Collapse to view only § 405a. Rules and regulations; fees

§ 405. Reservation for park and camp sites

The northeast quarter northwest quarter, lot 1, section 7, township 28 south, range 9 west, the southwest quarter northeast quarter, north half southeast quarter, section 5, township 27 south, range 11 west, the west half southwest quarter, section 5, the south half northwest quarter, section 11, township 28 south, range 11 west, the south half southeast quarter and east half southwest quarter, section 35, township 27 south, range 12 west, Willamette Meridian, Coos County, Oregon, formerly a part of the Coos Bay military wagon road grant, subject to valid existing rights and as to lands withdrawn for water-power purposes to all the provisions of the Federal Power Act [16 U.S.C. 791a et seq.], and to the cutting and removal of the merchantable timber on the northeast quarter southwest quarter, section 35, township 27 south, range 12 west, pursuant to a sale thereof heretofore made, are reserved and set apart as public parks and camp sites for recreational purposes and to preserve the rare groves of myrtle trees thereon, such lands to be placed under the care, control, and management of the county court of Coos County, Oregon, in accordance with such rules and regulations as the Secretary of the Interior may prescribe: Provided, That all the expense of such care, control, and management shall be paid by the said county court.

(May 5, 1926, ch. 241, § 1, 44 Stat. 397.)
§ 405a. Rules and regulations; fees

The said county court may make necessary rules and regulations governing the use of such lands and may charge such reasonable fees as may be necessary to provide funds for the upkeep, care, and protection of such reserved lands and the myrtle trees thereon, the said regulations and fees chargeable to be approved by the Secretary of the Interior before becoming effective.

(May 5, 1926, ch. 241, § 2, 44 Stat. 398.)