Collapse to view only § 729. Price per acre

§ 721.

This chapter may be cited as “The Upper Mississippi River National Wildlife and Fish Refuge Act.” The term “person” as used therein includes an individual, partnership, association, or corporation.

(June 7, 1924, ch. 346, §§ 1, 12, 43 Stat. 650, 652; Pub. L. 105–312, title II, § 202(b), Oct. 30, 1998, 112 Stat. 2957.)
§ 722. Acquisition of lands and water

The Secretary of the Interior is authorized to acquire, by purchase, gift, or lease, such areas of land, or of land and water, situated between Rock Island, Illinois, and Wabasha, Minnesota, on either side of or upon islands in the Mississippi River which are not used for agricultural purposes, as he determines suitable for the purposes of this chapter, and any such area when acquired shall become a part of the Upper Mississippi River National Wildlife and Fish Refuge (referred to in this chapter as the “refuge”).

(June 7, 1924, ch. 346, §§ 2, 3, 43 Stat. 650; June 18, 1934, ch. 602, 48 Stat. 1015; 1939 Reorg. Plan No. II, § 4(f), eff. July 1, 1939, 4 F.R. 2731, 53 Stat. 1433; Pub. L. 105–312, title II, § 202(b), Oct. 30, 1998, 112 Stat. 2957.)
§ 723. Purposes of refuge; regulations by Secretary of the Interior

The refuge shall be established and maintained (a) as a refuge and breeding place for migratory birds included in the terms of the convention between the United States and Great Britain for the protection of migratory birds, concluded August 16, 1916, and (b) to such extent as the Secretary of the Interior may by regulations prescribe, as a refuge and breeding place for other wild birds, game animals, fur-bearing animals, and for the conservation of wild flowers and aquatic plants, and (c) to such extent as the Secretary of the Interior may by regulations prescribe as a refuge and breeding place for fish and other aquatic animal life.

(June 7, 1924, ch. 346, § 3, 43 Stat. 650; 1939 Reorg. Plan No. II, § 4(e), (f), eff. July 1, 1939, 4 F.R. 2731, 53 Stat. 1433.)
§ 724. Consent of States to acquisition; existing rights-of-way, easements, etc.
(a) No such area shall be acquired by the Secretary of the Interior until the legislature of each State in which is situated any part of the areas to be acquired under this chapter has consented to the acquisition of such part by the United States for the purposes of this chapter, and, except in the case of a lease, no payment shall be made by the United States for any such area until title thereto is satisfactory to the Attorney General and is vested in the United States.
(b) The existence of a right of way, easement, or other reservation or exception in respect of such area shall not be a bar to its acquisition (1) if the Secretary of the Interior determines that any such reservation or exception will in no manner interfere with the use of the area for the purposes of this chapter, or (2) if in the deed or other conveyance it is stipulated that any reservation or exception in respect of such area, in favor of the person from whom the United States receives title, shall be subject to regulations prescribed under authority of this chapter.
(June 7, 1924, ch. 346, § 4, 43 Stat. 650; 1939 Reorg. Plan No. II, § 4(f), eff. July 1, 1939, 4 F.R. 2731, 53 Stat. 1433.)
§ 725. Regulations, etc., by Secretary of the Interior

Except where it is specifically provided otherwise, the Secretary of the Interior shall prescribe such regulations, exercise such functions, and perform such duties as may be necessary to carry out the purposes of this chapter.

(June 7, 1924, ch. 346, § 5, 43 Stat. 651; 1939 Reorg. Plan No. II, § 4(e), (f), eff. July 1, 1939, 4 F.R. 2731, 53 Stat. 1433.)
§ 726. Acts prohibited in refuge; commercial fishing
No person shall, except in accordance with regulations prescribed by the Secretary of the Interior in respect of wild birds, game animals, fur-bearing animals, wild flowers, and aquatic plants, or in respect of fish and other aquatic-animal life—
(a) Enter the refuge for any purpose; or
(b) Disturb, injure, kill, or remove, or attempt to disturb, injure, kill, or remove any wild bird, game animal, fur-bearing animal, fish, or other aquatic-animal life, on the refuge; or
(c) Remove from the refuge, or injure or destroy thereon any flower, plant, tree, or other natural growth, or the nest or egg of any wild bird; or
(d) Injure or destroy any notice, sign board, fence, building, or other property of the United States thereon.

Commercial fishing may, however, be conducted in the waters of this refuge under regulation by the Secretary of the Interior.

(June 7, 1924, ch. 346, §§ 6, 7, 43 Stat. 651; 1939 Reorg. Plan No. II, § 4(e), (f), eff. July 1, 1939, 4 F.R. 2731, 53 Stat. 1433.)
§ 727. Powers of employees of Department of the Interior
(a) Arrest; execution of warrants; searches
(b) Seizures
(c) Reports of seizures; forfeiture and libel proceedings
(June 7, 1924, ch. 346, § 8, 43 Stat. 651; 1939 Reorg. Plan No. II, § 4(e), (f), eff. July 1, 1939, 4 F.R. 2731, 53 Stat. 1433; Pub. L. 90–578, title IV, § 402(b)(2), Oct. 17, 1968, 82 Stat. 1118; Pub. L. 101–650, title III, § 321, Dec. 1, 1990, 104 Stat. 5117.)
§ 728. Expenditures

The Secretary of the Interior is authorized to make such expenditures for construction, equipment, maintenance, repairs, and improvements, including expenditures for personal services at the seat of government and elsewhere, as may be necessary to execute the functions imposed upon him by this chapter and as may be provided for by Congress from time to time.

(June 7, 1924, ch. 346, § 9, 43 Stat. 652; 1939 Reorg. Plan No. II, § 4(e), (f), eff. July 1, 1939, 4 F.R. 2731, 53 Stat. 1433.)
§ 729. Price per acre

The Secretary of the Interior shall not pay for any land or land and water a price which shall exceed an average cost of $10 per acre: Provided, That this provision shall not apply to any land or land and water prior to May 12, 1928, acquired or contracted for under the provisions of this chapter.

(June 7, 1924, ch. 346, § 10, 43 Stat. 652; Mar. 4, 1925, ch. 558, 43 Stat. 1354; May 12, 1928, ch. 534, 45 Stat. 502; 1939 Reorg. Plan No. II, § 4 (f), eff. July 1, 1939, 4 F.R. 2731, 53 Stat. 1433.)
§ 730. Violations of law or regulations; punishment

Any person who shall violate or fail to comply with any provision of or any regulation made pursuant to this chapter shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be fined not more than $500 or be imprisoned not more than six months, or both.

(June 7, 1924, ch. 346, § 11, 43 Stat. 652.)
§ 731. Effect on other laws

Nothing in this chapter shall be construed as exempting any portion of the Mississippi River from the provisions of Federal laws for the improvement, preservation, and protection of navigable waters, nor as authorizing any interference with the operations of the Department of the Army in carrying out any project now or hereafter adopted for the improvement of said river.

(June 7, 1924, ch. 346, § 13, 43 Stat. 652; July 26, 1947, ch. 343, title II, § 205(a), 61 Stat. 501.)