Collapse to view only § 1607. Critical minerals supply chains and reliability

§ 1601. Congressional statement of findings; “materials” defined
(a) The Congress finds that—
(1) the availability of materials is essential for national security, economic well-being, and industrial production;
(2) the availability of materials is affected by the stability of foreign sources of essential industrial materials, instability of materials markets, international competition and demand for materials, the need for energy and materials conservation, and the enhancement of environmental quality;
(3) extraction, production, processing, use, recycling, and disposal of materials are closely linked with national concerns for energy and the environment;
(4) the United States is strongly interdependent with other nations through international trade in materials and other products;
(5) technological innovation and research and development are important factors which contribute to the availability and use of materials;
(6) the United States lacks a coherent national materials policy and a coordinated program to assure the availability of materials critical for national economic well-being, national defense, and industrial production, including interstate commerce and foreign trade; and
(7) notwithstanding the enactment of section 21a of this title, the United States does not have a coherent national materials and minerals policy.
(b)Definitions.—In this chapter:
(1)Critical mineral.—The term “critical mineral” means any mineral, element, substance, or material designated as critical by the Secretary under section 1606(c) of this title.
(2)Materials.—The term “materials” means substances, including minerals, of current or potential use that will be needed to supply the industrial, military, and essential civilian needs of the United States in the production of goods or services, including those which are primarily imported or for which there is a prospect of shortages or uncertain supply, or which present opportunities in terms of new physical properties, use, recycling, disposal or substitution, with the exclusion of food and of energy fuels used as such.
(Pub. L. 96–479, § 2, Oct. 21, 1980, 94 Stat. 2305; Pub. L. 116–260, div. Z, title VII, § 7002(b)(2), Dec. 27, 2020, 134 Stat. 2563.)
§ 1602. Congressional declaration of policiesIt is the continuing policy of the United States to promote an adequate and stable supply of materials necessary to maintain national security, economic well-being and industrial production with appropriate attention to a long-term balance between resource production, energy use, a healthy environment, natural resources conservation, and social needs. Implementation of this policy requires that the President shall, through the Executive Office of the President, coordinate the responsible departments and agencies to, among other measures—
(1) identify materials needs and assist in the pursuit of measures that would assure the availability of materials critical to commerce, the economy, and national security;
(2) establish a mechanism for the coordination and evaluation of Federal materials programs, including those involving research and development so as to complement related efforts by the private sector as well as other domestic and international agencies and organizations;
(3) establish an analytical and forecasting capability for identifying critical mineral demand, supply, and other factors to allow informed actions to be taken to avoid supply shortages, mitigate price volatility, and prepare for demand growth and other market shifts;
(4) promote a vigorous, comprehensive, and coordinated program of materials research and development consistent with the policies and priorities set forth in the National Science and Technology Policy, Organization, and Priorities Act of 1976 (42 U.S.C. 6601 et seq.);
(5) promote cooperative research and development programs with other nations for the equitable and frugal use of materials and energy;
(6) promote and encourage private enterprise in the development of economically sound and stable domestic materials industries;
(7) facilitate the availability, development, and environmentally responsible production of domestic resources to meet national material or critical mineral needs;
(8) avoid duplication of effort, prevent unnecessary paperwork, and minimize delays in the administration of applicable laws (including regulations) and the issuance of permits and authorizations necessary to explore for, develop, and produce critical minerals and to construct critical mineral manufacturing facilities in accordance with applicable environmental and land management laws;
(9) strengthen—
(A) educational and research capabilities at not lower than the secondary school level; and
(B) workforce training for exploration and development of critical minerals and critical mineral manufacturing;
(10) bolster international cooperation through technology transfer, information sharing, and other means;
(11) promote the efficient production, use, and recycling of critical minerals;
(12) develop alternatives to critical minerals; and
(13) establish contingencies for the production of, or access to, critical minerals for which viable sources do not exist within the United States.
(Pub. L. 96–479, § 3, Oct. 21, 1980, 94 Stat. 2305; Pub. L. 116–260, div. Z, title VII, § 7002(b)(1), (m)(2), Dec. 27, 2020, 134 Stat. 2563, 2576.)
§ 1603. Implementation of policiesThe President shall, through the Executive Office of the President, coordinate the responsible departments and agencies to implement the policy described in section 1602 of this title and shall—
(1) direct that the responsible departments and agencies identify, assist, and make recommendations for carrying out appropriate policies and programs to ensure adequate, stable, and economical materials supplies essential to national security, economic well-being, and industrial production;
(2) support basic and applied research and development to provide for, among other objectives—
(A) advanced science and technology for the exploration, discovery, and recovery of nonfuel materials;
(B) enhanced methods or processes for the more efficient production and use of renewable and nonrenewable resources;
(C) improved methods for the extraction, processing, use, recovery, and recycling of materials which encourage the conservation of materials, energy, and the environment; and
(D) improved understanding of current and new materials performance, processing, substitution, and adaptability in engineering designs;
(3) provide for improved collection, analysis, and dissemination of scientific, technical and economic materials information and data from Federal, State, and local governments and other sources as appropriate;
(4) assess the need for and make recommendations concerning the availability and adequacy of supply of technically trained personnel necessary for materials research, development, extraction, harvest and industrial practice, paying particular regard to the problem of attracting and maintaining high quality materials professionals in the Federal service;
(5) establish early warning systems for materials supply problems;
(6) recommend to the Congress appropriate measures to promote industrial innovation in materials and materials technologies;
(7) encourage cooperative materials research and problem-solving by—
(A) private corporations performing the same or related activities in materials industries; and
(B) Federal and State institutions having shared interests or objectives;
(8) assess Federal policies which adversely or positively affect all stages of the materials cycle, from exploration to final product recycling and disposal including but not limited to, financial assistance and tax policies for recycled and virgin sources of materials and make recommendations for equalizing any existing imbalances, or removing any impediments, which may be created by the application of Federal law and regulations to the market for materials; and
(9) assess the opportunities for the United States to promote cooperative multilateral and bilateral agreements for materials development in foreign nations for the purpose of increasing the reliability of materials supplies to the Nation.
(Pub. L. 96–479, § 4, Oct. 21, 1980, 94 Stat. 2306; Pub. L. 116–260, div. Z, title VII, § 7002(m)(3), Dec. 27, 2020, 134 Stat. 2576.)
§ 1604. Program administration
(a) President; preparation of plan and submission to Congress of reportWithin 1 year after December 27, 2020, the President shall submit to the Congress—
(1) a program plan to implement such existing or prospective proposals and organizational structures within the executive branch as he finds necessary to carry out the provisions set forth in sections 1602 and 1603 of this title. The plan shall include program and budget proposals and organizational structures providing for the following minimum elements:
(A) policy analysis and decision determination within the Executive Office of the President;
(B) continuing long-range analysis of materials use to meet national security, economic, industrial and social needs; the adequacy and stability of supplies; and the industrial and economic implications of supply shortages or disruptions;
(C) continuing private sector consultation in Federal materials programs; and
(D) interagency coordination at the level of the President’s Cabinet;
(2) recommendations for the collection, analysis, and dissemination of information concerning domestic and international long-range materials demand, supply and needs, including consideration of the establishment of a separate materials information agency patterned after the Bureau of Labor Statistics; and
(3) recommendations for legislation and administrative initiatives necessary to reconcile policy conflicts and to establish programs and institutional structures necessary to achieve the goals of a national materials policy.
(b) Director of Office of Science and Technology Policy; coordination, etc., activitiesIn accordance with the provisions of the National Science and Technology Policy, Organization, and Priorities Act of 1976 (42 U.S.C. 6601 et seq.), the Director of the Office of Science and Technology Policy shall:
(1) through the National Science and Technology Council coordinate Federal materials research and development and related activities in accordance with the policies and objectives established in this chapter;
(2) place special emphasis on the long-range assessment of national materials needs related to scientific and technological concerns and the research and development, Federal and private, necessary to meet those needs; and
(3) prepare an assessment of national materials needs related to scientific and technological changes over the next five years. Such assessment shall be revised on an annual basis. Where possible, the Director shall extend the assessment in 10- and 25-year increments over the whole expected lifetime of such needs and technologies.
(c) Secretary of Commerce; consultative, etc., requirements; identification and assessment activitiesThe Secretary of Commerce, in consultation with such other members of the Cabinet as may be appropriate, shall—
(1) not later than 1 year after December 27, 2020, submit to the Congress a report that assesses critical materials needs and that recommends programs that would assist in meeting such needs, including an assessment of economic stockpiles; and
(2) assess the adequacy and stability of the supply of materials necessary to maintain national security, economic well-being, public health, and industrial production.
(d) Secretary of Defense and other Cabinet members; assessment, etc., activities
(e) Secretary of the Interior; initiation of actions; reportThe Secretary of the Interior shall promptly initiate actions to—
(1) improve the capacity of the United States Geological Survey to assess international minerals supplies;
(2) increase the level of mining and metallurgical research by the United States Geological Survey in critical and strategic minerals; and
(3) improve the availability and analysis of mineral data in Federal land use decisionmaking.
A report summarizing actions required by this subsection shall be made available to the Congress within 1 year after December 27, 2020.
(f) Secretary of the Interior; collection, evaluation, and analysis activities concerning information
(Pub. L. 96–479, § 5, Oct. 21, 1980, 94 Stat. 2307; Pub. L. 116–260, div. Z, title VII, § 7002(m)(1) Dec. 27, 2020, 134 Stat. 2575.)
§ 1605. Applicability to other statutory national mining and minerals policies

Nothing in this chapter shall be interpreted as changing in any manner or degree the provisions of and requirements of section 21a of this title. For the purposes of achieving the objectives set forth in section 1602 of this title, the Congress declares that the President shall direct (1) the Secretary of the Interior to act immediately within the Department’s statutory authority to attain the goals contained in section 21a of this title and (2) the Executive Office of the President to act immediately to promote the goals contained in section 21a of this title among the various departments and agencies.

(Pub. L. 96–479, § 6, Oct. 21, 1980, 94 Stat. 2309.)
§ 1606. Mineral security
(a) DefinitionsIn this section:
(1) ByproductThe term “byproduct” means a critical mineral—
(A) the recovery of which depends on the production of a host mineral that is not designated as a critical mineral; and
(B) that exists in sufficient quantities to be recovered during processing or refining.
(2) Critical materialThe term “critical material” means—
(A) any non-fuel mineral, element, substance, or material that the Secretary of Energy determines—
(i) has a high risk of a supply chain disruption; and
(ii) serves an essential function in 1 or more energy technologies, including technologies that produce, transmit, store, and conserve energy; or
(B) a critical mineral.
(3) Critical mineral
(A) In general
(B) ExclusionsThe term “critical mineral” does not include—
(i) fuel minerals;
(ii) water, ice, or snow;
(iii) common varieties of sand, gravel, stone, pumice, cinders, and clay.
(4) Indian Tribe
(5) Secretary
(6) StateThe term “State” means—
(A) a State;
(B) the District of Columbia;
(C) the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico;
(D) Guam;
(E) American Samoa;
(F) the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands; and
(G) the United States Virgin Islands.
(7) Institution of higher educationThe term “institution of higher education” means—
(A) an institution of higher education (as defined in section 1001(a) of title 20); or
(B) a postsecondary vocational institution (as defined in section 1002(c) of title 20).
(b) Omitted
(c) Critical mineral designations
(1) Draft methodology and listThe Secretary, acting through the Director of the United States Geological Survey (referred to in this subsection as the “Secretary”), shall publish in the Federal Register for public comment—
(A) a description of the draft methodology used to identify a draft list of critical minerals;
(B) a draft list of minerals, elements, substances, and materials that qualify as critical minerals; and
(C) a draft list of critical minerals recovered as byproducts and their host minerals.
(2) Availability of data
(3) Final methodology and list
(A) a description of the final methodology for determining which minerals, elements, substances, and materials qualify as critical minerals;
(B) the final list of critical minerals; and
(C) the final list of critical minerals recovered as byproducts and their host minerals.
(4) Designations
(A) In generalFor purposes of carrying out this subsection, the Secretary shall maintain a list of minerals, elements, substances, and materials designated as critical, pursuant to the final methodology published under paragraph (3), that the Secretary determines—
(i) are essential to the economic or national security of the United States;
(ii) the supply chain of which is vulnerable to disruption (including restrictions associated with foreign political risk, abrupt demand growth, military conflict, violent unrest, anti-competitive or protectionist behaviors, and other risks throughout the supply chain); and
(iii) serve an essential function in the manufacturing of a product (including energy technology-, defense-, currency-, agriculture-, consumer electronics-, and health care-related applications), the absence of which would have significant consequences for the economic or national security of the United States.
(B) Inclusions
(C) Required consultation
(5) Subsequent review
(A) In general
(B) RevisionsSubject to paragraph (4)(A), the Secretary may—
(i) revise the methodology described in this subsection;
(ii) determine that minerals, elements, substances, and materials previously determined to be critical minerals are no longer critical minerals; and
(iii) designate additional minerals, elements, substances, or materials as critical minerals.
(6) Notice
(d) Resource assessment
(1) In generalNot later than 4 years after December 27, 2020, in consultation with applicable State (including geological surveys), local, academic, industry, and other entities, the Secretary (acting through the Director of the United States Geological Survey) or a designee of the Secretary, shall complete a comprehensive national assessment of each critical mineral that—
(A) identifies and quantifies known critical mineral resources, using all available public and private information and datasets, including exploration histories; and
(B) provides a quantitative and qualitative assessment of undiscovered critical mineral resources throughout the United States, including probability estimates of tonnage and grade, using all available public and private information and datasets, including exploration histories.
(2) Supplementary information
(3) Public access
(4) Technical assistance
(5) Prioritization
(A) In general
(B) ReportingDuring the period beginning not later than 1 year after December 27, 2020, and ending on the date of completion of all of the assessments required under this subsection, the Secretary shall submit to Congress on an annual basis an interim report that—
(i) identifies the sequence and schedule for completion of the assessments if the Secretary sequences the assessments; or
(ii) describes the progress of the assessments if the Secretary does not sequence the assessments.
(6) UpdatesThe Secretary may periodically update the assessments conducted under this subsection based on—
(A) the generation of new information or datasets by the Federal Government; or
(B) the receipt of new information or datasets from critical mineral producers, State geological surveys, academic institutions, trade associations, or other persons.
(7) Additional surveys
(8) ReportNot later than 2 years after December 27, 2020, the Secretary shall submit to Congress a report describing the status of geological surveying of Federal land for any mineral commodity—
(A) for which the United States was dependent on a foreign country for more than 25 percent of the United States supply, as depicted in the report issued by the United States Geological Survey entitled ‘Mineral Commodity Summaries 2021’; but
(B) that is not designated as a critical mineral under subsection (c).
(e) Report of Small Business AdministrationNot later than 1 year and 300 days after December 27, 2020, the Administrator of the Small Business Administration shall submit to the applicable committees of Congress a report that assesses the performance of Federal agencies with respect to—
(1) complying with chapter 6 of title 5 (commonly known as the “Regulatory Flexibility Act”), in promulgating regulations applicable to the critical minerals industry; and
(2) performing an analysis of the efficiency of regulations applicable to the critical minerals industry, including those that are disproportionately burdensome to small businesses.
(f) Federal Register process
(1) Departmental reviewAbsent any extraordinary circumstance, and except as otherwise required by law, the Secretary and the Secretary of Agriculture shall ensure that each Federal Register notice described in paragraph (2) shall be—
(A) subject to any required reviews within the Department of the Interior or the Department of Agriculture; and
(B) published in final form in the Federal Register not later than 45 days after the date of initial preparation of the notice.
(2) Preparation
(3) TransmissionAll Federal Register notices regarding official document availability, announcements of meetings, or notices of intent to undertake an action shall be originated in, and transmitted to the Federal Register from, the office in which, as applicable—
(A) the documents or meetings are held; or
(B) the activity is initiated.
(4) Application of certain provisions
(A) In generalSubsection (f) shall also apply to—
(i) an exploration project in which the presence of a byproduct is reasonably expected, based on known mineral companionality, geologic formation, mineralogy, or other factors; and
(ii) a project that demonstrates that a byproduct is of sufficient grade that, when combined with the production of a host mineral, the byproduct is economic to recover, as determined by the applicable Secretary in accordance with subparagraph (B), and that the byproduct will be recovered in commercial quantities.
(B) Requirement
(g) Recycling, innovation, efficiency, and alternatives
(1) EstablishmentThe Secretary of Energy (referred to in this subsection as the “Secretary”) shall conduct a program (referred to in this subsection as the “program”) of research, development, demonstration, and commercialization—
(A) to develop alternatives to critical materials that do not occur in significant abundance in the United States;
(B) to promote the efficient production, use, and recycling of critical materials, with special consideration for domestic critical materials, throughout the supply chain;
(C) to ensure the long-term, secure, and sustainable supply of critical materials; and
(D) to prioritize work in areas that the private sector by itself is not likely to undertake due to financial or technical limitations.
(2) CooperationIn carrying out the program, the Secretary shall cooperate with appropriate—
(A) Federal agencies, including the Department of the Interior;
(B) the National Laboratories;
(C) critical material producers, processors, and manufacturers;
(D) trade associations;
(E) academic institutions (including students and postdoctoral staff at institutions of higher education);
(F) small businesses;
(G) nongovernmental organizations; and
(H) other relevant entities or individuals.
(3) Energy Innovation Hub
(4) ActivitiesUnder the program, the Secretary shall carry out activities that include the identification and development of—
(A) alternative materials, particularly materials available in abundance within the United States and not subject to potential supply restrictions, that lessen the need for critical materials;
(B) alternative energy technologies or alternative designs of existing energy technologies, particularly technologies or designs that use materials that—
(i) occur in abundance in the United States; and
(ii) are not subject to potential supply restrictions;
(C) technologies or process improvements that minimize the use and span, or lead to more efficient use, of critical materials across the full supply chain;
(D) innovative technologies and practices to diversify commercially viable and sustainable domestic sources of critical materials, including technologies for recovery from waste streams;
(E) technologies, process improvements, or design optimizations that facilitate the recycling of critical materials, and options for improving the rates of collection of products and scrap containing critical materials from post-consumer, industrial, or other waste streams;
(F) advanced critical material extraction, production, separation, alloying, or processing technologies that decrease the energy consumption, environmental impact, and costs of those activities, including—
(i) efficient water and wastewater management strategies;
(ii) technologies and management strategies to control the environmental impacts of radionuclides in ore tailings;
(iii) technologies for separation and processing; and
(iv) technologies for increasing the recovery rates of coproducts and byproducts from host metal ores;
(G) commercial markets, advanced storage methods, energy applications, and other beneficial uses of critical materials; and
(H) advanced theoretical, computational, and experimental tools necessary to support the crosscutting research and development needs of diverse critical minerals stakeholders.
(5) Plan
(A) In general
(B) InclusionsThe plan under subparagraph (A) shall include a description of—
(i) the research and development activities to be carried out under the program during the subsequent 2 years;
(ii) the expected contributions under the program to the creation of innovative methods and technologies for the efficient and sustainable provision of critical materials to the domestic economy;
(iii) the expected activities under the program to mitigate the environmental and health impacts of the extraction, processing, manufacturing, use, recovery, and recycling of critical materials; and
(iv) how the program will promote the broadest possible participation by academic, industrial, and other contributors and the public.
(6) Coordination and nonduplication
(7) Standard of review
(8) Critical materials consortium
(A) In general
(B) Leadership
(C) Membership
(D) ResponsibilitiesThe Consortium shall—
(i) develop and implement a multiyear plan that—(I) identifies technical goals and milestones for the program;(II) utilizes the high performance computing capabilities of the Department; and(III) leverages the expertise of the National Laboratories and the United States Geological Survey; and
(ii) submit an annual report to the Secretary summarizing the activities of the Consortium, including an evaluation of the role of the Consortium in the achievement of the technical milestones identified under clause (i)(I).
(E) Sunset; termination
(i) In general
(ii) Merit review
(iii) Termination
(9) Reports
(10) Authorization of appropriationsThere are authorized to be appropriated to the Secretary to carry out this subsection—
(A) $125,000,000 for fiscal year 2021;
(B) $105,000,000 for fiscal year 2022;
(C) $100,000,000 for fiscal year 2023;
(D) $135,000,000 for fiscal year 2024; and
(E) $135,000,000 for fiscal year 2025.
(h) Critical Materials Supply Chain Research Facility
(1) In general
(2) RequirementsThe facility—
(A) shall be used to further enable research, development, demonstration, and commercialization activities throughout the supply chain for critical materials; and
(B) shall provide an integrated, rapidly reconfigurable research platform.
(3) Authorization of appropriationsThere are authorized to be appropriated to the Secretary to fund the design and construction of the facility, to remain available until expended—
(A) $10,000,000 for fiscal year 2021;
(B) $30,000,000 for fiscal year 2022; and
(C) $35,000,000 for fiscal year 2023.
(i) Critical Materials Research Database and Information Portal
(1) In general
(2) Cooperation
(3) PurposeThe purpose of the Portal is to support the development of a web-based platform to provide public access to a database of computed information on known and predicted critical materials and related material properties and computational tools in order—
(A) to accelerate breakthroughs in critical materials identification and design;
(B) to strengthen the foundation for technologies that will enable more sustainable recycling, substitution, use, and recovery and minimize the environmental impacts of methods for extraction, processing, and manufacturing of critical materials; and
(C) to drive the development of advanced materials for applications that span the missions of the Department of Energy and the Department of the Interior (referred to in this subsection as the “Departments”) in energy, environment, and national security.
(4) ActivitiesIn carrying out this subsection, the Secretaries shall—
(A) conduct cooperative research with industry, academia, and other research institutions to facilitate the design of novel materials, including critical materials and substitutes for critical materials;
(B) leverage existing high-performance computing systems to conduct high throughput calculations and develop computing and data mining algorithms for the prediction of material properties, including a focus on critical materials;
(C) leverage and support research in mineralogy and mineral chemistry to enhance the understanding, prediction, and manipulation of critical materials;
(D) assist scientists and engineers in making the fullest possible use of the relevant data holdings of the Departments, including the scientific and technical data generated by the research and development activities funded under subsection (g);
(E) seek and incorporate other information on critical materials to enhance the Departments’ utility for program participants and other users; and
(F) manage and make available to researchers and the public accessible, curated, standardized, secure, and privacy-protected data sets from the public and private sectors for the purposes of critical materials research and development activities.
(5) Proprietary informationIn carrying out this subsection, the Secretaries shall ensure, consistent with section 1604(f) of this title, that—
(A) no person uses the information and data collected for the Portal for a purpose other than the development of, or reporting of, aggregate data in a manner such that the identity of the person or firm who supplied the information is not discernible and is not material to the intended uses of the information;
(B) no person discloses any information or data collected for the Portal unless the information or data has been transformed into a statistical or aggregate form that does not allow the identification of the person or firm who supplied particular information; and
(C) procedures are established to require the withholding of any information or data collected for the Portal if at least 1 of the Secretaries determines that the withholding is necessary to protect proprietary information, including any trade secrets or other confidential information.
(j) Analysis and forecasting
(1) CapabilitiesIn order to evaluate existing critical mineral policies and inform future actions that may be taken to avoid supply shortages, mitigate price volatility, and prepare for demand growth and other market shifts, the Secretary (acting through the Director of the United States Geological Survey) or a designee of the Secretary, in consultation with the Energy Information Administration, academic institutions, and others in order to maximize the application of existing competencies related to developing and maintaining computer-models and similar analytical tools, shall conduct and publish the results of an annual report that includes—
(A) as part of the annually published Mineral Commodity Summaries from the United States Geological Survey, a comprehensive review of critical mineral production, consumption, and recycling patterns, including—
(i) the quantity of each critical mineral domestically produced during the preceding year;
(ii) the quantity of each critical mineral domestically consumed during the preceding year;
(iii) market price data or other price data for each critical mineral;
(iv) an assessment of—(I) critical mineral requirements to meet the national security, energy, economic, industrial, technological, and other needs of the United States during the preceding year;(II) the reliance of the United States on foreign sources to meet those needs during the preceding year; and(III) the implications of any supply shortages, restrictions, or disruptions during the preceding year;
(v) the quantity of each critical mineral domestically recycled during the preceding year;
(vi) the market penetration during the preceding year of alternatives to each critical mineral;
(vii) a discussion of international trends associated with the discovery, production, consumption, use, costs of production, prices, and recycling of each critical mineral as well as the development of alternatives to critical minerals; and
(viii) such other data, analyses, and evaluations as the Secretary finds are necessary to achieve the purposes of this subsection; and
(B) a comprehensive forecast, entitled the “Annual Critical Minerals Outlook”, of projected critical mineral production, consumption, and recycling patterns, including—
(i) the quantity of each critical mineral projected to be domestically produced over the subsequent 1-year, 5-year, and 10-year periods;
(ii) the quantity of each critical mineral projected to be domestically consumed over the subsequent 1-year, 5-year, and 10-year periods;
(iii) an assessment of—(I) critical mineral requirements to meet projected national security, energy, economic, industrial, technological, and other needs of the United States;(II) the projected reliance of the United States on foreign sources to meet those needs; and(III) the projected implications of potential supply shortages, restrictions, or disruptions;
(iv) the quantity of each critical mineral projected to be domestically recycled over the subsequent 1-year, 5-year, and 10-year periods;
(v) the market penetration of alternatives to each critical mineral projected to take place over the subsequent 1-year, 5-year, and 10-year periods;
(vi) a discussion of reasonably foreseeable international trends associated with the discovery, production, consumption, use, costs of production, and recycling of each critical mineral as well as the development of alternatives to critical minerals; and
(vii) such other projections relating to each critical mineral as the Secretary determines to be necessary to achieve the purposes of this subsection.
(2) Proprietary informationIn preparing a report described in paragraph (1), the Secretary shall ensure, consistent with section 1604(f) of this title, that—
(A) no person uses the information and data collected for the report for a purpose other than the development of or reporting of aggregate data in a manner such that the identity of the person or firm who supplied the information is not discernible and is not material to the intended uses of the information;
(B) no person discloses any information or data collected for the report unless the information or data has been transformed into a statistical or aggregate form that does not allow the identification of the person or firm who supplied particular information; and
(C) procedures are established to require the withholding of any information or data collected for the report if the Secretary determines that withholding is necessary to protect proprietary information, including any trade secrets or other confidential information.
(k) Education and workforce
(1) Workforce assessmentNot later than 1 year and 300 days after December 27, 2020, the Secretary of Labor (in consultation with the Secretary, the Director of the National Science Foundation, institutions of higher education with substantial expertise in mining, institutions of higher education with significant expertise in minerals research, including fundamental research into alternatives, and employers in the critical minerals sector) shall submit to Congress an assessment of the domestic availability of technically trained personnel necessary for critical mineral exploration, development, assessment, production, manufacturing, recycling, analysis, forecasting, education, and research, including an analysis of—
(A) skills that are in the shortest supply as of the date of the assessment;
(B) skills that are projected to be in short supply in the future;
(C) the demographics of the critical minerals industry and how the demographics will evolve under the influence of factors such as an aging workforce;
(D) the effectiveness of training and education programs in addressing skills shortages;
(E) opportunities to hire locally for new and existing critical mineral activities;
(F) the sufficiency of personnel within relevant areas of the Federal Government for achieving the policies described in section 1602 of this title; and
(G) the potential need for new training programs to have a measurable effect on the supply of trained workers in the critical minerals industry.
(2) Curriculum study
(A) In generalThe Secretary and the Secretary of Labor shall jointly enter into an arrangement with the National Academy of Sciences and the National Academy of Engineering under which the Academies shall coordinate with the National Science Foundation on conducting a study—
(i) to design an interdisciplinary program on critical minerals that will support the critical mineral supply chain and improve the ability of the United States to increase domestic, critical mineral exploration, development, production, manufacturing, research, including fundamental research into alternatives, and recycling;
(ii) to address undergraduate and graduate education, especially to assist in the development of graduate level programs of research and instruction that lead to advanced degrees with an emphasis on the critical mineral supply chain or other positions that will increase domestic, critical mineral exploration, development, production, manufacturing, research, including fundamental research into alternatives, and recycling;
(iii) to develop guidelines for proposals from institutions of higher education with substantial capabilities in the required disciplines for activities to improve the critical mineral supply chain and advance the capacity of the United States to increase domestic, critical mineral exploration, research, development, production, manufacturing, and recycling; and
(iv) to outline criteria for evaluating performance and recommendations for the amount of funding that will be necessary to establish and carry out the program described in paragraph (3).
(B) Report
(3) Program
(A) EstablishmentThe Secretary and the Secretary of Labor shall jointly conduct a competitive grant program under which institutions of higher education may apply for and receive 4-year grants for—
(i) startup costs for newly designated faculty positions in integrated critical mineral education, research, innovation, training, and workforce development programs consistent with paragraph (2);
(ii) internships, scholarships, and fellowships for students enrolled in programs related to critical minerals;
(iii) equipment necessary for integrated critical mineral innovation, training, and workforce development programs; and
(iv) research of critical minerals and their applications, particularly concerning the manufacture of critical components vital to national security.
(B) Renewal
(l), (m) Omitted
(n) Administration
(1), (2) Omitted
(3) Savings clauses
(A) In generalNothing in this section or an amendment made by this section modifies any requirement or authority provided by—
(i) the matter under the span “geological survey” of the first section of the Act of March 3, 1879 (43 U.S.C. 31(a)); or
(ii) the first section of Public Law 87–626 (43 U.S.C. 31(b)).
(B) Effect on Department of Defense
(C) Secretarial order not affected
(o) Authorization of appropriations
(Pub. L. 116–260, div. Z, title VII, § 7002, Dec. 27, 2020, 134 Stat. 2562; Pub. L. 118–233, § 2, Jan. 4, 2025, 138 Stat. 2835.)
§ 1607. Critical minerals supply chains and reliability
(a) Definition of critical mineral
(b) Sense of CongressIt is the sense of Congress that—
(1) critical minerals are fundamental to the economy, competitiveness, and security of the United States;
(2) many critical minerals are only economic to recover when combined with the production of a host mineral;
(3) to the maximum extent practicable, the critical mineral needs of the United States should be satisfied by minerals responsibly produced and recycled in the United States; and
(4) the Federal permitting process has been identified as an impediment to mineral production and the mineral security of the United States.
(c) Federal permitting and review performance improvementsTo improve the quality and timeliness of Federal permitting and review processes with respect to critical mineral production on Federal land, the Secretary of the Interior, acting through the Director of the Bureau of Land Management, and the Secretary of Agriculture, acting through the Chief of the Forest Service (referred to in this section as the “Secretaries”), to the maximum extent practicable, shall complete the Federal permitting and review processes with maximum efficiency and effectiveness, while supporting vital economic growth, by—
(1) establishing and adhering to timelines and schedules for the consideration of, and final decisions regarding, applications, operating plans, leases, licenses, permits, and other use authorizations for critical mineral-related activities on Federal land;
(2) establishing clear, quantifiable, and temporal permitting performance goals and tracking progress against those goals;
(3) engaging in early collaboration among agencies, project sponsors, and affected stakeholders—
(A) to incorporate and address the interests of those parties; and
(B) to minimize delays;
(4) ensuring transparency and accountability by using cost-effective information technology to collect and disseminate information regarding individual projects and agency performance;
(5) engaging in early and active consultation with State, local, and Tribal governments—
(A) to avoid conflicts or duplication of effort;
(B) to resolve concerns; and
(C) to allow for concurrent, rather than sequential, reviews;
(6) providing demonstrable improvements in the performance of Federal permitting and review processes, including lower costs and more timely decisions;
(7) expanding and institutionalizing Federal permitting and review process improvements that have proven effective;
(8) developing mechanisms to better communicate priorities and resolve disputes among agencies at the national, regional, State, and local levels; and
(9) developing other practices, such as preapplication procedures.
(d) Review and reportNot later than 1 year after November 15, 2021, the Secretaries shall submit to Congress a report that—
(1) identifies additional measures, including regulatory and legislative proposals, if appropriate, that would increase the timeliness of permitting activities for the exploration and development of domestic critical minerals;
(2) identifies options, including cost recovery paid by permit applicants, for ensuring adequate staffing and training of Federal entities and personnel responsible for the consideration of applications, operating plans, leases, licenses, permits, and other use authorizations for critical mineral-related activities on Federal land;
(3) quantifies the period of time typically required to complete each step associated with the development and processing of applications, operating plans, leases, licenses, permits, and other use authorizations for critical mineral-related activities on Federal land, including by—
(A) calculating the range, the mean, the median, the variance, and other statistical measures or representations of the period of time; and
(B) taking into account other aspects that affect the period of time that are outside the control of the Executive branch, such as judicial review, applicant decisions, or State and local government involvement; and
(4) describes actions carried out pursuant to subsection (c).
(e) Performance metric
(f) Annual reportsNot later than the date on which the President submits the first budget of the President under section 1105 of title 31, after publication of the performance metric required under subsection (e), and annually thereafter, the Secretaries shall submit to Congress a report that—
(1) summarizes the implementation of recommendations, measures, and options identified in paragraphs (1) and (2) of subsection (d);
(2) using the performance metric developed under subsection (e), describes progress made by the Executive branch, as compared to the baseline developed pursuant to subsection (d)(3), in expediting the permitting of activities that will increase exploration for, and development of, domestic critical minerals; and
(3) compares the United States to other countries in terms of permitting efficiency and any other criteria relevant to the globally competitive critical minerals industry.
(g) Individual projects
(Pub. L. 117–58, div. D, title II, § 40206, Nov. 15, 2021, 135 Stat. 961.)