Collapse to view only § 1962b-1. Membership of commissions; appointment of chairman
- § 1962b. Creation of commissions; powers and duties
- § 1962b-1. Membership of commissions; appointment of chairman
- § 1962b-2. Organization of commissions
- § 1962b-3. Duties of commissions
- § 1962b-4. Administrative provisions
- § 1962b-5. Compensation of members and chairmen
- § 1962b-6. Expenses of commissions
§ 1962b. Creation of commissions; powers and duties
(a) The President is authorized to declare the establishment of a river basin water and related land resources commission upon request therefor by the Council, or request addressed to the Council by a State within which all or part of the basin or basins concerned are located if the request by the Council or by a State (1) defines the area, river basin, or group of related river basins for which a commission is requested, (2) is made in writing by the Governor or in such manner as State law may provide, or by the Council, and (3) is concurred in by the Council and by not less than one-half of the States within which portions of the basin or basins concerned are located and, in the event the Upper Colorado River Basin is involved, by at least three of the four States of Colorado, New Mexico, Utah, and Wyoming or, in the event the Columbia River Basin is involved, by at least three of the four States of Idaho, Montana, Oregon, and Washington. Such concurrences shall be in writing.
(b) Each such commission for an area, river basin, or group of river basins shall, to the extent consistent with section 1962–1 of this title—
(1) serve as the principal agency for the coordination of Federal, State, interstate, local and nongovernmental plans for the development of water and related land resources in its area, river basin, or group of river basins;
(2) prepare and keep up to date, to the extent practicable, a comprehensive, coordinated, joint plan for Federal, State, interstate, local and nongovernmental development of water and related resources: Provided, That the plan shall include an evaluation of all reasonable alternative means of achieving optimum development of water and related land resources of the basin or basins, and it may be prepared in stages, including recommendations with respect to individual projects;
(3) recommend long-range schedules of priorities for the collection and analysis of basic data and for investigation, planning, and construction of projects; and
(4) foster and undertake such studies of water and related land resources problems in its area, river basin, or group of river basins as are necessary in the preparation of the plan described in clause (2) of this subsection.
(Pub. L. 89–80, title II, § 201, July 22, 1965, 79 Stat. 246.)
§ 1962b–1. Membership of commissions; appointment of chairman
Each river basin commission shall be composed of members appointed as follows:
(a) A chairman appointed by the President who shall also serve as chairman and coordinating officer of the Federal members of the commission and who shall represent the Federal Government in Federal-State relations on the commission and who shall not, during the period of his service on the commission, hold any other position as an officer or employee of the United States, except as a retired officer or retired civilian employee of the Federal Government;
(b) One member from each Federal department or independent agency determined by the President to have a substantial interest in the work to be undertaken by the commission, such member to be appointed by the head of such department or independent agency and to serve as the representative of such department or independent agency;
(c) One member from each State which lies wholly or partially within the area, river basin, or group of river basins for which the commission is established, and the appointment of each such member shall be made in accordance with the laws of the State which he represents. In the absence of governing provisions of State law, such State members shall be appointed and serve at the pleasure of the Governor;
(d) One member appointed by any interstate agency created by an interstate compact to which the consent of Congress has been given, and whose jurisdiction extends to the waters of the area, river basin, or group of river basins for which the river basin commission is created;
(e) When deemed appropriate by the President, one member, who shall be appointed by the President, from the United States section of any international commission created by a treaty to which the consent of the Senate has been given, and whose jurisdiction extends to the waters of the area, river basin, or group of river basins for which the river basin commission is established.
(Pub. L. 89–80, title II, § 202, July 22, 1965, 79 Stat. 247.)
§ 1962b–2. Organization of commissions
(a) Commencement of functions; transfer of property, assets, and records upon termination of commission; availability of studies, data, and other materials to participants
(b) Vice chairman; State election; State representation
(c) Vacancies; alternates for chairman and vice chairman
(d) Consensus of members on issues; opportunities for individual views; record of position of chairman and vice chairman; final authority on procedural questions
(Pub. L. 89–80, title II, § 203, July 22, 1965, 79 Stat. 248.)
§ 1962b–3. Duties of commissions
Each river basin commission shall—
(1) engage in such activities and make such studies and investigations as are necessary and desirable in carrying out the policy set forth in section 1962 of this title and in accomplishing the purposes set forth in section 1962b(b) of this title;
(2) submit to the Council and the Governor of each participating State a report on its work at least once each year. Such report shall be transmitted through the President to the Congress. After such transmission, copies of any such report shall be sent to the heads of such Federal, State, interstate, and international agencies as the President or the Governors of the participating States may direct;
(3) submit to the Council for transmission to the President and by him to the Congress, and the Governors and the legislatures of the participating States a comprehensive, coordinated, joint plan, or any major portion thereof or necessary revisions thereof, for water and related land resources development in the area, river basin, or group of river basins for which such commission was established. Before the commission submits such a plan or major portion thereof or revision thereof to the Council, it shall transmit the proposed plan or revision to the head of each Federal department or agency, the Governor of each State, and each interstate agency, from which a member of the commission has been appointed, and to the head of the United States section of any international commission if the plan, portion or revision deals with a boundary water or a river crossing a boundary, or any tributary flowing into such boundary water or river, over which the international commission has jurisdiction or for which it has responsibility. Each such department and agency head, Governor, interstate agency, and United States section of an international commission shall have ninety days from the date of the receipt of the proposed plan, portion, or revision to report its views, comments, and recommendations to the commission. The commission may modify the plan, portion, or revision after considering the reports so submitted. The views, comments, and recommendations submitted by each Federal department or agency head, Governor, interstate agency, and United States section of an international commission shall be transmitted to the Council with the plan, portion, or revision; and
(4) submit to the Council at the time of submitting such plan, any recommendations it may have for continuing the functions of the commission and for implementing the plan, including means of keeping the plan up to date.
(Pub. L. 89–80, title II, § 204, July 22, 1965, 79 Stat. 248.)
§ 1962b–4. Administrative provisions
(a) Hearings, proceedings, evidence, reports; office space; use of mails; personnel, consultants, and professional service contracts; personnel from other agencies; retirement and employee benefit system for personnel without coverage; motor vehicles; necessary expenses; other powers
For the purpose of carrying out the provisions of this subchapter, each river basin commission may—
(1) hold such hearings, sit and act at such times and places, take such testimony, receive such evidence, and print or otherwise reproduce and distribute so much of its proceedings and reports thereon as it may deem advisable;
(2) acquire, furnish, and equip such office space as is necessary;
(3) use the United States mails in the same manner and upon the same conditions as departments and agencies of the United States;
(4) employ and compensate such personnel as it deems advisable, including consultants, at rates not in excess of the daily equivalent of the rate prescribed for grade GS–18 under section 5332 of title 5, and retain and compensate such professional or technical service firms as it deems advisable on a contract basis;
(5) arrange for the services of personnel from any State or the United States, or any subdivision or agency thereof, or any intergovernmental agency;
(6) make arrangements, including contracts, with any participating government, except the United States or the District of Columbia, for inclusion in a suitable retirement and employee benefit system of such of its personnel as may not be eligible for or continuing in another governmental retirement or employee benefit system, or otherwise provide for such coverage of its personnel;
(7) purchase, hire, operate, and maintain passenger motor vehicles; and
(8) incur such necessary expenses and exercise such other powers as are consistent with and reasonably required to perform its functions under this chapter.
(b) Oaths
(c) Records; public inspection
(d) Information and personnel from other Federal agencies
(e) Responsibility for personnel and funds
(Pub. L. 89–80, title II, § 205, July 22, 1965, 79 Stat. 249; Pub. L. 94–112, § 1(c), Oct. 16, 1975, 89 Stat. 575.)
§ 1962b–5. Compensation of members and chairmen
(a) Additional compensation prohibited to members appointed from Federal departments, agencies, and international commissions
(b) Compensation of members from States and interstate agencies
(c) Compensation of chairman
(Pub. L. 89–80, title II, § 206, July 22, 1965, 79 Stat. 250.)
§ 1962b–6. Expenses of commissions
(a) Federal share; apportionment of remainder; annual budget; estimates of proposed Federal appropriations; advances against delayed State appropriations; credit to account in the Treasury
(b) Acceptance, reception, utilization, and disposal of appropriations, donations, and grants
(c) Accounts of receipts and disbursements; annual audit; inclusion in annual report
(d) Inspection of accounts
(Pub. L. 89–80, title II, § 207, July 22, 1965, 79 Stat. 250.)