Collapse to view only § 5189. Simplified procedure
- § 5170. Procedure for declaration
- § 5170a. General Federal assistance
- § 5170b. Essential assistance
- § 5170c. Hazard mitigation
- § 5171. Federal facilities
- § 5172. Repair, restoration, and replacement of damaged facilities
- § 5173. Debris removal
- § 5174. Federal assistance to individuals and households
- § 5174a. Flexibility
- § 5174b. Critical document fee waiver
- § 5175. Repealed.
- § 5176. Repealed.
- § 5177. Unemployment assistance
- § 5177a. Emergency grants to assist low-income migrant and seasonal farmworkers
- § 5178. Repealed.
- § 5179. Benefits and distribution
- § 5180. Food commodities
- § 5181. Relocation assistance
- § 5182. Legal services
- § 5183. Crisis counseling assistance and training
- § 5184. Community disaster loans
- § 5185. Emergency communications
- § 5186. Emergency public transportation
- § 5187. Fire management assistance
- § 5188. Timber sale contracts
- § 5189. Simplified procedure
- § 5189a. Appeals of assistance decisions
- § 5189b. Date of eligibility; expenses incurred before date of disaster
- § 5189c.
- § 5189d. Case management services
- § 5189e. Essential service providers
- § 5189f. Public assistance program alternative procedures
- § 5189g. Unified Federal review
- § 5189h. Agency accountability
Notwithstanding any other provision of law, no person otherwise eligible for any kind of replacement housing payment under the Uniform Relocation Assistance and Real Property Acquisition Policies Act of 1970 (P.L. 91–646) [42 U.S.C. 4601 et seq.] shall be denied such eligibility as a result of his being unable, because of a major disaster as determined by the President, to meet the occupancy requirements set by such Act.
Whenever the President determines that low-income individuals are unable to secure legal services adequate to meet their needs as a consequence of a major disaster, consistent with the goals of the programs authorized by this chapter, the President shall assure that such programs are conducted with the advice and assistance of appropriate Federal agencies and State and local bar associations.
The President is authorized during, or in anticipation of, an emergency or major disaster to establish temporary communications systems and to make such communications available to State and local government officials and other persons as he deems appropriate.
The President is authorized to provide temporary public transportation service in an area affected by a major disaster to meet emergency needs and to provide transportation to governmental offices, supply centers, stores, post offices, schools, major employment centers, and such other places as may be necessary in order to enable the community to resume its normal pattern of life as soon as possible.
Eligibility for Federal assistance under this subchapter shall begin on the date of the occurrence of the event which results in a declaration by the President that a major disaster exists; except that reasonable expenses which are incurred in anticipation of and immediately preceding such event may be eligible for Federal assistance under this chapter.
The President may provide transportation assistance to relocate individuals displaced from their predisaster primary residences as a result of an incident declared under this chapter or otherwise transported from their predisaster primary residences under section 5170b(a)(3) or 5192 of this title, to and from alternative locations for short or long-term accommodation or to return an individual or household to their predisaster primary residence or alternative location, as determined necessary by the President.