Collapse to view only § 2001. House Office Building; control, supervision, and care
- § 2001. House Office Building; control, supervision, and care
- § 2002. Acquisition of buildings and facilities for use in emergency situation
- § 2003. Speaker as member of House Office Building commission
- § 2004. Assignment of rooms in House Office Building
- § 2005. Vacant rooms; assignment to Representatives
- § 2006. Withdrawal by Representative of request for vacant rooms
- § 2007. Exchange of rooms
- § 2008. Record of assignment of rooms
- § 2009. Assignment of rooms to Commissioner from Puerto Rico
- § 2010. Assignment of rooms; control of by House
- § 2011. Assignment of unoccupied space
- § 2012. Furniture for House of Representatives
- § 2013. Revolving fund for House gymnasium; deposit of receipts; availability for expenditure
The House of Representatives Office Building, which shall hereafter be designated as the House Office Building and the employment of all service, other than the United States Capitol Police, that may be appropriated for by Congress, necessary for its protection, care, and occupancy, shall be under the control and supervision of the Architect of the Capitol, subject to the approval and direction of a commission consisting of the Speaker of the House of Representatives and two Representatives in Congress, to be appointed by the Speaker. Vacancies occurring by resignation, termination of service as Representatives in Congress, or otherwise in the membership of said commission shall be filled by the Speaker, and any two members of said commission shall constitute a quorum to do business. The Architect of the Capitol shall submit annually to Congress estimates in detail for all services, other than the United States Capitol Police, and for all other expenses in connection with said office building and necessary for its protection, care, and occupancy; and said commission herein referred to shall from time to time prescribe rules and regulations to govern said architect in making all such employments, together with rules and regulations governing the use and occupancy of all rooms and space in said building.
The Speaker shall continue a member of the commission in control of said building until his successor as Speaker is elected or his term as a Representative in Congress shall have expired.
The assignment of rooms in the House Office Building, made prior to May 28, 1908, by resolution or order of the House of Representatives, shall continue in force until modified or changed in accordance with the provisions of sections 2004 to 2011 of this title, and the room so assigned to any Representative shall continue to be held by such Representative as his individual office room so long as he shall remain a Member or Member-elect of the House of Representatives, or until he shall relinquish the same, subject, however, to the provisions of said sections, and no Representative shall allow his office room to be used for any other purpose.
Any Member or Member-elect of the House of Representatives may file with the Architect of the Capitol a request in writing that any individual office room be assigned to him whenever it shall become vacant. If only one such request has been made for any room which shall at any time have become vacant, the room shall be assigned as requested. If two or more requests are made for the same vacant room, preference shall be given to the Representative making the request who has been longest in continuous service as a Member and Member-elect of the House of Representatives. If two or more Representatives with equal length of continuous service, or two or more Representatives-elect make request for the same room, preference shall be given to the one first preferring his request.
A Representative or Representative-elect making request for the assignment of a vacant room may withdraw the same at any time and no one shall have pending at the same time more than one such request. The assignment of a new room to a Representative, upon his request, or the appointment of any Representative having an individual office room as chairman of a committee having a committee room, shall act as a relinquishment by him of the room previously assigned to him.
Representatives having rooms assigned to them in the foregoing manner may exchange rooms one with another, but such exchange shall be valid only so long as both Members making the exchange shall remain continuously Members or Members-elect of the House of Representatives.
The Architect of the Capitol shall keep a record of the assignment of rooms made, exchanges which may be made, requests for vacant rooms which may be filed, and the assignment thereof, which record shall be open for the inspection of Representatives or Representatives-elect of the House.
In the matter of the assignment of rooms under sections 2004 to 2011 of this title, Delegates in Congress and the Commissioner from Puerto Rico shall be treated the same as Representatives.
The assignment and reassignment of the rooms and other space in the House Office Building shall be subject to the control of the House of Representatives by rule, resolution, order, or otherwise. Nothing in sections 2004 to 2011 of this title shall be construed to affect or repeal the provisions of section 2001 of this title, placing said House Office Building under the control of the Architect of the Capitol, subject to the approval and direction of the commission provided therein.
Unoccupied space in said building shall be assigned by the Architect of the Capitol under the direction of the commission and subject to the control of the House of Representatives.
The Chief Administrative Officer of the House of Representatives shall supervise and direct the care and repair of all furniture in the Hall, cloakrooms, lobby, committee rooms, and offices of the House, and all furniture required for the House of Representatives or for any of its committee rooms or offices shall be procured on designs and specifications made or approved by the Chief Administrative Officer.
There is established in the Treasury a revolving fund for the House of Representatives gymnasium. The Architect of the Capitol shall deposit in the fund such amounts as the Architect may receive as gymnasium dues or assessments from Members of the House of Representatives and other authorized users of the gymnasium. The amounts so deposited shall be available for obligation by the Architect for expenses of the gymnasium.