Collapse to view only § 835c-1. Taxation and assessments; applicability of State laws

§ 835. Project authorized; laws applicable

In addition to the primary purposes for which the Grand Coulee Dam project (hereafter to be known as the Columbia Basin project and herein called the “project”) was authorized under the provisions of the Act of August 30, 1935 (49 Stat. 1028), the project is authorized and reauthorized as a project subject to the Reclamation Project Act of 1939; and the provisions of each of those two Acts together with the provisions of this Act shall govern the repayment of expenditures and the construction, operation, and maintenance of the works constructed as a part of the project.

(May 27, 1937, ch. 269, § 1, 50 Stat. 208; Mar. 10, 1943, ch. 14, 57 Stat. 14.)
§ 835–1. Laws governing

The Columbia Basin project shall be governed by the Federal reclamation laws, being the Act of June 17, 1902 (32 Stat. 388), and all Acts amendatory thereof or supplementary thereto.

(Pub. L. 87–728, § 3, Oct. 1, 1962, 76 Stat. 678.)
§§ 835a, 835b. Repealed. Pub. L. 87–728, § 3, Oct. 1, 1962,
§ 835c. Duties of Secretary of the Interior
(a) Administer, sell, and exchange lands, dedicate portions for public purposes, etc.
(b) Terms of contracts; qualifications of applicants; prohibited disposals
(May 27, 1937, ch. 269, § 4, 50 Stat. 210; Mar. 10, 1943, ch. 14, 57 Stat. 18; Sept. 26, 1950, ch. 1048, § 1(4), 64 Stat. 1037; Pub. L. 85–264, § 1(d), Sept. 2, 1957, 71 Stat. 591; Pub. L. 87–728, § 3, Oct. 1, 1962, 76 Stat. 678.)
§ 835c–1. Taxation and assessments; applicability of State laws
(a) Payments in lieu of taxes
(b) Lands acquired by United States
(c) Sale of project lands
(May 27, 1937, ch. 269, § 5, as added Mar. 10, 1943, ch. 14, 57 Stat. 19; amended Pub. L. 87–728, § 6(a), Oct. 1, 1962, 76 Stat. 679.)
§ 835c–2. Authorization of appropriations; establishment of Columbia Basin Land Development Account

There are authorized to be appropriated, out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, such moneys as may be necessary to carry out the provisions of this Act, to be reimbursable to the extent required by this Act. All revenues received in carrying out the provisions of section 4 hereof [16 U.S.C. 835c] shall be covered into the General Treasury as miscellaneous receipts. Amounts equal to appropriated funds requisitioned by the Secretary and made available for disbursement on the books of the Treasurer of the United States shall be debited in a special account in the Treasury, to be known as the Columbia Basin Land Development Account. Amounts equal to revenues covered into the General Treasury as miscellaneous receipts shall be credited in said special account. After such credits equal the amount of the debits with interest thereon at the rate of 3 per centum per annum from the respective dates of the debits, additional credits in said special account shall be made by the Secretary, in the manner determined by him, the basis of corresponding credits to the construction cost obligations of the district or districts entering into contracts for the repayment thereof.

(May 27, 1937, ch. 269, § 6, as added Mar. 10, 1943, ch. 14, 57 Stat. 19; amended Pub. L. 87–728, § 6(b), Oct. 1, 1962, 76 Stat. 679.)
§ 835c–3. Repealed. Pub. L. 87–728, § 3, Oct. 1, 1962, 76 Stat. 678
§ 835c–4. General powers of Secretary of the Interior; delegation to authorized representatives

The Secretary is authorized to perform such acts, to make such rules and regulations, and to include in contracts relating to the Columbia Basin project such provisions as he deems proper for carrying out the provisions of this Act; and in connection with sales or exchanges under the Act, he is authorized to effect conveyances without regard to the law governing the patenting of public lands. Wherever in this Act functions, powers, or duties are conferred upon the Secretary, said functions, powers, or duties may be performed, exercised, or discharged by his duly authorized representatives.

(May 27, 1937, ch. 269, § 8, as added Mar. 10, 1943, ch. 14, 57 Stat. 20; amended Pub. L. 87–728, § 6(c), Oct. 1, 1962, 76 Stat. 679.)
§ 835c–5. Repealed. Pub. L. 87–728, § 3, Oct. 1, 1962, 76 Stat. 678
§ 835d. Acquisition of Indian lands, Spokane and Colville Reservations

In aid of the construction, operation and maintenance of the Columbia Basin project (formerly the Grand Coulee Dam project), authorized by the Act of August 30, 1935 (49 Stat. 1028), the Act of August 4, 1939 (53 Stat. 1187), and the Columbia Basin Project Act (Public, Numbered 8, Seventy-eighth Congress, first session, 57 Stat. 14), there is hereby granted to the United States, subject to the provisions of this section and sections 835e to 835h of this title, (a) all the right, title, and interest of the Indians in and to the tribal and allotted lands within the Spokane and Colville Reservations, including sites of agency and school buildings and related structures and unsold lands in the Klaxta town site, as may be designated therefor by the Secretary of the Interior from time to time: Provided, That no lands shall be taken for reservoir purposes above the elevation of one thousand three hundred and ten feet above sea level as shown by Bureau of Land Management surveys, except in Klaxta town site and except where in the judgment of the Secretary of the Interior, special circumstances concerning the reservoir or its operation and maintenance require the taking of land above that elevation; and (b) such other interests in or to any such lands and property within these reservations as may be required and as may be designated by the Secretary of the Interior from time to time for the construction of pipe lines, highways, railroads, telegraph, telephone, and electric-transmission lines in connection with the project, or for the relocation or reconstruction of such facilities made necessary by the construction of the project.

The Secretary of the Interior, in lieu of reserving rights of hunting, fishing, and boating to the Indians in the areas granted under this section and sections 835e to 835h of this title, shall set aside approximately one-quarter of the entire reservoir area for the paramount use of the Indians of the Spokane and Colville Reservations for hunting, fishing, and boating purposes, which rights shall be subject only to such reasonable regulations as the Secretary may prescribe for the protection and conservation of fish and wildlife: Provided, That the exercise of the Indians’ rights shall not interfere with project operations. The Secretary shall also, where necessary, grant to the Indians reasonable rights of access to such area or areas across any project lands.

(June 29, 1940, ch. 460, § 1, 54 Stat. 703; Dec. 16, 1944, ch. 602, 58 Stat. 813; 1946 Reorg. Plan No. 3, § 403, eff. July 16, 1946, 11 F.R. 7876, 60 Stat. 1100.)
§ 835e. Payment for lands acquired from Spokane and Colville Reservations

As lands or interests in lands are designated from time to time under sections 835d to 835h of this title, the Secretary of the Interior shall determine the amount of money to be paid to the Indians as just and equitable compensation therefor. As to the tribal lands, the amounts so determined shall be transferred in the Treasury of the United States from the funds now or hereafter made available for the construction of the Columbia Basin project to the credit of the appropriate tribe pursuant to the provisions of section 155 of title 25. The amounts due individual landowners or their heirs or devisees shall be paid from funds now or hereafter made available for the construction of said project to the superintendent of the Colville Indian Agency or such other officer as shall be designated by the Secretary of the Interior for credit on the books of said agency to the accounts of the individuals concerned.

(June 29, 1940, ch. 460, § 2, 54 Stat. 703; May 27, 1937, ch. 269, § 1, 50 Stat. 208; Mar. 10, 1943, ch. 14, 57 Stat. 14.)
§ 835f. Use of funds deposited to allottees; land and improvements

Funds deposited to the credit of allottees, their heirs or devisees may be used in the discretion of the Secretary of the Interior, for the acquisition of other lands and improvements, or the relocation of existing improvements or construction of new improvements on the lands so acquired for the allottees or heirs whose lands and improvements are acquired under the provisions of sections 835d to 835h of this title. Lands so acquired shall be held in the same status as those from which the funds were derived, and shall be nontaxable until otherwise provided by Congress.

(June 29, 1940, ch. 460, § 3, 54 Stat. 703.)
§ 835g. Relocation of Indian cemeteries

As to any Indian cemetery lands required for the project, the Secretary of the Interior is authorized, in his discretion, in lieu of requiring payment therefor, to establish cemeteries on other lands that he may select and acquire for the purpose, and to remove bodies, markers, and other appurtenances to the new sites. All costs incurred in connection with any such relocation shall be paid from moneys appropriated for the project. All right, title, and interest of the Indians in the lands within any cemetery so relocated shall terminate and the grant of title under sections 835d to 835h of this title take effect as of the date the Secretary of the Interior authorizes the relocation. Sites of the relocated cemeteries shall be held in trust by the United States for the Spokane or Colville Tribe, as the case may be, and shall be nontaxable.

(June 29, 1940, ch. 460, § 4, 54 Stat. 703.)
§ 835h. Acts and regulations by Secretary of the Interior

The Secretary of the Interior is authorized to perform any and all acts and to prescribe such regulations as he may deem appropriate to carry out the provisions of sections 835d to 835g of this title.

(June 29, 1940, ch. 460, § 5, 54 Stat. 704.)
§ 835i. Contracts with State of Washington for maintenance and operation of fish hatcheries

In connection with fish hatcheries built or to be built as a part of the fish-protection program required on the Columbia Basin Dam project, the Secretary of the Interior is authorized to contract with the State of Washington for the maintenance and operation of any of them at the expense of said State.

(Oct. 9, 1940, ch. 794, 54 Stat. 1085; May 27, 1937, ch. 269, § 1, 50 Stat. 208; Mar. 10, 1943, ch. 14, 57 Stat. 14.)
§ 835j. Projects marketing commercial power and energy; consolidated financial statement to President and Congress; adjustment of rates to assure return of reimbursable construction costs within prescribed period

The Secretary of the Interior shall prepare, maintain, and present annually to the President and the Congress a consolidated financial statement for all projects heretofore or hereafter authorized, including the third powerplant at Grand Coulee Dam, from or by means of which commercial power and energy is marketed through the facilities of the Federal Columbia River power system and for all other projects associated therewith to the extent that the costs of these projects are required by law to be charged to and returned from net revenues derived from the power and energy, or any power and energy, so marketed, and he shall, if said consolidated statement indicates that the reimbursable construction costs of the projects, or any of the projects, covered thereby which are chargeable to and returnable from the commercial power and energy so marketed are likely not to be returned within the period prescribed by law, take prompt action to adjust the rates charged for such power and energy to the extent necessary to assure such return.

(Pub. L. 89–448, § 2(a), formerly § 2, June 14, 1966, 80 Stat. 200, renumbered Pub. L. 89–561, § 6(1), Sept. 7, 1966, 80 Stat. 714.)
§ 835k. Return of construction costs from marketing revenues in event of inability of irrigation water users to repay within repayment period and lack of other sources of revenue

Subject to the provisions of section 835l of this title, that portion of the construction cost of any project hereafter authorized to be constructed, operated, and maintained by the Secretary of the Interior under the Federal reclamation laws (Act of June 17, 1902, 32 Stat. 388, and Acts amendatory thereof or supplementary thereto) within the Pacific Northwest which, though allocated to irrigation, is beyond the ability of the irrigation water users to repay within the repayment period prescribed by law for that project and cannot be returned within the same period from other project sources of revenue shall be charged to and returned within that period from net revenues derived from the marketing of commercial power and energy through the Federal Columbia River power system, unless otherwise provided by law. As used in this section, the term “Pacific Northwest” has the meaning ascribed to it in section 837 of this title.

(Pub. L. 89–448, § 2(a), formerly § 2, June 14, 1966, 80 Stat. 200, renumbered and amended Pub. L. 89–561, § 6(1), (2), Sept. 7, 1966, 80 Stat. 714.)
§ 835l. Congressional declaration of financial policy; limitations on assistance; analyses and studies; “net revenues” defined

It is declared to be the policy of the Congress that reclamation projects hereafter authorized in the Pacific Northwest to receive financial assistance from the Federal Columbia River power system shall receive such assistance only from the net revenues of that system as provided in this section, and that their construction shall be so scheduled that such assistance, together with similar assistance for previously authorized reclamation projects (including projects not now receiving such assistance for which the Congress may hereafter authorize financial assistance) will not cause increases in the rates and charges of the Bonneville Power Administration. It is further declared to be the policy of the Congress that the total assistance to all irrigation projects, both existing and future, in the Pacific Northwest shall not average more than $30,000,000 annually in any period of twenty consecutive years. Any analyses and studies authorized by the Congress for reclamation projects in the Pacific Northwest shall be prepared in accordance with the provisions of sections 835j to 835m of this title. As used in sections 835j to 835m of this title, the term “net revenues” means revenues as determined from time to time which are not required for the repayment of (1) all costs allocated to power at projects in the Pacific Northwest then existing or authorized, including the cost of acquiring power by purchase or exchange, and (2) presently authorized assistance from power to irrigation at projects in the Pacific Northwest existing and authorized prior to September 7, 1966.

(Pub. L. 89–448, § 2(b), as added Pub. L. 89–561, § 6(3), Sept. 7, 1966, 80 Stat. 714.)
§ 835m. Recommendations for changes in limitations on financial assistance; time and frequency of submission

On December 20, 1974, and thereafter at intervals coinciding with anniversary dates of Federal Energy Regulatory Commission general review of the rates and charges of the Bonneville Power Administration, the Secretary of the Interior shall recommend to the Congress any changes in the dollar limitations herein placed upon financial assistance to Pacific Northwest reclamation projects that he believes justified by changes in the cost-price levels existing on July 1, 1966, or by other relevant changes of circumstances.

(Pub. L. 89–448, § 2(c), as added Pub. L. 89–561, § 6(3), Sept. 7, 1966, 80 Stat. 715; amended Pub. L. 95–91, title IV, § 402(a)(1)(B), Aug. 4, 1977, 91 Stat. 583.)