Collapse to view only § 221a. Boundary changed
- § 221. Establishment; boundaries
- § 221a. Boundary changed
- § 221b. Various laws made applicable to added lands
- § 221c. Exchange of lands
- § 221d. Relinquishment of interest in road
- § 221e. Additional lands
- § 222. Administration, concessions, and privileges; contracts for sale of water
- § 223. Repealed.
- § 224. Entries under land laws; toll road
- § 225. Laws applicable; easements and rights-of-way
- § 226. Omitted
- § 227. Utilization of areas for Government reclamation projects
- § 228. Buildings on privately owned lands
- § 228a. Enlargement of boundaries; statement of purpose
- § 228b. Composition of park
- § 228c. Acquisition of lands within enlarged boundaries by donation, purchase, or exchange; transfer of jurisdiction over Federal lands
- § 228d. Acquisition of State of Arizona or local lands by donation or exchange; approval for transfer to United States of Indian trust lands
- § 228e. Cooperative agreements for protection and unified interpretation of enlarged park; scope of agreements
- § 228f. Preservation and renewal of existing grazing rights within enlarged boundaries; term of renewal
- § 228g. Aircraft or helicopter regulation within enlarged boundaries; procedure for promulgation of administrative rules and regulations
- § 228h. Construction with existing Colorado River system reclamation provisions
- § 228i. Havasupai Indian Reservation
- § 228i-1. Report to President
- § 228j. Authorization of appropriations; availability of sums
There is reserved and withdrawn from settlement, occupancy, or disposal under the laws of the United States and dedicated and set apart as a public park for the benefit and enjoyment of the people, under the name of the “Grand Canyon National Park”, the tract of land in the State of Arizona particularly described by and included within metes and bounds, as follows, to wit:
Beginning at a point which is the northeast corner of township 30 north, range 1 east, of the Gila and Salt River meridian, Arizona; thence west on township line between townships 30 and 31 north, range 1 east, to section corner common to sections 1 and 2, township 30 north, range 1 east, and 35 and 36 township 31 north, range 1 east; thence north on section lines to the intersection with Tobocobya Spring-Rowe Well Road; thence northwesterly along the southwesterly side of said Tobocobya Spring-Rowe Well Road, passing and in relation to United States Geological Survey bench marks stamped “Canyon” and numbered 6340, 6235, 6372, 6412, 6302, 6144, and 6129, through townships 31 and 32 north, ranges 1 east and 1 and 2 west, to its intersection with the section line between sections 9 and 16 in township 32 north, range 2 west; thence west along the section lines through townships 32 north, ranges 2 and 3 west, to its intersection with upper westerly rim of Cataract Canyon; thence northwesterly along upper rim of Cataract Canyon, crossing Hualapai Canyon and continuing northwesterly along said upper rim to its intersection with range line, township 33 north, between ranges 4 and 5 west; thence north on said range line, townships 33 and 34 north, ranges 4 and 5 west, to north bank of the Colorado River; thence northeasterly along the north bank of the Colorado River to junction with Tapeats Creek; thence easterly along north bank of Tapeats Creek to junction with Spring Creek; thence easterly along the north bank of Spring Creek to its intersection with Gila and Salt River meridian, township 34 north, between ranges 1 east and 1 west and between section 6, township 34 north, range 1 east, and section 1, township 34 north, range 1 west; thence south on range line between ranges 1 east and 1 west to section corner common to sections 7 and 18, township 34 north, range 1 east, and sections 12 and 13, township 34 north, range 1 west; thence east on section lines to section corner common to sections 7, 8, 17, and 18, township 34 north, range 2 east; thence south on section lines to township line between townships 33 and 34 north, range 2 east, at section corner common to sections 31 and 32, township 34 north, range 2 east, and sections 5 and 6, township 33 north, range 2 east; thence east on township line to section corner common to sections 31 and 32, township 34 north, range 3 east, and sections 5 and 6, township 33 north, range 3 east; thence south on section lines to section corner common to sections 17, 18, 19, and 20, township 33 north, range 3 east; thence east on section lines to section corner common to sections 13, 14, 23, and 24, township 33 north, range 3 east; thence north on section lines to section corner common to sections 1, 2, 11, and 12, township 33 north, range 3 east; thence east on section lines to the intersection with upper rim of Grand Canyon; thence northerly along said upper rim of Grand Canyon to main hydrographic divide north of Nankoweap Creek; thence easterly along the said hydrographic divide to its intersection with the Colorado River, approximately at the mouth of Nankoweap Creek; thence easterly across the Colorado River and up the hydrographic divide nearest the junction of Nankoweap Creek and Colorado River to a point on the upper east rim of the Grand Canyon; thence by shortest route to an intersection with range line, townships 33 and 34 north, between ranges 5 and 6 east; thence south on said range line, between ranges 5 and 6 east, to section corner common to sections 18 and 19, township 33 north, range 6 east, and sections 13 and 24, township 33 north, range 5 east; thence east on section lines to section corner common to sections 16, 17, 20, and 21, township 33 north, range 6 east; thence south on section lines to section corner common to sections 8, 9, 16, and 17, township 31 north, range 6 east; thence west on section line to section corner common to sections 7, 8, 17, and 18, township 31 north, range 6 east; thence south on section lines to township line between townships 30 and 31 north at section corner common to sections 31 and 32, township 31 north, range 6 east, and sections 5 and 6, township 30 north, range 6 east; thence west on township line to section corner common to sections 34 and 35, township 31 north, range 5 east, and sections 2 and 3, township 30 north, range 5 east; thence south on section line to section corner common to sections 2, 3, 10, and 11, township 30 north, range 5 east; thence west on section lines to range line, township 30 north, between ranges 4 and 5 east, at section corner common to sections 6 and 7, township 30 north, range 5 east, and 1 and 12, township 30 north, range 4 east; thence south on range line, township 30 north, between ranges 4 and 5 east, to section corner common to sections 7 and 18, township 30 north, range 5 east, and sections 12 and 13, township 30 north, range 4 east; thence west on section line to section corner common to sections 11, 12, 13, and 14, township 30 north, range 4 east; thence south on section line to section corner common to sections 13, 14, 23, and 24, township 30 north, range 4 east; thence west on section lines to section corner common to sections 15, 16, 21, and 22, township 30 north, range 4 east; thence south on section line to section corner common to sections 21, 22, 27, and 28, township 30 north, range 4 east; thence west on section lines to range line, township 30 north, between ranges 3 and 4 east, at section corner common to sections 19 and 30, township 30 north, range 4 east, and sections 24 and 25, township 30 north, range 3 east; thence north on range line to section corner common to sections 18 and 19, township 30 north, range 4 east, and sections 13 and 24, township 30 north, range 3 east; thence west on section lines to section corner common to sections 14, 15, 22, and 23, township 30 north, range 3 east; thence north on section line to section corner common to sections 10, 11, 14, and 15, township 30 north, range 3 east; thence west on section lines to range line at section corner common to sections 7 and 18, township 30 north, range 3 east, and sections 12 and 13, township 30 north, range 2 east; thence north on range line to section corner common to sections 6 and 7, township 30 north, range 3 east, and sections 1 and 12, township 30 north, range 2 east; thence west on section line to section corner common to sections 1, 2, 11, and 12, township 30 north, range 2 east; thence north on section line to township line at section corner common to sections 35 and 36, township 31 north, range 2 east, and sections 1 and 2, township 30 north, range 2 east; thence west on township line to the northeast corner of township 30 north, range 1 east, the place of beginning.
The boundary of the Grand Canyon National Park is changed so as to read as follows:
Beginning at a point on the present south boundary of Grand Canyon National Park, being the northeast corner of township 30 north, range 1 east, of the Gila and Salt River meridian, Arizona; thence westerly along north line of said township to the northwest corner of section 1, said township; thence northerly along west line of section 36, township 31 north, range 1 east, to a point one-half mile south of the center line of the Supai road survey as mapped and staked by the Bureau of Public Roads during the field season of 1925; thence in a northwesterly direction following a line, which maintains a uniform distance one-half mile south and west of the center line of said road survey, to its intersection with the projected section line between what probably will be when surveyed sections 9 and 16, township 32 north, range 2 west; thence westerly along projected section lines through probable townships 32 north, ranges 2, 3, and 4 west, to its intersection with the upper west rim of Havasu (Cataract) Canyon; thence northwesterly along said upper west rim, crossing Hualapai Canyon to Wescogame Point and continuing northwesterly along said upper rim to Watahomigie Point; thence due north along the top of a ridge a distance of approximately three-fourths of a mile to the point of said ridge, the elevation of which is given as four thousand eight hundred and sixty-five feet; thence northwesterly, crossing Beaver Canyon, to Yumtheska Point and continuing northwesterly, following the lower rim of Yumtheska Point, crossing the projected range line between ranges 4 and 5 west to the divide west of Havasu Creek; thence northerly along said divide to the north bank of the Colorado River; thence northeasterly along said bank to the divide immediately west of Tapeats Creek; thence northeasterly along said divide, including the entire drainage area on the north side of Tapeats Creek, to the point at which this divide touches the ledge of cross-bedded sandstone; generally known as the Coconino sandstone; thence southerly along said sandstone ledge to its junction with the Gila and Salt River meridian; thence southerly along the Gila and Salt River meridian to the northwest corner of what will probably be when surveyed section 18, township 34 north, range 1 east; thence easterly along projected section lines to the northeast corner of what will probably be when surveyed section 14, township 34 north, range 2 east; thence southerly along projected section line to the southeast corner of said section 14; thence easterly along projected section lines, a distance of approximately six miles to a point on the divide between South Canyon and Thompson Canyon; thence southeasterly along said divide, including the entire drainage area of Thompson Canyon and Neal Spring Canyon, to the intersection with the upper rim of the Grand Canyon; thence easterly along the main hydrographic divide north of Nankoweap Creek and Little Nankoweap Canyon to its intersection with the Colorado River, approximately at the mouth of Little Nankoweap Canyon; thence due east across the Colorado River to the east bank of the Colorado River; thence southeasterly along said bank, to the north bank of Little Colorado River; thence easterly along said bank of Little Colorado River to its intersection with what probably will be when surveyed the east line of section 32, township 33 north, range 6 east, or the east line of section 5, township 32 north, range 6 east; thence southerly along projected section lines to the northeast corner of what probably will be when surveyed section 8, township 30 north, range 6 east; thence westerly along projected section lines to the southwest corner of what probably will be when surveyed section 6, township 30 north, range 5 east; thence southerly to the northeast corner of section 13, township 30 north, range 4 east; thence westerly to the northwest corner of said section 13; thence southerly to the southwest corner of said section 13; thence westerly along section lines to a point nine hundred and fifty feet west of the northeast corner of section 22, said township; thence due south a distance of one thousand three hundred and twenty feet to a point on the south line of the north tier of forties of said section 22; thence westerly to the west line of said section 22; thence southerly along said west line, to the southwest corner of said section 22; thence westerly along section lines to the southwest corner of section 19, township 30 north, range 4 east; thence northerly to the northwest corner of said section 19; thence westerly
The provisions of the Act of February 26, 1919, entitled “An Act to establish the Grand Canyon National Park in the State of Arizona,” the Act of August 25, 1916, entitled “An Act to establish a national park service, and for other purposes,” 1
The owner of the land described as the northeast quarter of the northwest quarter of section 17, township 30 north, range 4 east, Gila and Salt River meridian, Arizona, containing 40 acres, more or less, and that portion of lot numbered 2 of section 17, township 30 north, range 4 east, Gila and Salt River meridian, Arizona, lying west of the east line of a right-of-way of a proposed road, described as follows: Beginning at a point on the south line of said section 17, eight hundred feet west of the quarter section corner of said section 17; thence north twenty-four degrees forty-five minutes west, five hundred feet; thence north fourteen degrees forty-five minutes west, five hundred feet; thence north thirteen degrees five minutes west, eight hundred and thirty-one feet to the intersection of the west line of the northeast quarter of the southwest quarter of said section 17; thence south one thousand seven hundred and forty-eight feet on the east line of the west half of the southwest quarter of said section 17 to the south line of said section 17; thence east along said south line, five hundred and twenty-three and five-tenths feet to the point of beginning, containing eight and nine-tenths acres, more or less, all within the Grand Canyon National Park, is permitted and authorized to convey the fee simple title to said land to the United States of America, and select in lieu of said land above described the Government land within the area described as follows: Beginning at a point on the south line of section 17, township 30 north, range 4 east, Gila and Salt River meridian, Arizona, approximately eight hundred and seventy feet east of the south quarter section corner of said section 17, which point is south of a point just east of the east bank of a draw on the south rim of the Grand Canyon; thence north approximately five hundred and fifty feet to said point on the south rim of the Grand Canyon; thence northwesterly along the south rim of the Grand Canyon approximately four thousand eight hundred and ten feet to its intersection with the east line of the southeast quarter of the northwest quarter of said section 17; thence south on the north and south center line of said section 17 approximately three thousand seven hundred and seventy-five feet to the south line of said section 17; thence east along said south line of said section 17 approximately eight hundred and seventy feet to the point of beginning, containing twenty-five and eight-tenths acres, more or less, and the Secretary of the Interior is authorized, empowered, and directed to accept a duly executed grant deed from said owner conveying said owner’s land above described to the United States of America, and upon acceptance of such grant deed to cause to be issued and delivered to said owner a patent conveying absolutely to said owner the Government land above described: Provided, however, That the lands so conveyed by said owner shall become and be a part of the Grand Canyon National Park and be subject to all laws and regulations relating to said park.
Upon the completion of the exchange authorized by section 221c of this title there shall be, and is, relinquished and quit-claimed to said owner any right, title, and interest that the United States of America may have in and to the now existing road over other land of said owner in the Grand Canyon National Park, the center line of said road being described as follows: Beginning at a point approximately at the south quarter section corner of section 17, township 30 north, range 4 east, Gila and Salt River meridian, Arizona, thence north ten degrees eleven minutes west, five hundred feet; thence north thirty-six degrees six minutes west, one hundred and forty-five feet; thence north forty-two degrees sixteen minutes west, one thousand seven hundred feet to the east line of the west half of the west half of said section 17.
The following described area is added to and made a part of the Grand Canyon National Park: Beginning at the corner common to sections 14, 15, 22, and 23, township 30 north, range 4 east, Gila and Salt River meridian; thence west along the section line between sections 15 and 22 a distance of nine hundred and fifty feet; thence south a distance of one thousand three hundred and twenty feet to a point on the south line of the north tier of forties of said section 22; thence east a distance of one thousand six hundred and ten feet; thence north a distance of one thousand three hundred and twenty feet to a point on the line between sections 14 and 23; thence west along said section line a distance of six hundred and sixty feet to the place of beginning, containing an area of forty-eight and seventy-nine hundredths acres, more or less: Provided, That livestock permitted to graze in adjoining national forest areas shall be allowed to drift across the land described herein to private land north thereof within the park.
The administration, protection, and promotion of Grand Canyon National Park shall be exercised under the direction of the Secretary of the Interior, by the National Park Service, subject to the provisions of the Act of August twenty-fifth, nineteen hundred and sixteen, entitled “An Act to establish a National Park Service, and for other purposes”.1
Nothing herein contained shall affect any valid claim, location, or entry existing under the land laws of the United States, prior to February 26, 1919, whether for homestead, mineral, right-of-way, or any other purpose whatsoever, or shall affect the rights of any such claimant, locator, or entryman to the full use and enjoyment of his land and nothing herein contained shall affect, diminish, or impair the right and authority of the county of Coconino, in the State of Arizona, to levy and collect tolls for the passage of livestock over and upon the Bright Angel Toll Road and Trail, and the Secretary of the Interior is authorized to negotiate with the said county of Coconino for the purchase of said Bright Angel Toll Road and Trail and all rights therein.
Whenever consistent with the primary purposes of Grand Canyon National Park, the Act of February fifteenth, nineteen hundred and one,1
Whenever consistent with the primary purposes of such park, the Secretary of the Interior is authorized to permit the utilization of those areas formerly within the Lake Mead National Recreation Area immediately prior to January 3, 1975, and added to the park by sections 228a to 228j of this title, which may be necessary for the development and maintenance of a Government reclamation project.
Where privately owned lands within the said park lie within three hundred feet of the rim of the Grand Canyon no building, tent, fence, or other structure shall be erected on the park lands lying between said privately owned lands and the rim.
It is the object of sections 228a to 228j of this title to provide for the recognition by Congress that the entire Grand Canyon, from the mouth of the Paria River to the Grand Wash Cliffs, including tributary side canyons and surrounding plateaus, is a natural feature of national and international significance. Congress therefore recognizes the need for, and in sections 228a to 228j of this title provides for, the further protection and interpretation of the Grand Canyon in accordance with its true significance.
Notwithstanding any other provision of sections 228a to 228j of this title (1) land or interest in land owned by the State of Arizona or any political subdivision thereof may be acquired by the Secretary under sections 228a to 228j of this title only by donation or exchange and (2) no land or interest in land, which is held in trust for any Indian tribe or nation, may be transferred to the United States under sections 228a to 228j of this title or for purposes of sections 228a to 228j of this title except after approval by the governing body of the respective Indian tribe or nation.
In the administration of the Grand Canyon National Park, as enlarged by sections 228a to 228j of this title, the Secretary is authorized and encouraged to enter into cooperative agreements with other Federal, State, and local public departments and agencies and with interested Indian tribes providing for the protection and interpretation of the Grand Canyon in its entirety. Such agreements shall include, but not be limited to, authority for the Secretary to develop and operate interpretative facilities and programs on lands and waters outside of the boundaries of such park, with the concurrence of the owner or administrator thereof, to the end that there will be a unified interpretation of the entire Grand Canyon.
Where any Federal lands within the Grand Canyon National Park, as enlarged by sections 228a to 228j of this title, are legally occupied or utilized on January 3, 1975, for grazing purposes, pursuant to a Federal lease, permit, or license, the Secretary shall permit the persons holding such grazing privileges to continue in the exercise thereof during the term of the lease, permit, or license, and periods of renewal thereafter: Provided, That no such renewals shall be extended beyond the period ending ten years from January 3, 1975, except that any present lease, permit, or license within the boundaries of the Grand Canyon National Monument as abolished by section 228b(b) of this title may be renewed during the life of the present holder which renewals shall terminate upon the death of the present holder.
Whenever the Secretary has reason to believe that any aircraft or helicopter activity or operation may be occurring or about to occur within the Grand Canyon National Park, as enlarged by sections 228a to 228j of this title, including the airspace below the rims of the canyon, which is likely to cause an injury to the health, welfare, or safety of visitors to the park or to cause a significant adverse effect on the natural quiet and experience of the park, the Secretary shall submit to the Federal Aviation Administration, the Environmental Protection Agency pursuant to the Noise Control Act of 1972 [42 U.S.C. 4901 et seq.], or any other responsible agency or agencies such complaints, information, or recommendations for rules and regulations or other actions as he believes appropriate to protect the public health, welfare, and safety or the natural environment within the park. After reviewing the submission of the Secretary, the responsible agency shall consider the matter, and after consultation with the Secretary, shall take appropriate action to protect the park and visitors.
Nothing in sections 228a to 228j of this title shall be construed to alter, amend, repeal, modify, or be in conflict with the provisions of sections 1551 to 1556 of title 43.
Within two years from January 3, 1975, the Secretary of the Interior shall report to the President, in accordance with section 1132(c) and (d) of this title, his recommendations as to the suitability or nonsuitability of any area within the national park for preservation as wilderness, and any designation of any such areas as a wilderness shall be accomplished in accordance with said section 1132(c) and (d) of this title.
There are authorized to be appropriated such sums as may be necessary to carry out the provisions of sections 228a to 228j of this title, not to exceed, however, $1,250,000, in the aggregate for the period of the five fiscal years beginning with the fiscal year ending June 30, 1974, for the acquisition of lands and property, and not to exceed $49,000 for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1974, $255,000 for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1975, $265,000 for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1976, and $235,000 for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1977, for development, plus or minus such amounts, if any, as may be justified by reason of ordinary fluctuations in construction costs as indicated by engineering cost indexes applicable to the types of construction involved herein. The sums authorized in this section shall be available for acquisition and development undertaken subsequent to January 3, 1975.