Collapse to view only § 410c. Preservation of primitive condition
- § 410. Establishment; acquisition of land
- § 410a. Acceptance of title to lands
- § 410b. Administration, protection, and development
- § 410c. Preservation of primitive condition
- § 410d. Acceptance and protection of property pending establishment of park; publication of establishment order
- § 410e. Acquisition of additional lands; reservation of oil, gas, and mineral rights; reservation of royalty rights
- § 410f. Limitation of Federal action during reservation period
- § 410g. Rules and regulations governing reservation rights
- § 410h. Ascertainment of owners’ election regarding reservation rights
- § 410i. Exterior boundaries; administration
- § 410j. Acquisition of land, water, and interests therein; consent of owner; reservations
- § 410k. Limitation of Federal action during reservation period
- § 410l. Rules and regulations governing reservation rights
- § 410m. Ascertainment of owners’ election regarding reservation rights
- § 410n. Drainage of lands; right-of-way
- § 410o. Exchange of land, water, and interests therein
- § 410p. Authorization of appropriations
- § 410q. Exchange of lands
- § 410r. Lands acquired as part of park; rules and regulations
- § 410r-1. Acceptance of additional lands
- § 410r-2. Lands acquired as part of park; rules and regulations
- § 410r-3. Acceptance of additional lands; lands acquired as part of park; reimbursement of revolving fund
- § 410r-4. Authorization of appropriations for reimbursement of revolving fund
- § 410r-5. Findings, purposes, and definitions
- § 410r-6. Boundary modification
- § 410r-7. Administration
- § 410r-8. Modification of certain water projects
- § 410r-9. Boundary revision
When title to all the lands within boundaries to be determined by the Secretary of the Interior within the area of approximately two thousand square miles in the region of the Everglades of Dade, Monroe, and Collier Counties, in the State of Florida, recommended by said Secretary, in his report to Congress of December 3, 1930, pursuant to the Act of March 1, 1929 (45 Stat. 1443), shall have been vested in the United States, said lands shall be, and are, established, dedicated, and set apart as a public park for the benefit and enjoyment of the people and shall be known as the Everglades National Park: Provided, That the United States shall not purchase by appropriation of public moneys any land within the aforesaid area, but such lands shall be secured by the United States only by public or private donation.
The Secretary of the Interior is authorized, in his discretion and upon submission of evidence of title satisfactory to him, to accept on behalf of the United States, title to the lands referred to in section 410 of this title as may be deemed by him necessary or desirable for national-park purposes: Provided, That no land for said park shall be accepted until exclusive jurisdiction over the entire park area, in form satisfactory to the Secretary of the Interior, shall have been ceded by the State of Florida to the United States.
The administration, protection, and development of the aforesaid park shall be exercised under the direction of the Secretary of the Interior by the National Park Service, subject to the provisions of the Act of August 25, 1916 (39 Stat. 535), entitled “An Act to establish a National Park Service, and for other purposes”,1
The said area or areas shall be permanently reserved as a wilderness, and no development of the project or plan for the entertainment of visitors shall be undertaken which will interfere with the preservation intact of the unique flora and fauna and the essential primitive natural conditions now prevailing in this area.
Unless consented to by an owner retaining the reservation set forth in subsection (1) of section 410e of this title, no action shall be taken by the Federal Government during the period of such reservation to purchase, acquire, or otherwise terminate or interfere with any lease or leases which may be applicable to said owner’s lands.
Any reservations retained under the provisions of subsection (1) of section 410e of this title shall be exercised by the owners subject to reasonable rules and regulations which the Secretary may prescribe for the protection of the park, but which shall permit the reserved rights to be exercised so that the oil, gas, and minerals may be explored for, developed, extracted, and removed from the park area in accordance with sound conservation practices. All operations shall be carried on under such regulations as the Secretary may prescribe to protect the lands and areas for park purposes.
In any action caused by the Secretary of the Interior to be commenced for the acquisition of lands under the provisions hereof, reasonable diligence shall be exercised by him to ascertain whether owners elect to retain reservations in accordance with the provisions of sections 410e to 410h of this title. If, after the exercise of such reasonable diligence, owners cannot be located, or do not appear in judicial proceedings to acquire the lands, so that it may be ascertained whether they desire to retain reservations in accordance with the provisions hereof, the Secretary may acquire the fee simple title to their lands free and clear of reservations as set forth in subsections (1) and (2) of section 410e of this title.
thence southerly along the west line of township 54 south, range 37 east, along the west line of Government lot 6 lying between township 54 south, and township 55 south, range 37 east, and along the west line of township 55 south, range 37 east, and township 56 south, range 37 east and along the west lines of sections 6, 7, and 18, township 57 south, range 37 east, to the southwest corner of section 18, said township and range;
thence easterly along the north line of section 19, 20, 21, 22, and 23 of said township and range to the northeast corner of section 23;
thence southerly along the east line of sections 23, 26, and 35 of said township and range to the southeast corner of said section 35;
thence easterly along the south line of section 36, of said township and range, to the southeast corner of said section 36;
thence southerly along the east line of sections 1, 12, 13, 24, 25, and 36, township 58 south, range 37 east, and along the west line of sections 6, 7, and 18, township 59 south, range 38 east, to the northwest corner of section 19, said township and range;
thence easterly along the north line of sections 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, and 24 of township 59 south, range 38 east, and sections 19 and 20 of township 59 south, range 39 east, to the southwest right-of-way line of United States Highway Numbered 1;
thence southeasterly along the southwest right-of-way line of United States Highway Numbered 1 to a point which is the northerly point of a tract of land conveyed by the trustees of the internal improvement fund, State of Florida, to John E. Ravlin, and others, by deed dated November 5, 1943, recorded in deed book G16, page 72, in Monroe County public records;
thence following along the westerly and southerly boundary of said tract to its point of intersection with a line parallel with and 200 feet northwesterly from the centerline of Intracoastal Waterway near the southern point of said Ravlin tract;
thence southwesterly, following a line parallel to the centerline of said Intracoastal Waterway and 200 feet northwesterly from said centerline to a point due north of Long Key Light, approximately longitude 80 degrees 50 minutes west, latitude 24 degrees 51 minutes north;
thence northwesterly, following a line at all times parallel to the centerline of said Intracoastal Waterway and 200 feet northeasterly from said centerline to a point opposite the Oxford Bank Light, approximately longitude 81 degrees 00 minutes 40 seconds west, latitude 24 degrees 59 minutes 10 seconds north;
thence northwesterly in a straight line to a point 3 miles due south of the most southernmost point of East Cape (Cape Sable);
thence due north in a straight line to a point 2 miles due south of the most southernmost point of East Cape (Cape Sable);
thence northwesterly in the Gulf of Mexico in a straight line to a point 2 miles due west of the southeast corner of fractional section 31 (Middle Cape), township 60 south, range 32 east;
thence northwesterly in a straight line to a point 2 miles due west of the most westernmost point of Northwest Cape (Cape Sable);
thence northeasterly in a straight line to a point 2 miles due west of the northwest corner of fractional section 6, township 59 south, range 32 east;
thence northwesterly in a straight line to a point 2 miles due west of the southwest corner of section 6, township 58 south, range 32 east;
thence northwesterly in a straight line to a point 2 miles due west of the northwest corner of fractional section 28, township 56 south, range 31 east;
thence northwesterly in a straight line to a point 3 miles due west of the southwest corner of fractional section 32, township 54 south, range 30 east;
thence northwesterly in a straight line to the southwest corner of section 28, township 53 south, range 28 east;
thence northerly along the west line of section 28, township 53 south, range 28 east, to the northwest corner of said section 28;
thence easterly along the north line of section 28, township 53 south, range 28 east, to the northeast corner of said section 28;
thence northerly along the west line of section 22, township 53 south, range 28 east, to the northwest corner of said section 22;
thence easterly along the north line of section 22, township 53 south, range 28 east, to the northeast corner of said section 22;
thence northerly along the west line of section 14, township 53 south, range 28 east, to the northwest corner of said section 14;
thence easterly along the north line of section 14, township 53 south, range 28 east, to the northeast corner of said section 14;
thence northerly along the west line of section 12, township 53 south, range 28 east, to the northwest corner of said section 12;
thence easterly along the north line of section 12, township 53 south, range 28 east, to the northeast corner of said section 12;
thence northerly along the west line of section 6, township 53 south, range 29 east, to the northwest corner of said section 6;
thence easterly along the north line of township 53 south, range 29 east, to the northeast corner of section 4, township 53 south, range 29 east;
thence southerly along the east lines of sections 4, 9, 16, and 21, township 53 south, range 29 east, to the southeast corner of the northeast quarter of said section 21;
thence easterly to the center of section 22, township 53 south, range 29 east;
thence southerly to the southeast corner of the southwest quarter of section 22, township 53 south, range 29 east;
thence easterly along the south line of section 22, township 53 south, range 29 east, to the southeast corner of said section 22;
thence southerly along the west line of section 26, township 53 south, range 29 east, to the southwest corner of the northwest quarter of said section 26;
thence easterly to the center of section 26, township 53 south, range 29 east;
thence southerly to the northwest corner of the southwest quarter of the southeast quarter of section 26, township 53 south, range 29 east;
thence easterly to the northeast corner of the southeast quarter of the southeast quarter of section 26, township 53 south, range 29 east;
thence southerly along the east line of section 26, township 53 south, range 29 east, to the southeast corner of said section 26;
thence easterly along the north line of section 36, township 53 south, range 29 east, to the northeast corner of the northwest quarter of said section 36;
thence southerly to the southwest corner of the northwest quarter of the southeast quarter of section 36, township 53 south, range 29 east;
thence easterly to the southeast corner of the northeast quarter of the southeast quarter of section 36, township 53 south, range 29 east;
thence continuing easterly to the southeast corner of the northwest quarter of the southwest quarter of section 31, township 53 south, range 30 east;
thence northerly to the northeast corner of the northwest quarter of the northwest quarter of section 31, township 53 south, range 30 east;
thence continuing northerly to the northeast corner of the southwest quarter of the southwest quarter of section 30, township 53 south, range 30 east;
thence westerly to the northeast corner of the southeast quarter of the southeast quarter of section 25, township 53 south, range 29 east;
thence northerly along the east lines of sections 25, 24, and 13, township 53 south, range 29 east, to the northeast corner of said section 13;
thence easterly along the north lines of sections 18, 17, 16, 15, 14, and 13, to the northeast corner of section 13, township 53 south, range 30 east;
thence southerly along the east lines of sections 13, 24, 25, and 36 to the southeast corner section 36, township 53 south, range 30 east;
thence easterly along the north lines of sections 6, 5, and 4 to the northeast corner of section 4, township 54 south, range 31 east;
thence southerly along the east line of section 4 to the southeast corner of section 4, township 54 south, range 31 east;
thence easterly along the north line of section 10 to the northeast corner of section 10, township 54 south, range 31 east;
thence southerly along the east line of section 10 to the southeast corner of section 10, township 54 south, range 31 east;
thence easterly along the north line of section 14 to the northeast corner of section 14, township 54 south, range 31 east;
thence southerly along the east line of section 14 to the southeast corner of section 14, township 54 south, range 31 east;
thence easterly along the north line of section 24 to the northeast corner of section 24, township 54 south, range 31 east;
thence southerly along the east lines of sections 24 and 25 to the southeast corner of section 25, township 54 south, range 31 east;
thence easterly along the north lines of sections 31, 32, and 33 to the northeast corner of section 33, township 54 south, range 32 east;
thence southerly along the east line of section 33 to the southeast corner of section 33, township 54 south, range 32 east;
thence easterly along the north line of section 3, to the northeast corner of section 3, township 55 south, range 32 east;
thence southerly along the east lines of sections 3 and 10, to the southeast corner of section 10, township 55 south, range 32 east;
thence easterly along the north line of section 14, to the northeast corner of section 14, township 55 south, range 32 east;
thence southerly along the east line of section 14, to the southeast corner of section 14, township 55 south, range 32 east;
thence easterly along the north line of section 24, to the northeast corner of section 24, township 55 south, range 32 east;
thence southerly along the east lines of sections 24 and 25 to the northeast corner of the southeast quarter of section 25, township 55 south, range 32 east;
thence easterly along the north line of the south half of section 30 to the northeast corner of the south half of section 30, township 55 south, range 33 east;
thence southerly along the east lines of sections 30 and 31 to the southeast corner of section 31, township 55 south, range 33 east;
thence southerly along the east line of section 6, to the southeast corner of section 6, township 56 south, range 33 east;
thence easterly along the north lines of sections 8, 9, 10, 11, and 12, to the northeast corner of section 12, township 56 south, range 33 east;
thence easterly along the north lines of sections 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, and 12, to the northeast corner of section 12, township 56 south, range 34 east;
thence easterly along the north line of section 7 to the northeast corner of section 7, township 56 south, range 35 east;
thence northerly along the west line of section 5 to the northwest corner of section 5, township 56 south, range 35 east;
thence northerly along the west lines of sections 32, 29, 20, 17, 8, and 5 to the northwest corner of section 5, township 55 south, range 35 east;
thence northerly along the west lines of sections 32, 29, and 20 to the intersection of the south right-of-way line of the Loop Road, township 54 south, range 35 east;
thence easterly along the south right-of-way line of the Loop Road and the south right-of-way line of United States Highway Numbered 41, also known as the Tamiami Trail, through sections 20, 21, 22, 23, and 24, township 54 south, range 35 east, to the intersection of the east township line, township 54 south, range 35 east;
thence easterly along the south right-of-way line of United States Highway Numbered 41, also known as the Tamiami Trail, through sections 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, and 24, township 54 south, range 36 east, to the east township line of township 54 south, range 36 east;
thence easterly along the south right-of-way line of United States Highway Numbered 41, also known as the Tamiami Trail, across township 36½ east to the intersection of the west line of township 54 south, range 37 east, the point of beginning;
The authority of the Secretary of the Interior to acquire land and water for Everglades National Park shall on and after July 2, 1958 be restricted to the area within the boundary described in section 410i of this title. Notwithstanding the proviso contained in section 410 of this title, or any other provision of law, the said Secretary is authorized on and after July 2, 1958, within the boundary fixed in sections 410i to 410p of this title and with any funds made available for that purpose, to acquire land, water, and interests therein by purchase or otherwise.
The authority to acquire land, water, and interests therein within the park boundary fixed in section 410i of this title but outside the area designated in sections 410e to 410h of this title, is further subject to the right of retention by the owners thereof, including owners of interests in oil, gas, and mineral rights or royalties, and by their heirs, executors, administrators, successors, and assigns, at their election of the following:
(1) The reservation until October 9, 1967, of all oil, gas, and mineral rights or interests, including the right to lease, explore for, produce, store, and remove oil, gas, and other minerals from such lands;
(2) In the event that on or before said date, oil, gas, or other minerals are being produced in commercial quantities anywhere within the boundary fixed in section 410i of this title but outside the area designated in sections 410e to 410h of this title, the time of the reservation provided in subsection (1) above shall automatically extend for all owners within said boundary and outside of said area regardless of whether such production is from land in which such owners have an interest, for so long as oil, gas, or other minerals are produced in commercial quantities anywhere within said boundary and outside of said area. To exercise this reservation, the owners, their lessees, agents, employees, and assigns shall have such right of ingress to and egress from such land and water as may be necessary; and
(3) After the termination of the reserved rights of owners as set forth in subsections (1) and (2) of this section, a further reservation of the right to customary royalties, applying at the time of production, in any oil, gas, or other minerals which may be produced from such land and water at any time before January 1, 1985, should production ever be authorized by the Federal Government or its assigns.
Unless consented to by an owner retaining the reservation set forth in subsections (1) and (2) of section 410j of this title, no action shall be taken by the Federal Government during the period of such reservation to purchase, acquire, or otherwise terminate or interfere with any lease or leases which may be applicable to said owner’s land.
Any reservations retained under the provisions of subsections (1) and (2) of section 410j of this title shall be exercised by the owners subject to reasonable rules and regulations which the Secretary may prescribe for the protection of the park, but which shall permit the reserved rights to be exercised so that the oil, gas, and minerals may be explored for, developed, extracted, and removed from the park area in accordance with sound conservation practices. All operations shall be carried on under such regulations as the Secretary may prescribe to protect the land and area for park purposes.
In acquiring any of the land or water within the area described in section 410i of this title the Secretary of the Interior shall exercise reasonable diligence to ascertain whether owners elect to retain reservations in accordance with the provisions of section 410j of this title. If, after the exercise of such reasonable diligence, owners cannot be located, or do not appear in judicial proceedings to acquire the land and water, so that it may be ascertained whether they desire to retain reservations in accordance with the provisions hereof, the Secretary may acquire the fee simple title to their land free and clear of reservations as set forth in subsections (1), (2), and (3) of section 410j of this title.
Unless the Secretary, after notice and opportunity for hearing, shall find that the same is seriously detrimental to the preservation and propagation of the flora or fauna of Everglades National Park, he shall permit such drainage through the natural waterways of the park and the construction, operation, and maintenance of artificial works for conducting water thereto as is required for the reclamation by the State of Florida or any political subdivision thereof or any drainage district organized under its laws of lands lying easterly of the eastern boundary of the park in township 54 south, ranges 31 and 32 east, township 55 south, ranges 32 and 33 east, and township 56 south, range 33 east. He shall grant said permission, however, only after a master plan for the drainage of said lands has been approved by the State of Florida and after finding that the approved plan has engineering feasibility and is so designed as to minimize disruptions of the natural state of the park. Any right-of-way granted pursuant to this section shall be revocable upon breach of the conditions upon which it is granted, which conditions shall also be enforcible in any other appropriate manner, and the grantee shall be obligated to remove its improvements and to restore the land occupied by it to its previous condition in the event of such revocation.
The Secretary of the Interior is authorized to transfer to the State of Florida by quitclaim deed the land, water, and interests therein, previously acquired by the United States of America for Everglades National Park and not included within such park by section 410i of this title, such transfer to be in exchange for the conveyance by the State of Florida to the United States of all land, water, and interests therein, owned by the State within the boundary of the park as described in section 410i of this title: Provided, That exclusion of any land, water, and interests therein from the park boundary pursuant to section 410i of this title shall be dependent upon the contemporaneous conveyance by the State to the United States of all land, water, and interests therein, owned by the State within the park boundary described in section 410i of this title, including land, water, and interests therein, heretofore conveyed to the State, for transfer to the United States for inclusion in Everglades National Park. The effectuation of the transfer provided for in this section shall be a condition precedent to the acquisition by the Secretary of any land, water, or interests therein held in private ownership within the boundaries set forth in section 410i of this title and outside the area designated in sections 410e to 410h of this title, except as such acquisition is by donation.
Sections 3, 4, and 5; section 6, less the west half of the northwest quarter; sections 7, 8, 9, and 10; north half of section 15; and sections 17 and 18, all in township 59 south, range 37 east, Tallahassee meridian.
In order to further the administration and use of the Everglades National Park, the Secretary of the Interior is authorized to accept on behalf of the United States title to the following described parcels of land:
Those parts of tracts “R” and “S” which lie west of the right-of-way of State Road Numbered 29, and lots 1 to 9, inclusive, of block 40, in Everglades City, Florida, comprising 18.98, 1.32, and 3.17 acres, respectively, as shown on N.P.S. Map No. EVE–NP–E–1, dated June 23, 1959, of Everglades City, Florida; and not to exceed 15 acres of submerged lands lying adjacent to said tracts “R” and “S”, if such additional lands are considered necessary by the Secretary of the Interior to permit full utilization of the lands above described;
and, in exchange for such parcels of land, to convey to the owner or owners thereof all right, title, and interest of the United States in and to the following described parcels of land within the Everglades National Park:
Tract “L” and block 34, comprising 9.09 and 1.65 acres, respectively, lying in or in the vicinity of Everglades City, Florida.
All lands and submerged lands title to which is accepted by the Secretary of the Interior pursuant to the provisions of section 410q of this title shall, upon the acceptance of title thereto, become parts of the Everglades National Park and shall be subject to all laws and regulations applicable thereto.
The Secretary of the Interior is authorized to accept for Everglades National Park purposes, title to approximately 1,160 acres of land and submerged land lying within sections 25, 26, and 36 of township 53 south, range 29 east, and section 30, township 53 south, range 30 east, Tallahassee meridian, and being a portion of the land and submerged land donated and conveyed by three Collier deeds in 1951 and 1952 to the trustees of the internal improvement fund of the State of Florida for subsequent inclusion in the Everglades National Park. Such three Collier deeds are dated December 12, 1951, December 26, 1951, and March 21, 1952, and are recorded in deed book 22, page 240, deed book 22, page 244, and deed book 39, page 25, respectively, in Collier County, Florida. The aforesaid land and submerged land shall be subject to the reservations set forth in the aforementioned Collier deeds for public utility easements and rights-of-way of the public with respect to Indian Key Channel, and also to a public right-of-way for the State highway or causeway from Everglades City to Chokoloskee Island.
All lands and submerged lands title to which is accepted by the Secretary of the Interior pursuant to the provisions of section 410r–1 of this title shall, upon the acceptance of title thereto, become parts of the Everglades National Park and shall be subject to all laws and regulations applicable thereto.
The Secretary of the Interior is authorized to accept a transfer from the Administrator of the Farmers Home Administration, United States Department of Agriculture, which transfer is hereby authorized, of a tract of land consisting of approximately four thousand four hundred and twenty acres, lying within the boundaries of Everglades National Park, in Dade County, Florida, and more particularly described in the masters deed dated December 21, 1962, in the proceeding entitled “The Connecticut Mutual Life Insurance Company against Toni Iori, a single man; Peter Iori and Helen Iori, his wife, d/b/a Iori Bros., et al.,” No. 61C–3823, in the Circuit Court of the Eleventh Judicial Circuit of Florida, in and for Dade County, and recorded in the official records of said county in book 3494 at page 457, or in any modification of such masters deed, for administration as a part of the Everglades National Park. Such transfer will be made by the Farmers Home Administration, Department of Agriculture, to the Secretary of 1
There is hereby authorized to be appropriated to the emergency credit revolving fund, upon the transfer authorized in section 410r–3 of this title, such sum as may be necessary but not in excess of $452,000 to reimburse the fund for costs incurred by the Farmers Home Administration in connection with the aforesaid property.