.
(2) The Secretary shall allocate 10 percent of the amounts made available under section 6371f(b) 1 of this title in any year for purposes of making grants as provided under section 6371e(b)(2) of this title in excess of the 50 percent limitation contained in section 6371e(b)(1) of this title.
(3) In the case of any State which received for any fiscal year an amount which exceeded 50 percent of the cost of any energy audit as provided in section 6371b(e)(2) of this title, the aggregate amount allocated to such State under this subsection for such fiscal year (determined after applying paragraphs (1) and (2)) shall be reduced by an amount equal to such excess. The amount of such reduction shall be reallocated to the States for such fiscal year as provided in this subsection except that for purposes of such reallocation, the State which received such excess shall not be eligible for any portion of such reallocation.
(b) Restrictions on allocations to States
(c) Prescription of rules governing allocations among States with regard to energy audits
(d) Prescription of rules limiting allocations to States for administrative expenses
(e) Reallocations
(Pub. L. 94–163, title III, § 398, as added Pub. L. 95–619, title III, § 302(a), Nov. 9, 1978, 92 Stat. 3246; amended Pub. L. 98–454, title VI, § 601(e), Oct. 5, 1984, 98 Stat. 1736.)
§ 6371h. Administration; detailed description in annual report
(a) The Secretary may prescribe such rules as may be necessary in order to carry out the provisions of this part.
(b) The Secretary shall include in his annual report a detailed description of the actions taken under this part in the preceding fiscal year and the actions planned to be taken in the subsequent fiscal year. Such description shall show the allocations made (including the allocations made to each State) and include information on the types of conservation measures implemented, with funds allocated, and an estimate of the energy savings achieved.
(Pub. L. 94–163, title III, § 399, as added Pub. L. 95–619, title III, § 302(a), Nov. 9, 1978, 92 Stat. 3247; amended Pub. L. 96–470, title II, § 203(b), Oct. 19, 1980, 94 Stat. 2242.)
§ 6371h–1. Energy sustainability and efficiency grants and loans for institutions
(a) DefinitionsIn this section:
(1) Combined heat and power
(2) District energy systems
(3) Energy sustainability
(4) Institution of higher education
(5) Institutional entity
(6) Renewable energy source
(7) Sustainable energy infrastructureThe term “sustainable energy infrastructure” means—
(A) facilities for production of energy from renewable energy sources, thermal energy sources, or highly efficient technologies, including combined heat and power or other waste heat use; and
(B) district energy systems.
(8) Thermal energy sourceThe term “thermal energy source” means—
(A) a natural source of cooling or heating from lake or ocean water; and
(B) recovery of useful energy that would otherwise be wasted from ongoing energy uses.
(b) Technical assistance grants
(1) In general
(2) AssistanceThe Secretary shall support institutional entities in—
(A) identification of opportunities for sustainable energy infrastructure;
(B) understanding the technical and economic characteristics of sustainable energy infrastructure;
(C) utility interconnection and negotiation of power and fuel contracts;
(D) understanding financing alternatives;
(E) permitting and siting issues;
(F) obtaining case studies of similar and successful sustainable energy infrastructure systems; and
(G) reviewing and obtaining computer software for assessment, design, and operation and maintenance of sustainable energy infrastructure systems.
(3) Eligible costs for technical assistance grantsOn receipt of an application of an institutional entity, the Secretary may make grants to the institutional entity to fund a portion of the cost of—
(A) feasibility studies to assess the potential for implementation or improvement of sustainable energy infrastructure;
(B) analysis and implementation of strategies to overcome barriers to project implementation, including financial, contracting, siting, and permitting barriers; and
(C) detailed engineering of sustainable energy infrastructure.
(c) Grants for energy efficiency improvement and energy sustainability
(1) Grants
(A) In general
(B) Requirement
(C) Minimum funding
(2) CriteriaEvaluation of projects for grant funding shall be based on criteria established by the Secretary, including criteria relating to—
(A) improvement in energy efficiency;
(B) reduction in greenhouse gas emissions and other air emissions, including criteria air pollutants and ozone-depleting refrigerants;
(C) increased use of renewable energy sources or thermal energy sources;
(D) reduction in consumption of fossil fuels;
(E) active student participation; and
(F) need for funding assistance.
(3) ConditionAs a condition of receiving a grant under this subsection, an institutional entity shall agree—
(A) to implement a public awareness campaign concerning the project in the community in which the institutional entity is located; and
(B) to submit to the Secretary, and make available to the public, reports on any efficiency improvements, energy cost savings, and environmental benefits achieved as part of a project carried out under paragraph (1), including quantification of the results relative to the criteria described under paragraph (2).
(d) Grants for innovation in energy sustainability
(1) Grants
(A) In general
(B) Requirement
(C) Minimum funding
(2) Innovation projectsAn innovation project carried out with a grant under this subsection shall—
(A) involve—
(i) an innovative technology that is not yet commercially available; or
(ii) available technology in an innovative application that maximizes energy efficiency and sustainability;
(B) have the greatest potential for testing or demonstrating new technologies or processes; and
(C) to the extent undertaken by an institution of higher education, ensure active student participation in the project, including the planning, implementation, evaluation, and other phases of projects.
(3) Condition
(e) Allocation to institutions of higher education with small endowments
(1) In general
(2) Requirement
(f) Grant amounts
(1) In general
(2) Technical assistance grantsIn the case of grants for technical assistance under subsection (b), grant funds shall be available for not more than—
(A) an amount equal to the lesser of—
(i) $50,000; or
(ii) 75 percent of the cost of feasibility studies to assess the potential for implementation or improvement of sustainable energy infrastructure;
(B) an amount equal to the lesser of—
(i) $90,000; or
(ii) 60 percent of the cost of guidance on overcoming barriers to project implementation, including financial, contracting, siting, and permitting barriers; and
(C) an amount equal to the lesser of—
(i) $250,000; or
(ii) 40 percent of the cost of detailed engineering and design of sustainable energy infrastructure.
(3) Grants for efficiency improvement and energy sustainabilityIn the case of grants for efficiency improvement and energy sustainability under subsection (c), grant funds shall be available for not more than an amount equal to the lesser of—
(A) $1,000,000; or
(B) 60 percent of the total cost.
(4) Grants for innovation in energy sustainabilityIn the case of grants for innovation in energy sustainability under subsection (d), grant funds shall be available for not more than an amount equal to the lesser of—
(A) $500,000; or
(B) 75 percent of the total cost.
(g) Loans for energy efficiency improvement and energy sustainability
(1) In general
(2) Terms and conditions
(A) In general
(B) MaturityThe final maturity of loans made within a period shall be the lesser of, as determined by the Secretary—
(i) 20 years; or
(ii) 90 percent of the useful life of the principal physical asset to be financed by the loan.
(C) Default
(D) Benchmark interest rate
(i) In general
(ii) Minimum
(iii) New loans
(E) Credit riskThe Secretary shall—
(i) prescribe explicit standards for use in periodically assessing the credit risk of making direct loans under this subsection; and
(ii) find that there is a reasonable assurance of repayment before making a loan.
(F) Advance budget authority required
(3) CriteriaEvaluation of projects for potential loan funding shall be based on criteria established by the Secretary, including criteria relating to—
(A) improvement in energy efficiency;
(B) reduction in greenhouse gas emissions and other air emissions, including criteria air pollutants and ozone-depleting refrigerants;
(C) increased use of renewable electric energy sources or renewable thermal energy sources;
(D) reduction in consumption of fossil fuels; and
(E) need for funding assistance, including consideration of the size of endowment or other financial resources available to the institutional entity.
(4) Labor standards
(A) In general
(B) Authority and functions
(h) Program procedures
(i) Authorization
(1) Grants
(2) Loans
(Pub. L. 94–163, title III, § 399A, as added Pub. L. 110–140, title IV, § 471, Dec. 19, 2007, 121 Stat. 1642.)
§ 6371i. Records

Each recipient of assistance under this part shall keep such records, provide such reports, and furnish such access to books and records as the Secretary may by rule prescribe.

(Pub. L. 94–163, title III, § 400, as added Pub. L. 95–619, title III, § 302(a), Nov. 9, 1978, 92 Stat. 3247; amended Pub. L. 105–388, § 5(a)(11), Nov. 13, 1998, 112 Stat. 3479.)
§ 6371j. Application of sections 3141–3144, 3146, and 3147 of title 40

No grant for a project (other than so much of a grant as is used for a preliminary energy audit, energy audit, or technical assistance or a grant the total project cost of which is $5,000 or less, excluding costs for a preliminary energy audit, energy audit, or technical assistance) shall be made under this part or part 1 unless the Secretary finds that all laborers and mechanics employed by contractors or subcontractors in the performance of work on any construction utilizing such grants will be paid at rates not less than those prevailing on similar construction in the locality, as determined by the Secretary of Labor in accordance with sections 3141–3144, 3146, and 3147 of title 40; and the Secretary of Labor shall have with respect to the labor standards specified in this section the authority and functions set forth in Reorganization Plan Numbered 14 of 1950 (15 F.R. 3176; 5 U.S.C. Appendix) and section 3145 of title 40.

(Pub. L. 95–619, title III, § 312, Nov. 9, 1978, 92 Stat. 3254.)
§ 6371k. Coordination of energy retrofitting assistance for schools
(a) Definition of schoolIn this section, the term “school” means—
(1) an elementary school or secondary school (as defined in section 7801 of title 20);
(2) an institution of higher education (as defined in section 1001(a) of title 20);
(3) a postsecondary vocational institution (as defined in section 1002(c) of title 20);
(4) a school of the defense dependents’ education system under the Defense Dependents’ Education Act of 1978 (20 U.S.C. 921 et seq.) or established under section 2164 of title 10;
(5) a school operated by the Bureau of Indian Education;
(6) a tribally controlled school (as defined in section 2511 of title 25); and
(7) a Tribal College or University (as defined in section 1059c(b) of title 20).
(b) Designation of lead agency
(c) RequirementsIn carrying out coordination and outreach under subsection (b), the Secretary shall—
(1) in consultation and coordination with the appropriate Federal agencies, carry out a review of existing programs and financing mechanisms (including revolving loan funds and loan guarantees) available in or from the Department of Agriculture, the Department of Energy, the Department of Education, the Department of the Treasury, the Internal Revenue Service, the Environmental Protection Agency, and other appropriate Federal agencies with jurisdiction over energy financing and facilitation that are currently used or may be used to help initiate, develop, and finance energy efficiency, renewable energy, and energy retrofitting projects for schools;
(2) establish a Federal cross-departmental collaborative coordination, education, and outreach effort to streamline communication and promote available Federal opportunities and assistance described in paragraph (1), for energy efficiency, renewable energy, and energy retrofitting projects that enables States, local educational agencies, and schools—
(A) to use existing Federal opportunities more effectively; and
(B) to form partnerships with Governors, State energy programs, local educational, financial, and energy officials, State and local government officials, nonprofit organizations, and other appropriate entities, to support the initiation of the projects;
(3) provide technical assistance for States, local educational agencies, and schools to help develop and finance energy efficiency, renewable energy, and energy retrofitting projects—
(A) to increase the energy efficiency of buildings or facilities;
(B) to install systems that individually generate energy from renewable energy resources;
(C) to establish partnerships to leverage economies of scale and additional financing mechanisms available to larger clean energy initiatives; or
(D) to promote—
(i) the maintenance of health, environmental quality, and safety in schools, including the ambient air quality, through energy efficiency, renewable energy, and energy retrofit projects; and
(ii) the achievement of expected energy savings and renewable energy production through proper operations and maintenance practices;
(4) develop and maintain a single online resource website with contact information for relevant technical assistance and support staff in the Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy for States, local educational agencies, and schools to effectively access and use Federal opportunities and assistance described in paragraph (1) to develop energy efficiency, renewable energy, and energy retrofitting projects; and
(5) establish a process for recognition of schools that—
(A) have successfully implemented energy efficiency, renewable energy, and energy retrofitting projects; and
(B) are willing to serve as resources for other local educational agencies and schools to assist initiation of similar efforts.
(d) Report
(Pub. L. 116–260, div. Z, title I, § 1001, Dec. 27, 2020, 134 Stat. 2420.)