Collapse to view only § 2504. Peace Corps volunteers
- § 2501. Congressional declaration of purpose
- § 2501-1. Independent agency status of Peace Corps
- § 2501a. Voluntary service programs
- § 2502. Presidential authorization; appropriations and financial readjustments
- § 2503. Director and Deputy Director; delegation of functions
- § 2504. Peace Corps volunteers
- § 2504a. Health care for volunteers at Peace Corps posts
- § 2505. Peace Corps volunteer leaders; number; applicability of chapter; benefits
- § 2506. Peace Corps employees
- § 2507. Training program
- § 2507a. Sexual assault risk-reduction and response training
- § 2507b. Sexual assault policy
- § 2507c. Office of Victim Advocacy
- § 2507d. Establishment of Sexual Assault Advisory Council
- § 2507e. Volunteer feedback and Peace Corps review
- § 2507f. Establishment of a policy on stalking
- § 2507g. Establishment of a confidentiality protection policy
- § 2507h. Removal and assessment and evaluation
- § 2507i. Reporting requirements
- § 2508. Foreign participants; admission into the United States as nonimmigrants; removal
- § 2509. Presidential powers and authorities
- § 2510. Omitted
- § 2511. Peace Corps National Advisory Council
- § 2512. Experts and consultants
- § 2513. Assignment of personnel to foreign governments or international organizations
- § 2514. Use of funds
- § 2514a. Authorization for Peace Corps to provide separation pay for host country resident personal services contractors of the Peace Corps
- § 2515. Foreign Currency Fluctuations Account
- § 2516. Use of foreign currencies
- § 2517. Activities promoting Americans’ understanding of other peoples
- § 2518. Seal and name
- § 2519. Security investigations
- § 2520. Military training and service exemption
- § 2521. Foreign language proficiency
- § 2521a. Nonpartisan appointments
- § 2522. Definitions
- § 2523. Separability
Effective on December 29, 1981, the Peace Corps shall be an independent agency within the executive branch and shall not be an agency within the ACTION Agency, the successor to the ACTION Agency, or any other department or agency of the United States.
In order to provide for assistance by foreign nationals in the training of volunteers, and to permit effective implementation of Peace Corps projects with due regard for the desirability of cost-sharing arrangements, where appropriate, the President may make provision for transportation, housing, subsistence, or per diem in lieu thereof, and health care or health and accident insurance for foreign nationals engaged in activities authorized by this chapter while they are away from their homes, without regard to the provisions of any other law: Provided, however, That per diem in lieu of subsistence furnished to such persons shall not be at rates higher than those prescribed by the Secretary of State pursuant to section 2679 of title 22. Such persons, and persons coming to the United States under contract pursuant to section 2509(a)(5) of this title, may be admitted to the United States, if otherwise qualified, as nonimmigrants under section 1101(a)(15) of title 8 for such time and under such conditions as may be prescribed by regulations promulgated by the Secretary of State and the Attorney General. A person admitted under this section who fails to maintain the status under which he was admitted or who fails to depart from the United States at the expiration of the time for which he was admitted, or who engages in activities of a political nature detrimental to the interests of the United States, or in activities not consistent with the security of the United States, shall, upon the warrant of the Attorney General, be taken into custody and promptly removed pursuant to chapter 4 of title II of the Immigration and Nationality Act [8 U.S.C. 1221 et seq.]
Whenever possible, expenditures incurred in carrying out functions under this chapter shall be paid for in such currency of the country or area where the expense is incurred as may be available to the United States.
In order to further the goal of the Peace Corps, as set forth in section 2501 of this title, relating to the promotion of a better understanding of other peoples on the part of the American people, the Director, utilizing the authorities under section 2509(a)(1) of this title and other provisions of law, shall, as appropriate, encourage, facilitate, and assist activities carried out by former volunteers in furtherance of such goal and the efforts of agencies, organizations, and other individuals to support or assist in former volunteers’ carrying out such activities.
All persons employed or assigned to duties under this chapter shall be investigated to insure that the employment or assignment is consistent with the national interest in accordance with standards and procedures established by the President. If an investigation made pursuant to this section develops any data reflecting that the person who is the subject of the investigation is of questionable loyalty or is a questionable security risk, the investigating agency shall refer the matter to the Federal Bureau of Investigation for the conduct of a full field investigation. The results of that full field investigation shall be furnished to the initial investigating agency, and to the agency by which the subject person is employed, for information and appropriate action. Volunteers shall be deemed employees of the United States Government for the purpose of this section.
Notwithstanding the provisions of any other law or regulation, service in the Peace Corps as a volunteer shall not in any way exempt such volunteer from the performance of any obligations or duties under the provisions of the Universal Military Training and Service Act [50 U.S.C. 3801 et seq.].
No person shall be assigned to duty as a volunteer under this chapter in any foreign country or area unless at the time of such assignment he possesses such reasonable proficiency as his assignment requires in speaking the language of the country or area to which he is assigned.
If any provision of this chapter or the application of any provision to any circumstances or persons shall be held invalid, the validity of the remainder of this chapter and the applicability of such provision to other circumstances or persons shall not be affected thereby.