Collapse to view only § 342. Administration, protection, and promotion
- § 341. Establishment; description of area
- § 342. Administration, protection, and promotion
- § 342a. Repealed.
- § 342b. Lafayette National Park name changed to Acadia National Park; land unaffected by Federal Power Act
- § 343. Repealed.
- § 343a. Naval radio station, Seawall, Maine, as addition to park
- § 343b. Addition of lands
- § 343c. Exchange of lands; Jackson Memorial Laboratory
- § 343c-1. Exchange of lands; Mount Desert Island Regional School District
- § 343c-2. Addition of lands; Jackson Laboratory
- § 343c-3. Conveyance of land; Jackson Laboratory
- § 343c-4. Exchange of lands; Rich property
- § 343d. Exclusion of lands; disposal as surplus property
The tracts of land, easements, and other real estate known before February 26, 1919, as the Sieur de Monts National Monument, situated on Mount Desert Island, in the county of Hancock and State of Maine, are declared to be a national park and dedicated as a public park for the benefit and enjoyment of the people under the name of the Acadia National Park, under which name the aforesaid national park shall be entitled to receive and to use all moneys heretofore or hereafter appropriated for Sieur de Monts National Monument.
The administration, protection, and promotion of Acadia National Park shall be exercised under the direction of the Secretary of the Interior by the National Park Service, subject to the provisions of the Act of August twenty-fifth, nineteen hundred and sixteen, entitled “An Act to establish a National Park Service, and for other purposes,” 1
The area now within the Lafayette National Park, together with such additions as may hereafter be made thereto, shall be known as the Acadia National Park, under which name the aforesaid national park shall be entitled to receive and to use all moneys heretofore or hereafter appropriated for the Lafayette National Park: Provided, That the provisions of the Federal Power Act [16 U.S.C. 791a et seq.] shall not apply to or extend to any lands now or hereafter included in said park.
The Secretary of the Navy is authorized to transfer to the control and jurisdiction of the Secretary of the Interior as an addition to the Acadia National Park all that tract of land containing two hundred and twenty-three acres, more or less, with improvements thereon, comprising the former naval radio station at Seawall, town of Southwest Harbor, Hancock County, Maine, said tract being no longer needed for naval purposes.
The Home Owners’ Loan Corporation (herein called the “Corporation”) is authorized and directed to convey and transfer to the United States of America, upon the terms and conditions provided in this section, all right, title, and interest vested in the Corporation, at the date of such conveyance and transfer, in and to real property and interests therein in the county of Hancock, State of Maine, acquired by the Corporation through the foreclosure of that certain mortgage deed, dated October 20, 1933, executed to the Corporation by Percy B. Russell and Florence L. Russell, and appearing in book 642, page 389, of the Registry of Deeds of Hancock County, State of Maine.
The Secretary of the Interior, for and on behalf of the United States of America, is authorized and directed to accept the conveyance and transfer of such property without regard to the provisions of sections 3111 and 3112 of title 40 and section 1136 1
Upon the conveyance and transfer of such property as herein provided, it shall be used and administered by the Secretary of the Interior solely for national-park purposes, and it shall be deemed to constitute a part of the Acadia National Park.
Any other provision of law to the contrary notwithstanding, the Secretary of the Treasury shall, upon such conveyance and transfer and in lieu of any other payment by the United States to the Corporation as consideration for the conveyance and transfer of such property, cancel bonds of the Corporation, in the principal sum of $18,000, purchased by the Secretary of the Treasury under or by reason of the provisions set forth in section 1463 of title 12 (which bonds are made available to the Secretary of the Treasury for the purposes of this paragraph), and all sums due and unpaid upon or in connection with such bonds at the time of such cancelation and discharge, together with any accrued interest: Provided, That the Secretary of the Treasury and the Corporation are authorized and directed to make adjustments on their books and records as may be necessary to carry out the purposes of this section.
For the purpose of consolidating Federal holdings of land within Acadia National Park, the Secretary of the Interior is authorized to accept, on behalf of the United States, approximately fifty-eight acres of non-Federal land within the authorized park boundaries, such land to be conveyed to the United States without cost by Mr. John D. Rockefeller, Junior. Upon acceptance of title thereto by the United States, such property shall be subject to all laws and regulations applicable to the park. In exchange for the conveyance to the United States of the aforesaid property, the Secretary of the Interior is authorized to convey to Mr. John D. Rockefeller, Junior, or to such agency as he may designate, for purposes of the Jackson Memorial Laboratory, Bar Harbor, Maine, approximately five acres of federally owned land within the park adjacent to the laboratory properties.
The Secretary of the Interior may convey to the Mount Desert Island Regional School District in the State of Maine a portion of the Acadia National Park, formerly owned by John D. Rockefeller, Junior, comprising approximately sixty-six acres (lot 354), and in exchange therefor the Secretary may accept from said school district any property which in his judgment is suitable for addition to the park. The values of the properties so exchanged either shall be approximately equal, or if they are not approximately equal the values shall be equalized by the payment of cash to the grantor or to the Secretary as the circumstances require. Any cash payment received by the Secretary shall be credited to the Land and Water Conservation Fund in the Treasury of the United States. A conveyance of the federally owned lot shall eliminate it from the park.
The Secretary of the Interior may, in his discretion, accept title to certain land in the town of Bar Harbor, Hancock County, Maine, held by the Jackson Laboratory, a nonprofit corporation organized and existing under the laws of the State of Maine, said land being more particularly described as follows:
Beginning at a stone bound set in the ground in the southerly side of State Highway Numbered 3 leading from Bar Harbor to Seal Harbor, said stone bound also marking the northeasterly corner of land of the United States of America and the northwesterly corner of land of the Jackson Laboratory;
thence north 72 degrees 58 minutes east and following the southerly side of State Highway Numbered 3, 80 feet to a stone bound set in the ground;
thence south 32 degrees 13 minutes east 762.5 feet to an iron pin set in the ledge;
thence north 88 degrees 16 minutes east 270.54 feet to a stone bound set in the ground in the southerly side of the old Morrell Park Racetrack;
thence north 61 degrees 56 minutes east 673.2 feet to an iron pipe driven in the ground, said iron pipe also being in a northwesterly line of land of the United States of America;
thence south 24 degrees 30 minutes west and always following a northwesterly line of land of the United States of America, 149 feet to an iron pipe driven in the ground;
thence south 64 degrees 05 minutes west and always following a northwesterly line of land of the United States of America, 577 feet to a stone bound set in the ground;
thence south 78 degrees 50 minutes west and always following a northerly line of land of the United States of America, 115 feet to an iron pin in a large boulder;
thence north 84 degrees 00 minutes west and always following a northerly line of land of the United States of America, 357 feet to an iron pin in the ledge;
thence north 22 degrees 40 minutes west and always following a northeasterly line of land of the United States of America, 460 feet to an iron pin in the ledge;
thence north 14 degrees 05 minutes west and always following an easterly line of land of the United States of America, 281.7 feet to the point of beginning, and containing 4.828 acres.
Said land, upon acceptance of title thereto, shall become a part of the Acadia National Park.
In exchange for the conveyance to the United States of the land described in section 343c–2 of this title, the Secretary of the Interior may convey to the Jackson Laboratory all right, title, and interest of the United States in and to the following described land in the town of Bar Harbor, Hancock County, Maine, more particularly described as follows:
Beginning at a stone bound set in the ground in the southeasterly side line of State Highway Numbered 3 leading from Bar Harbor to Seal Harbor, said stone bound marking the northeasterly corner of lot formerly belonging to the trustees of Louise D. Morrell, now owned by the Jackson Laboratory; said stone bound also marking the northwesterly corner of land belonging to the United States of America;
thence in a northeasterly direction but always following the southeasterly side line of State Highway Numbered 3, 31.0 feet to a point which marks the northwesterly corner of land belonging to the Jackson Laboratory;
thence south 23 degrees 40 minutes east and always following a southwesterly line of land belonging to the Jackson Laboratory, 603 feet, more or less, to a point in the old road originally leading to the Bear Brook Campground;
thence south 71 degrees 04 minutes east 20 feet, more or less, to a stone bound set in the ground in a southwesterly line of land belonging to the Jackson Laboratory;
thence following the same course; namely, south 71 degrees 04 minutes east and always following a southwesterly line of land belonging to the Jackson Laboratory, 183.2 feet to a stone bound set in the ground;
The Secretary of the Interior may convey to one Maurice Rich, Senior, a portion of the Acadia National Park, comprising approximately one and eight-tenths acres in the town of Southwest Harbor, Maine, and in exchange therefor the Secretary may accept from said Maurice Rich, Senior, any property which in the Secretary’s judgment is suitable for addition to the park. The values of the properties so exchanged either shall be approximately equal, or if they are not approximately equal the values shall be equalized by the payment of cash to the grantor or to the Secretary as the circumstances require. Any cash payment received by the Secretary shall be credited to the land and water conservation fund in the Treasury of the United States. A conveyance of the federally owned lot shall eliminate it from the park.
The tract of land in Acadia National Park, State of Maine, comprising approximately three hundred acres and identified as the “Green Lake Fish Hatchery Tract” is excluded from Acadia National Park, and the said tract is authorized to be disposed of in accordance with the laws relating to the disposition of Federal property.