Collapse to view only § 698p. Integrated administration and interpretation
- § 671. Repealed and Omitted
- § 672. Omitted
- § 673. Wyoming Elk Reserve
- § 673a. Addition to the Wyoming Elk Reserve
- § 673b. National Elk Refuge in Wyoming
- § 673c. Conservation of elk in Wyoming
- § 673d. Restoration and conservation of elk in California
- § 673e. Cooperation of Secretaries of the Interior, Agriculture and Defense with State of California
- § 673f. Repealed.
- § 673g. Plan for elk restoration and conservation; coordination of Secretary of the Interior with Federal, State and other officers; integration with State plans
- § 674. White Horse Hill National Game Preserve
- § 674a. Sullys Hill National Park; transfer of control; change of name to White Horse Hill National Game Preserve; boundaries; use by public; hunting
- § 674b. White Horse Hill National Game Preserve; acquisition of additional lands
- § 674c. Boundary and division fences for White Horse Hill National Game Preserve; buildings and improvements; supplies; employees
- § 674d. Authorization of appropriations
- § 675. Norbeck Wildlife Preserve; establishment
- § 676. Hunting, trapping, killing, or capturing game on Norbeck Wildlife Preserve unlawful
- § 677. Inclosure of Norbeck Wildlife Preserve
- § 678. Exchange of lands with State of South Dakota and Norbeck Wildlife Preserve
- § 678a. Mining locations in Norbeck Wildlife Preserve; rules and regulations
- § 678b. Redefinition of western boundary of Norbeck Wildlife Preserve
- § 679. Patents to State of South Dakota of certain lands in Custer State Park; reservation of coal, oil, gas, and other mineral rights
- § 680. Game animal and bird refuge in South Dakota; establishment
- § 681. Erection of fence by South Dakota for game animal and bird refuge
- § 682. Game refuge in Ozark National Forest
- § 683. Areas set aside for protection of game and fish; unlawfully taking game or fish
- § 684. Game breeding areas in Wichita and Grand Canyon National Forests
- § 685. Hunting, trapping, killing, or capturing game in designated breeding areas unlawful
- § 686. Operation of local game laws not affected
- § 687. Grand Canyon Game Preserve included in park
- § 688. Repealed.
- § 689. Tahquitz National Game Preserve
- § 689a. Other uses of land permitted in Tahquitz National Game Preserve
- § 689b. Hunting, pursuing, capturing in Tahquitz National Game Preserve unlawful
- § 689c. Rules and regulations for administration of the Tahquitz Preserve; predatory animals
- § 689d. Acceptance of title to privately owned lands within Tahquitz Preserve
- § 690. Bear River Migratory Bird Refuge; establishment; acquisition of lands
- § 690a. Maintenance of lands acquired as refuge and breeding place for migratory birds
- § 690b. Consent of Utah to acquisition of lands for Bear River Refuge; approval of title to lands acquired
- § 690c. Existence of easements, reservations, or exceptions as barring acquisition of lands
- § 690d. Injuries to property on Bear River Refuge; disturbance of birds, etc.; violation of regulations for use of refuge
- § 690e. Enforcement of laws and regulations; warrants and processes; jurisdiction of courts; forfeiture of property captured, injured, killed or removed
- § 690f. Expenditures by Secretary of the Interior for construction, maintenance, etc., of Bear River Refuge; employment of necessary means to execute functions imposed on him
- § 690g. Violation of laws and regulations; penalties
- § 690h. “Person” defined
- § 690i. Omitted
- § 691. Cheyenne Bottoms Migratory Bird Refuge; location; acquisition of land
- § 691a. Establishment of Cheyenne Bottoms Migratory Bird Refuge; purpose
- § 691b. Omitted
- § 691c. Acquisition of areas for Cheyenne Bottoms Refuge; title; rights-of-way, easements, and reservations
- § 691d. Applicability of certain statutes
- § 692. Game sanctuaries or refuges in Ocala National Forest; creation
- § 692a. Hunting, pursuing, capturing, etc., in Ocala National Forest unlawful
- § 693. Game sanctuaries and refuges in Ouachita National Forest
- § 693a. Rules and regulations for administration of Ouachita National Forest; violations; penalties
- § 693b. Robert S. Kerr Memorial Arboretum and Nature Center in Ouachita National Forest; authority to establish
- § 693c. Administration by Secretary of Agriculture of the Robert S. Kerr Center
- § 693d. Cooperation with public and private agencies; contributions and gifts for Robert S. Kerr Center
- § 694. Fish and game sanctuaries in national forests; establishment by President
- § 694a. Hunting, pursuing, capturing, etc., in sanctuaries in national forests unlawful
- § 694b. Rules and regulations for administration of sanctuaries in national forests; jurisdiction of States
- § 695. Migratory waterfowl and other wildlife refuge in California; participation by State of California
- § 695a. Title in United States of California refuge areas; existence of easements, reservations, etc.; affecting acquisition
- § 695b. Applicability of certain statutes
- § 695c. Availability of funds for construction of dams, buildings, etc., for California refuge
- § 695d. Development of water supplies for waterfowl management in California; reauthorization of Central Valley Project
- § 695e. Construction, operation, and maintenance of water supply development works
- § 695f. Construction, etc., authorized by section 695e as not reimbursable or returnable under reclamation laws
- § 695g. Authorization of appropriations
- § 695h. Ownership by State of California of works constructed
- § 695i. Authorization of Secretary of the Interior to contract for water delivery; nonreimbursable or nonreturnable basis of delivery
- § 695j. Conformity of water use with California laws; construction of sections 695d to 695j–1
- § 695j-1. Conformity of contracts with Federal law through negotiation of amendments
- § 695k. Congressional declaration of policy for preservation of habitat for migratory waterfowl and prevention of depredations on agricultural crops
- § 695l. Dedication of lands within boundaries of refuges to wildlife conservation; administration of lands for waterfowl management and optimum agricultural use; homestead entry prohibition; inclusion of other public lands; property of the United States
- § 695m. Annual percentage payments of net revenues from leases of Klamath project lands on pro rata basis; limitation on payments; priority of use of net revenues
- § 695n. Leases of Lower Klamath and Tule Lake National Wildlife Refuge reserved lands; management of other reserved public lands for waterfowl purposes
- § 695o. Limitation on reduction of areas by diking or other construction
- § 695p. Regulation of waters to maintain sump levels
- § 695q. Research studies on Clear Lake Refuge; report to Congress
- § 695r. Regulations by Secretary
- § 696. National Key Deer Refuge; establishment; acquisition of property: exchanges, cash equalization payments; administration
- § 696a. Acquisition of title to properties for National Key Deer Refuge; rights-of-way and easements
- § 696b. Authorization of appropriations; limitation
- §§ 697, 697a. Omitted
- § 698. Big Thicket National Preserve
- § 698a. Acquisition of property for Big Thicket Preserve
- § 698b. Right of use and occupancy of improved property on Big Thicket Preserve
- § 698c. Administration of Big Thicket Preserve
- § 698d. Review of Big Thicket Preserve area by Secretary; report to President
- § 698e. Authorization of appropriations for Big Thicket Preserve
- § 698f. Big Cypress National Preserve; Big Cypress National Preserve Addition
- § 698g. Acquisition of lands for Big Cypress Preserve
- § 698h. Right of use and occupancy of improved property on Big Cypress Preserve and Addition
- § 698i. Administration of Big Cypress Preserve; applicability of other laws; rules and regulations for use of lands and waters; transportation facilities; consultation and cooperation with Secretary of Transportation
- § 698j. Hunting, fishing, and trapping in Big Cypress Preserve and Addition authorized in accordance with applicable Federal and State laws; consultation with appropriate State agency prior to implementation of regulations restricting activities; land use and retention rights of Miccosukee and Seminole Indian Tribes
- § 698k. Contracts for providing visitor services in Big Cypress Preserve and Addition; right of first refusal to Miccosukee and Seminole Tribes
- § 698l. Review of Big Cypress Preserve area and Addition area by Secretary; report to President
- § 698m. Authorization of appropriations for Big Cypress Preserve and Addition
- § 698m-1. Big Cypress National Preserve Addition
- § 698m-2. Establishment of recreational access points, roads, etc., in conjunction with creation of Big Cypress National Preserve Addition; cooperation among agencies
- § 698m-3. Status of Big Cypress National Preserve and Addition; report to Congress; plan
- § 698m-4. Oil and gas exploration, development, and production in Big Cypress National Preserve and Addition
- § 698n. Timucuan Ecological and Historic Preserve
- § 698o. Protection of significant historic assets
- § 698p. Integrated administration and interpretation
- § 698q. Little River Canyon National Preserve; establishment
- § 698r. Administration
- § 698s. Acquisition
- § 698t. Authorization of appropriations
- § 698u. Tallgrass Prairie National Preserve: findings and purposes
- § 698u-1. Definitions
- § 698u-2. Establishment of Tallgrass Prairie National Preserve
- § 698u-3. Administration of National Preserve
- § 698u-4. Limited authority to acquire
- § 698u-5. Advisory Committee
- § 698u-6. Restriction on authority
- § 698u-7. Authorization of appropriations
- §§ 698v to 698v-10. Repealed.
- § 698v-11. Valles Caldera National Preserve, New Mexico
- § 698w. Special management requirements for Federal lands recently added to Craters of the Moon National Monument, Idaho
There is established a winter game (elk) reserve in the State of Wyoming, which shall be located in that section of Wyoming lying south of the Yellowstone Park, and shall include not less than two thousand acres in township 41 north, ranges 115 and 116 west, and the Secretary of the Interior is authorized to purchase said lands with improvements, to erect necessary buildings and inclosures, and to incur other expenses necessary for the maintenance of the reserve. The Secretary of the Interior is authorized to include in said refuge and to inclose not more than one thousand acres of unoccupied public lands, which when selected shall be made to conform to the lines of the public surveys, and shall be adjacent to or partly inclosed by said refuge.
The Secretary of the Interior is authorized to accept, on behalf of and without expense to the United States, from the Izaak Walton League of America, or its authorized trustees, a gift of certain lands in Teton County, Wyoming, described as the south half of section 4; the east half of the southeast quarter of section 5; the southwest quarter of the southeast quarter of section 5; the south half of the southwest quarter of section 5; the southeast quarter of the northeast quarter of section 7; the east half of the southeast quarter of section 7; the southwest quarter of the southeast quarter of section 7, and lot 4 of section 7; all of section 8; the north half of the northeast quarter of section 9; the north half of the northwest quarter of section 9; and the southwest quarter of the northwest quarter of section 9; the north half of the northeast quarter of section 17; lot 1 of section 18; and the east half of the northwest quarter of section 18; all in township 41 north, range 115 west, of the sixth principal meridian, including all the buildings and improvements thereon, and all rights, easements, and appurtenances thereunto appertaining, subject to the conditions that they be used and administered by the United States, under the supervision and control of the Secretary of the Interior, for the grazing of, and as a refuge for, American elk and other big game animals, and that they be known as the Izaak Walton League addition to the winter elk refuge: Provided, That upon the conveyance of said lands to the United States, as herein provided, they shall become a part of the winter elk refuge established under section 673 of this title, and shall be subject to any laws governing the administration and protection of said refuge.
The following-described lands of the Jackson Hole National Monument are made a part of the National Elk Refuge and shall be administered hereafter in accordance with the laws applicable to said refuge:
sixth principal meridian
Township 42 north, range 116 west: Those portions of sections 24, 25, 26, and 35 lying east of the east right-of-way line of United States Highway Numbered 187, and lying south and east of the north and west bank of the Gros Ventre River.
Township 42 north, range 115 west: Those portions of sections 8, 9, 10, 17, 18, and 19 lying south and east of the north and west bank of the Gros Ventre River; section 20; section 29, northwest quarter; section 30, north half.
Township 41 north, range 116 west: Entire portion now in Jackson Hole National Monument except that portion in section 2 lying west of the east right-of-way line of United States Highway Numbered 187.
Containing in all six thousand three hundred and seventy-six acres, more or less.
It is the sense of Congress that the restoration and conservation of a Tule elk population in California of at least two thousand, except that the number of Tule elk in the Owens River Watershed area shall at no time exceed four hundred and ninety or such greater number which is determined by the State of California to be the maximum holding capacity of such area, is an appropriate national goal.
The Secretary of the Interior, the Secretary of Agriculture, and the Secretary of Defense shall cooperate with the State of California in making the lands under their respective jurisdictions reasonably available for the preservation and grazing of Tule elk in such manner and to such extent as may be consistent with Federal law.
The Secretary of the Interior, in coordination with all Federal, State, and other officers having jurisdiction over lands on which Tule elk herds are located or lands which would provide suitable Tule elk habitat, shall develop a plan for Tule elk restoration and conservation, including habitat management, which shall be integrated with the comparable plans of State and local authorities in California.
The Secretary of the Interior is authorized to inclose the Sullys Hill National Game Preserve 1
The Secretary of the Interior shall administer Sullys Hill National Park, together with all improvements thereon, in the State of North Dakota, as a big game preserve, refuge, and breeding grounds for wild animals and birds, which shall be known as the White Horse Hill National Game Preserve and shall embrace within its boundaries the lands described in the proclamation of June 2, 1904, establishing Sullys Hill Park, together with all unsurveyed or public lands uncovered by the recession of the waters of Devils Lake in front of said reservation, the preserve to be bounded on the north and northwest by the waters of Devils Lake, and on the west and southwest by a stream which flows through lands uncovered by the recession of the waters of Devils Lake, approximately midway between lots 10 and 11, section 17; lots 1, 2, 6, and 8, section 16; and lot 2, section 9; lots 3, 4, and 5, section 16, township 152 north, range 65 west, fifth principal meridian, as meandered on the official plats of survey approved June 23, 1904, and June 2, 1927: Provided, That the said game preserve is to be made available to the public for recreational purposes insofar as consistent with the use of this area as a game preserve: Provided further, That hunting shall not be permitted on said game preserve.
The Secretary of the Interior is authorized to acquire, by purchase or otherwise, after July 1, 1932, an area of land not to exceed three thousand acres, at an average cost of not more than $10 per acre, with the improvements thereon, situated on the east and south of said preserve as described in section 674a of this title, within sections 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 22, 23, and 24, township 152 north, range 65 west, fifth principal meridian, said lands, upon acquisition by the United States, to become a part of the White Horse Hill National Game Preserve.
The Secretary of the Interior is authorized to construct and maintain such boundary and division fences as are required to inclose and subdivide the preserve; to construct such buildings and improvements, to install and maintain a suitable water-supply and sanitary system, to purchase such supplies, and to employ such assistants as are necessary for the maintenance of the preserve and the improvements thereon and for the accommodation of visitors thereto.
There is hereby authorized to be appropriated out of any moneys in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated such sums as Congress shall from time to time deem necessary to carry out the purposes of sections 674a to 674c of this title.
There is designated as the Norbeck Wildlife Preserve such areas, not exceeding forty-six thousand acres, of the Harney National Forest, and adjoining or in the vicinity of the Custer State Park, in the State of South Dakota, as should, in the opinion of the President of the United States, be set aside for the protection of game animals and birds, and be recognized as a breeding place therefor.
When such areas have been designated as provided for in section 675 of this title, hunting, trapping, killing, or capturing of game animals and birds upon the lands of the United States within the limits of said areas shall be unlawful, except under such regulations as may be prescribed from time to time by the Secretary of Agriculture. It is the purpose of this section to protect from trespass the public lands of the United States and the game animals and birds which may be thereon, and not to interfere with the operation of the local game laws as affecting private or State lands.
The State of South Dakota is authorized and permitted to erect and maintain a good substantial fence, inclosing in whole or in part Norbeck Wildlife Preserve. The State shall erect and maintain such gates in this fence as may be required by the authorized agents of the Federal Government in administering this wildlife preserve and the adjoining national forest lands, and may erect and maintain such additional inclosures as may be agreed upon with the Secretary of Agriculture. The right of the State to maintain this fence shall continue so long as Norbeck Wildlife Preserve is also given similar protection by the laws of the State of South Dakota.
Upon recommendation of the Secretary of Agriculture, the Secretary of the Interior may patent to the State of South Dakota not to exceed one thousand six hundred acres of nonmineral national forest lands not otherwise appropriated or withdrawn within the areas of Norbeck Wildlife Preserve: Provided, That the State of South Dakota conveys to the Government good and sufficient title to other lands of equal value owned by the State and lying within the exterior boundaries of a national forest in the State of South Dakota and approved by the Secretary of Agriculture as equally desirable for national forest purposes, the lands thus conveyed to the Government to become a part of the national forest. This shall not operate to restrict any selection rights which the State may have or may be hereafter granted, excepting as to the specific lands conveyed to the Government under authority of this section.
Subject to the conditions herein provided, mining locations may be made under the general mining laws of the United States on lands of the United States situated within the exterior boundaries of that portion of the Harney National Forest designated as the Norbeck Wildlife Preserve, South Dakota, created pursuant to the provisions of sections 675 to 678 of this title. A locator shall have the right to occupy and use so much of the surface of the land covered by the location as may be reasonably necessary to carry on prospecting and mining, including the taking of mineral deposits and timber required by or in the mining operations, and no permit shall be required or charge made for such use or occupancy: Provided, however, That the mining operations herein authorized shall be subject to such rules and regulations as the Secretary of Agriculture may deem necessary in furtherance of the purposes for which the said preserve was established: Provided further, That the cutting and removal of timber, except where clearing is necessary in connection with mining operations or to provide space for buildings or structures used in connection with mining operations, shall be conducted in accordance with the marking rules and timber sale practices applicable to the Harney National Forest, and no use of the surface of the claim or the resources therefrom not reasonably required for carrying on mining and prospecting shall be allowed except under the national-forest rules and regulations, nor shall the locator prevent or obstruct other occupancy of the surface or use of surface resources under authority of national-forest regulations, or permits issued thereunder, if such occupancy or use is not in conflict with mineral development: Provided further, That the Secretary of Agriculture in his discretion may prohibit the location of mining claims within six hundred and sixty feet of any Federal, State, or county road, and within such other areas where the location of mining claims would not be in the public interest: And provided further, That no patent shall be issued by the United States on any location filed pursuant to the authority contained in this section.
To facilitate administration for the purpose for which the preserve has been established, the western boundary of the preserve lying north of Custer State Park is redefined as follows:
Beginning at the east quarter corner of section 7, township 2 south, range 5 east, Black Hills meridian; thence south along said section line to its intersection with a line three hundred feet north of the Horse Thief Lake Road; thence southwesterly along a line three hundred feet northwesterly from the center line of said road and running approximately parallel thereto to the intersection of said road with United States Highway 85A; thence southerly along a line three hundred feet west of United States Highway 85A and approximately parallel thereto to the present south boundary of said preserve in section 3 south, range 4 east, Black Hills meridian.
The Secretary of the Interior is authorized and directed to issue to the State of South Dakota patents conveying title, but reserving the minerals therein, to any unpatented lands of the United States held or claimed by virtue of locations made prior to March 3, 1925, under the United States general mining laws, within the Custer State Park, not exceeding a total of two thousand acres, upon payment to the United States of $1.25 per acre therefor, and upon evidence being furnished that all claim, right, title, and interest of such claimants have been transferred to the State or have been abandoned. Patents so issued to the State of South Dakota shall be conditioned upon the lands being used for park purposes, and provide for the reversion of the lands of the United States in the event of failure to so hold and use. The United States reserves all coal, oil, gas, or other minerals in the lands patented under this section with the right, in case any of said patented lands are found by the Secretary of the Interior to be more valuable for the minerals therein than for park purposes, to provide, by special legislation, having due regard for the rights of the State of South Dakota, for the disposition and extraction of the coal, oil, gas or other minerals therein. The provisions of this section are limited to lands lying within the limits of the Custer State Park, within townships 3 and 4 south, range 6 east, and the east one-third of townships 3 and 4 south, range 5 east, Black Hills meridian.
Subject to valid rights and entries initiated under the public land laws, prior to June 7, 1924, any or all of the following described lands in Government ownership may be withdrawn from entry and disposition by proclamation of the President for the purpose of protecting and propagating antelope and other game animals and birds: National forest lands—Township 18 north, range 7 east, Black Hills meridian, section 24, south half, and south half north half; section 25, all; township 18 north, range 8 east, sections 17 to 20, inclusive; section 21, west half; sections 29 to 32, inclusive. Public lands—Township 18 north, range 7 east, sections 5 to 9, inclusive; sections 13 to 23, inclusive; section 24, north half north half; sections 26 to 36, inclusive; and those parts of sections 3, 4, 10, and 11 lying south and west of the Riva Road. The withdrawal of the lands herein authorized shall not affect withdrawals for national forest purposes made prior to June 7, 1924.
The State of South Dakota is authorized and permitted to erect and maintain a good, substantial fence inclosing in whole or in part such areas as may be designated and set aside by the President under the authority of section 680 of this title. The State shall erect and maintain such gates in this fence as may be required by the authorized agents of the Federal Government in the administration of the National forest lands embraced therein, or to provide ingress and egress to persons occupying lands within said inclosure. The right of the State to maintain said fence shall continue so long as the area designated by the President shall be given protection by the laws of the State of South Dakota as a game refuge.
The President of the United States is authorized to designate such national forest lands within the Ozark National Forest, within the State of Arkansas, as should, in his discretion, be set aside for the protection of game animals, birds, or fish; and, except under such rules and regulations as the Secretary of Agriculture may from time to time prescribe, it shall be unlawful for any person to hunt, catch, trap, willfully disturb, or kill any kind of game animal, game or nongame bird, or fish, or take the eggs of any such bird on any lands so set aside, or in or on the waters thereof.
The President of the United States is authorized to designate such areas on any lands which have been, or which may hereafter be, purchased by the United States under the provisions of the Act of March first, nineteen hundred and eleven, and Acts supplementary thereto and amendatory thereof, as should, in his opinion, be set aside for the protection of game animals, birds, or fish; and, except under such rules and regulations as the Secretary of Agriculture may from time to time prescribe, it shall be unlawful for any person to hunt, catch, trap, willfully disturb or kill any kind of game animal, game or nongame bird, or fish, or take the eggs of any such bird on any lands so set aside, or in or on the waters thereof.
The President of the United States is authorized to designate such areas in the Wichita National Forest and in the Grand Canyon National Forest as should, in his opinion, be set aside for the protection of game animals and birds and be recognized as a breeding place therefor.
When such areas have been designated in the Wichita National Forest as provided for in section 684 of this title, hunting, trapping, killing, or capturing of game animals and birds upon the lands of the United States within the limits of said areas shall be unlawful, except under such regulations as may be prescribed from time to time, by the Secretary of the Interior.
When such areas have been designated in the Grand Canyon National Forest as provided in section 684 of this title, hunting, trapping, killing, or capturing of game animals upon the lands of the United States within the limits of said areas shall be unlawful, except under such regulations as may be prescribed from time to time by the Secretary of Agriculture.
It is the purpose of sections 684 and 685 of this title to protect from trespass the public lands of the United States and the game animals and birds which may be thereon, and not to interfere with the operation of the local game laws as affecting private, State, or Territorial lands.
Such parts of the Grand Canyon National Game Preserve, designated under authority of section 684 of this title, as are by this Act included with 1
There is created within the San Bernardino National Forest in Riverside County, California, for the protection of game animals, and as the recognized breeding place therefor, the Tahquitz National Game Preserve, which shall include the following lands: Sections 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, and 35, township 3 south, range 3 east, San Bernardino meridian; sections 1, 2, 3, 4, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 33, 34, 35, and 36, township 4 south, range 3 east, San Bernardino meridian; and sections 1, 2, 3, 4, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, and 24, township 5 south, range 3 east, San Bernardino meridian; but the establishment of this reservation shall not interfere with any existing right or withdrawals made prior to July 3, 1926: Provided, That all the land with 1
That where the Government survey has not been completed the aforesaid description shall be deemed to refer to and be determined by lines projected from the official survey.
The lands included in said game preserve shall continue to be parts of the national forest and nothing contained in sections 689 to 689d of this title shall prevent the Secretary of Agriculture from permitting other uses of said lands under and in conformity with the laws and rules and regulations applicable thereto so far as any such use may be consistent with the purposes for which said game preserve is established.
On lands within the game preserve established in section 689a of this title, hunting, pursuing, poisoning, killing, or capturing by trapping, netting, or any other means, or attempting to hunt, pursue, kill, or capture any wild animals or birds for any purpose whatever upon the lands of the United States within the limits of said game preserve shall be unlawful except as hereinafter provided.
The Secretary of Agriculture shall execute the provisions of sections 689 to 689d of this title, and he is authorized to make all needful rules and regulations for the administration of such game preserves in accordance with the purposes of said sections, including regulations for hunting, capturing, or killing predatory animals, such as wolves, coyotes, cougar, and other species destructive to livestock or wildlife within the limits of said game preserve.
Upon the recommendation of the Secretary of Agriculture the Secretary of the Interior is authorized in his discretion to accept, on behalf of the United States, title to any lands in private ownership within the boundaries of the game preserve established, and make exchange therefor under the provisions of sections 485 and 486 of this title.
The Secretary of the Interior is authorized to construct, at Bear River Bay and vicinity, Utah, such dikes, ditches, spillways, buildings, and improvements as may be necessary, in his judgment, for the establishment of a suitable refuge and feeding and breeding grounds for migratory wild fowl; also to acquire, by purchase, gift, or lease, water rights and privately owned lands, including the improvements thereon, deemed necessary by him for the purpose, or, in lieu of purchase, to compensate any owner for any damage sustained by reason of the submergence of his lands.
Such lands, when acquired in accordance with the provisions of sections 690 to 690i of this title, together with such lands of the United States as may be designated for the purpose by proclamations or Executive orders of the President, shall constitute the Bear River Migratory Bird Refuge and shall be maintained as a refuge and breeding place for migratory birds included in the terms of the convention between the United States and Great Britain for the protection of migratory birds, concluded August 16, 1916.
No such area shall be acquired by the Secretary of the Interior unless or until the Legislature of the State of Utah has consented to the acquisition of lands by the United States for use as a refuge for migratory wild fowl, and shall have provided for the use as a refuge for migratory wild fowl by the United States of any lands owned or controlled by the State in Bear River Bay, Utah, and vicinity, which the Secretary of the Interior may deem necessary for such purpose, and which the Secretary of the Interior is authorized to accept on behalf of the United States; and, except in the case of a lease, no payments shall be made by the United States for any such area until title thereto is satisfactory to the Attorney General.
The existence of a right-of-way easement or other reservation or exception in respect of such area shall not be a bar to its acquisition (1) if the Secretary of the Interior determines that any such reservation or exception will in no manner interfere with the use of the area for the purposes of sections 690 to 690i of this title, or (2) if in the deed or other conveyance it is stipulated that any reservation or exception in respect of such area, in favor of the person from whom the United States receives title, shall be subject to regulations prescribed under authority of sections 690 to 690i of this title.
No person shall take, injure, or disturb any bird, or nest or egg thereof, or injure or destroy any notice, signboard, fence, dike, ditch, dam, spillway, improvement, or other property of the United States on any area acquired or received under sections 690 to 690i of this title, or remove therefrom or cut, burn, injure, or destroy any grass or other natural growth thereon, or enter, use, or occupy the refuge for any purpose, except in accordance with regulations prescribed by the Secretary of the Interior: Provided, That at no time shall less than 60 per centum of the total acreage of the said refuge be maintained as an inviolate sanctuary for such migratory birds.
The Secretary of the Interior is authorized to make such expenditures for construction, equipment, maintenance, repairs, and improvements, including necessary investigations, and expenditures for personal services and office expenses at the seat of government and elsewhere, and to employ such means as may be necessary to execute the functions imposed upon him by this section or sections 690 to 690i of this title and as may be provided for by Congress from time to time.
Any person who shall violate or fail to comply with any provision of, or any regulation made pursuant to sections 690d to 690i of this title shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be fined not more than $500 or be imprisoned not more than six months, or both.
As used in sections 690 to 690i of this title the term “person” includes an individual, partnership, association, or corporation.
The Secretary of the Interior is authorized to acquire by purchase, gift, or lease not to exceed twenty thousand acres of land in what is known as the Cheyenne Bottoms, in Barton County, Kansas, or, in lieu of purchase, to compensate any owner for any damage sustained by reason of submergence of his lands.
Such lands, when acquired in accordance with the provisions of section 691 of this title, shall constitute the Cheyenne Bottoms Migratory Bird Refuge, and shall be maintained as a refuge and breeding place for migratory birds included in the terms of the convention between the United States and Great Britain for the protection of migratory birds concluded August 16, 1916.
The Secretary of the Interior may do all things and make all expenditures necessary to secure the safe title in the United States to the areas which may be acquired under section 691 of this title, including purchase of options when deemed necessary by the Secretary of the Interior, and expenses incident to the location, examination, and survey of such areas and the acquisition of title thereto, but no payment shall be made for any such areas until the title thereto shall be satisfactory to the Attorney General. That the acquisition of such areas by the United States shall in no case be defeated because of rights-of-way, easements, and reservations which from their nature will in the opinion of the Secretary of the Interior in no manner interfere with the use of the areas so encumbered for the purpose of section 691a of this title.
Sections 715f to 715i and 715l to 715n 1
The President of the United States is authorized to designate as game refuges such lands of the United States within the Ocala National Forest, in the State of Florida, as in his judgment should be set aside for the protection of game animals and birds, but it is not intended that the lands so designated shall cease to be parts of the national forest within which they are located, and the establishment of such game sanctuaries or refuges shall not prevent the Secretary of Agriculture from permitting other uses of the lands under and in conformity with the laws and regulations applicable thereto so far as such uses may be consistent with the purposes for which such game sanctuaries or refuges are established.
When such game sanctuaries or refuges have been established as provided in section 692 of this title, the hunting, pursuing, poisoning, killing, or capturing by trapping, netting, or any other means, or attempting to hunt, pursue, kill, or capture any game animals or birds upon the lands of the United States within the limits of such game sanctuaries or refuges shall be unlawful except under such rules and regulations as the Secretary of Agriculture may from time to time prescribe.
For the purpose of providing breeding places and for the protection and administration of game animals, birds, and fish, the President of the United States is authorized, upon the recommendation of the Secretary of Agriculture, to establish by public proclamation certain specified areas within the Ouachita National Forest as game sanctuaries and refuges.
The Secretary of Agriculture shall execute the provisions of this section and section 693 of this title, and he is authorized to prescribe all general rules and regulations for the administration of such game sanctuaries and refuges, and violation of such rules and regulations shall be punished by fine of not more than $500 or imprisonment for not more than six months or both.
In order to preserve, develop, and make available to this and future generations the opportunity to advance themselves morally, intellectually, and spiritually by learning about nature and to promote, demonstrate, and stimulate interest in and knowledge of the management of forest lands under principles of multiple use and sustained yield and the development and progress of management of forest lands in America, the Secretary of Agriculture is hereby authorized to establish the Robert S. Kerr Memorial Arboretum and Nature Center in the Ouachita National Forest. As soon as possible after June 4, 1968, the Secretary of Agriculture shall publish notice of the designation thereof in the Federal Register, together with an appropriate legal description of the property. A map showing the location of the designated arboretum and center shall be on file and available for public inspection in the office of the Chief, Forest Service, Department of Agriculture.
The area designated as the Robert S. Kerr Memorial Arboretum and Nature Center shall be administered, protected, and developed within and as a part of the Ouachita National Forest by the Secretary of Agriculture in accordance with the laws, rules, and regulations applicable to national forests in such manner as in his judgment will best provide for the purposes of sections 693b to 693d of this title and to provide for such management, utilization, and disposal of the natural resources as in his judgment will promote or is compatible with and does not significantly impair the purposes for which the Robert S. Kerr Memorial Arboretum and Nature Center is established.
The Secretary of Agriculture is hereby authorized to cooperate with and receive the cooperation of public and private agencies and organizations and individuals in the development, administration, and operation of the Robert S. Kerr Memorial Arboretum and Nature Center. The Secretary of Agriculture is authorized to accept contributions and gifts to be used to further the purposes of sections 693b to 693d of this title.
For the purpose of providing breeding places for game birds, game animals, and fish on lands and waters in the national forests not chiefly suitable for agriculture, the President of the United States is authorized, upon recommendation of the Secretary of Agriculture and the Secretary of Commerce and with the approval of the State legislatures of the respective States in which said national forests are situated, to establish by public proclamation certain specified and limited areas within said forests as fish and game sanctuaries or refuges which shall be devoted to the increase of game birds, game animals, and fish of all kinds naturally adapted thereto, but it is not intended that the lands included in such fish and game sanctuaries or refuges shall cease to be parts of the national forests wherein they are located, and the establishment of such fish and game sanctuaries or refuges shall not prevent the Secretary of Agriculture from permitting other uses of the national forests under and in conformity with the laws and the rules and regulations applicable thereto so far as such uses may be consistent with the purposes for which such fish and game sanctuaries or refuges are authorized to be established.
When such fish and game sanctuaries or refuges have been established as provided in section 694 of this title, hunting, pursuing, poisoning, angling for, killing, or capturing by trapping, netting, or any other means, or attempting to hunt, pursue, angle for, kill, or capture any wild animals or fish for any purpose whatever upon the lands of the United States within the limits of said fish and game sanctuaries or refuges shall be unlawful except as hereinafter provided.
The Secretaries of Agriculture and Commerce shall execute the provisions of sections 694 to 694b of this title, and they are jointly authorized to make all needful rules and regulations for the administration of such fish and game sanctuaries or refuges in accordance with the purpose of sections 694 to 694b of this title, including regulations not in contravention of State laws for hunting, capturing, or killing predatory animals, such as wolves, coyotes, foxes, pumas, and other species destructive to livestock or wildlife or agriculture within the limits of said fish and game sanctuaries or refuges: Provided, That the present jurisdiction of the States shall not be altered or changed without the legislative approval of such States.
The Secretary of the Interior is authorized to purchase or rent not to exceed twenty thousand acres of land or interests therein in suitable locations in the State of California, for the management and control of migratory waterfowl and other wildlife in connection therewith, from moneys to be appropriated by Congress from time to time: Provided, That no sums appropriated under this authority for the acquisition of lands shall be expended for such purpose unless and until the State of California shall have set aside and made available for expenditure funds for the purchase of equivalent acreages as determined by the Secretary of the Interior.
The Secretary of the Interior may do all things and make all expenditures necessary to secure the safe title in the United States to the areas which may be acquired under sections 695 to 695c of this title, including purchase of options when deemed necessary, and expenses incident to the location, examination and survey of such areas and the acquisition of title thereto, but no payments shall be made for any such areas until the title thereto shall be satisfactory to the Attorney General. The acquisition of such areas by the United States shall in no case be defeated because of rights-of-way, easements, exceptions, and reservations which from their nature will, in the opinion of the Secretary of the Interior, in no manner interfere with the use of the areas so encumbered for the purposes of said sections.
Sections 715g to 715i and 715l to 715n of this title are made applicable for the purposes of sections 695 to 695c of this title in the same manner and to the same extent as though they were enacted as part of sections 695 to 695c of this title, except that lands acquired hereunder may be administered primarily as wildlife management areas not subject to the prohibition against the taking of birds or nests or the eggs thereof, as contained in section 715i of this title, and hunting thereon may be regulated, at the option of the Fish and Game Commission of the State of California, in such cooperative manner as is deemed necessary to carry out the purposes of sections 695 to 695c of this title subject, however, to the provisions of the Migratory Bird Treaty Act of July 3, 1918 [16 U.S.C. 703 et seq.].
Funds made available under sections 695 to 695c of this title or any other Act for the administration, maintenance, and development of any areas acquired under said sections, shall be available also for the construction of dams, dikes, ditches, buildings, and other necessary improvements and for the purchase, planting, growing, and harvesting of grains and other crops for the feeding of waterfowl and other wildlife frequenting the localities where such lands may be purchased or rented.
The entire Central Valley project, California, heretofore authorized under the Act of August 26, 1937 (50 Stat. 844, 850), and reauthorized under the Act of October 17, 1940 (54 Stat. 1198, 1199), the Act of October 14, 1949 (63 Stat. 852), and the Act of September 26, 1950 (64 Stat. 1036), is reauthorized and declared to be for the purposes set forth in said Acts, and also for the use of the waters thereof for fish and wildlife purposes, subject to such priorities as are applicable under said Acts.
The Secretary of the Interior is authorized to construct, operate, and maintain such works on waterfowl management areas and refuges owned and operated by the State of California or the United States as may be necessary or desirable for the development of a water supply by means of wells and the recovery of drainage, and to furnish water available from such works, and water available from Central Valley project sources, for wildlife management purposes substantially in accordance with the recommendations set forth in the report of the United States Department of the Interior entitled “Waterfowl Conservation in the Lower San Joaquin Valley, Its Relation to the Grasslands and the Central Valley Project,” dated October 1950, and such works should be developed in cooperation with the State of California.
The cost of investigation, planning, and construction of the works and the delivery of water as authorized in section 695e of this title shall not be reimbursable or returnable under the Federal reclamation laws (Act of June 17, 1902, 32 Stat. 388, and the Acts amendatory thereof and supplementary thereto).
There are hereby authorized to be appropriated such funds, not to exceed $400,000, for construction of necessary works to supply water for State and federally owned and operated waterfowl management areas in the San Joaquin Valley to carry out the purposes of sections 695d to 695j–1 of this title.
Works constructed under the authorization of section 695e of this title, for the purpose of supplying State wildlife management areas with water, shall become the property of the State of California when constructed.
The use of all water furnished by the Secretary of the Interior under sections 695e and 695i of this title shall be subject to and not inconsistent with the laws of the State of California relating to priorities of deliveries and use of water. Nothing contained in sections 695d to 695j–1 of this title shall be construed as an allocation of water.
The Secretary is hereby authorized to negotiate amendments to existing contracts to conform said contracts to the provisions of sections 695d to 695j–1 of this title.
It is hereby declared to be the policy of the Congress to stabilize the ownership of the land in the Klamath Federal reclamation project, Oregon and California, as well as the administration and management of the Klamath Federal reclamation project and the Tule Lake National Wildlife Refuge, Lower Klamath National Wildlife Refuge, Upper Klamath National Wildlife Refuge, and Clear Lake National Wildlife Refuge, to preserve intact the necessary existing habitat for migratory waterfowl in this vital area of the Pacific flyway, and to prevent depredations of migratory waterfowl on agricultural crops in the Pacific Coast States.
Notwithstanding any other provisions of law, all lands owned by the United States lying within the Executive order boundaries of the Tule Lake National Wildlife Refuge, the Lower Klamath National Wildlife Refuge, the Upper Klamath National Wildlife Refuge, and the Clear Lake Wildlife Refuge are hereby dedicated to wildlife conservation. Such lands shall be administered by the Secretary of the Interior for the major purpose of waterfowl management, but with full consideration to optimum agricultural use that is consistent therewith. Such lands shall not be opened to homestead entry. The following public lands shall also be included within the boundaries of the area dedicated to wildlife conservation, shall be administered by the Secretary of the Interior for the major purpose of waterfowl management, but with full consideration to optimum agricultural use that is consistent therewith, and shall not be opened to homestead entry: Hanks Marsh, and first form withdrawal lands (approximately one thousand four hundred and forty acres) in Klamath County, Oregon, lying adjacent to Upper Klamath National Wildlife Refuge; White Lake in Klamath County, Oregon, and Siskiyou County, California; and thirteen tracts of land in Siskiyou County, California, lettered as tracts “A”, “B”, “C”, “D”, “E”, “F”, “G”, “H”, “I”, “J”, “K”, “L”, and “N” totaling approximately three thousand two hundred and ninety-two acres, and tract “P” in Modoc County, California, containing about ten acres, all as shown on plate 4 of the report entitled “Plan for Wildlife Use of Federal Lands in the Upper Klamath Basin, Oregon-California,” dated April 1956, prepared by the United States Fish and Wildlife Service. All the above lands shall remain permanently the property of the United States.
Subject to conditions hereafter prescribed, and pursuant to such regulations as may be issued by the Secretary, 25 per centum of the net revenues collected during each fiscal year from the leasing of Klamath project reserved Federal lands within the Executive order boundaries of the Lower Klamath National Wildlife Refuge and the Tule Lake National Wildlife Refuge shall be paid annually by the Secretary, without further authorization, for each full fiscal year after September 2, 1964 to the counties in which such refuges are located, such payments to be made on a pro rata basis to each county based upon the refuge acreage in each county: Provided, That the total annual payment per acre to each county shall not exceed 50 per centum of the average per acre tax levied on similar lands in private ownership in each county, as determined by the Secretary: Provided further, That no such payments shall be made which will reduce the credits or the payments to be made pursuant to contractual obligations of the United States with the Tulelake Irrigation District or the payments to the Klamath Drainage District as full reimbursement for the construction of irrigation facilities within said district, and that the priority of use of the total net revenues collected from the leasing of the lands described in this section shall be (1) to credit or pay from each revenues to the Tulelake Irrigation District the amounts already committed to such payment or credit; (2) to pay from such revenues to the Klamath Drainage District the sum of $197,315; and (3) to pay from such revenues to the counties the amounts prescribed by this section.
The Secretary shall, consistent with proper waterfowl management, continue the present pattern of leasing the reserved lands of the Klamath Straits unit, the Southwest Sump, the League of Nations unit, the Henzel lease, and the Frog Pond unit, all within the Executive order boundaries of the Lower Klamath and Tule Lake National Wildlife Refuges and shown in plate 4 of the report entitled “Plan for Wildlife Use of Federal Lands in the Upper Klamath Basin, Oregon-California,” dated April 1956. Leases for these lands shall be at a price or prices designed to obtain the maximum lease revenues. The leases shall provide for the growing of grain, forage, and soil-building crops, except that not more than 25 per centum of the total leased lands may be planted to row crops. All other reserved public lands included in section 695l of this title shall continue to be managed by the Secretary for waterfowl purposes, including the growing of agricultural crops by direct planting and sharecrop agreements with local cooperators where necessary.
The areas of sumps 1(a) and 1(b) in the Klamath project lying within the Executive order boundaries of the Tule Lake National Wildlife Refuge shall not be reduced by diking or by any other construction to less than the existing thirteen thousand acres.
In carrying out the obligations of the United States under any migratory bird treaty, the Migratory Bird Treaty Act (40 Stat. 755), as amended [16 U.S.C. 703 et seq.], or the Migratory Bird Conservation Act (45 Stat. 1222), as amended [16 U.S.C. 715 et seq.], waters under the control of the Secretary of the Interior shall be regulated, subject to valid existing rights, to maintain sump levels in the Tule Lake National Wildlife Refuge at levels established by regulations issued by the Secretary pursuant to the contract between the United States and the Tulelake Irrigation District, dated September 10, 1956, or any amendment thereof. Such regulations shall accommodate to the maximum extent practicable waterfowl management needs.
The Secretary is hereby directed to complete studies that have been undertaken relating to the development of the water resources and waterfowl management potential of the Clear Lake National Wildlife Refuge. The results of such studies, when completed, and the recommendations of the Secretary shall be submitted to the Congress.
The Secretary may prescribe such regulations as may be necessary to carry out the provisions of sections 695k to 695r of this title.
In order to protect and preserve in the national interest the key deer and other wildlife resources in the Florida Keys, the Secretary of the Interior is authorized to acquire by purchase, lease, exchange, and donations, including the use of donated funds, such lands or interests therein in townships 65 and 66 south, ranges 28, 29, and 30 east, Monroe County, Florida, as he shall find to be suitable for the conservation and management of the said key deer and other wildlife: Provided, That no lands within a one thousand-foot zone adjacent to either side of United States Highway Numbered 1 in Monroe County shall be acquired for the Key Deer National Wildlife Refuge by condemnation. The Secretary, in the exercise of his exchange authority, may accept title to any non-Federal property in townships 65 and 66 south, ranges 28, 29, and 30 east, Monroe County, Florida, and in exchange therefor convey to the grantor of such property any federally owned property in the State of Florida under his jurisdiction which he classifies as suitable for exchange or other disposal. The values of the properties so exchanged either shall be approximately equal, or if they are not approximately equal the values shall be equalized by the payment of cash to the grantor or to the Secretary as the circumstances require. The properties so acquired shall constitute the National Key Deer Refuge, and shall be administered by the Secretary of the Interior in accordance with the laws and regulations relating to the national wildlife refuges, including, but not limited to, sections 664, 666a, and 666b of this title, relating to the conservation of wildlife, fish, and game.
In furtherance of the aforesaid purposes, the Secretary may take such action and make such expenditures as he shall find to be necessary in order to secure satisfactory title in the United States to such properties, including the payment of expenses incidental to the location, examination, and survey of such lands and the acquisition of title thereto; but no payment shall be made for any such lands until the title thereto shall be satisfactory to the Attorney General: Provided, That the acquisition of such lands or interests therein by the United States shall in no case be defeated because of rights-of-ways, easements, exceptions, and reservations which, in the opinion of the Secretary of the Interior, will not interfere materially with the use of such properties for the purposes of sections 696 to 696b of this title.
There is hereby authorized to be appropriated from time to time out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, such amounts as may be necessary to effectuate the purposes of sections 696 to 696b of this title. The Secretary shall not utilize more than $2,035,000 from appropriated funds for the acquisition of land and interests in land for the purposes of sections 696 to 696b of this title.
Within five years from October 11, 1974, the Secretary shall review the area within the preserve and shall report to the President, in accordance with section 1132(c) and (d) of this title, his recommendations as to the suitability or nonsuitability of any area within the preserve for preservation as wilderness, and any designation of any such areas as a wilderness shall be accomplished in accordance with section 1132(c) and (d) of this title.
There are authorized to be appropriated such sums as may be necessary to carry out the provisions of sections 698 to 698e of this title, but not to exceed $63,812,000 for the acquisition of lands and interests in lands and not to exceed $7,000,000 for development. Effective October 1, 1984, there is authorized to be appropriated such sums as may be necessary for the acquisition of the visitor contact and administrative site referred to in subsection (c) of section 698 of this title. Effective upon July 1, 1993, there is authorized to be appropriated such sums as may be necessary to carry out the purposes of subsections (c) and (d) of section 698 of this title.
The Secretary shall permit hunting, fishing, and trapping on lands and waters under his jurisdiction within the preserve and the Addition in accordance with the applicable laws of the United States and the State of Florida, except that he may designate zones where and periods when no hunting, fishing, trapping, or entry may be permitted for reasons of public safety, administration, floral and faunal protection and management, or public use and enjoyment. Except in emergencies, any regulations prescribing such restrictions relating to hunting, fishing, or trapping shall be put into effect only after consultation with the appropriate State agency having jurisdiction over hunting, fishing, and trapping activities. Notwithstanding this section or any other provision of sections 698f to 698m–4 of this title, members of the Miccosukee Tribe of Indians of Florida and members of the Seminole Tribe of Florida shall be permitted, subject to reasonable regulations established by the Secretary, to continue their usual and customary use and occupancy of Federal or federally acquired lands and waters within the preserve and the Addition, including hunting, fishing, and trapping on a subsistence basis and traditional tribal ceremonials.
Within five years from October 11, 1974, with respect to the preserve and five years from April 29, 1988, with respect to the Addition, the Secretary shall review the area within the preserve or the area within the Addition (as the case may be) and shall report to the President, in accordance with section 1132(c) and (d) of this title, his recommendations as to the suitability or nonsuitability of any area within the preserve or the area within the Addition (as the case may be) for preservation as wilderness, and any designation of any such areas as a wilderness shall be accomplished in accordance with section 1132(c) and (d) of this title.
The Secretary and other involved Federal agencies shall cooperate with the State of Florida to establish recreational access points and roads, rest and recreation areas, wildlife protection, hunting, fishing, frogging, and other traditional recreational opportunities in conjunction with the creation of the Addition and in the construction of Interstate Highway 75. Three of such access points shall be located within the preserve (including the Addition).
Any properties of historic interest acquired under section 698o of this title shall become part of the Preserve established under section 698n of this title. The Secretary shall administer such properties in accordance with a plan that integrates the administration and interpretation of the ecological values of the Preserve and the historical values of the sites so acquired and the historical features of Fort Caroline. Such administration and interpretation shall be conducted through the facilities and staff of Fort Caroline National Memorial consistent with section 2 of the Act of September 21, 1950 (64 Stat. 897).
There are authorized to be appropriated such sums as are necessary to carry out sections 698q to 698t of this title.
Nothing in sections 698u to 698u–7 of this title shall give the Secretary authority to regulate lands outside the land area acquired by the Secretary under section 698u–4(a) of this title.
There are authorized to be appropriated to the Department of the Interior such sums as are necessary to carry out sections 698u to 698u–7 of this title.