Collapse to view only § 151701. Organization
- § 151701. Organization
- § 151702. Purposes
- § 151703. Board of directors
- § 151704. Officers and employees
- § 151705. Powers
- § 151706. Principal office
- § 151707. Provision and acceptance of support by Librarian of Congress
- § 151708. Service of process
- § 151709. Civil action by Attorney General for equitable relief
- § 151710. Immunity of United States Government
- § 151711. Authorization of appropriations
- § 151712. Annual report
The principal office of the corporation shall be in the District of Columbia, or another place as determined by the board of directors. However, the corporation may conduct business throughout the States, territories, and possessions of the United States.
The corporation shall have a designated agent to receive service of process for the corporation. Notice to or service on the agent, or mailed to the business address of the agent, is notice to or service on the corporation.
The United States Government is not liable for any debts, defaults, acts, or omissions of the corporation. The full faith and credit of the Government does not extend to any obligation of the corporation.
As soon as practicable after the end of each fiscal year, the corporation shall submit a report to Congress on the activities of the corporation during the prior fiscal year, including a complete statement of its receipts, expenditures, and investments.