Collapse to view only § 6303. Certain contracts limited to appropriated amounts
- § 6301. Authorization requirement
- § 6302. Contracts for fuel made by Secretary of the Army
- § 6303. Certain contracts limited to appropriated amounts
- § 6304. Certain contracts limited to one-year term
- § 6305. Prohibition on transfer of contract and certain allowable assignments
- § 6306. Prohibition on Members of Congress making contracts with Federal Government
- § 6307. Contracts with Federal Government-owned establishments and availability of appropriations
- § 6308. Contracts for transportation of Federal Government securities
- § 6309. Honorable discharge certificate in lieu of birth certificate
- § 6310. Requirement for agencies to buy domestically made United States flags
The Secretary of the Army, when the Secretary believes it is in the interest of the United States, may enter into contracts and incur obligations for fuel in sufficient quantities to meet the requirements for one year without regard to the current fiscal year. Amounts appropriated for the fiscal year in which the contract is made or amounts appropriated or which may be appropriated for the following fiscal year may be used to pay for supplies delivered under a contract made pursuant to this section.
A contract to erect, repair, or furnish a public building, or to make any public improvement, shall not be made on terms requiring the Federal Government to pay more than the amount specifically appropriated for the activity covered by the contract.
Except as otherwise provided, an executive department shall not make a contract for stationery or other supplies for a term longer than one year from the time the contract is made.
An order or contract placed with a Federal Government-owned establishment for work, material, or the manufacture of material pertaining to an approved project is deemed to be an obligation in the same manner that a similar order or contract placed with a commercial manufacturer or private contractor is an obligation. Appropriations remain available to pay an obligation to a Federal Government-owned establishment just as appropriations remain available to pay an obligation to a commercial manufacturer or private contractor.
When practicable, a contract for transporting bullion, cash, or securities of the Federal Government shall be awarded to the lowest responsible bidder after notice to all parties with means of transportation.