Collapse to view only § 884. Power to use books, maps, etc., and to employ persons
- §§ 881 to 883. Repealed.
- § 883a. Surveys and other activities
- § 883b. Dissemination of data; further activities
- § 883c. Geomagnetic data; collection, correlation, and dissemination
- § 883d. Improvement of methods, instruments, and equipments; investigations and research
- § 883e. Agreements for surveys and investigations; contribution of costs incurred by National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
- § 883f. Contracts with qualified organizations
- § 883g. Repealed.
- § 883h. Employment of public vessels
- § 883i. Authorization of appropriations
- § 883j. Ocean satellite data
- § 883k. Acquisition of land for facilities
- § 883l. Contracts for surveying and mapping services
- § 884. Power to use books, maps, etc., and to employ persons
- § 885. Repealed.
- §§ 886, 887. Repealed.
- § 888. Omitted
- §§ 889, 890. Repealed.
To provide for the orderly collection of geomagnetic data from domestic and foreign sources, and to assure that such data shall be readily available to Government and private agencies and individuals, the National Ocean Survey is designated as the central depository of the United States Government for geomagnetic data, and the Secretary of Commerce is authorized to collect, correlate, and disseminate such data.
To improve the efficiency of the National Ocean Survey and to increase engineering and scientific knowledge, the Secretary of Commerce is authorized to conduct developmental work for the improvement of surveying and cartographic methods, instruments, and equipments; and to conduct investigations and research in geophysical sciences (including geodesy, oceanography, seismology, and geomagnetism).
The Secretary of Commerce is authorized to contract with qualified organizations for the performance of any part of the authorized functions of the National Ocean Survey when he deems such procedure to be in the public interests.
The President is authorized to cause to be employed such of the public vessels as he deems it expedient to employ, and to give such instructions for regulating their conduct as he deems proper in order to carry out the provisions of this subchapter.
There are authorized to be appropriated such funds as may be necessary to acquire, construct, maintain, and operate ships, stations, equipment, and facilities and for such other expenditures, including personal services at the seat of government and elsewhere and including the erection of temporary observatory buildings and lease of sites therefor, as may be necessary for the conduct of the activities herein authorized.
The Administrator of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (hereinafter referred to in this subtitle 1
For fiscal year 1990 and hereafter funds appropriated under this span shall be available for acquisition of land for facilities.
On and after February 20, 2003, the Secretary of Commerce may award contracts for hydrographic, geodetic, and photogrammetric surveying and mapping services in accordance with title IX of the Federal Property and Administrative Services Act of 1949.1