Collapse to view only § 760-9. Establishment of fish hatchery in Pennsylvania
- § 755. Salmon-cultural stations; establishment; expenditure of funds
- § 756. Investigations, surveys, and experiments; construction and installation of conservation devices, etc.
- § 757. Utilization of State services; expenditure of funds
- § 757a. Anadromous, Great Lakes, and Lake Champlain fisheries
- § 757b. Authority of the Secretary with regards to Anadromous and Great Lakes fisheries; development and management
- § 757c. Approval for activities on land administered by other Federal departments or agencies
- § 757d. Authorization of appropriations
- § 757e. Application to Columbia River basin
- § 757f. Studies on pollution; recommendations to Secretary of Health and Human Services
- § 757g. Repealed.
- § 758. Exploration, investigation, development, and maintenance of fishing resources and industry of Pacific Ocean
- § 758a. Conduct of explorations and related work in Pacific Ocean
- § 758b. Cooperation with agencies, organizations, and others
- § 758c. Authorization of appropriations for research laboratory, experiment stations, dock and storehouse facilities, vessels, etc., for activities in the Pacific Ocean; transfer of surplus vessels
- § 758d. Pacific Ocean activities; future appropriations
- § 758e. Central, Western, and South Pacific Ocean fisheries development program
- § 758e-1. Consultation and cooperation between certain Federal officers, affected States, etc., in carrying out program
- § 758e-1a. Cooperative program for development of tuna and other latent fishery resources in area; establishment; availability of project information
- § 758e-2. Repealed.
- § 758e-3. Regulations; contract terms and conditions
- § 758e-4. “Central, Western, and South Pacific Ocean area” defined
- § 758e-5. Authorization of appropriations
- § 759. Omitted
- § 760. Establishment of rearing ponds and fish hatchery in Kentucky
- § 760-1. Kentucky fish hatchery; authorization of appropriations
- § 760-2. Establishment of fish hatchery in Montana
- § 760-3. Establishment of trout hatchery in Pisgah National Forest
- § 760-4. Establishment of trout hatchery at Pittsford, Vermont
- § 760-5. Establishment of fish hatchery at Paint Bank, Virginia
- § 760-6. Virginia fish hatchery; authorization of appropriations
- § 760-7. Establishment of fish hatchery in West Virginia
- § 760-8. West Virginia fish hatchery; authorization of appropriations
- § 760-9. Establishment of fish hatchery in Pennsylvania
- § 760-10. Pennsylvania fish hatchery; authorization of appropriations
- § 760-11. Acceptance and development of fish hatchery in South Carolina
- § 760-12. South Carolina fish hatchery; authorization of appropriations
- § 760a. Atlantic Coast fish study for development and protection of fish resources
- § 760b. Equipment for studies; cooperation of Federal departments and agencies
- § 760c. Studies; authorization of appropriations
- § 760d. Grants for education and training of personnel in the field of commercial fishing
- § 760e. Study of migratory game fish; waters; research; purpose
- § 760f. Migratory game fish study; authorization to acquire facilities, employ officers and employees, cooperate with State and other agencies, and to publish results
- § 760g. Authorization of appropriations for migratory game fish study
- §§ 760h to 760l. Omitted
The Secretary of Commerce is authorized and directed to establish one or more salmon-cultural stations in the Columbia River Basin in each of the States of Oregon, Washington, and Idaho. Any sums appropriated for the purpose of establishing such stations may be expended, and such stations shall be established, operated and maintained, in accordance with the provisions of the Act entitled “An Act to provide for a five-year construction and maintenance program for the United States Bureau of Fisheries”, approved May 21, 1930, ch. 306, 46 Stat. 371, insofar as the provisions of such Act are not inconsistent with the provisions of this section and sections 756 and 757 of this title.
The Secretary of Commerce is further authorized and directed (1) to conduct such investigations, and such engineering and biological surveys and experiments, as may be necessary to direct and facilitate conservation of the fishery resources of the Columbia River and its tributaries; (2) to construct and install devices in the Columbia River Basin for the improvement of feeding and spawning conditions for fish, for the protection of migratory fish from irrigation projects, and for facilitating free migration of fish over obstructions; and (3) to perform all other activities necessary for the conservation of fish in the Columbia River Basin in accordance with law.
In carrying out the authorizations and duties imposed by section 756 of this title, the Secretary of Commerce is authorized to utilize the facilities and services of the agencies of the States of Oregon, Washington, and Idaho responsible for the conservation of the fish and wildlife resources in such States, under the terms of agreements entered into between the United States and these States, without regard to the provisions of section 6101 of title 41, and funds appropriated to carry out the purposes of sections 755 to 757 of this title may be expended for the construction of facilities on and the improvement of lands not owned or controlled by the United States: Provided, That the appropriate agency of the State wherein such construction or improvement is to be carried on first shall have obtained without cost to the United States the necessary title to, interest therein, rights-of-way over, or licenses covering the use of such lands.
The Secretary, in accordance with any agreements entered into pursuant to section 757a(a) of this title, is authorized (1) to conduct such investigations, engineering and biological surveys, and research as may be desirable to carry out the program; (2) to carry out stream clearance activities; (3) to construct, install, maintain, and operate devices and structures for the improvement of feeding and spawning conditions, for the protection of fishery resources, and for facilitating the free migration of the fish, and for the control of the sea lamprey; (4) to construct, operate, and maintain fish hatcheries wherever necessary to accomplish the purposes of sections 757a to 757f of this title; (5) to conduct such studies and make such recommendations as the Secretary determines to be appropriate regarding the development and management of any stream or other body of water for the conservation and enhancement of anadromous fishery resources and the fish in the Great Lakes and Lake Champlain that ascend streams to spawn: Provided, That the reports on such studies and the recommendations of the Secretary shall be transmitted to the States, the Congress, and the Federal water resources construction agencies for their information: Provided further, That sections 757a to 757f of this title shall not be construed as authorizing the formulation or construction of water resources projects, except that water resources projects which are determined by the Seretary 1
Activities authorized by sections 757a to 757f of this title to be performed on lands administered by other Federal departments or agencies shall be carried out only with the prior approval of such departments or agencies.
There are authorized to be appropriated to carry out the purposes of sections 757a to 757f of this title not to exceed $4,500,000 for each of fiscal years 2007 through 2012.
Sections 757a to 757f of this title shall not be construed to affect, modify, or apply to the same area as the provisions of sections 755 to 757 of this title. The State of Idaho shall be eligible on an equal standing with other States for Federal funding for purposes authorized by sections 757a to 757f of this title.
The Secretary of the Interior shall, on the basis of studies carried out pursuant to sections 757a to 757f of this title and section 665 of this title, make recommendations to the Secretary of Health and Human Services concerning the elimination or reduction of polluting substances detrimental to fish and wildlife in interstate or navigable waters or the tributaries thereof. Such recommendations and any enforcement measures initiated pursuant thereto by the Secretary of Health and Human Services shall be designed to enhance the quality of such waters, and shall take into consideration all other legitimate uses of such waters.
It is the policy of the United States to provide for the exploration, investigation, development, and maintenance of the fishing resources and development of the high seas fishing industry of the United States and its island possessions in the tropical and subtropical Pacific Ocean and intervening seas, for the benefit of the residents of the Pacific island possessions and of the people of the United States.
The Secretary of Commerce is authorized and directed to conduct such fishing explorations and such necessary related work as oceanographical, biological, technological, statistical, and economic studies to insure maximum development and utilization of the high seas fishery resources of the United States and its island possessions in the tropical and subtropical Pacific Ocean and intervening areas as may be consistent with developing and sustaining such fishery resources at maximum levels of production in perpetuity and to provide for the best possible utilization thereof.
In carrying out the purposes and objectives of sections 758 and 758a of this title, the Secretary of Commerce may cooperate with appropriate agencies of the State and island governments, and with such educational, industrial, or other organizations, enterprises, and individuals as may be expedient.
There is hereby authorized to be appropriated, out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, such amounts as may be necessary for the construction, including architectural services, and for furnishings and equipment of a fishery research laboratory and experiment stations in the State of Hawaii and necessary substations at suitable locations, together with suitable dock and storehouse facilities to be used in conjunction with the operation of research and experimental fishing vessels and for the procurement and for the modification, refitting, and equipment of two experimental high-sea fishing vessels, together with all necessary gear and appurtenances, and of one multiple purpose high-seas fishing and oceanographical research vessel, together with all necessary gear and appurtenances, including necessary naval architectural and engineering services: Provided, however, That no part of said appropriation shall be expended for the acquisition of lands for sites for said laboratory, experiment station, or substations in the State of Hawaii: Provided further, That there are authorized to be transferred to the Secretary of Commerce not to exceed three surplus vessels suitable for conversion and use in oceanographic and biological research and exploratory fishing, by any disposal agency of the Government without reimbursement or transfer of funds.
There is hereby authorized to be appropriated from time to time in fiscal years after 1947—1948 such sums as may be necessary to enable the Secretary of Commerce to carry out the purposes of sections 758 to 758d of this title, including personal services, traveling expenses, transportation of things, purchase, maintenance, and operation of motor vehicles, miscellaneous equipment, and supplies, communications, other contractual services, necessary printing locally, and maintenance, repair, improvement, equipment, and operation of vessels and buildings or other structures.
The Secretary of Commerce (hereafter referred to in sections 758e to 758e–5 of this title as the “Secretary”) is authorized to carry out, directly or by contract, with the Pacific Fisheries Development Foundation or other agency or organization, a program for the development of the tuna and other latent fisheries resources of the Central, Western, and South Pacific Ocean. The program shall include, but not be limited to, exploration for, and stock assessment of, tuna and other fish; improvement of harvesting techniques; gear development; biological resource monitoring; and an economic evaluation of the potential for tuna and other fisheries in such area.
In carrying out the purposes of sections 758e to 758e–5 of this title, the Secretary shall consult, and may otherwise cooperate, with the Secretary of the Interior, the Secretary of State, the State of Hawaii and other affected States, the governments of American Samoa and Guam, the Office of the High Commissioner of the Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands, the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands, educational institutions, the commercial fishing industry, and all appropriate member nations of a South Pacific regional fishery agency (hereinafter referred to in sections 758e to 758e–5 of this title as the “agency”), if such an agency is formed.
In addition to the authority granted in section 758e of this title, the Secretary, in consultation with representatives of all interested member nations of the agency, and those parties set forth in section 758e–1 of this title, may establish in accordance with section 758e of this title, a cooperative program for the development of tuna and other latent fisheries resources of the Central, Western, and South Pacific Ocean to be submitted to the President and the Congress within one year following official formation of the agency. The Secretary shall make available to all interested member nations of the agency the results and findings of research or development projects carried out under sections 758e to 758e–5 of this title.
The Secretary shall prescribe such regulations as may be necessary to carry out the purposes of sections 758e to 758e–5 of this title. Any contract entered into pursuant to section 758e of this title shall be subject to such terms and conditions as the Secretary deems necessary and appropriate to protect the interests of the United States.
As used in sections 758e to 758e–5 of this title, the term “Central, Western, and South Pacific Ocean” means that area of the Pacific Ocean between latitudes 30 degrees north to 30 degrees south and from longitudes 120 degrees east to 130 degrees west.
There is authorized to be appropriated for the period beginning July 1, 1973, and ending June 30, 1976, the sum of $3,000,000, and for the period beginning July 1, 1976, and ending September 30, 1979, the sum of $4,000,000, and for each of the fiscal years 1980, 1981, 1982, 1983, 1984, 1985, 1986, 1987, 1988, 1989, 1990, 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994, and 1995, the sum of $5,000,000, to carry out the purposes of sections 758e to 758e–5 of this title. Sums appropriated pursuant to this section shall remain available until expended.
The Secretary of the Interior is authorized to construct, equip, maintain, and operate rearing ponds and a fish hatchery at a suitable location in Kentucky.
There is hereby authorized to be appropriated from time to time, out of any moneys in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, such sums as may be necessary to carry out the purposes of section 760 of this title.
The Secretary of the Interior is authorized to establish, construct, equip, operate, and maintain a new fish hatchery in the vicinity of Miles City, Montana.
The Secretary of the Interior, after consulting with the Secretary of Agriculture, shall establish, construct, equip, operate, and maintain a trout hatchery at an appropriate location on the Davidson River in the Pisgah National Forest, North Carolina.
The Secretary of the Interior shall develop, reconstruct, equip, operate, and maintain the Federal fish hatchery, known as the Holden trout hatchery, at Pittsford, Vermont, in accordance with the program established by the Fish and Wildlife Service, Department of the Interior, for the improvement of such hatchery.
The Secretary of the Interior is authorized and directed to construct, equip, maintain, and operate a new fish hatchery in the vicinity of Paint Bank, Virginia.
There are hereby authorized to be appropriated such sums as may be necessary to carry out section 760–5 of this title.
The Secretary of the Interior is authorized to establish, construct, equip, operate, and maintain a new fish hatchery in the State of West Virginia.
There are hereby authorized to be appropriated such sums as may be necessary to carry out the purposes of section 760–7 of this title.
The Secretary of the Interior is authorized to establish, construct, equip, operate, and maintain a new fish hatchery in the northwestern part of the State of Pennsylvania.
There are hereby authorized to be appropriated such sums as may be necessary to carry out the purposes of section 760–9 of this title.
The Secretary of the Interior is authorized, in his discretion and upon such terms and conditions as he shall consider to be in the public interest, to accept by donation on behalf of the United States, title to the Orangeburg County, South Carolina, fish hatchery, together with the right to take adequate water from Orangeburg County Lake therefor. The Secretary is authorized to rehabilitate and expand the rearing ponds and other hatchery facilities, to purchase lands adjoining such station in connection with the rehabilitation and expansion of such facilities, and to equip, operate, and maintain said fish hatchery.
There are hereby authorized to be appropriated such funds as may be necessary to carry out the purposes of section 760–11 of this title.
The Secretary of Commerce is directed to undertake a comprehensive continuing study of species of fish of the Atlantic coast, including bays, sounds, and tributaries, for the purpose of recommending to the States of such coast appropriate measures for the development and protection of such resources and their wisest utilization, whether for sports or commercial fishing or both, including the limitations on season, take per unit of time, per man, or per gear, or such other recommendations as will most effectively provide for the public the maximum production and utilization of such fish consistent with the maintenance of an adequate brood reserve.
The Secretary is directed to make application through appropriate channels to other Federal departments or agencies for such boats and other equipment in custody of such departments or agencies as may be suitable for studies authorized hereunder, and such Federal departments and agencies are authorized to transfer such boats and other equipment to the Department of Commerce without reimbursement of funds.
There is authorized to be appropriated from time to time, out of any moneys in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, such sums, not in excess of $250,000 per annum, as may be necessary to carry out the purposes and objectives of sections 760a to 760c of this title.
The Secretary of Commerce is directed to undertake a comprehensive continuing study of the migratory marine fish of interest to recreational fishermen of the United States, including species inhabiting the offshore waters of the United States and species which migrate through or spend a part of their lives in the inshore waters of the United States. The study shall include, but not be limited to, research on migrations, identity of stocks, growth rates, mortality rates, variations in survival, environmental influences, both natural and artificial, including pollution, and effects of fishing on the species, for the purpose of developing wise conservation policies and constructive management activities.
For the purpose of carrying out the provisions of sections 760e to 760g of this title, the Secretary of Commerce is authorized (1) to acquire lands, construct laboratory or other buildings, purchase boats, acquire such other equipment and apparatus, and to employ such officers and employees as he deems necessary; (2) to cooperate or contract with State and other institutions and agencies upon such terms and conditions as he determines to be appropriate; and (3) to make public the results of such research conducted pursuant to section 760e of this title.
There are hereby authorized to be appropriated such sums as may be necessary to carry out the provisions of sections 760e to 760g of this title: Provided, That no more than $2,700,000 be appropriated for this purpose in any one fiscal year.