Collapse to view only § 1161z. Henry Kuualoha Giugni Kupuna Memorial Archives

§ 1161z. Henry Kuualoha Giugni Kupuna Memorial Archives
(a) Grants authorized
(b) Use of fundsThe Henry Kuualoha Giugni Kupuna Memorial Archives shall use the grant funds received under this section—
(1) to facilitate the acquisition of a secure web-accessible repository of Native Hawaiian historical data rich in ethnic and cultural significance to the United States for preservation and access by future generations;
(2) to award scholarships to facilitate access to postsecondary education for students who cannot afford such education;
(3) to support programmatic efforts associated with the web-based media projects of the archives;
(4) to create educational materials, from the contents of the archives, that are applicable to a broad range of indigenous students, such as Native Hawaiians, Alaskan Natives, and Native American Indians;
(5) to develop outreach initiatives that introduce the archival collections to elementary schools and secondary schools;
(6) to develop supplemental web-based resources that define terms and cultural practices innate to Native Hawaiians;
(7) to rent, lease, purchase, maintain, or repair educational facilities to house the archival collections;
(8) to rent, lease, purchase, maintain, or repair computer equipment for use by elementary schools and secondary schools in accessing the archival collections;
(9) to provide preservice and in-service teacher training to develop a core group of kindergarten through grade 12 teachers who are able to provide instruction in a way that is relevant to the unique background of indigenous students, such as Native Hawaiians, Alaskan Natives, and Native American Indians, in order to—
(A) facilitate greater understanding by teachers of the unique background of indigenous students; and
(B) improve student achievement; and
(10) to increase the economic and financial literacy of postsecondary education students through the dissemination of best practices used at other institutions of higher education regarding debt and credit management and economic decisionmaking.
(c) Authorization of appropriations
(Pub. L. 89–329, title VIII, § 895, as added