Collapse to view only § 410ww-21. Dayton Aviation Heritage Commission

§ 410ww–21. Dayton Aviation Heritage Commission
(a) Establishment
(b) Membership
The Commission shall consist of 13 members as follows:
(1) 3 members appointed by the Secretary, who shall have demonstrated expertise in aviation history, black history and literature, aviation technology, or historic preservation, at least one of whom shall represent the National Park Service.
(2) 3 members appointed by the Secretary after consideration of recommendations submitted by the Governor of the State of Ohio, who shall have demonstrated expertise in aviation history, black history and literature, aviation technology, or historic preservation, at least one of whom shall represent the Ohio Historical Society.
(3) 1 member appointed by the Secretary of Defense, who shall represent Wright-Patterson Air Force Base.
(4) 3 members appointed by the Secretary after consideration of recommendations submitted by the City Commission of Dayton, Ohio, at least one of whom shall reside near the core parcel of the park (as described in section 410ww(b)(1) of this title).
(5) 1 member appointed by the Secretary after consideration of recommendations submitted by the Board of Commissioners of Montgomery County, Ohio.
(6) 1 member appointed by the Secretary after consideration of recommendations submitted by the Board of Commissioners of Greene County, Ohio.
(7) 1 member appointed by the Secretary after consideration of recommendations submitted by the City Council of Fairborn, Ohio.
(c) Terms
(1) Members shall be appointed for terms of 3 years. A member may be reappointed only 3 times unless such member was originally appointed to fill a vacancy pursuant to subsection (e)(1), in which case such member may be reappointed 4 times. A member may serve after the expiration of his term until a successor is appointed.
(2) The Secretary shall appoint the first members of the Commission within 30 days after the date on which the Secretary has received all of the recommendations for appointment pursuant to subsections 1
1 So in original. Probably should be “subsection”.
(b)(2), (4), (5), (6), and (7).
(d) Chair and vice chair
(e) Vacancy
(1) Any vacancy in the Commission shall be filled in the same manner in which the original appointment was made, except that the Secretary responsible for such appointment shall fill any such vacancy within 30 days after receiving a recommendation for the position.
(2) A member appointed to fill a vacancy shall serve for the remainder of the term for which his predecessor was appointed. A member may serve after the expiration of his term until his successor has taken office.
(f) Quorum
(g) Meetings
(h) Pay
(1) Except as provided in paragraph (2), members of the Commission shall serve without pay.
(2) Members of the Commission who are full-time officers or employees of the United States shall receive no additional pay by reason of their service on the Commission.
(3) While away from their homes or regular places of business in the performance of services for the Commission, members of the Commission shall be allowed travel expenses, including per diem in lieu of subsistence, in the same manner as persons employed intermittently in the Government service are allowed expenses under section 5703 of title 5.
(i) Chapter 10 of title 5
(j) Termination
(Pub. L. 102–419, title II, § 201, Oct. 16, 1992, 106 Stat. 2144; Pub. L. 104–333, div. I, title VIII, § 811, Nov. 12, 1996, 110 Stat. 4189; Pub. L. 117–286, § 4(a)(83), Dec. 27, 2022, 136 Stat. 4315.)
§ 410ww–22. Dayton historic resources preservation and development plan
(a) In general
(b) Contents of plan
The plan referred to in subsection (a) shall—
(1) set detailed goals for the preservation, protection, enhancement, and utilization of the resources of sites referred to in subsection (a);
(2) identify properties which should be preserved, restored, developed, maintained, or acquired;
(3) include a tentative budget for the subsequent five fiscal years;
(4) propose a management strategy for a permanent organizational structure to enhance and coordinate such resources, and aviation-related properties, and institutions;
(5) recommend methods for establishing partnerships with Federal, State, and local governments and the private sector to foster development and to preserve and enhance such resources;
(6) propose transportation links, including pedestrian facilities and bicycle trails among historic aviation sites including an interurban between the Wright-Dunbar Historic District and the historic resources at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base;
(7) address the use of private vehicles, traffic patterns, parking, and public transportation;
(8) propose educational and cultural programs to encourage appreciation of such resources;
(9) establish standards and criteria applicable to the construction, preservation, restoration, alteration, and use of the properties among such resources;
(10) establish an index which shall contain documentary evidence of historical and cultural significance and which includes property in the Miami Valley associated with the Wright brothers, the history of aviation, or Paul Laurence Dunbar.
(c) Consultation
(Pub. L. 102–419, title II, § 202, Oct. 16, 1992, 106 Stat. 2145.)
§ 410ww–23. General powers of Commission
(a) Hearings
(b) Donations
(c) Use of funds to obtain money
(d) Mail
(e) Uses of acquired assets
(f) Historical and cultural programs
(g) Technical and preservation assistance
(h) Obtaining property
(1) The Commission may obtain by purchase, rental, donation, or otherwise, such property, facilities, and services as may be needed to carry out its duties except that the Commission may not acquire any real property or interest in real property otherwise than under paragraph (2).
(2) Subject to paragraph (3), the Commission may acquire real property, or interests in real property, in the districts, sites, and properties referred to in section 410ww–22(a) of this title
(A) by gift or devise; or
(B) by purchase from a willing seller with money which was given or bequeathed to the Commission on the condition that such money would be used to purchase real property, or interests in real property, in such district and sites.
(3) Any real property or interest in real property acquired by the Commission under paragraph (2) shall be conveyed by the Commission to an appropriate public agency, as determined by the Commission. Any such conveyance shall be made—
(A) as soon as practicable after such acquisition;
(B) without consideration; and
(C) on the condition that the real property or interest in real property so conveyed is used for public purposes.
(Pub. L. 102–419, title II, § 203, Oct. 16, 1992, 106 Stat. 2146.)
§ 410ww–24. Staff of Commission
(a) Director
(b) Additional personnel
(c) Temporary services
(d) Detail
(e) Administrative support
(f) State and local services
(g) Inapplicability of certain provisions of title 5
(Pub. L. 102–419, title II, § 204, Oct. 16, 1992, 106 Stat. 2147.)
§ 410ww–25. Authorization of appropriations

There are authorized to be appropriated annually to the Commission to carry out its duties under this subchapter $350,000, except that the Federal contribution to the Commission shall not exceed 50 percent of the annual costs to the Commission in carrying out those duties.

(Pub. L. 102–419, title II, § 205, Oct. 16, 1992, 106 Stat. 2148.)
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