Collapse to view only § 277d. Funds received from Mexico; expenditure
- § 277. International Boundary Commission, United States and Mexico; study of boundary waters
- § 277a. Investigations of commission; construction of works or projects
- § 277b. Works or projects under treaty
- § 277c. Agreements with political subdivisions; acquisition of lands
- § 277d. Funds received from Mexico; expenditure
- § 277d-1. Authorizations for Mexican treaty projects; acquisition of lands for relocation purposes; contracts and conveyances
- § 277d-2.
- § 277d-3. Authorization for appropriations; activities for which available; contracts for excess amounts
- § 277d-4. Acquisition of properties of Imperial Irrigation District of California
- § 277d-5. Availability of prior appropriations; restriction to projects agreed to under treaty
- § 277d-6. Douglas-Agua Prieta Sanitation Project; operation by Commission; division of costs; contribution by City of Douglas, Arizona
- § 277d-7. Authorization for appropriations; availability of prior appropriations; use of moneys received
- § 277d-8. Calexico Mexicali Sanitation Project; operation by Commission; division of costs; contribution by City of Calexico, California
- § 277d-9. Authorization for appropriations; availability of prior appropriations; use of moneys received
- § 277d-10. Nogales Sanitation Project; operation by Commission; division of costs; contribution by Nogales, Arizona
- § 277d-11. Authorization of appropriations; availability of prior appropriations; use of moneys received
- § 277d-12. Expenditures for flood fighting, rescue operations, repairs or restoration of flood control or sanitation works threatened or destroyed by floodwaters of Rio Grande, Colorado, or Tijuana Rivers
- § 277d-13. Authorization for international storage dam on the Rio Grande
- § 277d-14. Construction, operation, and maintenance on self-liquidating basis of facilities for generating hydroelectric energy
- § 277d-15. Integration of operation of dam with other United States water conservation activities
- § 277d-16. Authorization of appropriations
- § 277d-17. Chamizal boundary settlement; investigations relating to river channel; acquisition of lands; relocation of facilities
- § 277d-18. Construction, operation, and maintenance of works; Bridge of the Americas
- § 277d-19. Compensation of owners and tenants to prevent economic injury; regulations
- § 277d-20. Limitation on application for reimbursement or compensation
- § 277d-21. Attorneys’ fees; penalties
- § 277d-22. Prohibition against duplicate payments; eligibility for payments unaffected by means employed for acquisition of property; rights and powers unaffected
- § 277d-23. Taxation; exclusion from gross income
- § 277d-24. Definitions; exemption from administrative procedure provisions
- § 277d-25. Authorization of appropriations
- § 277d-26. Lower Colorado River emergency flood control works; agreements with Mexico for joint construction, operation and maintenance
- § 277d-27. Execution of agreements
- § 277d-28. Authorization of appropriations
- § 277d-29. Rio Grande canalization project; flood and sediment control; agreements authorized; control gates; costs; authorization of appropriations
- § 277d-30. Lower Rio Grande drainage conveyance canal projects; agreements with Mexico for construction, operation, and maintenance; division of costs; non-Federal assurances of one-half of Federal costs
- § 277d-31. Authorization of appropriations
- § 277d-32. Tijuana River flood control project; agreement with Mexico for joint construction, operation and maintenance
- § 277d-33. Authorization; construction, operation, and maintenance, appropriations, and acquisition of land
- § 277d-34. American-Mexican Boundary Treaty, authorization for carrying out treaty provisions; investigations; land acquisition, purposes; damages, repair or compensation
- § 277d-35. Construction, operation, and maintenance of works; property relocation, contracts; transfer of authority
- § 277d-36. Sale of excess land
- § 277d-37. Channel shifts; boundary determination
- § 277d-38. Acquired land, addition to State; State jurisdiction
- § 277d-39. Hidalgo-Reynosa lands; administration; part of national wildlife refuge system
- § 277d-40. Authorization of appropriations
- § 277d-41. American-Mexican Boundary Treaty, Presidio flood control project; authorization of flood control agreement
- § 277d-42. Construction, operation, and maintenance of flood control works; authorization of appropriations; restrictions
- § 277d-43. Definitions
- § 277d-44. Actions to be taken by the Commission and the Administrator
- § 277d-45. New Treaty Minute
- § 277d-46. Authorization of appropriations
- § 277e. Disposal of lands; issuance of licenses for use of lands; compensation for injured property
- § 277f. Valley Gravity Canal and Storage Project
- § 277g. Agreements to correct pollution of Rio Grande
- § 277g-1. Authority of Secretary of State to plan, construct, operate, and maintain facilities
- § 277g-2. Consultation with Administrator of Environmental Protection Agency and other authorities
- § 277g-3. Authorization of appropriations
- § 277h. Authority of the International Boundary and Water Commission to assist State and local governments
- § 277i. Report on water sharing
- § 277j. Management of international transboundary water pollution
The President is authorized to designate the American Commissioner on the International Boundary Commission, United States and Mexico, or other Federal agency, to cooperate with a representative or representatives of the Government of Mexico in a study regarding the equitable use of the waters of the lower Rio Grande and the lower Colorado and Tia Juana Rivers, for the purpose of obtaining information which may be used as a basis for the negotiation of a treaty with the Government of Mexico relative to the use of the waters of these rivers and to matters closely related thereto. On completion of such study the results shall be reported to the Secretary of State.
The Secretary of State, acting through the American Commissioner, International Boundary Commission, United States and Mexico, is further authorized to conduct technical and other investigations relating to the defining, demarcation, fencing, or monumentation of the land and water boundary between the United States and Mexico, to flood control, water resources, conservation, and utilization of water, sanitation and prevention of pollution, channel rectification, stabilization, drainage of transboundary storm waters, and other related matters upon the international boundary between the United States and Mexico; and to construct and maintain fences, monuments and other demarcations of the boundary line between the United States and Mexico, and sewer systems, water systems, and electric light, power and gas systems crossing the international border, and to continue such work and operations through the American Commissioner as are now in progress and are authorized by law.
The President is authorized and empowered to construct, operate, and maintain on the Rio Grande River below Fort Quitman, Texas, any and all works or projects which are recommended to the President as the result of such investigations and by the President are deemed necessary and proper.
In order to carry out the provisions of sections 277 to 277d of this title, the President, or any Federal agency he may designate is authorized, (a) in his discretion, to enter into agreements with any one or more of said political subdivisions, in connection with the construction of any project or works provided for in paragraph (2) of section 277a and section 277b of this title, under the terms of which agreements there shall be furnished to the United States, gratuitously, except for the examination and approval of titles, the lands or easements in lands necessary for the construction, operation, and maintenance in whole or in part of any such project or works, or for the assumption by one or more of any such political subdivisions making such agreement, of the operation and maintenance of such project or works in whole or in part upon the completion thereof: Provided, however, That when an agreement is reached that necessary lands or easements shall be provided by any such political subdivision and for the future operation and maintenance by it of a project or works or a part thereof, in the discretion of the President the title to such lands and easements for such projects or works need not be required to be conveyed to the United States but may be required only to be vested in and remain in such political subdivision; (b) to acquire by purchase, exercise of the power of eminent domain, or by donation, any real or personal property which may be necessary; (c) 1
Any moneys contributed by or received from the United Mexican States, the North American Development Bank, or the Border Environment Cooperation Commission for the purpose of cooperating or assisting in carrying out the provisions of sections 277 to 277d of this title shall be available for expenditure in connection with any appropriation which may be made for the purposes of such sections.
The Secretary of State, acting through the United States Commissioner, International Boundary and Water Commission, United States and Mexico (herein referred to as the “Commission”), in connection with any project under the jurisdiction of the United States Section, International Boundary and Water Commission, United States and Mexico, is authorized: (a) to purchase, or condemn, lands, or interests in lands, for relocation of highways, roadways, railroads, telegraph, telephone, or electric transmission lines, or any other properties whatsoever, the relocation of which, in the judgment of the said Commissioner, is necessitated by the construction or operation and maintenance of any such project, and to perform any or all work involved in said relocations on said lands, or interests in lands, other lands, or interests in lands, owned and held by the United States in connection with the construction or operation and maintenance of any such project, or properties not owned by the United States; (b) to enter into contracts with the owners of the said properties whereby they undertake to acquire any, or all, property needed for said relocation, or to perform any, or all, work involved in said relocations; and (c) for the purpose of effecting completely said relocations, to convey, or exchange Government properties acquired or improved under clause (a) of this section, with or without improvements, or other properties owned and held by the United States in connection with the construction or operation and maintenance of said project, or to grant term or perpetual easements therein or thereover. Grants or conveyances hereunder shall be by instruments executed by the Secretary of State without regard to provisions of law governing the patenting of public lands.
The United States Commissioner is authorized to construct, equip, and operate and maintain all access roads, highways, railways, power lines, buildings, and facilities necessary in connection with any such project, and in his discretion to provide housing, subsistence, and medical and recreational facilities for the officers, agents, and employees of the United States, and/or for the contractors and their employees engaged in the construction, operation, and maintenance of any such project, and to make equitable charges therefor, or deductions from the salaries and wages due employees, or from progress payments due contractors, upon such terms and conditions as he may determine to be to the best interest of the United States, the sums of money so charged and collected or deducted to be credited to the appropriation for the project current at the time the obligations are incurred.
There are authorized to be appropriated to the Department of State for the use of the Commission, out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, such sums as may be necessary to carry out the provisions of the Treaty of February 3, 1944, and other treaties and conventions between the United States of America and the United Mexican States, under which the United States Section operates, and to discharge the statutory functions and duties of the United States Section. Such sums shall be available for construction, operation and maintenance of stream gaging stations, and their equipment and sites therefor; personal services and rent in the District of Columbia and elsewhere; services, including those of attorneys and appraisers, in accordance with the provisions of section 3109 of title 5, at rates for individuals not in excess of the maximum daily rate for grade GS–15 of the General Schedule and the United States Commissioner is authorized, notwithstanding the provisions of any other Act, to employ as consultants by contract or otherwise without regard to chapter 51 and subchapter III of chapter 53 of title 5, and the civil-service laws and regulations, retired personnel of the Armed Forces of the United States, who shall not be required to revert to an active status; travel expense, including, in the discretion of the Commissioner, expenses of attendance at meetings of organizations concerned with the activities of the Commission which may be necessary for the efficient discharge of the responsibilities of the Commission; hire, with or without personal services, of work animals, and animal-drawn, and motor-propelled (including passenger) vehicles and aircraft and equipment; acquisition by donation, purchase, or condemnation, of real and personal property, including expenses of abstracts, certificates of title, and recording fees; purchase of ice and drinking water; inspection of equipment, supplies and materials by contract or otherwise; drilling and testing of foundations and dam sites, by contract if deemed necessary; payment for official telephone service in the field in case of official telephones installed in private houses when authorized under regulations established by the Commissioner; purchase of firearms and ammunition for guard purposes; official entertainment and other representation expenses within the United States for the United States section; and such other objects and purposes as may be permitted by laws applicable, in whole or in part, to the United States Section: Provided, That, when appropriations have been made for the commencement or continuation of construction or operation and maintenance of any such project, the United States Commissioner, notwithstanding the provisions of sections 1341, 1342, and 1349 to 1351 and subchapter II of chapter 15 of title 31, and sections 6301(a) and (b) and 6303 of title 41, or any other law, may enter into contracts beyond the amount actually appropriated for so much of the work on any such authorized project as the physical and orderly sequence of construction makes necessary, such contracts to be subject to and dependent upon future appropriations by Congress: Provided further, That the United States Commissioner shall prepare, within 30 days after the end of each fiscal year, a report of all expenditures during that year for official entertainment and other representation expenses, which shall be available for public inspection.
The United States Commissioner, in order to comply with the provisions of articles 12 and 23 of the treaty of February 3, 1944, between the United States and Mexico, relating to the utilization of the waters of the Colorado and Tijuana Rivers and of the Rio Grande below Fort Quitman, Texas, is authorized to acquire, in the name of the United States, by purchase or by proceedings in eminent domain, the physical properties owned by the Imperial Irrigation District of California, located in the vicinity of Andrade, California, consisting of the Alamo Canal in the United States, the Rockwood Intake, the Hanlon Heading, the quarry, buildings used in connection with such facilities, and appurtenant lands, and to reconstruct, operate and maintain such properties in connection with the administration of said treaty.
Funds heretofore appropriated to the Department of State under the span “International Boundary and Water Commission, United States and Mexico” shall be available for the purposes of sections 277d–1 to 277d–5 of this title: Provided, That authorizations under said sections shall apply only to projects agreed upon by the two Governments in accordance with the treaty of February 3, 1944.
The Secretary of State is authorized, notwithstanding any other provision of law and subject to the conditions provided in this section and section 277d–7 of this title, to enter into an agreement with the appropriate official or officials of the United Mexican States for the operation and maintenance by the International Boundary and Water Commission, United States and Mexico, of the Douglas-Agua Prieta sanitation project, located at Douglas, Arizona, and Agua Prieta, Sonora, Mexico, heretofore constructed by the said Commission, which agreement shall contain such provisions relating to a division between the two Governments of the costs of such operation and maintenance, or of the work involved therein, as may be recommended by said Commission and approved by the Government of Mexico and by the Secretary of State on behalf of the Government of the United States: Provided, That no such agreement shall be entered into until the governing body of the city of Douglas, Arizona, has given assurances satisfactory to the Secretary of State that it will, so long as such agreement remains in force, contribute an equitable proportion, as determined by the United States Section of said Commission, subject to the approval of the Secretary of State, of the costs of such operation and maintenance allocated to the United States.
There is authorized to be appropriated to the United States Section, International Boundary and Water Commission, United States and Mexico, such sums as may be necessary to defray such costs as may accrue to the United States arising out of any such agreement for the operation and maintenance of such project: Provided, That funds heretofore appropriated to the Department of State under the span “International Boundary and Water Commission, United States and Mexico”, shall be available for expenditure for the purposes of this section and section 277d–6 of this title: Provided further, That any moneys received from the United Mexican States under the terms of any such agreement shall be available for expenditure in connection with any appropriations which may be available or which may be made for the purposes of said sections: And provided further, That moneys received from the city of Douglas, Arizona, pursuant to the provisions of said sections shall be available for expenditure in connection with any appropriations which may be available or which may be made available for the purposes of said sections.
The Secretary of State is authorized, subject to the conditions provided in this section and section 277d–9 of this title, to enter into an agreement with the appropriate official or officials of the United Mexican States for the construction, operation, and maintenance by the International Boundary and Water Commission, United States and Mexico, of a sanitation project for the cities of Calexico, California, and Mexicali, Lower California, Mexico, which agreement shall contain such provisions relating to a division between the two Governments of the cost of such construction and operation and maintenance, or of the work involved therein, as may be recommended by the said Commission and approved by the Government of Mexico and by the Secretary of State on behalf of the Government of the United States: Provided, That no such agreement shall be entered into until the governing body of the city of Calexico, California, has given assurances satisfactory to the Secretary of State that, so long as such agreement remains in force, the city of Calexico will contribute an equitable proportion as determined by the United States Section of said Commission, subject to the approval of the Secretary of State, of the costs of such construction, operation, and maintenance allocated to the United States.
There is authorized to be appropriated to the United States section, International Boundary and Water Commission, United States and Mexico, such sums as may be necessary to defray such costs as may accrue to the United States arising out of any such agreement for the construction, operation, and maintenance of such project: Provided, That funds heretofore appropriated to the Department of State under the span “International Boundary and Water Commission, United States and Mexico”, shall be available for expenditure for the purposes of this section and section 277d–8 of this title: Provided further, That any moneys received from the United Mexican States under the terms of any such agreement shall be available for expenditure in connection with any appropriation which may be available or which may be made available for the purposes of said sections: And provided further, That moneys received from the city of Calexico, California, pursuant to the provisions of said sections, shall be available for expenditure in connection with any appropriations which may be available or which may be made available for the purposes of said sections.
The Secretary of State is authorized, notwithstanding any other provision of law and subject to the conditions provided in this section and section 277d–11 of this title, to enter into an agreement with the appropriate official or officials of the United Mexican States for the operation and maintenance by the International Boundary and Water Commission, United States and Mexico, of the Nogales sanitation project, located at Nogales, Arizona, and Nogales, Sonora, Mexico, heretofore constructed by the said Commission, which agreement shall contain such provisions relating to a division between the two Governments of the costs of such operation and maintenance, or of the work involved therein, as may be recommended by said Commission and approved by the Government of Mexico and by the Secretary of State on behalf of the Government of the United States: Provided, That no such agreement shall be entered into until the governing body of the city of Nogales, Arizona, has given assurances satisfactory to the Secretary of State that it will, so long as such agreement remains in force, contribute an equitable proportion, as determined by the United States section of said Commission, subject to the approval of the Secretary of State, of the costs of such operation and maintenance allocated to the United States: Provided further, That such equitable proportion shall consist only of the costs directly associated with the treatment and conveyance of the wastewater of the city and, to the extent practicable, shall not include any costs directly associated with the quality or quantity of wastewater originating in Mexico.
There is authorized to be appropriated to the United States section, International Boundary and Water Commission, United States and Mexico, such sums as may be necessary to defray such costs as may accrue to the United States arising out of any such agreement for the operation and maintenance of such project: Provided, That funds heretofore appropriated to the Department of State under the span “International Boundary and Water Commission, United States and Mexico”, shall be available for expenditure for the purposes of this section and section 277d–10 of this title: Provided further, That any moneys received from the United Mexican States under the terms of any such agreement shall be available for expenditure in connection with any appropriations which may be available or which may be made for the purposes of said sections: And provided further, That moneys received from the city of Nogales, Arizona, pursuant to the provisions of said sections shall be available for expenditure in connection with any appropriations which may be available or which may be made available for the purposes of said sections.
On and after June 20, 1956, in addition to the funds available under the appropriation “Rio Grande emergency flood protection”, the United States Commissioner is authorized to expend from any appropriation available to the International Boundary and Water Commission, United States and Mexico, American Section, such sums as may be necessary for prosecution of emergency flood fighting and rescue operations, repairs or restoration of any flood control or sanitation works threatened or destroyed by floodwaters of the Rio Grande, the Colorado or Tijuana Rivers, or other streams running across or near the boundary, and for taking emergency actions, consistent with the emergency provisions of the Safe Drinking Water Act [42 U.S.C. 300f et seq.], to protect against health threatening surface and ground water pollution problems along the United States-Mexico boundary.
The Secretary of State, acting through the United States Commissioner, International Boundary and Water Commission, United States and Mexico, is hereby authorized to conclude with the appropriate official or officials of the Government of Mexico an agreement for the joint construction, operation, and maintenance by the United States and Mexico, in accordance with the provisions of the treaty of February 3, 1944, with Mexico, of a major international storage dam on the Rio Grande at the site and having substantially the characteristics described in minute numbered 207 adopted June 19, 1958, by the said Commission, and in the “Rio Grande International Storage Dams Project—Report on Proposed Dam and Reservoir” prepared by the United States Section of the said Commission and dated September 1958.
If agreement is concluded pursuant to section 277d–13 of this title for the construction of a major international storage dam the Secretary of State, acting through the United States Commissioner, International Boundary and Water Commission, United States and Mexico, is authorized to conclude with the appropriate official or officials of Mexico an agreement consistent with article 7 of the treaty of February 3, 1944, for the construction, operation, and maintenance on a self-liquidating basis, for the United States share, of facilities for generating hydroelectric energy at said dam.
If agreement for the construction of separate facilities for generating hydroelectric energy is concluded, the United States Commissioner, International Boundary and Water Commission, United States and Mexico, is directed to construct, operate, and maintain such self-liquidating facilities for the United States.
If a dam is constructed pursuant to an agreement concluded under the authorization granted by section 277d–13 of this title, its operation for conservation and release of United States share of waters shall be integrated with other United States water conservation activities on the Rio Grande below Fort Quitman, Texas, in such manner as to provide the maximum feasible amount of water for beneficial use in the United States with the understandings that (a) releases of United States share of waters from said dam for domestic, municipal, industrial, and irrigation uses in the United States shall be made pursuant to order by the appropriate authority or authorities of the State of Texas, and (b) the State of Texas having stipulated that the amount of water that will be available for use in the United States below Falcon Dam after the proposed dam is placed in operation will be not less than the amount available under existing conditions of river development, and to carry out such understandings and said stipulation the conservation storage of said dam shall be used, and it shall be the exclusive responsibility of the appropriate authority or authorities of said State to distribute available United States share of waters of the Rio Grande in such manner as will comply with said stipulation.
There is hereby authorized to be appropriated to the Department of State for the use of the United States Section, International Boundary and Water Commission, United States and Mexico, such sums as may be necessary to carry out the provisions of sections 277d–13 to 277d–16 of this title.
In connection with the convention between the United States of America and the United Mexican States for the solution of the problem of the Chamizal, signed August 29, 1963, the Secretary of State, acting through the United States Commissioner, International Boundary and Water Commission, United States and Mexico, is authorized—
a. to conduct technical and other investigations relating to: the demarcation or monumentation of the boundary between the United States and Mexico; flood control; water resources; sanitation and prevention of pollution; channel relocation, improvement, and stabilization; and other matters related to the new river channel.
b. to acquire by donation, purchase, or condemnation, all lands required—
(1) for transfer to Mexico as provided in said convention;
(2) for construction of that portion of the new river channel and the adjoining levee in the territory of the United States;
(3) for relocation of highways, roadways, railroads, telegraph, telephone, electric transmission lines, bridges, related facilities, and any publicly owned structure or facility, the relocation of which, in the judgment of the said Commissioner, is necessitated by the project.
c. For the purpose of effecting said relocations—
(1) to perform any or all work involved in said relocations;
(2) to enter into contracts with the owners of properties to be relocated whereby they undertake to acquire any or all properties needed for said relocations, or undertake to perform any or all work involved in said relocations;
(3) to convey or exchange properties acquired or improved by the United States under sections 277d–17 to 277d–25 of this title or under said convention, with or without improvements, or to grant term or perpetual easements therein or thereover.
The United States Commissioner, under regulations approved by the Secretary of State, and upon application of the owners and tenants of lands to be acquired by the United States to fulfill and accomplish the purposes of said convention, and to the extent administratively determined by the Commissioner to be fair and reasonable, is authorized to—
a. Reimburse the owners and tenants for expenses and other losses and damages incurred by them in the process and as a direct result of such moving of themselves, their families, and their possessions as is occasioned by said acquisition: Provided, That the total of such reimbursement to the owners and tenants of any parcel of land shall in no event exceed 25 per centum of its fair value, as determined by the Commissioner. No payment under this subsection shall be made unless application therefor is supported by an itemized and certified statement of the expenses, losses, and damages incurred.
b. Compensate the said owners and tenants for identifiable, reasonable, and satisfactorily proved costs and losses to owners and tenants over and above those reimbursed under the foregoing subsection in the categories hereinafter provided, and for which purpose there shall be established by the Commissioner a board of examiners, consisting of such personnel employed and compensation fixed as he deems advisable, without regard to the provisions of the civil service laws and chapter 51 and subchapter III of chapter 53 of title 5. Said board may hold hearings and shall examine submitted evidence and make determinations, subject to the Commissioner’s approval, regarding all claims in said categories as follows:
(1) For properties—
(a) For nonconforming abodes and minimum forms of shelter for which there are no comparable properties on the market in the city of El Paso and concerning which fair market value would be inadequate to find minimum housing of equal utility, compensation to the owner up to an amount which when added to the market value allowed for his property, including land values, would enable purchase of minimum habitable housing of similar utility in another residential section of said city.
(b) For commercial properties for which there are no comparable properties on the market in or near El Paso, Texas, compensation to the owner up to an amount which, when added to the total fair market value, including the land value, would compensate the owner for the “value in use” of the real estate to him. Such “value in use” is to be determined on the basis of replacement cost less deterioration and obsolescence in existing real estate and taking into consideration factors bearing upon income attributable to the real estate.
(2) For loss in business:
(a) Loss of profits directly resulting from relocation, limited to the period between termination of business in the old location and commencement of business in the new, such period not to exceed thirty days.
(b) Loss to owner resulting from inability to rent to others housing or commercial space that can be reasonably related to uncertainties arising out of the pending acquisition of the owner’s property by the United States, such losses limited to those incurred after July 18, 1963, and prior to the making by the United States of a firm offer to purchase.
(3) For penalty costs to property owners for prepayment of mortgages incident to acquisition of the properties by the United States.
Application for reimbursement or compensation under section 277d–19 of this title shall be submitted to the Commissioner within either one year from the date of acquisition or the date of vacating the premises by the applicant, whichever date is later. Applications not submitted within said period shall be forever barred.
The Commissioner, in rendering an award in favor of any claimant under section 277d–19 of this title, may, as part of such award, determine and allow reasonable attorneys’ fees which shall not exceed 10 per centum of the amount awarded, to be paid out of but not in addition to the amount of award, to the attorneys representing the claimant. Any attorney who charges, demands, receives, or collects for services rendered in connection with such claim any amount in excess of that allowed by the terms of this section, if award be made, shall be fined not more than $2,000 or imprisoned not more than one year, or both.
Payments to be made as herein provided shall be in addition to, but not in duplication of, any payments that may otherwise be authorized by law. The means employed to acquire the property, whether by condemnation or otherwise, shall not affect eligibility for reimbursement or compensation under sections 277d–17 to 277d–25 of this title. Nothing contained in such sections shall be construed as creating any legal right or cause of action against the United States or as precluding the exercise by the Government of the right of eminent domain or any other right or p
No amount received as an award under subsection a. and subsections b. (1) and (3) of section 277d–19 of this title shall be included in gross income for purposes of chapter 1 of title 26. However, amounts received under subsection b. (1) shall be included in gross income to the extent that such amounts are not used within one year of the receipt thereof to purchase replacement housing or facilities.
As used in sections 277d–17 to 277d–25 of this title, the term “land” shall include interests in land, and the term “fair value” shall mean fair value of the interest acquired. The provisions of such sections shall be exempt from the operations of subchapter II of chapter 5, and chapter 7, of title 5.
There are authorized to be appropriated to the Department of State for the use of the United States section of said Commission not to exceed $44,900,000 to carry out the provisions of said convention and sections 277d–17 to 277d–25 of this title and for transfer to other Federal agencies to accomplish by them or other proper agency relocation of their facilities necessitated by the project. Of the appropriations authorized by this section, not to exceed $4,200,000 may be used to carry out the provisions of section 277d–19 of this title. The provisions of section 277d–3 of this title are hereby expressly extended to apply to the carrying out of the provisions of said convention and sections 277d–17 to 277d–25 of this title.
The Secretary of State, acting through the United States Commissioner, International Boundary and Water Commission, United States and Mexico, is authorized to conclude, with the appropriate official or officials of the Government of Mexico, agreements for emergency flood control measures of international character in the reaches of the lower Colorado River between Imperial Dam and the Gulf of California, in both the United States and Mexico, such agreements to provide: (a) for the joint clearing and maintaining free of trees and brush the bed and banks of the channel; for removing sediment deposits from the river channel; and (b) for corrective actions to guard against sedimentation and consequent aggradation of the river channel incident to desilting operations at diversion dams in the two countries: Provided, That, prior approval of the Secretary of the Interior is required of any proposed agreement with Mexico under clause (b) of this section which would involve construction and/or operation of works on the Colorado River in the United States under the jurisdiction of the Secretary. The measures contemplated herein are for the purpose of controlling floods on the lower Colorado River in accordance with article 13 of the 1944 Water Treaty with Mexico, and accomplishment thereof by the International Boundary and Water Commission, United States Section, would be in accord with the Memorandum of Understanding “as to Functions and Jurisdiction of Agencies of the United States in Relation to the Colorado and Tijuana Rivers and the Rio Grande Below Fort Quitman, Texas, Under Water Treaty Signed at Washington, February 3, 1944,” between the Department of State and the United States Section, International Boundary and Water Commission and the Department of the Interior dated February 14, 1945.
The United States Commissioner, International Boundary and Water Commission, United States and Mexico, is authorized to carry out those measures agreed upon for execution by the United States in the agreements concluded pursuant to section 277d–26 of this title.
There is authorized to be appropriated to the Department of State for use of the United States Section, International Boundary and Water Commission, United States and Mexico, not in excess of $300,000 for the initial cost of the work authorized in sections 277d–26 to 277d–28 of this title, and not to exceed $30,000 based on December 1975 prices, plus or minus such amounts as may be justified by reason of ordinary fluctuations in operation and maintenance costs involved therein, annually thereafter for necessary maintenance.
For the purposes of facilitating and implementing operation and maintenance of the international Rio Grande canalization project, the United States Commissioner, International Boundary and Water Commission, United States and Mexico, is authorized to enter into agreements with the appropriate official or officials of local organizations, as defined in the Watershed Protection and Flood Prevention Act of August 4, 1954, as amended [16 U.S.C. 1001 et seq.], for the maintenance by said local organizations either directly or indirectly through mutually satisfactory maintenance agreements with others, including the United States, of all those flood and arroyo sediment control dams, together with all related works, hereafter installed or constructed in the Rio Grande watershed between Caballo Dam and El Paso, Texas, in accordance with said Act, and which are necessary, in the opinion of Said Commissioner, to facilitate and implement the operation and maintenance of said project.
Such maintenance agreements between the local organization and the United States shall provide the extent of contribution by the United States as may be mutually agreed by the two parties, based on the degree of benefits to be derived from said dams and related works, and the contribution by the United States may be either in the form of funds or performance of the actual operation and maintenance.
Control gates shall not be installed on any of the dams which, in the opinion of the United States Commissioner, International Boundary and Water Commission, United States and Mexico, are necessary to facilitate and implement the operation and maintenance of the Rio Grande canalization project.
Arrangements made between the United States and the local organizations shall be satisfactory to the Secretary of Agriculture for defraying cost of maintaining such work of improvement in accordance with regulations prescribed by said Secretary.
There is hereby authorized to be appropriated not in excess of $50,000 per annum for contributions to maintenance authorized by this section.
The Secretary of State, acting through the United States Commissioner, International Boundary and Water Commission, United States and Mexico, is authorized, notwithstanding any other provision of law and subject to the conditions provided in this section and section 277d–31 of this title to conclude an agreement or agreements with the appropriate official or officials of the Government of the United Mexican States for the construction, operation, and maintenance by the United Mexican States under the supervision of the International Boundary and Water Commission, United States and Mexico, of a drainage conveyance canal through Mexican territory for the discharge of waters of El Morillo and other drains in the United Mexican States into the Gulf of Mexico in the manner, and having substantially the characteristics, described in said Commission’s minute numbered 223, dated November 30, 1965. The agreement or agreements shall provide that the cost of construction including costs of design and right-of-way and the costs of operation and maintenance, shall be equally divided between the United Mexican States and the United States. Before concluding the agreement or agreements, the Secretary of State shall receive satisfactory assurances from private citizens or a responsible local group that they or it will pay to the United States Treasury one-half of the actual United States costs of such construction, including costs of design and right-of-way, and one-half of the actual costs of operation and maintenance allocated under such agreement or agreements to the United States. Payments to the United States Treasury under this section shall be covered into the Treasury as miscellaneous receipts.
The Secretary of State, acting through the United States Commissioner, International Boundary and Water Commission, United States and Mexico, is hereby authorized to conclude with the appropriate official or officials of the Government of Mexico an agreement for the joint construction, operation, and maintenance by the United States and Mexico, in accordance with the provisions of the treaty of February 3, 1944, with Mexico, of an international flood control project for the Tijuana River, which shall be located and have substantially the characteristics described in “Report on an International Flood Control Project, Tijuana River Basin”, prepared by the United States Section, International Boundary and Water Commission, United States and Mexico.
Pursuant to the agreement concluded under the authority of section 277d–32 of this title, the United States Commissioner is authorized to construct, operate, and maintain the portion of the “International Flood Control Project, Tijuana River Basin,” assigned to the United States, and there is hereby authorized to be appropriated to the Department of State for use of the United States section the sum of $10,800,000 for construction costs of such project, as modified, based on estimated June 1976 prices, plus or minus such amounts as may be justified by reason of price index fluctuations in costs involved therein, and such sums as may be necessary for its maintenance and operation, except that no funds may be appropriated under sections 277d–32 and 277d–33 of this title for the fiscal year ending on September 30, 1977. Contingent upon the furnishing by the city of San Diego of its appropriate share of the funds for the acquisition of the land and interests therein needed to carry out the agreement between the United States and Mexico to construct such project, the Secretary of State, acting through the United States Commissioner, is further authorized to participate financially with non-Federal interests in the acquisition of said lands and interest therein, to the extent that funds provided by the city of San Diego are insufficient for this purpose.
Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the Commissioner is authorized to dispose of by warranty deed, or otherwise, any land acquired by him on behalf of the United States, or obtained by the United States pursuant to treaty between the United States and Mexico, and not required for project purposes, under procedures to be formulated by the Commissioner, to adjoining landowners at such price as he considers fair and equitable, and, if not so disposed of, to turn such land over to the General Services Administration for disposal under the provisions of chapters 1 to 11 of title 40 and division C (except sections 3302, 3307(e), 3501(b), 3509, 3906, 4710, and 4711) of subtitle I of title 41.
When a determination must be made under the treaty whether to permit a new channel to become the boundary, or whether or not to restore a river to its former channel, or whether, instead of restoration, the Governments should undertake a rectification of the river channel, the Commissioner’s decision, approved by the Secretary of State shall be final so far as the United States is concerned, and the Commissioner is authorized to construct or arrange for the construction of such works as may be required to give effect to that decision.
Land acquired or to be acquired by the United States of America in accordance with the provisions of the treaty, including the tract provided for in section 277d–39 of this title, shall become a geographical part of the State to which it attaches and shall be under the civil and criminal jurisdiction of such State, without affecting the ownership of such land. The addition of land and the ceding of jurisdiction to a State shall take effect upon acceptance by such State.
Upon transfer of sovereignty from Mexico to the United States of the 481.68 acres of land acquired by the United States from Mexico near Hidalgo-Reynosa, administration over the portion of that land which is determined by the Commissioner not to be required for the construction and maintenance of the relocated river channel shall be assumed by the Department of the Interior; and the Department of the Interior, United States Fish and Wildlife Service, is authorized to plan, establish, develop, and administer such portion of the acquired lands as a part of the national wildlife refuge system.
There is authorized to be appropriated to the Department of State for the use of the United States section of the International Boundary and Water Commission, United States and Mexico, such sums as may be necessary to carry out the provisions of the treaty and title I of this Act.
The Secretary of State, acting through the Commissioner, is hereby authorized to conclude with the appropriate official or officials of the Government of Mexico an agreement for a coordinated plan by the United States and Mexico for international flood control works for protection of lands along the international section of the Rio Grande in the United States and in Mexico in the Presidio-Ojinaga Valley.
If an agreement is concluded pursuant to section 277d–41 of this title, the Commissioner is authorized to construct, operate, and maintain flood control works located in the United States having substantially the characteristics described in “Report on the Flood Control Project Rio Grande, Presidio Valley, Texas”, prepared by the United States section, International Boundary and Water Commission, United States and Mexico; and there are hereby authorized to be appropriated to the Department of State for the use of the United States section of the Commission such sums as may be necessary to carry out the provisions of title II of this Act. No part of any appropriation under this section shall be expended for flood control works on any land, site, or easement unless such land, site, or easement has been acquired under the treaty for other purposes or by donation and, in the case of a donation, the title thereto has been approved in accordance with existing rules and regulations of the Attorney General of the United States.
There is authorized to be appropriated such sums as may be necessary to carry out sections 277d–43 to 277d–46 of this title. Such sums shall remain available until expended.
The Secretary of State is authorized to lease any land heretofore or hereafter acquired under any Act, Executive order, or treaty in connection with projects, in whole or in part, constructed or administered by the Secretary of State through the said American Commissioner, or to dispose of such lands when no longer needed, subject to applicable regulations under chapters 1 to 11 of title 40 and division C (except sections 3302, 3306(f), 3307(e), 3501(b), 3509, 3906, 4104, 4710, and 4711) of subtitle I of title 41, by sale at public auction, after thirty days’ advertisement, at a price not less than that which may be fixed by three disinterested appraisers, to be designated by the Secretary of State, or by private sale, or otherwise, at not less than such appraised value: Provided, That any of such land as shall have been donated to the United States and which is no longer needed may be reconveyed, without cost, to the grantor or his heirs: Provided, further, That the lease or disposal of any land pursuant hereto may, in the discretion of the Secretary of State, be subject to reservations in favor of the United States for rights-of-way for irrigation, drainage, river work, and other purposes, and any such disposal may be conditioned upon and made subject to inclusion of such lands in any existing irrigation district in the vicinity of such lands, the proceeds of any such lease or sale to be covered into the Treasury of the United States: And provided further, That in the discretion of the Secretary of State, and subject to such conditions as he may deem appropriate, conveyances of any other of such lands not needed by the United States may be made to the State to which they lie adjacent or to any similarly situated county, city, or other governmental subdivision of such State, without cost, for use for public purposes.
The Secretary of State is further authorized to issue revokable licenses for public or private use for irrigation or other structures or uses not inconsistent with the use of such lands made, or to be made, by the United States, across any lands retained by the United States, and to execute all necessary leases, title instruments, and conveyances, in order to carry out the provisions of this section.
Whenever the construction of any project or works undertaken or administered by the Secretary of State through the International Boundary and Water Commission, United States and Mexico, results in the interference with or necessitates the alteration or restoration of constructed and existing irrigation or water-supply structures, sanitary or sewage disposal works, or other structures, or physical property belonging to any municipal or private corporation, company, association, or individual, the Secretary of State may cause the restoration or reconstruction of such works, structures, or physical property or the construction of others in lieu thereof or he may compensate the owners thereof to the extent of the reasonable value thereof as the same may be agreed upon by the American Commissioner with such owner.
The Secretary of State acting through such officers as he may designate, is further authorized to consider, adjust, and pay from funds appropriated for the project, the construction of which resulted in damages, any claim for damages accruing after March 31, 1937, caused to owners of lands or other private property of any kind by reason of the operations of the United States, its officers or employees, in the survey, construction, operation, or maintenance of any project constructed or administered through the American Commissioner, International Boundary and Water Commission, United States and Mexico, if such claim for damages does not exceed $1,000 and has been filed with the American Commissioner within one year after the damage is alleged to have occurred, and when in the opinion of the American Commissioner such claim is substantiated by a report of a board appointed by the said Commissioner.
The Secretary of State shall consult with the Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency and other concerned Federal, State, and local government officials in implementing sections 277g to 277g–3 of this title.
There is authorized to be appropriated such sums as may be necessary for the United States to fund its share of the cost of the plans, construction, operation, and maintenance of the facilities recommended in agreements concluded pursuant to section 277g of this title and approved by the Governments of the United States and Mexico.
Not later than 120 days after February 7, 2014, and annually thereafter, the Secretary of State shall submit to Congress a report on efforts by Mexico to meet its treaty deliveries of water to the Rio Grande in accordance with the Treaty between the United States and Mexico Respecting Utilization of waters of the Colorado and Tijuana Rivers and of the Rio Grande (done at Washington, February 3, 1944).