Collapse to view only § 356a. Omitted
- § 351. Establishment
- § 352. Membership
- § 353. Executive Director; additional personnel; detail of personnel of other agencies
- § 354. Use of United States mails
- § 355. Administrative support services
- § 356. Functions
- § 356a. Omitted
- § 357. Report by Commission to President with respect to pay
- § 358. Recommendations of President with respect to pay
- § 359. Effective date of recommendations of President
- § 360. Effect of recommendations on existing law and prior recommendations
- § 361. Publication of recommendations
- § 362. Requirements applicable to recommendations
- § 363. Additional function
- § 364. Provision relating to certain other pay adjustments
There is hereby established a commission to be known as the Citizens’ Commission on Public Service and Compensation (hereinafter referred to as the “Commission”).
The Commission may use the United States mails in the same manner and upon the same conditions as other departments and agencies of the United States.
The Administrator of General Services shall provide administrative support services for the Commission on a reimbursable basis.
The Commission shall submit to the President a report of the results of each review conducted by the Commission with respect to rates of pay for the offices and positions within the purview of subparagraphs (A), (B), (C), and (D) of section 356 of this title, together with its recommendations. Each such report shall be submitted on such date as the President may designate but not later than December 15 next following the close of the fiscal year in which the review is conducted by the Commission.
The recommendations of the President which take effect shall be printed in the Statutes at Large in the same volume as public laws and shall be printed in the Federal Register and included in the Code of Federal Regulations.
The Commission shall, whenever it conducts a review under section 356 of this title, also conduct a review under this section relating to any recruitment or retention problems, and any public policy issues involved in maintaining appropriate ethical standards, with respect to any offices or positions within the Federal public service. Any findings or recommendations under this section shall be included by the Commission as part of its report to the President under section 357 of this title.