Collapse to view only § 79n. Authorization of appropriations for rehabilitation programs
- § 79a. Establishment; statement of purposes
- § 79b. Park area
- § 79c. Acquisition of land
- § 79c-1. Vesting in United States of all right, title, etc., in real property and down tree personal property in additional lands; effective date; authorization of appropriations
- § 79d. Acquisition of lands
- § 79e. Exchange of property; cash equalization payments; commercial operations, minimum economic dislocation and disruption
- § 79f. Transfer of property from Federal agency to administrative jurisdiction of Secretary
- § 79g. Contract authorization within prescribed cost limits; installments: duration, interest; provisions for payment of judgments and compromise settlements applicable to judgments against United States
- § 79h. Memorial groves named for benefactors
- § 79i. Administration
- § 79j. Authorization of appropriations
- § 79k. Mitigation of adverse economic impacts to local economy resulting from additional lands; analysis of Federal actions necessary or desirable; consultations and considerations by Secretaries concerned; reports to Congress; implementation of programs; funding requirements
- § 79l. Employment of personnel for rehabilitation, protection, and improvements of additional lands
- § 79m. Annual reporting requirements; contents; comprehensive general management plan; submission date and scope
- § 79n. Authorization of appropriations for rehabilitation programs
- § 79o. Repealed.
- § 79p. Community services and employment opportunities of Redwoods United, Inc. to be maintained at present rate of employment
- § 79q. Pledge of full faith and credit of United States for payment of compensation for lands, etc., taken
In order to preserve significant examples of the primeval coastal redwood (Sequoia sempervirens) forests and the streams and seashores with which they are associated for purposes of public inspiration, enjoyment, and scientific study, there is hereby established a Redwood National Park in Del Norte and Humboldt Counties, California.
Down tree personal property severed subsequent to December 31, 1974, and prior to February 1, 1978 may be removed in accordance with applicable State and Federal law, or other applicable licenses, permits, and existing agreements, unless the Secretary determines that the removal of such down timber would damage second growth resources or result in excessive sedimentation in Redwood Creek: Provided, however, That down timber lying in stream beds may not be removed without permission of the Secretary: Provided, That such removal shall also be subject to such reasonable conditions as may be required by the Secretary to insure the continued availability of raw materials to Redwoods United, Incorporated, a nonprofit corporation located in Manila, California.
The Secretary shall permit, at existing levels and extent of access and use, continued access and use of each acquired segment of the B line, L line, M line, and K and K roads by each current affected woods employer or its successor in title and interest: Provided, That such use is limited to forest and land management and protection purposes, including timber harvesting and road maintenance. The Secretary shall permit, at existing levels and extent of access and use, continued access and use of acquired portions of the Bald Hills road by each current affected woods employer or its successor in title and interest: Provided further, That nothing in this sentence shall diminish the authority of the Secretary to otherwise regulate the use of the Bald Hills road.
Notwithstanding any provision of the Act of October 2, 1968 [16 U.S.C. 79a et seq.], the vesting in the United States of all right, title, and interest in, and the right to immediate possession of, all real property and all down tree personal property within the area indicated as “Proposed Additions” on the map entitled “Additional Lands, Redwood National Park, California,” numbered 167–80005–D and dated March 1978, as established by section 79c(b)(1) of this title, shall be effective on March 27, 1978. The provisions of section 79c(b)(3) of this title shall also relate to the effective date of this section. From the appropriations authorized for fiscal year 1978 and succeeding fiscal years such sums as may be necessary may be expended for the acquisition of lands and interests in lands, and down tree personal property, authorized to be acquired, or acquired, pursuant to the provisions of this Act.
In exercising his authority to acquire property by exchange, the Secretary may accept title to any non-Federal property within the boundaries of the park, and outside of such boundaries within the limits prescribed in this subchapter. Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the Secretary may acquire such property from the grantor by exchange for any federally owned property under the jurisdiction of the Bureau of Land Management in California, except property needed for public use and management, which he classifies as suitable for exchange or other disposal, or any federally owned property he may designate within the Northern Redwood Purchase Unit in Del Norte County, California, except that section known and designated as the Yurok Experimental Forest, consisting of approximately nine hundred and thirty-five acres. Such federally owned property shall also be available for use by the Secretary in lieu of, or together with, cash in payment of just compensation for any real property taken pursuant to section 79c(b) of this title. The values of the properties so exchanged either shall be approximately equal or, if they are not approximately equal, the value shall be equalized by the payment of cash to the grantor or to the Secretary as the circumstances require. Through the exercise of his exchange authority, the Secretary shall, to the extent possible, minimize economic dislocation and the disruption of the grantor’s commercial operations.
Notwithstanding any other provision of law, any Federal property located within any of the areas described in sections 79b and 79c of this title may, with the concurrence of the head of the agency having custody thereof, be transferred without consideration to the administrative jurisdiction of the Secretary for use by him in carrying out the provisions of this subchapter.
The present practice of the California Department of Parks and Recreation of maintaining memorial groves of redwood trees named for benefactors of the State redwood parks shall be continued by the Secretary in the Redwood National Park.
The Secretary shall administer the Redwood National Park in accordance with the provisions of the Act of August 25, 1916 (39 Stat. 535, 16 U.S.C. 1–4),1
There are hereby authorized to be appropriated $92,000,000 for land acquisition to carry out the provisions of this subchapter.
Effective on October 1, 1978, there are hereby authorized to be appropriated $33,000,000 to carry out the rehabilitation provisions of this Act.
The Secretary is further authorized, and the Congress specifically directs that it shall be a purpose of this Act, that the community services and employment opportunities provided by Redwoods United, Incorporated, a nonprofit corporation located in Manila, California, shall be maintained at the present rate of employment to the greatest degree practicable.
The Congress further acknowledges and directs that the full faith and credit of the United States is pledged to the prompt payment of just compensation as provided for by the fifth amendment to the Constitution of the United States for those lands and properties taken by this Act.