Collapse to view only § 6713. Certification of new construction

§ 6711. Definition

In this subchapter, the term “development area” means the area to be developed, maintained, and used in accordance with this subchapter and the Pennsylvania Avenue Development Corporation Act of 1972 (Public Law 92–578, 86 Stat. 1266) and is the area bounded as follows:

Beginning at a point on the southwest corner of the intersection of Fifteenth Street and E Street Northwest;

thence proceeding east along the southern side of E Street to the southwest corner of the intersection of Thirteenth Street and Pennsylvania Avenue Northwest;

thence southeast along the southern side of Pennsylvania Avenue to a point being the southeast corner of the intersection of Pennsylvania Avenue and Third Street Northwest;

thence north along the eastern side of Third Street to the northeast corner of the intersection of C Street and Third Street Northwest;

thence west along the northern side of C Street to the northeast corner of the intersection of C Street and Sixth Street Northwest;

thence north along the eastern side of Sixth Street to the northeast corner of the intersection of E Street and Sixth Street Northwest;

thence west along the northern side of E Street to the northeast corner of the intersection of E Street and Seventh Street Northwest;

thence north along the eastern side of Seventh Street to the northeast corner of the intersection of Seventh Street and F Street Northwest;

thence west along the northern side of F Street to the northwest corner of the intersection of F Street and Ninth Street Northwest;

thence south along the western side of Ninth Street to the northwest corner of the intersection of Ninth Street and E Street Northwest;

thence west along the northern side of E Street to the northeast corner of the intersection of E Street and Thirteenth Street Northwest;

thence north along the eastern side of Thirteenth Street to the northeast corner of the intersection of F Street and Thirteenth Street Northwest;

thence west along the northern side of F Street to the northwest corner of the intersection of F Street and Fifteenth Street Northwest;

thence north along the western side of Fifteenth Street to the northwest corner of the intersection of Pennsylvania Avenue and Fifteenth Street Northwest;

thence west along the southern side of Pennsylvania Avenue to the southeast corner of the intersection of Pennsylvania Avenue and East Executive Avenue Northwest;

thence south along the eastern side of East Executive Avenue to the intersection of South Executive Place and E Street Northwest;

thence east along the southern side of E Street to the point of beginning.

(Pub. L. 107–217, Aug. 21, 2002, 116 Stat. 1196.)
§ 6712. Powers of other agencies and instrumentalities in the development area

This subchapter and the Pennsylvania Avenue Development Corporation Act of 1972 (Public Law 92–578, 86 Stat. 1266

(Pub. L. 107–217, Aug. 21, 2002, 116 Stat. 1197.)
§ 6713. Certification of new construction

New construction (including substantial remodeling, conversion, rebuilding, enlargement, extension, or major structural improvement of existing building, but not including ordinary maintenance or remodeling or changes necessary to continue occupancy) shall not be authorized or conducted within the development area except on prior certification by the Administrator of General Services that the construction is, or may reasonably be expected to be, consistent with the carrying out of the development plan described in section 5(a) of the Pennsylvania Avenue Development Corporation Act of 1972 (Public Law 92–578, 86 Stat. 1269).

(Pub. L. 107–217, Aug. 21, 2002, 116 Stat. 1197.)
§ 6714. Relocation services
(a)Use of District of Columbia Government.—The Administrator of General Services may use the services of the District of Columbia government in the administration of a relocation program pursuant to the Uniform Relocation Assistance and Real Property Acquisition Policies Act of 1970 (42 U.S.C. 4601 et seq.). The Administrator shall reimburse the government for the cost of the services.
(b)Coordination of Relocation Programs.—All relocation services performed by or on behalf of the Administrator shall be coordinated with the District of Columbia’s central relocation programs.
(c)Preferential Rights of Displaced Owners and Tenants.—An owner or tenant of real property whose residence or business is terminated as a result of acquisitions made pursuant to this subchapter or the Pennsylvania Avenue Development Corporation Act of 1972 (Public Law 92–578, 86 Stat. 1266) shall be granted a preferential right to lease or purchase from the Administrator similar real property as may become available for a similar use. The preferential right is limited to the parties in interest and is not transferable or assignable.
(Pub. L. 107–217, Aug. 21, 2002, 116 Stat. 1197.)
§ 6715. Coordination with District of Columbia
(a)Local Needs, Initiative, and Participation.—In carrying out the purposes of this subchapter and the Pennsylvania Avenue Development Corporation Act of 1972 (Public Law 92–578, 86 Stat. 1266), the Administrator of General Services shall—
(1) consult and cooperate with District of Columbia officials and community leaders at the earliest practicable time;
(2) give primary consideration to local needs and desires and to local and regional goals and policies as expressed in urban renewal, community renewal, and comprehensive land use plans and regional plans; and
(3) foster local initiative and participation in connection with the planning and development of projects.
(b)Compliance With Local Requirements.—To the extent the Administrator constructs, rehabilitates, alters, or improves any project under this subchapter, the Administrator shall comply with all District of Columbia laws, ordinances, codes, and regulations. Section 8722(d) of this title applies to all construction, rehabilitation, alteration, and improvement of all buildings by the Administrator under this subchapter. Construction, rehabilitation, alteration, and improvement of any project by non-Federal Government sources is subject to the District of Columbia Official Code and zoning regulations.
(Pub. L. 107–217, Aug. 21, 2002, 116 Stat. 1198.)
§ 6716. Reports
(a)Reports to President and Congress.—The Administrator of General Services shall transmit comprehensive and detailed reports of the Administrator’s operations, activities, and accomplishments under this subchapter to the President and Congress. The Administrator shall transmit a report to the President each January and to the President and Congress at other times that the Administrator considers desirable.
(b)Protection and Enhancement of Significant Historic and Architectural Values.—A report under subsection (a) shall include a detailed discussion of the actions the Administrator has taken in the reporting period to protect and enhance the significant historic and architectural values of structures within the boundaries of the Administrator’s jurisdiction under this subchapter and shall indicate similar actions the Administrator plans to take and issues the Administrator anticipates dealing with during the upcoming fiscal year related to historic and architectural preservation. The report shall indicate the degree to which public concern has been considered and incorporated into decisions the Administrator made relative to historic and architectural preservation.
(Pub. L. 107–217, Aug. 21, 2002, 116 Stat. 1198.)