Collapse to view only § 3198. Local hire
- § 3191. Management plans
- § 3192. Land acquisition authority
- § 3192a. Restrictions on use of appropriated funds
- § 3193. Use of cabins and other sites of occupancy on conservation system units
- § 3194. Archeological and paleontological sites
- § 3195. Cooperative information and education centers
- § 3196. Administrative sites and visitor facilities
- § 3197. Revenue-producing visitor services
- § 3198. Local hire
- § 3199. Navigation aids and other facilities
- § 3200. Denali Scenic Highway study
- § 3201. Administration of national preserves
- § 3202. Taking of fish and wildlife
- § 3203. Wilderness management
- § 3204. Allowed uses
- § 3205. General wilderness review
- § 3206. Statewide cultural assistance program
- § 3207. Effect on existing rights; water resources
- § 3208. Authorization of appropriations; contract authority
- § 3209. Effect on prior withdrawals
- § 3210. Access by owner to nonfederally owned land
- § 3211. Yukon Flats National Wildlife Refuge agricultural use
- § 3212. Terror Lake Hydroelectric Project in Kodiak National Wildlife Refuge
- § 3213. Future executive branch actions
- § 3214. Alaska gas pipeline
- § 3215. Public land entries in Alaska
Notwithstanding any other provision of law, none of the funds provided in this Act or any other Act hereafter enacted may be used by the Secretary of the Interior, except with respect to land exchange costs and costs associated with the preparation of land acquisitions, in the acquisition of State, private, or other non-federal lands (or any interest therein) in the State of Alaska, unless, in the acquisition of any State, private, or other non-federal lands (or interest therein) in the State of Alaska, the Secretary seeks to exchange unreserved public lands before purchasing all or any portion of such lands (or interest therein) in the State of Alaska.
The Secretary is authorized in consultation with other Federal agencies, to investigate and plan for an information and education center for visitors to Alaska on not to exceed one thousand acres of Federal land at a site adjacent to the Alaska Highway, and to investigate and plan for similar centers in Anchorage and Fairbanks, Alaska. For the purposes of this investigation, the Secretary shall seek participation in the program planning and/or operation of such centers from appropriate agencies of the State of Alaska, and he is authorized to accept contributions of funds, personnel, and planning and program assistance from such State agencies, other Federal agencies, and Native representatives. The Secretary of Agriculture is authorized to investigate and plan for, in a similar manner, an information and education center for visitors to Alaska in either Juneau, Ketchikan, or Sitka, Alaska. No information center shall be developed pursuant to investigations and plans conducted under authority of this section unless and until such development is specifically authorized by Congress.
A National Preserve in Alaska shall be administered and managed as a unit of the National Park System in the same manner as a national park except as otherwise provided in this Act and except that the taking of fish and wildlife for sport purposes and subsistence uses, and trapping shall be allowed in a national preserve under applicable State and Federal law and regulation. Consistent with the provisions of section 3126 of this title, within national preserves the Secretary may designate zones where and periods when no hunting, fishing, trapping, or entry may be permitted for reasons of public safety, administration, floral and faunal protection, or public use and enjoyment. Except in emergencies, any regulations prescribing such restrictions relating to hunting, fishing, or trapping shall be put into effect only after consultation with the appropriate State agency having responsibility over hunting, fishing, and trapping activities.
In furtherance of the national policy set forth in section 320101 of title 54, and in furtherance of the need to protect and interpret for the public benefit cultural and archeological resources and objects of national significance relating to prehistoric and historic human use and occupation of lands and waters in Alaska, the Secretary may, upon the application of a Native Corporation or Native Group, provide advice, assistance, and technical expertise to the applicant in the preservation, display, and interpretation of cultural resources, without regard as to whether title to such resources is in the United States. Such assistance may include making available personnel to assist in the planning, design, and operation of buildings, facilities, and interpretive displays for the public and personnel to train individuals in the identification, recovery, preservation, demonstration, and management of cultural resources.
Nothing in this Act or other existing law shall be construed as necessarily prohibiting or mandating the development of agricultural potential within the Yukon Flats National Wildlife Refuge pursuant to existing law. The permissibility of such development shall be determined by the Secretary on a case-by-case basis und
Nothing in this Act or the National Wildlife Refuge System Administration Act of 1966 (16 U.S.C. 668dd) shall be construed as necessarily prohibiting or mandating the construction of the Terror Lake Hydroelectric Project within the Kodiak National Wildlife Refuge. The permissibility of such development shall be determined by the Secretary on a case-by-case basis under existing law.
Nothing in this Act shall be construed as imposing any additional requirements in connection with the construction and operation of the transportation system designated by the President and approved by the Congress pursuant to the Alaska Natural Gas Transportation Act of 1976 (Public Law 94–586; 90 Stat. 2903) [15 U.S.C. 719 et seq.], or as imposing any limitations upon the authority of the Secretary concerning such system.