Collapse to view only § 5918. Repealed.
- § 5901. Congressional statement of findings
- § 5902. Congressional declaration of policy and purpose; implementation and administration of program by Secretary of Energy
- § 5903. Duties and authorities of the Secretary
- § 5903a. Nonduplication of programs, projects, and research facilities
- § 5903b. Environmental and safety research, development, and demonstration program
- § 5903c. Moneys received by Secretary from fossil energy activity; payment into Treasury; reports to House and Senate Committees
- § 5903d. Clean coal technology projects; proposals, implementation, funding, etc.
- § 5904. Research, development, and demonstration program governing principles
- § 5905. Comprehensive planning and programming
- § 5906. Federal assistance and participation in programs
- § 5907. Demonstration projects
- § 5907a. Small grant program
- § 5908. Patents and inventions
- § 5909. Relationship to antitrust laws
- § 5910. Repealed.
- § 5911. Acquisition of essential materials
- § 5912. Water resource assessments
- § 5913. Evaluation by National Institute of Standards and Technology of energy-related inventions prior to awarding of grants by Secretary; promulgation of regulations
- § 5914. Omitted
- § 5915. Authorization of appropriations
- § 5915a. Expiration of initial authorization to construct fossil energy demonstration plants
- § 5916. Central source of nonnuclear energy information
- § 5917. Repealed.
- § 5918. Repealed.
- §§ 5919, 5920. Repealed.
The Secretary shall conduct an environmental and safety research, development, and demonstration program related to fossil fuels.
All moneys received by the Secretary from any fossil energy activity shall be paid into the Treasury to the credit of miscellaneous receipts, except that on December 1 of each year the Secretary shall provide to the Committee on Science, Space, and Technology of the House of Representatives and the Committee on Energy and Natural Resources of the Senate a report of all such receipts for the preceding fiscal year, including, but not limited to, the amount and source of such revenues and the program and subprogram activity generating such revenues.
Within 60 days following December 19, 1985, the Secretary of Energy shall, pursuant to the Federal Nonnuclear Energy Research and Development Act of 1974 (42 U.S.C. 5901, et seq.), issue a general request for proposals for clean coal technology projects for which the Secretary of Energy upon review may provide financial assistance awards. Proposals for clean coal technology projects under this section shall be submitted to the Department of Energy within 60 days after issuance of the general request for proposals. The Secretary of Energy shall make any project selections no later than August 1, 1986: Provided, That the Secretary may vest fee title or other property interests acquired under cost-shared clean coal technology agreements in any entity, including the United States: Provided further, That the Secretary shall not finance more than 50 per centum of the total costs of a project as estimated by the Secretary as of the date of award of financial assistance: Provided further, That cost-sharing by project sponsors is required in each of the design, construction, and operating phases proposed to be included in a project: Provided further, That financial assistance for costs in excess of those estimated as of the date of award of original financial assistance may not be provided in excess of the proportion of costs borne by the Government in the original agreement and only up to 25 per centum of the original financial assistance: Provided further, That revenues or royalties from prospective operation of projects beyond the time considered in the award of financial assistance, or proceeds from prospective sale of the assets of the project, or revenues or royalties from replication of technology in future projects or plants are not cost-sharing for the purposes of this appropriation: Provided further, That other appropriated Federal funds are not cost-sharing for the purposes of this appropriation: Provided further, That existing facilities, equipment, and supplies, or previously expended research or development funds are not cost-sharing for the purposes of this appropriation, except as amortized, depreciated, or expensed in normal business practice.
The National Institute of Standards and Technology shall give particular attention to the evaluation of all promising energy-related inventions, particularly those submitted by individual inventors and small companies for the purpose of obtaining direct grants from the Secretary. The National Institute of Standards and Technology is authorized to promulgate regulations in the furtherance of this section.
There may be appropriated to the Secretary to carry out the purposes of this chapter such sums as may be authorized in annual authorization Acts.
Notwithstanding any other applicable provision of law, the initial authorization in this Act or any other Act heretofore or hereafter enacted to construct, pursuant to section 5907 of this title, any fossil energy demonstration plant shall expire at the end of the three full fiscal years following the date of enactment of such authorization, unless (1) funds to construct each such plant are appropriated or otherwise provided pursuant to applicable law prior thereto, or (2) such authorization period is extended by specific Act of Congress hereafter enacted.
The Secretary shall promptly establish, develop, acquire, and maintain a central source of information on all energy resources and technology in furtherance of the research, development, and demonstration mission carried out directly or indirectly under this chapter. When the Secretary determines that such information is needed to carry out the purposes of this chapter, the Secretary may acquire proprietary and other information (a) by purchase through negotiation or by donation from any person, or (b) from another Federal agency. The information maintained by the Secretary shall be made available to the public, subject to the provisions of section 552 of title 5 and section 1905 of title 18, and to other Government agencies in a manner that will facilitate its dissemination: Provided, That upon a showing satisfactory to the Secretary by any person that any information, or portion thereof, obtained under this section by the Secretary directly or indirectly from such person, would, if made public, divulge (1) trade secrets or (2) other proprietary information of such person, the Secretary shall not disclose such information and disclosure thereof shall be punishable under section 1905 of title 18: Provided further, That the Secretary shall, upon request, provide such information to (A) any delegate of the Secretary for the purpose of carrying out this chapter, and (B) the Attorney General, the Secretary of Agriculture, the Secretary of the Interior, the Federal Trade Commission, the Environmental Protection Agency, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission 1