Collapse to view only § 460o-7. Authorization of appropriations
- § 460o. Establishment
- § 460o-1. Acquisition of lands
- § 460o-2. Designation of area; boundaries
- § 460o-3. Administration authorities for conservation, management, or disposal of natural resources; coordination of administrative responsibilities of the Secretary of the Interior and Secretary of the Army
- § 460o-4. Land and water use management plan; adoption, implementation, and revision; provisions
- § 460o-5. Hunting and fishing
- § 460o-6. Civil and criminal jurisdiction and taxing power of State
- § 460o-7. Authorization of appropriations
In order to further the purposes of the joint resolution approved September 27, 1961 (re Delaware River Basin compact;
In the administration of the area for the purposes of this subchapter, the Secretary of the Interior may utilize such statutory authorities relating to areas of the national park system and such statutory authorities otherwise available to him for the conservation, management, or disposal of vegetative, mineral, or fish or wildlife resources as he deems appropriate to carry out the purposes of this subchapter. To assure consistent and effective planning, development, and operation for all purposes of the project, the Secretary of the Interior and the Secretary of the Army shall coordinate the administration of their respective responsibilities in the project; and such administration shall be consistent with the joint resolution approved September 27, 1961 (re Delaware River Basin compact; 75 Stat. 688).
The Secretary of the Interior shall permit hunting and fishing on lands and waters under his jurisdiction within the area in accordance with the applicable laws and regulations of the States concerned and of the United States. The Secretary of the Interior may designate zones where, and establish periods when, no hunting shall be permitted for reasons of public safety, wildlife management, administration, or public use and enjoyment not compatible with hunting, and may, in his plan for the area, provide areas for intensive fish and wildlife management, including public hunting and fishing, and shall issue appropriate regulations after consultation with appropriate officials of the States concerned. The Secretary of the Interior shall encourage such officials to adopt uniform regulations applicable to the whole of the Delaware Water Gap National Recreation Area.
Nothing in this subchapter shall be construed to deprive any State or political subdivision thereof, of its right to exercise civil and criminal jurisdiction over the lands and waters within the area or of its right to tax persons, corporations, franchises, or property on the lands and waters included in the area.
There are hereby authorized to be appropriated to the Secretary of the Interior for the acquisition of lands and interests in land pursuant to the provisions of section 460o–1 of this title and for expenses incident thereto not more than $65,000,000 which moneys shall be transferred to the Secretary of the Army. There are also authorized to be appropriated not more than $18,200,000 for the cost of installing and constructing recreation facilities on the lands and interests in lands so acquired. The amounts herein authorized to be appropriated are supplemental to those authorized to be appropriated for the Tocks Island project and related facilities by the Flood Control Act of 1962 (76 Stat. 1182).