Collapse to view only § 247b. Project grants for preventive health services
- § 243.
- § 244. Public access defibrillation programs
- § 244-1. Repealed.
- § 244a. Materials and resources to increase education and awareness of cardiomyopathy among school administrators, educators, and families
- § 244b. Activities relating to cardiomyopathy
- § 244c. Cardiomyopathy research
- § 244d. Promoting student access to AEDs and CPR
- § 245. Public awareness campaign on the importance of vaccinations
- § 245a. Repealed.
- § 246. Grants and services to States
- § 246a. Bureau of State Services management fund; establishment; advancements; availability
- § 247. Assisting veterans with military emergency medical training to meet requirements for becoming civilian health care professionals
- § 247a. Family support groups for Alzheimer’s disease patients
- § 247b. Project grants for preventive health services
- § 247b-1. Screenings, referrals, and education regarding lead poisoning
- § 247b-2. Repealed.
- § 247b-3. Education, technology assessment, and epidemiology regarding lead poisoning
- § 247b-3a. Training and reports by the Health Resources and Services Administration
- § 247b-4. National Center on Birth Defects and Developmental Disabilities
- § 247b-4a. Early detection, diagnosis, and interventions for newborns and infants with hearing loss
- §§ 247b-4b to 247b-4d. Repealed.
- § 247b-4e. Repealed.
- § 247b-4f. Research relating to preterm labor and delivery and the care, treatment, and outcomes of preterm and low birthweight infants
- § 247b-4g. Repealed.
- § 247b-5. Preventive health measures with respect to prostate cancer
- § 247b-6. National strategy for combating and eliminating tuberculosis
- § 247b-7. Loan repayment program
- § 247b-8. Fellowship and training programs
- § 247b-9. Diabetes in children and youth
- § 247b-9a. Better diabetes care
- § 247b-10. Compilation of data on asthma
- § 247b-11. Effects of folic acid in prevention of birth defects
- § 247b-12. Safe motherhood
- § 247b-13. Prenatal and postnatal health
- § 247b-13a. Screening and treatment for maternal mental health and substance use disorders
- § 247b-14. Oral health promotion and disease prevention
- § 247b-14a. Identification of interventions that reduce the burden and transmission of oral, dental, and craniofacial diseases in high risk populations; development of approaches for pediatric oral and craniofacial assessment
- § 247b-15. Surveillance and education regarding infections associated with illicit drug use and other risk factors
- § 247b-16. Grants for lead poisoning related activities
- § 247b-17. Human papillomavirus (Johanna’s Law)
- § 247b-18. Surveillance and research regarding muscular dystrophy
- § 247b-19. Information and education
- § 247b-20. Food safety grants
- § 247b-21. Mosquito-borne diseases; coordination grants to States; assessment and control grants to political subdivisions
- § 247b-22. Microbicide research
- § 247b-23. National strategy and regional centers of excellence in vector-borne diseases
- § 247b-24. Addressing factors related to improving health outcomes
- § 247c. Sexually transmitted diseases; prevention and control projects and programs
- § 247c-1. Infertility and sexually transmitted diseases
- § 247c-2. Data collection regarding programs under subchapter XXIV
- § 247d. Public health emergencies
- § 247d-1. Vaccine tracking and distribution
- § 247d-2. Earlier development of diagnostic tests
- § 247d-3. Repealed.
- § 247d-3a. Improving State and local public health security
- § 247d-3b. Partnerships for State and regional hospital preparedness to improve surge capacity
- § 247d-3c. Guidelines for regional health care emergency preparedness and response systems
- § 247d-4. Facilities and capacities of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
- § 247d-4a. Infectious Diseases Rapid Response Reserve Fund
- § 247d-4b. Children’s Preparedness Unit
- § 247d-5. Combating antimicrobial resistance
- § 247d-5a. Repealed.
- § 247d-6. Public health countermeasures to a bioterrorist attack
- § 247d-6a. Authority for use of certain procedures regarding qualified countermeasure research and development activities
- § 247d-6b. Strategic National Stockpile and security countermeasure procurements
- § 247d-6c. Repealed.
- § 247d-6d. Targeted liability protections for pandemic and epidemic products and security countermeasures
- § 247d-6e. Covered countermeasure process
- § 247d-6f. Provision of medical countermeasures to Indian programs and facilities
- § 247d-7. Repealed.
- § 247d-7a. Grants regarding training and education of certain health professionals
- § 247d-7b. Emergency system for advance registration of volunteer health professional
- § 247d-7c. Supplies and services in lieu of award funds
- § 247d-7d. Security for countermeasure development and production
- § 247d-7e. Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority
- § 247d-7f. Collaboration and coordination
- § 247d-7g. National Biodefense Science Board and working groups
- § 247d-8. Coordinated program to improve pediatric oral health
- § 247d-9. Dental education for parents of newborns
- § 247d-10. Pilot program for public health laboratories to detect fentanyl and other synthetic opioids
- § 247d-11. State All Payer Claims Databases
- § 247d-12. Coordination and collaboration regarding blood supply
For the purpose of facilitating the economical and efficient conduct of operations in the Bureau of State Services which are financed by two or more appropriations where the costs of operation are not readily susceptible of distribution as charges to such appropriations, there is established the Bureau of State Services management fund. Such amounts as the Secretary may determine to represent a reasonable distribution of estimated costs among the various appropriations involved may be advanced each year to this fund and shall be available for expenditure for such costs under such regulations as may be prescribed by the Secretary: Provided, That funds advanced to this fund shall be available only in the fiscal year in which they are advanced: Provided further, That final adjustments of advances in accordance with actual costs shall be effected wherever practicable with the appropriations from which such funds are advanced.
The Secretary, acting through the Director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, shall establish fellowship and training programs to be conducted by such Centers to train individuals to develop skills in epidemiology, surveillance, laboratory analysis, and other disease detection and prevention methods. Such programs shall be designed to enable health professionals and health personnel trained under such programs to work, after receiving such training, in local, State, national, and international efforts toward the prevention and control of diseases, injuries, and disabilities. Such fellowships and training may be administered through the use of either appointment or nonappointment procedures.
For the purpose of collecting and providing data for program planning and evaluation activities under subchapter XXIV, there are authorized to be appropriated to the Secretary (acting through the Director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) such sums as may be necessary for each of the fiscal years 2001 through 2005. Such authorization of appropriations is in addition to other authorizations of appropriations that are available for such purpose.
The Secretary may contract with public and private entities, as appropriate, to increase capacity in the rapid development, validation, manufacture, and dissemination of diagnostic tests, as appropriate, to State, local, and Tribal health departments and other appropriate entities for immediate public health response activities to address an emerging infectious disease with respect to which a public health emergency is declared under section 247d of this title, or that has significant potential to cause such a public health emergency.
There is established in the Treasury a reserve fund to be known as the “Infectious Diseases Rapid Response Reserve Fund” (the “Reserve Fund”): Provided, That of the funds provided under the span “CDC-Wide Activities and Program Support” [132 Stat. 3073], $50,000,000, to remain available until expended, shall be available to the Director of the CDC for deposit in the Reserve Fund: Provided further, That amounts in the Reserve Fund shall be for carrying out titles II, III, and XVII of the PHS Act [42 U.S.C. 201 et seq., 241 et seq., 300u et seq.] to prevent, prepare for, or respond to an infectious disease emergency, including, in connection with such activities, to purchase or lease and provide for the insurance of passenger motor vehicles for official use in foreign countries: Provided further, That amounts in the Reserve Fund may only be provided for an infectious disease emergency if the infectious disease emergency (1) is declared by the Secretary of Health and Human Services under section 319 of the PHS Act [42 U.S.C. 247d] to be a public health emergency; or (2) as determined by the Secretary, has significant potential to imminently occur and potential, on occurrence, to affect national security or the health and security of United States citizens, domestically or internationally: Provided further
In the event that the Secretary deploys the contents of the Strategic National Stockpile under section 247d–6b(a) of this title, or otherwise distributes medical countermeasures to States to respond to a public health emergency declared by the Secretary under section 247d of this title, the Secretary shall, in consultation with the applicable States, make such contents or countermeasures directly available to Indian Tribes and Tribal organizations (as such terms are defined in section 5304 of title 25), which may include through health programs or facilities operated by the Indian Health Service, that are affected by such public health emergency.
The Secretary shall develop and implement, through entities that fund or provide perinatal care services to targeted low-income children under a State child health plan under title XXI of the Social Security Act [42 U.S.C. 1397aa et seq.], a program to deliver oral health educational materials that inform new parents about risks for, and prevention of, early childhood caries and the need for a dental visit within their newborn’s first year of life.