Collapse to view only § 130502. Purposes
- § 130501. Organization
- § 130502. Purposes
- § 130503. Membership
- § 130504. Governing body
- § 130505. Powers
- § 130506. Exclusive right to name and emblems
- § 130507. Restrictions
- § 130508. Principal office
- § 130509. Records and inspection
- § 130510. Statement required in audit report
- § 130511. Service of process
- § 130512. Liability for acts of officers and agents
- § 130513. Distribution of assets on dissolution or final liquidation
The corporation has the exclusive right to use and to allow others to use the names “Little League” and “Little Leaguer” and the official Little League emblem or any colorable simulation of that emblem. This section does not affect any vested rights.
The principal office of the corporation shall be in Williamsport, Pennsylvania, or another place decided by the board of directors. However, the activities of the corporation may be conducted throughout the world.
The corporation shall include in the audit report statement required under section 10101(b)(1)(B) of this title a schedule of all contracts requiring payments greater than $10,000 and all payments of compensation or fees at a rate greater than $10,000 a year.
The corporation is liable for the acts of its officers and agents acting within the scope of their authority.
On dissolution or final liquidation of the corporation, any assets remaining after the discharge of all liabilities shall be distributed as provided by the board of directors, but consistent with the purposes of the corporation and in compliance with the constitution and bylaws of the corporation.