Collapse to view only § 5. Questionnaires; number, form, and scope of inquiries
- § 1. Definitions
- § 2. Bureau of the Census
- § 3. Seal
- § 4. Functions of Secretary; regulations; delegation
- § 5. Questionnaires; number, form, and scope of inquiries
- § 6. Information from other Federal departments and agencies; acquisition of reports from other governmental and private sources
- § 7. Printing; requisitions upon Director of the Government Publishing Office; publication of bulletins and reports
- § 8. Authenticated transcripts or copies of certain returns; other data; restriction on use; disposition of fees received
- § 9. Information as confidential; exception
- [§ 10. Repealed.
- § 11. Authorization of appropriations
- § 12. Mechanical and electronic development
- § 13. Procurement of professional services
- [§ 14. Repealed.
- § 15. Leases for 1980 decennial census
- § 16. Address information reviewed by States and local governments
The Bureau is continued as an agency within, and under the jurisdiction of, the Department of Commerce.
The Bureau shall have a seal containing such device as has been selected heretofore, or as the Secretary may select hereafter. A description of such seal with an impression thereof shall be filed in the office of the Secretary of State. The seal shall remain in the custody of the Secretary or such officer or employee of the Bureau as he designates, and shall be affixed to all documents authenticated by the Bureau. Judicial notice shall be taken of the seal.
The Secretary shall perform the functions and duties imposed upon him by this title, may issue such rules and regulations as he deems necessary to carry out such functions and duties, and may delegate the performance of such functions and duties and the authority to issue such rules and regulations to such officers and employees of the Department of Commerce as he may designate.
The Secretary shall prepare questionnaires, and shall determine the inquiries, and the number, form, and subdivisions thereof, for the statistics, surveys, and censuses provided for in this title.
The Secretary may make requisition upon the Director of the Government Publishing Office for miscellaneous printing necessary to carry out the provisions of this title. He may further have printed by the Director of the Government Publishing Office, in such editions as he deems necessary, preliminary and other census bulletins, and final reports of the results of the several investigations authorized by this title, and may publish and distribute such bulletins and reports.
There is authorized to be appropriated, out of the Treasury of the United States, such sums as may be necessary to carry out all provisions of this title.
The Secretary is authorized to have conducted mechanical and electronic development work as he determines is needed to further the functions and duties of carrying out the purposes of this title and may enter into such developmental contracts as he may determine to be in the best interest of the Government.
The Secretary shall have authority to contract with educational and other research organizations for the preparation of monographs and other reports and materials of a similar nature.
The 15 percent limitation contained in section 322 1