Collapse to view only § 3703. Omitted

§ 3701. National Afro-American History and Culture Commission
(a) Establishment and membership
(b) DutiesThe Commission shall have the following duties:
(1) The Commission shall be responsible for the development of a definitive plan for the construction and operation of the National Center for the Study of Afro-American History and Culture and shall submit the plan, together with any recommendations for additional legislation, to the President of the United States and the Congress not later than twenty-four months after October 10, 1980. The plan shall include, but not be limited to, identification of—
(A) the main objectives to be achieved by the establishment, development, and operation of the National Center for the Study of Afro-American History and Culture;
(B) the types of uses, both public and private, to be accommodated by such a center;
(C) the criteria and recommendations for the design and appearance of such a center;
(D) the proposed ownership and operation of the center;
(E) the criteria and recommendations for interpretive, cultural, and educational programs and uses of the center;
(F) the areas where cooperative agreements might be developed between the center and Afro-American institutions, organizations, and universities to enhance their programs and projects relating to the knowledge, preservation, and presentation of the history and culture of Afro-Americans;
(G) the estimates of costs, both public and private, for implementing the plan; and
(H) the procedures to be used in implementing the plan.
(A) The Commission shall solicit subscriptions of funds from private and public sources to help meet the costs of carrying out its duties under this section; the costs of the construction, furnishing, and operation of the center; the costs of research programs and research staff positions, and reasonable administrative costs which may include, subject to the availability of funds, payment to members of the Commission of travel expenses, including per diem in lieu of subsistence, in the same manner as persons employed intermittently in the Government service are allowed expenses under section 5703 of title 5. Any funds so received by the Commission shall be placed in a special deposit account with the Treasurer of the United States, and may be expended by the Commission only to meet the costs specified in this subparagraph.
(B) The General Services Administration, the Smithsonian Institution, and other agencies of the Government may donate or loan to the Commission for the purposes of the center any works of art, artifacts, or other materials under their control.
(c) Acquisition and disposal of propertyFor the purpose of carrying out this chapter, the Commission may—
(1) acquire by gift, purchase with appropriated or donated funds (including funds from State or local sources), transfer from any Federal or State agency, exchange, or otherwise, suitable land (together with any buildings or other improvements thereon) and interest in land in the vicinity of Wilberforce, Ohio, for the location of the headquarters of the center;
(2) borrow or acquire by gift, purchase with appropriated or donated funds (including funds from State or local sources), or otherwise, any other real or personal property necessary for the establishment and operation of the center; and
(3) sell, exchange, or otherwise dispose of any property acquired under this subsection and designate any proceeds from such disposal for the benefit of the center.
(Pub. L. 96–430, title II, § 202, Oct. 10, 1980, 94 Stat. 1846.)
§ 3702. Organization of Commission
(a) Membership
The Commission shall be composed of fifteen members as follows:
(1) The Secretary of the Interior (or his designee).
(2) The Secretary of Education (or his designee).
(3) The Librarian of Congress (or his designee).
(4) The President of the Association for the Study of Afro-American Life and History.
(5) The presidents of Wilberforce University and Central State University in Ohio.
(6) Nine members appointed by the President, who are especially qualified to serve on the Commission by reason of their background and experience. No more than two members appointed under this paragraph shall be from any one State.
(b) Terms of office
Subject to subsection (c), the members of the Commission specified in paragraphs (1) through (5) of subsection (a) shall serve for the life of the Commission. The members of the Commission appointed under paragraph (6) of such subsection shall serve for terms of four years, except that of the members first appointed—
(1) three shall be appointed for terms of one year;
(2) three shall be appointed for terms of two years; and
(3) three shall be appointed for terms of four years;
as designated by the President at the time of appointment.
(c) Membership continuation
(d) Vacancies
(1) Any vacancy in the Commission shall be filled in the same manner in which the original appointment was made.
(2) Any member appointed to fill a vacancy occurring before the expiration of the term for which his predecessor was appointed shall be appointed for the remainder of such term. Members may be reappointed.
(e) Quorum
(f) Voting
(g) Officers
(h) Meetings
(i) Seal; bylaws; rules and regulations
(j) Compensation
(k) Temporary services
(l) Personnel details
(m) Administrative support services
(Pub. L. 96–430, title II, § 203, Oct. 10, 1980, 94 Stat. 1847.)
§ 3703. Omitted
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