Collapse to view only § 7437. Chaplain
- § 7431. Establishment; Superintendent; faculty
- § 7432. Departments and professors: titles
- § 7433. Superintendent; faculty: appointment and detail
- § 7433a. Superintendent: condition for detail to position
- § 7434. Command and supervision
- § 7435. Dean of Academic Board
- § 7436. Permanent professors; director of admissions
- § 7437. Chaplain
- § 7438. Civilian faculty: number; compensation
- § 7440. Quartermaster
- § 7441. Faculty and other officers: leaves of absence
- § 7441a. Cadets: appointment by the President
- § 7442. Cadets: appointment; numbers, territorial distribution
- § 7442a. Cadets: nomination in event of death, resignation, or expulsion from office of Member of Congress otherwise authorized to nominate
- § 7443. Cadets: appointment; to bring Corps to full strength
- § 7446. Cadets: requirements for admission
- § 7447. Cadets; nominees: effect of redistricting of States
- § 7448. Cadets: service obligation
- § 7449. Cadets: organization of Corps; service; instruction
- § 7450. Cadets: clothing and equipment
- § 7451. Cadets: deficiencies in conduct or studies; effect of failure on successor
- § 7452. Cadets: hazing
- § 7453. Cadets: degree and commission on graduation
- § 7454. Buildings and grounds: memorial hall; buildings for religious worship
- § 7455. Board of Visitors
- § 7456. Use of certain gifts
- § 7457. Acceptance of guarantees with gifts for major projects
- § 7458. Grants for faculty research for scientific, literary, and educational purposes: acceptance; authorized grantees
- § 7459. Mixed-funded athletic and recreational extracurricular programs: authority to manage appropriated funds in same manner as nonappropriated funds
- § 7460. Cadets: charges and fees for attendance; limitation
- § 7461. Policy on sexual harassment and sexual violence
- § 7462. Support of athletic programs
There shall be a chaplain at the Academy, who must be a clergyman, appointed by the President for a term of four years. The chaplain is entitled to a monthly housing allowance in the same amount as the basic allowance for housing allowed to a lieutenant colonel, and to fuel and light for quarters in kind. The chaplain may be reappointed.
The Superintendent of the Academy may grant a leave of absence for the period of the suspension of the ordinary academic studies, without deduction of pay or allowances, to a professor, assistant professor, instructor, or other officer of the Academy.
Cadets at the Academy shall be appointed by the President alone. An appointment is conditional until the cadet is admitted.
If it is determined that, upon the admission of a new class to the Academy, the number of cadets at the Academy will be below the authorized number, the Secretary of the Army may fill the vacancies by nominating additional cadets from qualified candidates designated as alternates and from other qualified candidates who competed for nomination and are recommended and found qualified by the Academic Board. At least three-fourths of those nominated under this section shall be selected from qualified alternates nominated by the persons named in paragraphs (2) through (8) of section 7442(a) of this title, and the remainder from qualified candidates holding competitive nominations under any other provision of law. An appointment under this section is an additional appointment and is not in place of an appointment otherwise authorized by law.
“I, ____________, do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States, and bear true allegiance to the National Government; that I will maintain and defend the sovereignty of the United States, paramount to any and all allegiance, sovereignty, or fealty I may owe to any State or country whatsoever; and that I will at all times obey the legal orders of my superior officers, and the Uniform Code of Military Justice.”
If a candidate for admission refuses to take this oath, his appointment is terminated.
If as a result of redistricting a State the domicile of a cadet, or a nominee, nominated by a Representative falls within a congressional district other than that from which he was nominated, he is charged to the district in which his domicile so falls. For this purpose, the number of cadets otherwise authorized for that district is increased to include him. However, the number as so increased is reduced by one if he fails to become a cadet or when he is finally separated from the Academy.
Under regulations prescribed by the Secretary of the Army, the Superintendent of the Academy may (without regard to section 2601 of this title) accept, hold, administer, invest, and spend any gift, devise, or bequest of personal property of a value of $20,000 or less made to the United States on the condition that such gift, devise, or bequest be used for the benefit of the Academy or any entity thereof. The Secretary may pay or authorize the payment of all reasonable and necessary expenses in connection with the conveyance or transfer of a gift, devise, or bequest under this section.