Collapse to view only § 81p. Property transfers

§ 81. Establishment; statement of purposes

Upon proclamation of the President, as herein provided, sufficient of the areas hereinafter specified for the purposes of this subchapter shall be established and set apart as the Colonial National Historical Park for the preservation of the historical structures and remains thereon and for the benefit and enjoyment of the people.

(July 3, 1930, ch. 837, § 1, 46 Stat. 855; June 5, 1936, ch. 525, § 2, 49 Stat. 1483.)
§ 81a. Location and boundaries

The Secretary of the Interior is authorized and directed to make an examination of Jamestown Island, parts of the city of Williamsburg, and the Yorktown battlefield, all in the State of Virginia, and areas for highways to connect said island, city, and battlefield with a view to determining the area or areas thereof desirable for inclusion in the said Colonial National Historical Park, not to exceed two thousand five hundred acres of the said battlefield or five hundred feet in width as to such connecting areas, and upon completion thereof he shall make appropriate recommendations to the President, who shall establish the boundaries of said national park by proclamation: Provided, That the boundaries so established may be enlarged or diminished by subsequent proclamation or proclamations of the President upon the recommendations of the Secretary of the Interior, any such enlargement only to include lands donated to the United States or purchased by the United States without resort to condemnation.

(July 3, 1930, ch. 837, § 2, 46 Stat. 855; June 5, 1936, ch. 525, § 2, 49 Stat. 1483.)
§ 81b. Revision of boundaries

Subject to all the laws and regulations applicable to the Colonial National Historical Park, the boundaries of said historical park as established by section 81a of this title and as defined by Presidential Proclamation Numbered 2055, dated August 22, 1933 (48 Stat. 1706), are revised by the elimination of the parkway area described in said proclamation as running north and west of the city of Williamsburg to Jamestown Island, and the substitution therefor of a parkway area running southerly through or around the city of Williamsburg, thence continuing south of said city to the James River and thence along said river and connecting waters to Jamestown Island, the exact location of which shall be determined by the Secretary of the Interior: Provided, That said parkway area shall not exceed an average of five hundred feet in width outside the city of Williamsburg: And provided further, That condemnation proceedings shall not be had, exercised, or resorted to as to any lands in the city of Williamsburg except such lands as may be required for a right-of-way not exceeding two hundred feet in width through said city to connect with highways or parkways leading from Williamsburg to Jamestown and Yorktown.

(June 28, 1938, ch. 775, § 1, 52 Stat. 1208.)
§ 81c. Addition of lands

The Secretary of the Interior is authorized, in his discretion, to acquire by purchase and/or accept by donation, in behalf of the United States, such lands, easements, and buildings comprising the former Governor Berkeley’s mansion and homestead in James City County and Carter’s Grove mansion and homestead in the same county, and the Rosewell mansion and homestead in Gloucester County as are desirable for the proper rounding out of the boundaries and for the administrative control of the Colonial National Historical Park, and such lands as are necessary for parkways, not to exceed five hundred feet wide, to connect said mansions to the said Colonial National Historical Park, the title and evidence of title to lands acquired to be satisfactory to the Secretary of the Interior: Provided, That the said acquisition of lands and/or improvements shall be made only from such funds as may be appropriated pursuant to the authorization of section 81f of this title.

(June 5, 1936, ch. 525, §§ 1, 2, 49 Stat. 1483.)
§ 81d. Addition of lands

The Secretary of the Interior is authorized, in his discretion, to acquire by purchase, donation, or otherwise, in behalf of the United States, such lands or interests in lands, easements, and buildings comprising the following: Glass House Point, in James City County; the area known as “The Hook”, including the site of the action of October 3, 1781, in Gloucester County; and such additional lands as are desirable for the proper rounding out of the boundaries and for the administrative control of the Colonial National Historical Park: Provided, That the total acreage of lands to be added to the park, with the exception of parkways under the terms hereof shall not exceed seven hundred and fifty acres: Provided further, That the said acquisition of lands or improvements shall be made from such funds as may be appropriated pursuant to the authorization of section 81f of this title.

(June 28, 1938, ch. 775, § 2, 52 Stat. 1209.)
§ 81e. Acquisition of property; condemnation proceedings

The Secretary of the Interior is authorized to accept donations of land, interest in land, buildings, structures, and other property within the boundaries of said park as determined and fixed hereunder and donations of funds for the purchase and/or maintenance thereof, the evidence of title to such lands to be satisfactory to the Secretary of the Interior: Provided, That he may acquire on behalf of the United States by purchase when purchasable at prices deemed by him reasonable, otherwise by condemnation under the provisions of section 3113 of title 40, such tracts of land within the said park as may be necessary for the completion thereof: Provided further, That condemnation proceedings herein provided for shall not be had, exercised, or resorted to as to lands belonging to the Association for the Preservation of Virginia Antiquities, a corporation chartered under the laws of Virginia, or to the city of Williamsburg, Virginia, or to any other lands in said city except such lands as may be required for a right-of-way not exceeding two hundred feet in width through the city of Williamsburg to connect with highways or parkways leading from Williamsburg to Jamestown and to Yorktown.

(July 3, 1930, ch. 837, § 3, 46 Stat. 856; June 5, 1936, ch. 525, § 2, 49 Stat. 1483.)
§ 81f. Authorization of appropriation

There is authorized to be appropriated, out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, such sums as may be necessary to carry out the provisions of this subchapter, which shall not exceed the sum of $8,572,000 to be available for all expenses incident to the examination and establishment of the said Colonial National Historical Park and for the acquisition of lands and/or lands and improvements needed for the completion of the park, including the securing of options and other incidental expenses. The area of the Yorktown battlefield, authorized for inclusion in said park, is extended to not to exceed four thousand five hundred acres, and all Government-owned lands within the boundaries of said park as established by presidential proclamation, except those determined by the Secretary of the Interior as not necessary in carrying out the objects of said park are transferred to the administrative jurisdiction and control of the National Park Service.

(July 3, 1930, ch. 837, § 4, 46 Stat. 856; Mar. 3, 1931, ch. 405, 46 Stat. 1490; June 5, 1936, ch. 525, § 2, 49 Stat. 1483; Pub. L. 90–74, Aug. 29, 1967, 81 Stat. 176; Pub. L. 93–477, title I, § 101(2), Oct. 26, 1974, 88 Stat. 1445; Pub. L. 109–418, § 3, Dec. 19, 2006, 120 Stat. 2883.)
§ 81g. Administration, protection, and development

The administration, protection, and development of the aforesaid national park shall be exercised under the direction of the Secretary of the Interior by the National Park Service, subject to the provisions of the Act of August 25, 1916, entitled “An Act to establish a National Park Service (U.S.C., title 16, secs. 1–4; 39 Stat. 535), and for other purposes,” 1

1 See References in Text note below.
as amended.

(July 3, 1930, ch. 837, § 5, 46 Stat. 856; June 5, 1936, ch. 525, § 2, 49 Stat. 1483.)
§ 81h. Civil and criminal jurisdiction; legislative authority of State over park

Nothing in this subchapter shall be held to deprive the State of Virginia, or any political subdivision thereof, of its civil and criminal jurisdiction in and over the areas included in said national park, nor shall this subchapter in any way impair or affect the rights of citizenship of any resident therein; and save and except as the consent of the State of Virginia may be hereafter given, the legislative authority of said State in and over all areas included within said national park shall not be diminished or affected by the creation of said national park, nor by the terms and provisions of this subchapter: Provided, That any rules and regulations authorized in section 81g of this title, and in the Act therein referred to,1

1 See References in Text note below.
shall not apply to any property of a public nature in the city of Williamsburg, other than property of the United States.

(July 3, 1930, ch. 837, § 6, 46 Stat. 856; June 5, 1936, ch. 525, § 2, 49 Stat. 1483.)
§ 81i. Donation of buildings thereafter revenue producing; disposition of proceeds

In the event that lands and/or buildings, structures, and so forth, within the city of Williamsburg are donated to the United States and are thereafter revenue producing, the United States shall pay in the treasury of the city of Williamsburg 25 per centum of any rentals included in said revenues, and 25 per centum of the net proceeds of any commercial enterprise there conducted by the United States, such payment into the treasury of the city of Williamsburg not to exceed $20,000 in any year.

(July 3, 1930, ch. 837, § 7, 46 Stat. 856.)
§ 81j. Transfer of lands to Secretary of Navy

The Secretary of the Interior be, and he is, authorized and directed to transfer to the Secretary of the Navy complete control and jurisdiction over a parcel of land within the Colonial National Historical Park, Yorktown, Virginia, described as follows:

Beginning at a point on the existing property line between the United States naval mine depot and the Colonial National Monument Parkway properties, said point being a fence corner seven hundred and sixty-five feet, more or less, southeast of the marine barracks gate; thence south fifty-six degrees thirty-eight minutes east fifty-three and fifteen one-hundredths feet, more or less; thence south fifty degrees sixteen minutes east three hundred and twelve feet, more or less; thence south thirty-nine degrees forty-four minutes west one hundred and twenty-five and seven one-hundredths feet, more or less, to the property line between the United States naval mine depot and the Colonial National Monument Parkway; thence along the said property line north thirty-nine degrees fifty-four minutes west one hundred and twenty-eight and ninety-six one-hundredths feet, more or less; thence continuing along said property line north twenty-eight degrees eighteen minutes west two hundred and fifty-six and fifty-nine one-hundredths feet, more or less, to the point of beginning; containing six hundred and twenty-one one-thousandths of an acre, more or less.

(Dec. 23, 1944, ch. 721, 58 Stat. 923.)
§ 81k. Exchange of lands

The Secretary of the Interior is authorized, in his discretion, to accept on behalf of the United States from the York County School Board, State of Virginia, title to approximately one-half acre of land in Nelson District, York County, Virginia, situated within the authorized boundaries of the Colonial National Historical Park, and in exchange therefor to convey by deed, on behalf of the United States, to the school board approximately one-half acre of land of approximately equal value situated within the Colonial National Historical Park.

(Sept. 23, 1950, ch. 999, 64 Stat. 979.)
§ 81l. Additional exchange of lands

In order to consolidate Federal holdings in, and to improve, Colonial National Historical Park, the Secretary of the Interior, when he finds that the public interest will be served thereby, is authorized to accept on behalf of the United States from the York County School Board, State of Virginia, the conveyance of any land or interests in land located within the authorized area of the Colonial National Historical Park, together with the structures situated upon such properties, as may be agreed upon by the Secretary and the school board; and, in exchange therefor, to convey on behalf of the United States to the school board not more than fifty-five acres of land or interests in land situated within the Colonial National Historical Park.

(May 13, 1953, ch. 38, 67 Stat. 27.)
§ 81m. Additional exchange of lands

For the purpose of preserving more effectively for the public benefit the historic properties within Colonial National Historical Park, Virginia, the Secretary of the Interior is authorized to consummate desirable land exchanges, as hereafter prescribed, and thereby to reduce and adjust the boundaries of the park. Any lands eliminated from the park hereunder shall not subsequently be added to the park except by Act of Congress.

In furtherance of these purposes, the Secretary is authorized on behalf of the United States to accept from grantors title to non-Federal land and interests in land, together with the improvements thereon, situated within the authorized park boundaries, and in exchange therefor, to convey by deed on behalf of the United States to the aforesaid grantors land or interests therein, together with the improvements thereon, situated within Colonial National Historical Park that may be used advantageously for exchange purposes. The aforesaid exchanges are authorized to be made without additional compensation by either party to the exchange when the properties to be exchanged are of approximately equal value. When, however, the properties are not of approximately equal value, as may be determined by the Secretary, an additional payment of funds shall be required by the Secretary or by the grantor of non-Federal properties, as the case may be, in order to make an equal exchange. The Secretary is authorized to use any land acquisition funds relating to the National Park System for such purposes. The Secretary may consummate land exchanges herein authorized upon such terms, conditions, and procedures as he may find to be necessary or desirable in carrying out the purposes of this section and section 81n of this title; and in evaluating non-Federal properties to be acquired hereunder, he is authorized to make such allowance as he may find to be equitable for the value of any residential properties that may be situated upon land to be acquired pursuant to this section and section 81n of this title. If expedient and in the public interest to do so, he may assist in the removal of structures from property to be acquired hereunder through the exchange procedure, and he may cooperate with public or private agencies and persons in the securing of housing for the aforesaid grantors who may require new housing accommodations or facilities as a result of the land exchanges herein authorized.

(Mar. 29, 1956, ch. 105, § 1, 70 Stat. 61.)
§ 81n. Transfer of lands for State Park

The Secretary is further authorized to transfer without compensation up to fifteen acres of the Colonial National Historical Park, Virginia, to the Commonwealth of Virginia for use by agencies of the Commonwealth in the establishment of a State Park in furtherance of the purposes of the Colonial National Historical Park.

(Mar. 29, 1956, ch. 105, § 2, 70 Stat. 62.)
§ 81o. Transfer of administrative jurisdiction over land

The Secretary of the Interior may transfer administrative jurisdiction over approximately 0.23 acres of land within Colonial National Historical Park, Virginia, to the Secretary of the Army, and in exchange therefor, he may accept administrative jurisdiction over a like amount of land from the Secretary of the Army, transfer of which is hereby authorized, for the purpose of relocating the Cape Henry Memorial Cross. Land over which jurisdiction is transferred to the Secretary of the Interior shall become part of Colonial National Historical Park, and land over which jurisdiction is transferred to the Secretary of the Army shall become part of Fort Story Military Reservation.

(Pub. L. 99–390, Aug. 23, 1986, 100 Stat. 831.)
§ 81p. Property transfers
(a) Transfer and rights-of-way
(b) Repair and rehabilitation of system
(c) Fees and charges
(d) Inclusion of land in Colonial National Historical Park
(e) Authorization of appropriations
(Pub. L. 104–333, div. I, title II, § 211, Nov. 12, 1996, 110 Stat. 4109; Pub. L. 106–113, div. B, § 1000(a)(3) [title I, § 122], Nov. 29, 1999, 113 Stat. 1535, 1501A–159; Pub. L. 106–176, title I, § 102, Mar. 10, 2000, 114 Stat. 25.)
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