Collapse to view only § 598a. Property acquisition
- § 591. Condemnation, purchase, and donation of land and materials
- § 592. Condemnation of land in aid of person, company, corporation, municipal or private
- § 593. Condemnation of land in aid of State or State agency
- § 594. When immediate possession of land may be taken
- § 595. Consideration of benefits in assessing compensation
- § 595a. Compensation for taking or condemnation of property for public improvements; fair market value; partial taking; effective date
- § 596. Repealed.
- § 597. Acquisition of lands for water resource development projects; information as to probable timing for acquisition; public meetings; regulations
- § 598. Resettlement of displaced families, individuals, and business concerns
- § 598a. Property acquisition
- § 598b. Minimum real estate interest
- § 598c. Easements for hurricane and storm damage reduction projects
The Secretary of the Army may cause proceedings to be instituted, in the name of the United States, in any court having jurisdiction of such proceedings, for the acquirement by condemnation of any land, right-of-way, or material needed to enable him to maintain, operate, or prosecute works for the improvement of rivers and harbors for which provision has been made by law; such proceedings to be prosecuted in accordance with the laws relating to suits for the condemnation of property of the States wherein the proceedings may be instituted: Provided, however, That when the owner of such land, right-of-way, or material shall fix a price for the same, which in the opinion of the Secretary of the Army, shall be reasonable, he may purchase the same at such price without further delay: And provided further, That the Secretary of the Army is authorized to accept donations of lands or materials required for the maintenance or prosecution of such works.
Whenever any person, company, or corporation, municipal or private, shall undertake to secure any land or easement therein needed in connection with a work of river and harbor improvement duly authorized by Congress, for the purpose of conveying the same to the United States free of cost, or for the purpose of constructing, maintaining, and operating locks, dry docks, or other works to be conveyed to the United States free of cost, and of constructing, maintaining and operating dams for use in connection therewith, and shall be unable for any reason to obtain the same by purchase and acquire a valid title thereto, the Secretary of the Army may, in his discretion, cause proceedings to be instituted in the name of the United States for the acquirement by condemnation of said land or easement, and it shall be the duty of the Attorney General of the United States to institute and conduct such proceedings upon the request of the Secretary of the Army: Provided, That all expenses of said proceedings and any award that may be made thereunder shall be paid by the said person, company, or corporation, to secure which payment the Secretary of the Army may require the said person, company, or corporation to execute a proper bond in such amount as he may deem necessary before said proceedings are commenced.
Whenever any State, or any reclamation, flood control or drainage district, or other public agency created by any State, shall undertake to secure any land or easement therein, needed in connection with a work of river and harbor improvement duly authorized by Congress, for the purpose of conveying the same to the United States free of cost, and shall be unable for any reason to obtain the same by purchase and acquire a valid title thereto, the Secretary of the Army may, in his discretion, cause proceedings to be instituted in the name of the United States for the acquirement by condemnation of said land or easement, and it shall be the duty of the Attorney General of the United States to institute and conduct such proceedings upon the request of the Secretary of the Army: Provided, That all expenses of said proceedings and any award that may be made thereunder shall be paid by such State, or reclamation, flood control or drainage district, or other public agency as aforesaid, to secure which payment the Secretary of the Army may require such State, or reclamation, flood control or drainage district, or other public agency as aforesaid, to execute a proper bond in such amount as he may deem necessary before said proceedings are commenced.
Whenever the Secretary of the Army, in pursuance of authority conferred on him by law, causes proceedings to be instituted in the name of the United States for the acquirement by condemnation of any lands, easements, or rights of way needed for a work of river and harbor improvements duly authorized by Congress, the United States, upon the filing of the petition in any such proceedings, shall have the right to take immediate possession of said lands, easements, or rights-of-way, to the extent of the interest to be acquired, and proceed with such public works thereon as have been authorized by Congress: Provided, That certain and adequate provision shall have been made for the payment of just compensation to the party or parties entitled thereto, either by previous appropriation by the United States or by the deposit of moneys or other form of security in such amount and form as shall be approved by the court in which such proceedings shall be instituted. The respondent or respondents may move at any time in the court to increase or change the amounts or securities, and the court shall make such order as shall be just in the premises and as shall adequately protect the respondents. In every case the proceedings in condemnation shall be diligently prosecuted on the part of the United States in order that such compensation may be promptly ascertained and paid.
In all cases where private property shall be taken by the United States for the public use in connection with any improvement of rivers, harbors, canals, or waterways of the United States, and in all condemnation proceedings by the United States to acquire lands or easements for such improvements, where a part only of any such parcel, lot, or tract of land shall be taken, the jury or other tribunal awarding the just compensation or assessing the damages to the owner, whether for the value of the part taken or for any injury to the part not taken, shall take into consideration by way of reducing the amount of compensation or damages any special and direct benefits to the remainder arising from the improvement, and shall render their award or verdict accordingly.
In all cases where real property shall be taken by the United States for the public use in connection with any improvement of rivers, harbors, canals, or waterways of the United States, and in all condemnation proceedings by the United States to acquire lands or easements for such improvements, the compensation to be paid for real property taken by the United States above the normal high water mark of navigable waters of the United States shall be the fair market value of such real property based upon all uses to which such real property may reasonably be put, including its highest and best use, any of which uses may be dependent upon access to or utilization of such navigable waters. In cases of partial takings of real property, no depreciation in the value of any remaining real property shall be recognized and no compensation shall be paid for any damages to such remaining real property which result from loss of or reduction of access from such remaining real property to such navigable waters because of the taking of real property or the purposes for which such real property is taken. The compensation defined herein shall apply to all acquisitions of real property after December 31, 1970, and to the determination of just compensation in any condemnation suit pending on December 31, 1970.
Within six months after the date that Congress authorizes construction of a water resource development project under the jurisdiction of the Secretary of the Army, the Corps of Engineers shall make reasonable effort to advise owners and occupants in and adjacent to the project area as to the probable timing for the acquisition of lands for the project and for incidental rights-of-way, relocations, and any other requirements affecting owners and occupants. Within a reasonable time after initial appropriations are made for land acquisition or construction, including relocations, the Corps of Engineers shall conduct public meetings at locations convenient to owners and tenants to be displaced by the project in order to advise them of the proposed plans for acquisition and to afford them an opportunity to comment. To carry out the provisions of this section, the Chief of Engineers shall issue regulations to provide, among other things, dissemination of the following information to those affected: (1) factors considered in making the appraisals; (2) desire to purchase property without going to court; (3) legal right to submit to condemnation proceedings; (4) payments for moving expenses or other losses not covered by appraised market value; (5) occupancy during construction; (6) removal of improvements; (7) payments required from occupants of Government acquired land; (8) withdrawals by owners of deposits made in court by Government, and (9) use of land by owner when easement is acquired. The provisions of this section shall not subject the United States to any liability nor affect the validity of any acquisitions by purchase or condemnation and shall be exempt from the operations of subchapter II of chapter 5, and chapter 7, of title 5.