Collapse to view only § 3713. Active duty for emergency augmentation of regular forces
- § 3701. Organization
- § 3702. Authorized strength
- § 3703. Coast Guard Reserve Boards
- § 3704. Grades and ratings; military authority
- § 3705. Benefits
- § 3706. Temporary members of the Reserve; eligibility and compensation
- § 3707. Temporary members of the Reserve; disability or death benefits
- § 3708. Temporary members of the Reserve; certificate of honorable service
- § 3709. Reserve student aviation pilots; Reserve aviation pilots; appointments in commissioned grade
- § 3710. Reserve student pre-commissioning assistance program
- § 3711. Appointment or wartime promotion; retention of grade upon release from active duty
- § 3712. Exclusiveness of service
- § 3713. Active duty for emergency augmentation of regular forces
- § 3714. Enlistment of members engaged in schooling
The Coast Guard Reserve is a component of the Coast Guard. It shall be organized, administered, trained, and supplied under the direction of the Commandant.
The grades and ratings in the Reserve, including cadets but not grades above rear admiral, are those prescribed by law or regulation for the Coast Guard. A member of the Reserve on active duty or inactive-duty training has the same authority, rights, and privileges in the performance of that duty as a member of the Regular Coast Guard of corresponding grade or rating.
A citizen of the United States, its territories, or possessions who is a member of the Auxiliary, an officer or member of the crew of a motorboat or yacht placed at the disposal of the Coast Guard, or an individual (including a Government employee without pay other than the compensation of that individual’s civilian position) who by reason of special training and experience is considered by the Commandant to be qualified for duty, may be enrolled by the Commandant as a temporary member of the Reserve, for duty under conditions the Commandant may prescribe, including part-time and intermittent active duty with or without pay, without regard to age. The Commandant is authorized to define the powers and duties of temporary members of the Reserve, and to confer upon them, appropriate to their qualifications and experience, the same grades and ratings as provided for members of the Reserve. When performing active duty with pay as authorized by this section, temporary members of the Reserve are entitled to receive the pay and allowances of their rank, grade, or rating.
In recognition of the service of temporary members of the Reserve, the Secretary may upon request issue an appropriate certificate of honorable service in lieu of a certificate of disenrollment issued to any individual following disenrollment under honorable conditions from service as a temporary member. Issuance of a certificate of honorable service to any individual under this section does not entitle that individual to any rights, privileges, or benefits under any law of the United States.
No member of the Reserve, other than a temporary member, may be a member of another military organization. A temporary member of the Reserve who is a member of another military component shall, if ordered to active duty therein, be disenrolled as a temporary member of the Reserve.
The initial period of active duty for training required by section 12103(d) of title 10, may be divided into two successive annual periods of not less than six weeks each, to permit the enlistment of a Reserve member without interrupting any full-time schooling in which the member is engaged.