Collapse to view only § 460u-15. Rights-of-way; public access to Little Calumet River
- § 460u. Establishment; description of area
- § 460u-1. Acquisition of property
- § 460u-2. Direction for establishment; publication in Federal Register; continuing acquisition of lands
- § 460u-3. “Improved property” and “appropriate map” defined; terms and conditions for rights of use and occupancy
- § 460u-4. Repealed.
- § 460u-5. Owner’s retention of right of use and occupancy for residential purposes
- § 460u-6. Administration
- § 460u-7. Indiana Dunes National Park Advisory Commission
- § 460u-8. State jurisdiction
- § 460u-9. Authorization of appropriations; general management plan; submittal to Congressional committees; feasibility study
- § 460u-10. Rights-of-way and easements; existing property rights of Northern Indiana Public Service Company
- § 460u-11. Legal cooling, process, or surface drainage into Little Calumet River; Federal, State or local air and water pollution standards not affected
- § 460u-12. Repealed.
- § 460u-13. Acquisition of area I–C; owner consent required
- § 460u-14. Plan, lands acquired, land acquisition program; submittal to Congressional committees
- § 460u-15. Rights-of-way; public access to Little Calumet River
- § 460u-16. Road construction cooperative agreements with landowners north of Little Calumet River; prevention of soil erosion; minimization of aural and visual impact
- § 460u-17. Lands within area I–E used for solid waste disposal
- § 460u-18. Study of areas III–A, III–C, and II–A; report to Congressional committees
- § 460u-19. Acquisition of land outside present boundaries; notice to Congressional committees; publication in Federal Register
- § 460u-20. Paul H. Douglas Ecological and Recreational Unit and Center for Environmental Education
- § 460u-21. Public access study
- § 460u-22. Consideration of property owner’s hardship in property acquisition
- § 460u-23. Acquisition of interest in area VII–A
- § 460u-24. Little Calumet River and Burns/Portage Waterway
- § 460u-25. Cooperative agreement with Gary, Indiana
- § 460u-26. Units VII–D and I–M
In order to preserve for the educational, inspirational, and recreational use of the public certain portions of the Indiana dunes and other areas of scenic, scientific, and historic interest and recreational value in the State of Indiana, the Secretary of the Interior is authorized to establish and administer the Indiana Dunes National Park (hereinafter referred to as the “Park”) in accordance with the provisions of this subchapter. The Park shall comprise the area within the boundaries delineated on a map identified as “Boundary Map, Indiana Dunes National Lakeshore”, dated October 1992, and numbered 626–80,039–C, which map is on file and available for public inspection in the office of the Director of the National Park Service, Department of the Interior.
As soon as practicable after November 5, 1966, and following the acquisition by the Secretary of an acreage within the boundaries of the area described in section 460u of this title which in his opinion is efficiently administrable for the purposes of this subchapter, he shall establish the Indiana Dunes National Park by publication of notice thereof in the Federal Register. By no later than October 1, 1977, the Secretary shall publish in the Federal Register a detailed description of the boundaries of the Park and shall from time to time so publish any additional boundary changes as may occur. Following such establishment and subject to the limitations and conditions prescribed in section 460u of this title, the Secretary may continue to acquire lands and interests in lands for the Park.
Property within boundaries of map | Construction began before |
Dated October 1992, No. 626–80,039–C | October 1, 1991 |
Dated October 1986, No. 626–80,033–B | February 1, 1986 |
Dated December 1980, No. 626–91014 | January 1, 1981 |
Dated September 1976, No. 626–91007 | February 1, 1973 |
Dated September 1966, No. LNPNE–1008–ID | January 4, 1965 |
Nothing in this subchapter shall deprive the State of Indiana or any political subdivision thereof of its civil and criminal jurisdiction over persons found, acts performed, and offenses committed within the boundaries of the Indiana Dunes National Park or of its right to tax persons, corporations, franchises, or other non-Federal property on lands included therein.
The Secretary may acquire only such interest in the right-of-way designated “Crossing A” on map numbered 626–91007 as he determines to be necessary to assure public access to the banks of the Little Calumet River within fifty feet north and south of the centerline of said river. The Secretary may acquire only such interest in the rights-of-way designated “Crossing B” and “Crossing C” on the map dated October 1986 and numbered 626–80,033–B as he determines to be necessary to assure public access to the banks of the Little Calumet River and the banks of Salt Creek within fifty feet on either side of the centerline of said river and creek.
The Secretary shall enter into a cooperative agreement with the landowner of those lands north of the Little Calumet River between the Penn Central Railroad bridge within area II–E and “Crossing A” within area IV–C on the map referred to in section 460u–3 of this title, dated October 1976, and numbered 626–9100.1
After notifying the Committees on Interior and Insular Affairs of the United States Congress, in writing, of his intentions to do so and of the reasons therefor, the Secretary may, if he finds that such lands would make a significant contribution to the purposes for which the Park was established, accept title to any lands, or interests in lands, located outside the present boundaries of the Park but contiguous thereto or to lands acquired under this section, such lands the State of Indiana or its political subdivisions may acquire and offer to donate to the United States or which any private person, organization, or public or private corporation may offer to donate to the United States and he shall administer such lands as a part of the Park after publishing notice to that effect in the Federal Register.
In exercising his authority to acquire property under this subchapter, the Secretary shall give prompt and careful consideration to any offer made by an individual owning property within the Park to sell such property, if such individual notifies the Secretary in writing that the continued ownership of such property is causing, or would result in, undue hardship.
In furtherance of the purposes of this subchapter, the Secretary may enter into a cooperative agreement with the city of Gary, Indiana, pursuant to which the Secretary may provide technical assistance in interpretation, planning, and resource management for programs and developments in the city of Gary’s Marquette Park and Lake Street Beach.