Collapse to view only § 6514. Environmental analysis

§ 6511. DefinitionsIn this subchapter:
(1) At-risk communityThe term “at-risk community” means an area—
(A) that is comprised of—
(i) an interface community as defined in the notice entitled “Wildland Urban Interface Communities Within the Vicinity of Federal Lands That Are at High Risk From Wildfire” issued by the Secretary of Agriculture and the Secretary of the Interior in accordance with title IV of the Department of the Interior and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 2001 (
(ii) a group of homes and other structures with basic infrastructure and services (such as utilities and collectively maintained transportation routes) within or adjacent to Federal land;
(B) in which conditions are conducive to a large-scale wildland fire disturbance event; and
(C) for which a significant threat to human life or property exists as a result of a wildland fire disturbance event.
(2) Authorized hazardous fuel reduction project
(A) In general
(B) InclusionThe term “authorized hazardous fuel reduction project” includes, using the measures and methods described in subparagraph (A), the installation of—
(i) a natural or manmade change in fuel characteristics that affects fire behavior such that a fire can be more readily controlled (commonly known as a “fuel break”); and
(ii) a natural or constructed barrier used to stop or check a fire or to provide a control line from which to work to stop or check a fire (commonly known as a “firebreak”).
(3) Community wildfire protection planThe term “community wildfire protection plan” means a plan for an at-risk community that—
(A) is developed within the context of the collaborative agreements and the guidance established by the Wildland Fire Leadership Council and agreed to by the applicable local government, local fire department, and State agency responsible for forest management, in consultation with interested parties and the Federal land management agencies managing land in the vicinity of the at-risk community;
(B) identifies and prioritizes areas for hazardous fuel reduction treatments and recommends the types and methods of treatment on Federal and non-Federal land that will protect 1 or more at-risk communities and essential infrastructure; and
(C) recommends measures to reduce structural ignitability throughout the at-risk community.
(4) Condition class 2The term “condition class 2”, with respect to an area of Federal land, means the condition class description developed by the Forest Service Rocky Mountain Research Station in the general technical report entitled “Development of Coarse-Scale Spatial Data for Wildland Fire and Fuel Management” (RMRS–87), dated April 2000 (including any subsequent revision to the report), under which—
(A) fire regimes on the land have been moderately altered from historical ranges;
(B) there exists a moderate risk of losing key ecosystem components from fire;
(C) fire frequencies have increased or decreased from historical frequencies by 1 or more return intervals, resulting in moderate changes to—
(i) the size, frequency, intensity, or severity of fires; or
(ii) landscape patterns; and
(D) vegetation attributes have been moderately altered from the historical range of the attributes.
(5) Condition class 3The term “condition class 3”, with respect to an area of Federal land, means the condition class description developed by the Rocky Mountain Research Station in the general technical report referred to in paragraph (4) (including any subsequent revision to the report), under which—
(A) fire regimes on land have been significantly altered from historical ranges;
(B) there exists a high risk of losing key ecosystem components from fire;
(C) fire frequencies have departed from historical frequencies by multiple return intervals, resulting in dramatic changes to—
(i) the size, frequency, intensity, or severity of fires; or
(ii) landscape patterns; and
(D) vegetation attributes have been significantly altered from the historical range of the attributes.
(6) DayThe term “day” means—
(A) a calendar day; or
(B) if a deadline imposed by this subchapter would expire on a nonbusiness day, the end of the next business day.
(7) Decision documentThe term “decision document” means—
(A) a decision notice (as that term is used in the Forest Service Handbook);
(B) a decision record (as that term is used in the Bureau of Land Management Handbook); and
(C) a record of decision (as that term is used in applicable regulations of the Council on Environmental Quality).
(8) Fire regime IThe term “fire regime I” means an area—
(A) in which historically there have been low-severity fires with a frequency of 0 through 35 years; and
(B) that is located primarily in low elevation forests of pine, oak, or pinyon juniper.
(9) Fire regime IIThe term “fire regime II” means an area—
(A) in which historically there are stand replacement severity fires with a frequency of 0 through 35 years; and
(B) that is located primarily in low- to mid-elevation rangeland, grassland, or shrubland.
(10) Fire regime IIIThe term “fire regime III” means an area—
(A) in which historically there are mixed severity fires with a frequency of 35 through 100 years; and
(B) that is located primarily in forests of mixed conifer, dry Douglas fir, or wet Ponderosa pine.
(11) Implementation Plan
(12) Municipal water supply system
(13) Resource management planThe term “resource management plan” means—
(A) a land and resource management plan prepared for 1 or more units of land of the National Forest System described in section 6502(1)(A) of this title under section 1604 of this title; or
(B) a land use plan prepared for 1 or more units of the public land described in section 6502(1)(B) of this title under section 1712 of title 43.
(14) SecretaryThe term “Secretary” means—
(A) the Secretary of Agriculture, with respect to land of the National Forest System described in section 6502(1)(A) of this title; and
(B) the Secretary of the Interior, with respect to public lands described in section 6502(1)(B) of this title.
(15) Threatened and endangered species habitatThe term “threatened and endangered species habitat” means Federal land identified in—
(A) a determination that a species is an endangered species or a threatened species under the Endangered Species Act of 1973 (16 U.S.C. 1531 et seq.);
(B) a designation of critical habitat of the species under that Act; or
(C) a recovery plan prepared for the species under that Act.
(16) Wildland-urban interfaceThe term “wildland-urban interface” means—
(A) an area within or adjacent to an at-risk community that is identified in recommendations to the Secretary in a community wildfire protection plan; or
(B) in the case of any area for which a community wildfire protection plan is not in effect—
(i) an area extending ½-mile from the boundary of an at-risk community;
(ii) an area within 1½ miles of the boundary of an at-risk community, including any land that—(I) has a sustained steep slope that creates the potential for wildfire behavior endangering the at-risk community;(II) has a geographic feature that aids in creating an effective fire break, such as a road or ridge top; or(III) is in condition class 3, as documented by the Secretary in the project-specific environmental analysis; and
(iii) an area that is adjacent to an evacuation route for an at-risk community that the Secretary determines, in cooperation with the at-risk community, requires hazardous fuel reduction to provide safer evacuation from the at-risk community.
(Pub. L. 108–148, title I, § 101, Dec. 3, 2003, 117 Stat. 1889; Pub. L. 115–141, div. O, title II, § 203, Mar. 23, 2018, 132 Stat. 1064.)
§ 6512. Authorized hazardous fuel reduction projects
(a) Authorized projectsAs soon as practicable after December 3, 2003, the Secretary shall implement authorized hazardous fuel reduction projects, consistent with the Implementation Plan, on—
(1) Federal land in wildland-urban interface areas;
(2) condition class 3 Federal land, in such proximity to a municipal water supply system or a stream feeding such a system within a municipal watershed that a significant risk exists that a fire disturbance event would have adverse effects on the water quality of the municipal water supply or the maintenance of the system, including a risk to water quality posed by erosion following such a fire disturbance event;
(3) condition class 2 Federal land located within fire regime I, fire regime II, or fire regime III, in such proximity to a municipal water supply system or a stream feeding such a system within a municipal watershed that a significant risk exists that a fire disturbance event would have adverse effects on the water quality of the municipal water supply or the maintenance of the system, including a risk to water quality posed by erosion following such a fire disturbance event;
(4) Federal land on which windthrow or blowdown, ice storm damage, the existence of an epidemic of disease or insects, or the presence of such an epidemic on immediately adjacent land and the imminent risk it will spread, poses a significant threat to an ecosystem component, or forest or rangeland resource, on the Federal land or adjacent non-Federal land; and
(5) Federal land not covered by paragraphs (1) through (4) that contains threatened and endangered species habitat, if—
(A) natural fire regimes on that land are identified as being important for, or wildfire is identified as a threat to, an endangered species, a threatened species, or habitat of an endangered species or threatened species in a species recovery plan prepared under section 1533 of this title, or a notice published in the Federal Register determining a species to be an endangered species or a threatened species or designating critical habitat;
(B) the authorized hazardous fuel reduction project will provide enhanced protection from catastrophic wildfire for the endangered species, threatened species, or habitat of the endangered species or threatened species; and
(C) the Secretary complies with any applicable guidelines specified in any management or recovery plan described in subparagraph (A).
(b) Relation to agency plans
(c) Acreage limitation
(d) Exclusion of certain Federal landThe Secretary may not conduct an authorized hazardous fuel reduction project that would occur on—
(1) a component of the National Wilderness Preservation System;
(2) Federal land on which the removal of vegetation is prohibited or restricted by Act of Congress or Presidential proclamation (including the applicable implementation plan); or
(3) a Wilderness Study Area.
(e) Old growth stands
(1) DefinitionsIn this subsection and subsection (f):
(A) Applicable periodThe term “applicable period” means—
(i) the 2-year period beginning on December 3, 2003; or
(ii) in the case of a resource management plan that the Secretary is in the process of revising as of December 3, 2003, the 3-year period beginning on
(B) Covered project
(C) Management direction
(D) Old growth stand
(2) Project requirements
(3) Newer management direction
(A) In general
(B) Amendments or revisions
(4) Older management direction
(A) In general
(B) Review requiredSubject to subparagraph (C), during the applicable period for management direction referred to in subparagraph (A), the Secretary shall—
(i) review the management direction for affected covered projects, taking into account any relevant scientific information made available since the adoption of the management direction; and
(ii) amend the management direction for affected covered projects to be consistent with paragraph (2), if necessary to reflect relevant scientific information the Secretary did not consider in formulating the management direction.
(C) Review not completedIf the Secretary does not complete the review of the management direction in accordance with subparagraph (B) before the end of the applicable period, the Secretary shall not carry out any portion of affected covered projects in stands that are identified as old growth stands (based on substantial supporting evidence) by any person during scoping, within the period—
(i) beginning at the close of the applicable period for the management direction governing the affected covered projects; and
(ii) ending on the earlier of—(I) the date the Secretary completes the action required by subparagraph (B) for the management direction applicable to the affected covered projects; or(II) the date on which the acreage limitation specified in subsection (c) (as that limitation may be adjusted by a subsequent Act of Congress) is reached.
(5) Limitation to covered projects
(f) Large tree retention
(1) In generalExcept in old growth stands where the management direction is consistent with subsection (e)(2), the Secretary shall carry out a covered project in a manner that—
(A) focuses largely on small diameter trees, thinning, strategic fuel breaks, and prescribed fire to modify fire behavior, as measured by the projected reduction of uncharacteristically severe wildfire effects for the forest type (such as adverse soil impacts, tree mortality or other impacts); and
(B) maximizes the retention of large trees, as appropriate for the forest type, to the extent that the trees promote fire-resilient stands.
(2) Wildfire risk
(g) Monitoring and assessing forest and rangeland health
(1) In generalFor each Forest Service administrative region and each Bureau of Land Management State Office, the Secretary shall—
(A) monitor the results of a representative sample of the projects authorized under this subchapter for each management unit; and
(B) not later than 5 years after December 3, 2003, and each 5 years thereafter, issue a report that includes—
(i) an evaluation of the progress towards project goals; and
(ii) recommendations for modifications to the projects and management treatments.
(2) Consistency of projects with recommendations
(3) Similar vegetation types
(4) Monitoring and assessmentsMonitoring and assessment shall include a description of the changes in condition class, using the Fire Regime Condition Class Guidebook or successor guidance, specifically comparing end results to—
(A) pretreatment conditions;
(B) historical fire regimes; and
(C) any applicable watershed or landscape goals or objectives in the resource management plan or other relevant direction.
(5) Multiparty monitoring
(A) In general
(B) Diverse stakeholders
(C) Funding
(6) Collection of monitoring data
(7) Tracking
(8) Monitoring and maintenance of treated areas
(Pub. L. 108–148, title I, § 102, Dec. 3, 2003, 117 Stat. 1892.)
§ 6513. Prioritization
(a) In general
(b) Collaboration
(1) In general
(2) Exemption
(c) Administration
(1) In general
(2) Compliance
(d) Funding allocation
(1) Federal land
(A) In general
(B) Applicability and allocation
(C) Wildland-urban interface
(2) Non-Federal land
(A) In general
(B) Priority
(e) Cross-boundary hazardous fuel reduction projects
(1) Definitions
In this subsection:
(A) Hazardous fuel reduction project
(B) Non-Federal land
The term “non-Federal land” includes—
(i) State land;
(ii) county land;
(iii) Tribal land;
(iv) private land; and
(v) other non-Federal land.
(2) Grants
(3) Land treatments
To conduct and fund treatments for hazardous fuel reduction projects carried out by State foresters using grants under paragraph (2), the Secretary may use the authorities of the Secretary relating to cooperation and technical and financial assistance, including the good neighbor authority under—
(A)section 2113a of this title; and
(B) section 331 of the Department of the Interior and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 2001 (16 U.S.C. 1011 note; Public Law 106–291).
(4) Cooperation
In carrying out a hazardous fuel reduction project using a grant under paragraph (2) on non-Federal land, the State forester, in consultation with the Secretary—
(A) shall consult with any applicable owners of the non-Federal land; and
(B) shall not implement the hazardous fuel reduction project on non-Federal land without the consent of the owner of the non-Federal land.
(5) Authorization of appropriations
(Pub. L. 108–148, title I, § 103, Dec. 3, 2003, 117 Stat. 1896; Pub. L. 115–334, title VIII, § 8401, Dec. 20, 2018, 132 Stat. 4840; Pub. L. 117–286, § 4(a)(130), Dec. 27, 2022, 136 Stat. 4319.)
§ 6514. Environmental analysis
(a) Authorized hazardous fuel reduction projectsExcept as otherwise provided in this subchapter, the Secretary shall conduct authorized hazardous fuel reduction projects in accordance with—
(1) the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 [42 U.S.C. 4321 et seq.]; and
(2) other applicable laws.
(b) Environmental assessment or environmental impact statement
(c) Consideration of alternatives
(1) In generalExcept as provided in subsection (d), in the environmental assessment or environmental impact statement prepared under subsection (b), the Secretary shall study, develop, and describe—
(A) the proposed agency action;
(B) the alternative of no action; and
(C) an additional action alternative, if the additional alternative—
(i) is proposed during scoping or the collaborative process under subsection (f); and
(ii) meets the purpose and need of the project, in accordance with regulations promulgated by the Council on Environmental Quality.
(2) Multiple additional alternativesIf more than 1 additional alternative is proposed under paragraph (1)(C), the Secretary shall—
(A) select which additional alternative to consider, which is a choice that is in the sole discretion of the Secretary; and
(B) provide a written record describing the reasons for the selection.
(d) Alternative analysis process for projects in wildland-urban interface
(1) Proposed agency action and 1 action alternative
(2) Proposed agency action
(3) Proposed agency action and community wildfire protection plan alternative
(e) Public notice and meeting
(1) Public notice
(2) Public meetingDuring the preparation stage of each authorized hazardous fuel reduction project, the Secretary shall—
(A) conduct a public meeting at an appropriate location proximate to the administrative unit of the Federal land on which the authorized hazardous fuel reduction project will be conducted; and
(B) provide advance notice of the location, date, and time of the meeting.
(f) Public collaboration
(g) Environmental analysis and public comment
(h) Decision document
(Pub. L. 108–148, title I, § 104, Dec. 3, 2003, 117 Stat. 1897.)
§ 6515. Special administrative review process
(a) Interim final regulations
(1) In general
(2) Period
The predecisional administrative review process required under paragraph (1) shall occur during the period—
(A) beginning after the completion of the environmental assessment or environmental impact statement; and
(B) ending not later than the date of the issuance of the final decision approving the project.
(3) Eligibility
(4) Effective date
(b) Final regulations
(c) Administrative review
(1) In general
A person may bring a civil action challenging an authorized hazardous fuel reduction project in a Federal district court only if the person has challenged the authorized hazardous fuel reduction project by exhausting—
(A) the administrative review process established by the Secretary of Agriculture under this section; or
(B) the administrative hearings and appeals procedures established by the Department of the Interior.
(2) Issues
(3) Exception
(A) In general
(B) Information
(Pub. L. 108–148, title I, § 105, Dec. 3, 2003, 117 Stat. 1899.)
§ 6516. Judicial review in United States district courts
(a) Venue
(b) Expeditious completion of judicial review
(c) Injunctions
(1) In general
(2) Renewal
(A) In general
(B) Updates
(3) Balancing of short- and long-term effects
As part of its weighing the equities while considering any request for an injunction that applies to an agency action under an authorized hazardous fuel reduction project, the court reviewing the project shall balance the impact to the ecosystem likely affected by the project of—
(A) the short- and long-term effects of undertaking the agency action; against
(B) the short- and long-term effects of not undertaking the agency action.
(Pub. L. 108–148, title I, § 106, Dec. 3, 2003, 117 Stat. 1900.)
§ 6517. Effect of subchapter
(a) Other authority
(b) National Forest System
(Pub. L. 108–148, title I, § 107, Dec. 3, 2003, 117 Stat. 1900.)
§ 6518. Authorization of appropriations
There is authorized to be appropriated $660,000,000 for each of fiscal years 2019 through 2023 to carry out—
(1) activities authorized by this subchapter; and
(2) other hazardous fuel reduction activities of the Secretary, including making grants to States, local governments, Indian tribes, and other eligible recipients for activities authorized by law.
(Pub. L. 108–148, title I, § 108, Dec. 3, 2003,