Collapse to view only § 7455. Transferred

§ 7451. National research activities
(a) Authorized activities
The Secretary may use funds made available to carry out this subpart for each fiscal year to—
(1) conduct research related to effective approaches for the education of Indian children and adults;
(2) evaluate federally assisted education programs from which Indian children and adults may benefit;
(3) collect and analyze data on the educational status and needs of Indians; and
(4) carry out other activities that are consistent with the purpose of this part.
(b) Eligibility
(c) Coordination
Research activities supported under this section—
(1) shall be carried out in consultation with the Institute of Education Sciences to ensure that such activities are coordinated with and enhance the research and development activities supported by the Institute; and
(2) may include collaborative research activities that are jointly funded and carried out by the Office of Indian Education Programs, the Bureau of Indian Education, and the Institute of Education Sciences.
(Pub. L. 89–10, title VI, § 6131, formerly title VII, § 7131, as added
§ 7452. Grants to tribes for education administrative planning, development, and coordination
(a) In generalThe Secretary may award grants under this section to eligible applicants to enable the eligible applicants to—
(1) promote tribal self-determination in education;
(2) improve the academic achievement of Indian children and youth; and
(3) promote the coordination and collaboration of tribal educational agencies with State educational agencies and local educational agencies to meet the unique educational and culturally related academic needs of Indian students.
(b) DefinitionsIn this section:
(1) Eligible applicantIn this section, the term “eligible applicant” means—
(A) an Indian tribe or tribal organization approved by an Indian tribe; or
(B) a tribal educational agency.
(2) Indian tribe
(3) Tribal educational agency
(c) Grant programThe Secretary may award grants to—
(1) eligible applicants described under subsection (b)(1)(A) to plan and develop a tribal educational agency, if the tribe or organization has no current tribal educational agency, for a period of not more than 1 year; and
(2) eligible applicants described under subsection (b)(1)(B), for a period of not more than 3 years, in order to—
(A) directly administer education programs, including formula grant programs under this chapter, consistent with State law and under a written agreement between the parties;
(B) build capacity to administer and coordinate such education programs, and to improve the relationship and coordination between such applicants and the State educational agencies and local educational agencies that educate students from the tribe;
(C) receive training and support from the State educational agency and local educational agency, in areas such as data collection and analysis, grants management and monitoring, fiscal accountability, and other areas as needed;
(D) train and support the State educational agency and local educational agency in areas related to tribal history, language, or culture;
(E) build on existing activities or resources rather than replacing other funds; and
(F) carry out other activities, consistent with the purposes of this section.
(d) Grant application
(1) In general
(2) ContentsEach application described in paragraph (1) shall contain—
(A) a statement describing the activities to be conducted, and the objectives to be achieved, under the grant;
(B) a description of the method to be used for evaluating the effectiveness of the activities for which assistance is sought and for determining whether such objectives are achieved; and
(C) for applications for activities under subsection (c)(2), evidence of—
(i) a preliminary agreement with the appropriate State educational agency, 1 or more local educational agencies, or both the State educational agency and a local educational agency; and
(ii) existing capacity as a tribal educational agency.
(3) ApprovalThe Secretary may approve an application submitted by an eligible applicant under this subsection if the application, including any documentation submitted with the application—
(A) demonstrates that the eligible applicant has consulted with other education entities, if any, within the territorial jurisdiction of the applicant that will be affected by the activities to be conducted under the grant;
(B) provides for consultation with such other education entities in the operation and evaluation of the activities conducted under the grant; and
(C) demonstrates that there will be adequate resources provided under this section or from other sources to complete the activities for which assistance is sought.
(e) Restrictions
(1) In general
(2) Direct services
(f) Supplement, not supplant
(Pub. L. 89–10, title VI, § 6132, formerly title VII, § 7135, as added Pub. L. 107–110, title VII, § 701, Jan. 8, 2002, 115 Stat. 1928; renumbered title VI, § 6135, renumbered § 6132, and amended Pub. L. 114–95, title VI, §§ 6001(a), (b)(1), 6002(n)(2), (p), Dec. 10, 2015, 129 Stat. 2046, 2057, 2060.)
§ 7453. Native American and Alaska Native language immersion schools and programs
(a) PurposesThe purposes of this section are—
(1) to establish a grant program to support schools that use Native American and Alaska Native languages as the primary language of instruction;
(2) to maintain, protect, and promote the rights and freedom of Native Americans and Alaska Natives to use, practice, maintain, and revitalize their languages, as envisioned in the Native American Languages Act (25 U.S.C. 2901 et seq.); and
(3) to support the Nation’s First Peoples’ efforts to maintain and revitalize their languages and cultures, and to improve educational opportunities and student outcomes within Native American and Alaska Native communities.
(b) Program authorized
(1) In general
(2) Eligible entitiesIn this subsection, the term “eligible entity” means any of the following entities that has a plan to develop and maintain, or to improve and expand, programs that support the entity’s use of a Native American or Alaska Native language as the primary language of instruction in elementary schools or secondary schools, or both:
(A) An Indian tribe.
(B) A Tribal College or University (as defined in section 1059c of this title).
(C) A tribal education agency.
(D) A local educational agency, including a public charter school that is a local educational agency under State law.
(E) A school operated by the Bureau of Indian Education.
(F) An Alaska Native Regional Corporation (as described in section 1602(g) of title 43).
(G) A private, tribal, or Alaska Native nonprofit organization.
(H) A nontribal for-profit organization.
(c) Application
(1) In generalAn eligible entity that desires to receive a grant under this section shall submit an application to the Secretary at such time and in such manner as the Secretary may require, including the following:
(A) The name of the Native American or Alaska Native language to be used for instruction at the school supported by the eligible entity.
(B) The number of students attending such school.
(C) The number of hours of instruction in or through 1 or more Native American or Alaska Native languages being provided to targeted students at such school, if any.
(D) A description of how the eligible entity will—
(i) use the funds provided to meet the purposes of this section;
(ii) implement the activities described in subsection (e);
(iii) ensure the implementation of rigorous academic span; and
(iv) ensure that students progress toward high-level fluency goals.
(E) Information regarding the school’s organizational governance or affiliations, including information about—
(i) the school governing entity (such as a local educational agency, tribal education agency or department, charter organization, private organization, or other governing entity);
(ii) the school’s accreditation status;
(iii) any partnerships with institutions of higher education; and
(iv) any indigenous language schooling and research cooperatives.
(F) An assurance that—
(i) the school is engaged in meeting State or tribally designated long-term goals for students, as may be required by applicable Federal, State, or tribal law;
(ii) the school provides assessments of students using the Native American or Alaska Native language of instruction, where possible;
(iii) the qualifications of all instructional and leadership personnel at such school is sufficient to deliver high-quality education through the Native American or Alaska Native language used in the school; and
(iv) the school will collect and report to the public data relative to student achievement and, if appropriate, rates of high school graduation, career readiness, and enrollment in postsecondary education or workforce development programs, of students who are enrolled in the school’s programs.
(2) Limitation
(3) Submission of certification
(A) In generalAn eligible entity that is a public elementary school or secondary school (including a public charter school or a school operated by the Bureau of Indian Education) or a nontribal for-profit or nonprofit organization shall submit, along with the application requirements described in paragraph (1), a certification described in subparagraph (B) indicating that—
(i) the school or organization has the capacity to provide education primarily through a Native American or an Alaska Native language; and
(ii) there are sufficient speakers of the target language at the school or available to be hired by the school or organization.
(B) CertificationThe certification described in subparagraph (A) shall be from one of the following entities, on whose land the school or program is located, that is an entity served by such school, or that is an entity whose members (as defined by that entity) are served by the school:
(i) A Tribal College or University (as defined in section 1059c of this title).
(ii) A Federally recognized Indian tribe or tribal organization.
(iii) An Alaska Native Regional Corporation or an Alaska Native nonprofit organization.
(iv) A Native Hawaiian organization.
(d) Awarding of grantsIn awarding grants under this section, the Secretary shall—
(1) determine the amount of each grant and the duration of each grant, which shall not exceed 3 years; and
(2) ensure, to the maximum extent feasible, that diversity in languages is represented.
(e) Activities authorized
(1) Required activitiesAn eligible entity that receives a grant under this section shall use such funds to carry out the following activities:
(A) Supporting Native American or Alaska Native language education and development.
(B) Providing professional development for teachers and, as appropriate, staff and administrators to strengthen the overall language and academic goals of the school that will be served by the grant program.
(2) Allowable activitiesAn eligible entity that receives a grant under this section may use such funds to carry out the following activities:
(A) Developing or refining curriculum, including teaching materials and activities, as appropriate.
(B) Creating or refining assessments written in the Native American or Alaska Native language of instruction that measure student proficiency and that are aligned with State or tribal academic standards.
(C) Carrying out other activities that promote the maintenance and revitalization of the Native American or Alaska Native language relevant to the grant program.
(f) Report to SecretaryEach eligible entity that receives a grant under this section shall prepare and submit an annual report to the Secretary, which shall include—
(1) the activities the entity carried out to meet the purposes of this section; and
(2) the number of children served by the program and the number of instructional hours in the Native American or Alaska Native language.
(g) Administrative costs
(Pub. L. 89–10, title VI, § 6133, as added Pub. L. 114–95, title VI, § 6002(o), Dec. 10, 2015, 129 Stat. 2057.)
§ 7454. Repealed. Pub. L. 114–95, title VI, § 6002(n)(1), Dec. 10, 2015, 129 Stat. 2057
§ 7455. Transferred
§ 7456. Repealed. Pub. L. 114–95, title VI, § 6002(q), Dec. 10, 2015, 129 Stat. 2062
§ 7457. Native American language resource centers
(a) Purpose
(b) In generalThe Secretary of Education is authorized to make a grant to, or enter into a contract with, an eligible entity for the purpose of—
(1) establishing, strengthening, and operating a Native American language resource center; and
(2) staffing the center with individuals with relevant expertise and experience, including staff who speak American Indian and Alaska Native languages and the Native Hawaiian language and have worked in language education in the American Indian and Alaska Native languages and the Native Hawaiian language in a preschool, elementary school, secondary school, adult education, or higher education program.
(c) Authorized activitiesThe Native American language resource center established under subsection (b) shall carry out activities to—
(1) improve the capacity to teach and learn Native American languages;
(2) further Native American language use and acquisition;
(3) preserve, protect, and promote the rights and freedom of Native Americans to use, practice, and develop Native American languages in furtherance of—
(A) the policies set forth in the Native American Languages Act (25 U.S.C. 2901 et seq.); and
(B) the United States trust responsibility to Native American communities;
(4) address the effects of past discrimination and ongoing inequities experienced by Native American language speakers;
(5) support the revitalization and reclamation of Native American languages; and
(6) support the use of Native American languages as a medium of instruction for a wide variety of age levels, academic span areas, and types of schools, including Native American language medium education.
(d) Additional authorized activitiesThe Native American language resource center established under subsection (b) may also carry out activities—
(1) to encourage and support the use of Native American languages within educational systems in the same manner as other world languages, including by encouraging State educational agencies, local educational agencies, and institutions of higher education to offer Native American language courses the same full academic credit as courses in other world languages;
(2) to support the development, adoption, and use of educational outcome metrics aligned with the Native American language of instruction, including assessments, qualifications, and processes based on promising practices in Native American language medium education;
(3) to provide assistance to Native American language programs seeking Federal resources;
(4) to encourage and support teacher preparation programs that prepare teachers to teach Native American languages and to use Native American languages as a medium of instruction, including by disseminating promising practices and developing pedagogical programming and through appropriate alternative pathways to teacher certification;
(5) to provide information and resources—
(A) on promising practices in the use and revitalization of Native American languages in Native American communities, including use in educational institutions; and
(B) for the use of technology in school and community-based Native American language programs to support the retention, use, and teaching of Native American languages;
(6) to support the use of distance learning technologies and training for parents, students, teachers, and learning support staff associated with Native American language programs, including—
(A) the compilation and curation of digital libraries and other online resources for Native American languages, except that any materials collected by the center shall only be materials provided by a Native American language program or Native American community;
(B) the development of optional distance learning curricula appropriate for preschool, elementary school, secondary school, adult education, and postsecondary education;
(C) pedagogical training for Native American language teachers; and
(D) other efforts necessary to continue Native American language acquisition through distance learning;
(7) to provide technical assistance for Native American communities and school systems to develop Native American language medium education programs in preschool, elementary school, secondary school, or adult education programs conducted through the medium of Native American languages;
(8) to support Native American language programs and Native American communities in—
(A) accessing international best practices, resources, and research in indigenous language revitalization; and
(B) gathering and sharing technical assistance, promising practices, and experiences;
(9) for the operation of intensive programs, including summer institutes, to train Native American language speakers, to provide professional development, and to improve Native American language instruction through preservice and in-service language training for teachers; and
(10) that otherwise support the Native American language resource center established under subsection (b) to carry out the activities required in subsection (c).
(e) DefinitionsIn this section:
(1) ESEA definitions
(2) Eligible entityThe term “eligible entity” means—
(A) an institution of higher education;
(B) an entity within an institution of higher education with dedicated expertise in Native American language and culture education; or
(C) a consortium that includes 1 or more institutions of higher education or 1 or more entities described in subparagraph (B).
(3) Institution of higher education
(4) Native American; Native American language
(f) Authorization of appropriations
(Pub. L. 117–335, § 2, Jan. 5, 2023, 136 Stat. 6143.)