Collapse to view only § 460l-14. Facilities or project modifications to be provided without written indication of intent

§ 460l–12. Recreation and fish and wildlife benefits of Federal multiple-purpose water resources projects; Congressional declaration of policy

It is the policy of the Congress and the intent of this part (a) in investigating and planning any Federal navigation, flood control, reclamation, hydroelectric, or multiple-purpose water resource project, full consideration shall be given to the opportunities, if any, which the project affords for outdoor recreation and for fish and wildlife enhancement and that, wherever any such project can reasonably serve either or both of these purposes consistently with the provisions of this part, it shall be constructed, operated, and maintained accordingly; (b) planning with respect to the development of the recreation potential of any such project shall be based on the coordination of the recreational use of the project area with the use of existing and planned Federal, State, or local public recreation developments; and (c) project construction agencies shall encourage non-Federal public bodies to administer project land and water areas for recreation and fish and wildlife enhancement purposes and operate, maintain, and replace facilities provided for those purposes unless such areas or facilities are included or proposed for inclusion within a national recreation area, or are appropriate for administration by a Federal agency as a part of the national forest system, as a part of the public lands classified for retention in Federal ownership, or in connection with an authorized Federal program for the conservation and development of fish and wildlife.

(Pub. L. 89–72, § 1, July 9, 1965, 79 Stat. 213.)
§ 460l–13. Non-Federal administration of project land and water areas
(a) Allocation of costs
If, before authorization of a project, non-Federal public bodies indicate their intent in writing to agree to administer project land and water areas for recreation or fish and wildlife enhancement or for both of these purposes pursuant to the plan for the development of the project approved by the head of the agency having administrative jurisdiction over it and to bear not less than one-half the separable costs of the project allocated to recreation, and to bear one-quarter of such costs allocated to fish and wildlife enhancement and not less than one-half the costs of operation, maintenance, and replacement incurred therefor—
(1) the benefits of the project to said purpose or purposes shall be taken into account in determining the economic benefits of the project;
(2) costs shall be allocated to said purpose or purposes and to other purposes in a manner which will insure that all project purposes share equitably in the advantages of multiple-purpose construction: Provided, That the costs allocated to recreation or fish and wildlife enhancement shall not exceed the lesser of the benefits from those functions or the costs of providing recreation or fish and wildlife enhancement benefits or reasonably equivalent use and location by the least costly alternative means; and
(3) not more than one-half the separable costs of the project allocated to recreation and exactly three-quarters of such costs allocated to fish and wildlife enhancement and all the joint costs of the project allocated to recreation and fish and wildlife enhancement shall be borne by the United States and be nonreimbursable.
Projects authorized during the calendar year 1965 may include recreation and fish and wildlife enhancement on the foregoing basis without the required indication of intent. Execution of an agreement as aforesaid shall be a prerequisite to commencement of construction of any project to which this subsection is applicable.
(b) Non-Federal share of costs
(Pub. L. 89–72, § 2, July 9, 1965, 79 Stat. 214; Pub. L. 93–251, title I, § 77(a)(1), (2), Mar. 7, 1974, 88 Stat. 33; Pub. L. 102–575, title XXVIII, § 2804(a), Oct. 30, 1992, 106 Stat. 4691.)
§ 460l–14. Facilities or project modifications to be provided without written indication of intent
(a) Other project purposes as justification; public health and safety requirement of minimum facilities at access points; basis for calculation of benefits; nonreimbursable costs
(b) Preservation of recreation and fish and wildlife enhancement potential; execution of agreements within ten year period; disposition of lands in absence of such agreements, prohibition against uses conflicting with project purposes, and preference to uses promoting and not detracting from such potentialNotwithstanding the absence of an indication of intent as specified in section 460l–13(a) of this title, lands may be provided in connection with project construction to preserve the recreation and fish and wildlife enhancement potential of the project:
(1) If non-Federal public bodies execute an agreement after initial operation of the project (which agreement shall provide that the non-Federal public bodies will administer project land and water areas for recreation or fish and wildlife enhancement or both pursuant to the plan for the development of the project approved by the head of the agency having administrative jurisdiction over it and will bear not less than one-half the costs of lands, facilities, and project modifications provided for recreation, and will bear one-quarter of such costs for fish and wildlife enhancement, and not less than one-half the costs of planning studies, and the costs of operation, maintenance, and replacement attributable thereto) the remainder of the costs of lands, facilities, and project modifications provided pursuant to this paragraph shall be nonreimbursable. Such agreement and subsequent development, however, shall not be the basis for any reallocation of joint costs of the project to recreation or fish and wildlife enhancement.
(2) If, within ten years after initial operation of the project, there is not an executed agreement as specified in paragraph (1) of this subsection, the head of the agency having jurisdiction over the project may utilize the lands for any lawful purpose within the jurisdiction of his agency, or may offer the land for sale to its immediate prior owner or his immediate heirs at its appraised fair market value as approved by the head of the agency at the time of offer or, if a firm agreement by said owner or his immediate heirs is not executed within ninety days of the date of the offer, may transfer custody of the lands to another Federal agency for use for any lawful purpose within the jurisdiction of that agency, or may lease the lands to a non-Federal public body, or may transfer the lands to the Administrator of General Services for disposition in accordance with the surplus property laws of the United States. In no case shall the lands be used or made available for use for any purpose in conflict with the purposes for which the project was constructed, and in every case except that of an offer to purchase made, as hereinbefore provided, by the prior owner or his heirs preference shall be given to uses which will preserve and promote the recreation and fish and wildlife enhancement potential of the project or, in the absence thereof, will not detract from that potential.
(c) Expansion or modification of existing facilities
(1) Any recreation facility constructed under this part may be expanded or modified if—
(A) the facility is inadequate to meet recreational demands; and
(B) a non-Federal public body executes an agreement which provides that such public body—
(i) will administer the expanded or modified facilities pursuant to a plan for development for the project that is approved by the agency with administrative jurisdiction over the project; and
(ii) will bear not less than one-half of the planning and capital costs of such expansion or modification and not less than one-half of the costs of the operation, maintenance, and replacement attributable to the expansion of the facility.
(2) The Federal share of the cost of expanding or modifying a recreational facility described in paragraph (1) may not exceed 50 percent of the total cost of expanding or modifying the facility.
(Pub. L. 89–72, § 3, July 9, 1965, 79 Stat. 214; Pub. L. 93–251, title I, § 77(a)(3), Mar. 7, 1974, 88 Stat. 33; Pub. L. 102–575, title XXVIII, § 2804(b), (d), Oct. 30, 1992, 106 Stat. 4691.)
§ 460l–15. Lease of facilities and lands to non-Federal public bodies

At projects, the construction of which has commenced or been completed as of July 9, 1965, where non-Federal public bodies agree to administer project land and water areas for recreation and fish and wildlife enhancement purposes and to bear the 1

1 So in original. The word “the” probably should not appear.
not less than one-half the costs of operation, maintenance, and replacement of existing facilities serving those purposes, such facilities and appropriate project lands may be leased to non-Federal public bodies.

(Pub. L. 89–72, § 4, July 9, 1965, 79 Stat. 215; Pub. L. 102–575, title XXVIII, § 2804(c), Oct. 30, 1992, 106 Stat. 4691.)
§ 460l–16. Postauthorization development of projects without allocation or reallocation of costs

Nothing herein shall be construed as preventing or discouraging postauthorization development of any project for recreation or fish and wildlife enhancement or both by non-Federal public bodies pursuant to agreement with the head of the Federal agency having jurisdiction over the project. Such development shall not be the basis for any allocation or reallocation of project costs to recreation or fish and wildlife enhancement.

(Pub. L. 89–72, § 5, July 9, 1965, 79 Stat. 215.)
§ 460l–17. Miscellaneous provisions
(a) Project reports; outdoor recreation views; conformity to State comprehensive plan
(b) Omitted
(c) Migratory waterfowl refuges at Federal projects; expenditure limitation for acquisition of lands
(d) Nonapplication to certain projects
(e) Nonapplication to certain other projects
(f) Interpretation of “nonreimbursable”
(g) Nonapplication of section 200306(a)(3) of title 54 to nonreimbursable costs of the United States
(h) Deposits in Treasury as miscellaneous receipts; deposits of revenue from conveyance of certain lands in Land and Water Conservation Fund
(Pub. L. 89–72, § 6, July 9, 1965, 79 Stat. 216; Pub. L. 94–576, Oct. 21, 1976, 90 Stat. 2728; Pub. L. 113–287, § 5(d)(1), Dec. 19, 2014, 128 Stat. 3264.)
§ 460l–18. Authority of Secretary of the Interior
(a) Provision of facilities, acquisition of lands, and provision for public use and enjoyment of project lands, facilities, and water areas in coordination with other project purposes; execution of agreements before providing lands, facilities, and project modifications
(b) Agreements with government agencies to promote development and operation of lands or facilities for recreation and fish and wildlife enhancement purposes
(c) Transfer of lands; consent of other Federal agencies to use of lands for recreation or fish and wildlife purposes; transfers to Secretary of Agriculture of forest lands; continuing administration of lands and waters for other project purposes; prohibition against limitation of authority under existing provisions of law
(Pub. L. 89–72, § 7, July 9, 1965, 79 Stat. 216; Pub. L. 102–377, title II, § 206, Oct. 2, 1992, 106 Stat. 1332; Pub. L. 102–575, title XXVIII, § 2804(e), Oct. 30, 1992, 106 Stat. 4692.)
§ 460l–19. Feasibility reports

Effective on and after July 1, 1966, neither the Secretary of the Interior nor any bureau nor any person acting under his authority shall engage in the preparation of any feasibility report under reclamation law with respect to any water resource project unless the preparation of such feasibility report has been specifically authorized by law, any other provision of law to the contrary notwithstanding.

(Pub. L. 89–72, § 8, July 9, 1965, 79 Stat. 217.)
§ 460l–20. Construction of projects under certain laws with allocations to recreation and fish and wildlife enhancement exceeding allocations to other functions unauthorized; exception

Nothing contained in this part shall be taken to authorize or to sanction the construction under the Federal reclamation laws or under any Rivers and Harbors or Flood Control Act of any project in which the sum of the allocations to recreation and fish and wildlife enhancement exceeds the sum of the allocations to irrigation, hydroelectric power, municipal, domestic and industrial water supply, navigation, and flood control, except that this section shall not apply to any such project for the enhancement of anadromous fisheries, shrimp, or for the conservation of migratory birds protected by treaty, when each of the other functions of such a project has, of itself, a favorable benefit-cost ratio.

(Pub. L. 89–72, § 9, July 9, 1965, 79 Stat. 217.)
§ 460l–21. Definitions
As used in this part:
(a) The term “project” shall mean a project or any appropriate unit thereof.
(b) The term “separable costs,” as applied to any project purpose, means the difference between the capital cost of the entire multiple-purpose project and the capital cost of the project with the purpose omitted.
(c) The term “joint costs” means the difference between the capital cost of the entire multiple-purpose project and the sum of the separable costs for all project purposes.
(d) The term “feasibility report” shall mean any report of the scope required by the Congress when formally considering authorization of the project of which the report treats.
(e) The term “capital cost” includes interest during construction, wherever appropriate.
(Pub. L. 89–72, § 10, July 9, 1965, 79 Stat. 218.)
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